Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Left_bar_bleue0/0Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty Sound Check [Rose, Kyo]

Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:07 pm

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] JhiKBVJ

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Captain of the 8th

There was always something on the docket that kept Rose away from his hobbies of late. Whether it was paperwork that the First needed assistance with, helping out the Second Division with Kaido practice whilst their Captain was away, or heading down to Earth to support the Seventh Division's efforts in Vastime. He had quite quickly become a busy man, and he knew that his beloved Division members felt the same way. To be in the Eighth was a commitment to always be on the razor's edge, able to jump into any task at a moment's notice and hold nothing back.

So Rose planned to do what any good Captain would do, improve Division morale by hosting an impromptu concert!

Such a feat could not be accomplished if the Division auditorium was not up to scratch though, and he was hardly the type to have an intimate knowledge of such architectural nuance. Fortunately, he had recently acquired a most valuable individual from the Fifth Division that had been involved in many such projects before. Rose prided himself on keeping such a detailed record of his staff, though his Vice Captain had certainly done the bulk of the heavy lifting in that department. Still, a summons was sent out for Kyo Sawachika to report to the Captain's office when he was done with his duties for the day.

Upon arrival, Kyo would find the door propped open and his Captain gazing lazily out of the window as his hands danced along the strings of a guitar in a gentle melody.

Moonage Daydream | END POST
God of Love
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Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty Re: Sound Check [Rose, Kyo]

Tue Mar 07, 2023 4:30 pm
Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] 8ZovUmi

Work in the 8th Division was exceptionally busy, but Kyo wasn't the sort of man who minded having work to do. No, if anything, he always welcomed the opportunity to grow. Being called for a meeting by the captain, however, was a bit of a surprise for him, and he took a brief moment to finish his current work before straightening up and making the way to the captain's office. He still had a bit of wood dust here and there from carving the final decorations into the barracks, but other than that, he was perfectly presentable.

"Captain! I apologize if I've come late!"

He didn't think that he had, but it was better to start with that sort of thing if he'd been off with his time. After all, he did tend to get caught up in his work.

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Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Left_bar_bleue0/0Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty Re: Sound Check [Rose, Kyo]

Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:27 pm

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] JhiKBVJ

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Captain of the 8th

There was a certain kind of people that Rose believed would thrive in his Division, an attitude that was required to mesh with both the Captain and their peers that was not something that could really be trained. Either someone had it, or they lacked it. Though Rose had not seen many that found their way to the door of the Eighth and fell short of that mark. At that point in his absentminded musing, Rose found himself interrupted by the arrival of his guest.

"Ah, Kyo, come in, you don't need to apologise for a day spent hard at work."

Putting down the guitar, he swept a few loose strands of hair from his face and neatly tucked them behind his ears. A lilac gaze passed over the Sawachika with a passing interest, taking note of the simple visual cues that indicated a man that took the time to focus on his craft.

"I trust the barracks is near to completion now? Not that I wish to rush your decorations, but I do grow curious."

Moonage Daydream | END POST
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty Re: Sound Check [Rose, Kyo]

Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:24 pm
Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] 8ZovUmi

Kyo hadn't ever given much thought to his captain as a person, though he supposed that he did seem to carry himself in a way that was a bit different from what he'd seen in other captains. It lent a pleasant sort of atmosphere to the 8th that Kyo could hardly complain about.

"It's nearly finished, yes sir. I've been working on the final aesthetic touches, but the actual construction is completely finished! I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I'm confident it should be able to last for the future of the 8th."

Of course, Kyo knew quite well that sometimes his projects would be rather unceremoniously torn down, but it didn't seem likely that there would be a need to build new division barracks again. The circumstances that had led to this were rather outstanding in the Gotei's history, after all.

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Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Left_bar_bleue0/0Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty Re: Sound Check [Rose, Kyo]

Thu Mar 23, 2023 10:20 pm

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] JhiKBVJ

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Captain of the 8th

There was certainly a different vibe to Rose when compared to the other Captains. Perhaps the only one that compared was the Captain-Commander, though he did not mean to be too arrogant by assuming as such. But the rest of them, Rukia included, had a certain intensity to them that the whimsical Vizard made quite an effort to suppress. Their work was certainly serious, but he trusted in his underlings to act as such rather than need to serve as a constant reminder.

"Aha, excellent news indeed. We shall certainly strive to ensure that it lives up to such a lofty goal, but I do look forward to having a space that we can truly call our own."

That was the purpose of the barracks, after all. Not that Rose had much to complain about his current lodgings, even though it had not been intended for them it had served sufficiently, but there was simply more that was required.

"I know that some of the specifications that I requested were a little unique, but you simply must tell me. Do you have an ear for acoustics? There is a certain knack to the architecture, I assume, but I can only understand it as a musician - not a craftsman. The barracks will have many functions, and I want to be able to perform them all adequately."

Moonage Daydream | END POST
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty Re: Sound Check [Rose, Kyo]

Wed Apr 19, 2023 10:24 pm
Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] 8ZovUmi

"I've studied acoustics as best I can, sir. Music isn't quite my forte, but I asked my older sister for some input on the matter. She knows more about it than I do."

Kyo wasn't afraid of being honest about his artistic shortcomings, though really, he wasn't even thinking of it as much of a shortcoming. He was hardly artistically deficient, after all. Poetry was simply more his style than song, but he was looking forward to see if what he'd constructed would actually be up to par. If it was, he'd be sure to thank Miki for her help, and if it wasn't...well, he'd still thank her. Just a bit less enthusiastically.

"I can give you the technical details on all of the acoustics, but I wouldn't want