Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Kanji Man
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Shattered Reflections (Ari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:29 pm

Shattered Reflections - Song: Lavender Town Orchestral Arrangement

Either this woman had a cat at some point in the past, or she was incredibly lucky with where she chose to caress. Because much like a cat, as soon as Fuu felt that hand begin to pet her she couldn't help but lean into it. Maybe it was the length at which Fuu had gone without any true interaction with another person, maybe it was her rather fucked up mental state or maybe it was some combination of those or another factor she wasn't aware of. Regardless of the true reason, she couldn't bring herself to not want the physical interaction.

It was to a point that even as she was quite literally swept right off her feet she did not protest, and simply rested her head willfully on Arianda's shoulder. It was... so very strange, how comfortable she felt being placed into Arianda's lap. So much so she didn't even consider trying to leave it, at least not anytime soon. When her hand returned to continue the petting and running through her hair, Fuurinji let out another long, soft sigh. When was the last time anyone had held her like this? Touched her like this? She couldn't even recall.. She just knew she didn't want it to end.

Then again she couldn't recall because... well, nobody had ever held her like this. Yes her Mother held her in loving and motherly embraces same as Arianda was doing, but it was still different... Otawa was her Mother after all and... well Arianda wasn't. To say things inside were fluttering wouldn't be too far off from the truth. While she did hear the sounds of feet walking closer, she could hear their pace was soft and intentionally slow, almost respectfully slow, and the sound of metal was undeniably the two Zanpakuto that she'd stuck so unceremoniously into the ground.

When she once more heard the soft, almost silk-like words spoken she only nodded, relaxing more than just her body but her mind and heart as well now, and to say the words of her Zanpakuto were anything but loud would be a very, very large understatement. Both practically screaming to try and get her attention, and that only caused her to finally, truly smile. "How could I have been so blind... Thinking they no longer trusted me..." While yet more tears began to stream down her face, these were more a mixture of happiness and sadness, though mostly happiness. Happiness that she could finally hear them again, to know they hadn't cut her off again like before... Maybe she truly was redeemable like Arianda was saying.

But of course there was one lingering question remaining; Why did she come here? This did cause her to pause for just a few moments longer, trying to best think of how she would respond to this. "In old human history books... It was said that babies who the oracles deemed unfit would be cast from the mountain, as penance to the gods to ensure their wrath was not evoked. I'm not entirely sure if that was what I was going to do but... If I were to do it, the mountain where their gods were said to reside seemed like the best place to contemplate such a thing. After all, it is in the name Shinigami." Her words were soft but serious, and yet at the same time she leaned into the petting all the same, at least part of her attention clearly focused on the hand that so gently pet her.

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Shattered Reflections (Ari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:51 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Shattered Reflections (Ari) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Ahh… There it was, Fuu really was relaxing now… Frankly speaking, Arianda was a little surprised at how much she was relaxing. She was taking everything Ari was doing with a sense of great need for the affection. This bit did trouble Ari slightly… However, Arianda didn’t pump the brakes. No, she simply slammed the gas, resuming her petting and her loving motherly embrace as she held Fuu dearly; her hands starting to carefully pet and explore Fuu’s ears with gentle fingers. Ari may not be her mother, but it was certain that Arianda had guessed correctly that the cat girl would love pets.

As their embrace endured, and Arianda poured on the affection to a deeper level intent to not take advantage of Fuu; but to help assure her that the affection was genuine, even if her mental state wasn’t the best at the moment. With a gentle nuzzle against Fuu, Arianda hummed still as she noticed the woman relax into Ari to a much greater level than before; newfound tears flowing down her cheeks as she finally heard the voices of her Zanpakuto. If they were aware of everything, they likely had a few things to say about the weird demon girl that was Amphillogiai that took tender care of the swords while Fuu’s heart and mind were closed off. Meanwhile, Arianda smiled gently as she gently pressed her forehead against Fuu’s, establishing a gentle mental link between the two as her soft works, smooth as silk and sweeter than candy, broke free from her lips.

“You were not blind, Fuu; only lost. But you have been found, and they cry out for your wellbeing; just as I do.”

Arianda smiled as, over their gentle mental link, Arianda fed a small image into Fuu; Arianda’s appearance over all, and a few other things. This mostly encompassed the scenery Ari guessed Fuu could not see; but in the end it all came back to Arianda as Fuu would see Arianda giving Fuu a beautifully warm smile before the images faded gently and Arianda’s hand rose to stroke Fuu’s cheek; wiping away her tears with a gentle air. All the while, Arianda hummed without a tune to follow, but attempted to create a rather comforting composition as she stroked Fuu’s cheek one more time before fully wrapping the woman in her embrace; once more holding her like a mother would. She was not a replacement… But more like an adoptive mother who loved Fuu very much~

Eventually, as Fuu explained why she had come here to Mount Olympus, Arianda smiled softly and carefully pet Fuu’s head; taking a few moments to deliver gentle, but thorough, pets to Fuu’s sensitive ears. After a tiny bit of silence from the demon, Arianda smiled softly and couldn’t help but chuckle a tiny bit as she saw Amphy’s face; something between irritation for the foolish humans of Ancient Greece and amusement at how easily tricked they were. Soon, however, the demon broke that silence in a proper manner, depositing a kiss to Fuu’s forehead like it was all just a natural part of this motherly embrace.

“Ah I see… Well, I am glad you did not cast yourself off the ledge, Fuu. I would have saved you, but I’m glad I could talk you down from that particular edge; and help you find that path of redemption. And, especially, to give you someone to grow stronger with~ You’ll do excellently. But, we should spend a bit of time getting to know each other, and letting you rest. Until then, though, let us enjoy our time upon this mountain, with you safe in my arms~ I think I know a tale or two about ancient Greece if you’d like to hear it~”

Truly, Arianda’s meaning was to be safe within a mother’s arms, but that was fine if Fuu didn’t completely understand. She simply gave the woman one more peck on the forehead like it was just part of this embrace. Afterwards, Arianda rested her head upon Fuu’s head, gently treating the woman’s ears to a positively pleasant ear-rub and pet the entire time she relaxed with the woman held in her cuddle~

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Kanji Man
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Shattered Reflections (Ari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:35 pm

Shattered Reflections - Song: A Nostalgic Dream

Oooooh, that dastardly demon. She'd figured out her ears weren't just for listening, and that caused Fuu to lean into that touch even further, Gods she missed this. She practically buried her face into the woman's neck, letting out a soft rumble as she did so, and of course when she spoke again she wasn't wrong. Even if she couldn't hear them, Fuu could and it was very obvious how concerned they were. Even Kamikaze, the normally violent side of the two that solved her problems by punching them was being rather vocal, and if that was the case then she truly was concerned for more than just herself.

The subtle imagery that was shared truthfully only helped to cement the girls reaction to the pets, her ears lightly flicking against the fingers that grazed them ever-so-gently. Each and every touch that Arianda pressed upon Fuurinji only helped to melt her further into the arms and embrace that she was giving, if she had a guard up it wasn't likely to be a very well kept one right now, one hand gently reaching up to grasp at the shoulder she wasn't leaning on, her other arm resting gently in her own lap as her own tail gently rose and fell against the ground. Even if this was a trap, right now she didn't care... She longed for something she didn't know she longed for, and now when she finally had it... It wasn't something she wanted to stop, she didn't care the reason.

However her hand did reach out to the side, grasping the hilts of both Zanpakuto before pulling them up to her chest and holding them tight against her chest. "They're glad too... all three of them." She whispered ever-so-softly and mostly to herself, nodding in response to her words of getting to know each other and resting. Ah to rest, something she hadn't done in a few weeks truthfully, and not something she'd earnestly had in significantly longer than that. Was she safe? Fuu certainly felt that she was. The soft kisses to her forehead, the gentle rubbing of her ears... She wanted for nothing else in this moment, that soft rumble returning, and remaining continuous and soft as she curled into Arianda's lap, a soft rumbling some might likin to a cats purr.


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Shattered Reflections (Ari) - Page 2 Empty Re: Shattered Reflections (Ari)

Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:50 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Shattered Reflections (Ari) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Everything Arianda had been doing was far from a trick, far from a ploy; it was the whole and honest truth. The demon simply held a genuine concern for certain beings and, perhaps as an occupational hazard, had a penchant for wanting to help them and take them in. This situation was no different, as far as Ari was concerned, and she was more than glad to shower Fuu in her affections as the woman melted into her. The soft rumble that sounded oddly quite akin to a purr, the tail that bobbed up and down in a slow rhythm of enjoyment, and the way Fuu reacted to Ari's ministrations. Frankly speaking, Arianda was glad to see her so relaxed. However, the demon had to admit Fuu really was quite adorable now that she had calmed down a bit.

Arianda watched on as Fuu held her Zanpakuto to her chest, whispering something that Ari nonetheless heard, but decided to not comment on, and then Arianda watched as, before her very eyes, Fuu had curled up in Ari's lap and seemed to either be dozing off, already asleep, or working her way swiftly towards that goal. The demon blinked a tiny bit before she chuckled softly and continued to pet Fuu's head and ears with one hand, her other giving the woman a gentle embrace that would allow her to sleep undisturbed. After making absolutely certain Fuu was completely comfortable, even using a bit of gentle movement to get Fuu's Zanpakuto secured in their sheaths, Arianda looked towards the open skies beyond, and looked towards Amphy; whispering to the girl that was linked to her life and soul.

"Tell me tales of Ancient Greece once more, Amphy~"

Arianda grinned before they conveyed in whispered tones, with Arianda resuming her petting ministrations upon Fuu; assuring the woman was completely safe as Arianda allowed her to have the moment of rest she so desperately needed. All the while, petting the cat-woman who kept purring along, Arianda was more than glad to allow Fuu all the rest she needed; even if her rest shall go into the night, Arianda would give her the gentlest relocation she could muster. Arianda was just glad that there were still a couple spare rooms in her home. But for now... For now Arianda enjoyed the distant sights of Greece, tales of a time long gone, and to be able to help and provide for such a woman like Fuu; who she knew would become amazing once set upon the right path.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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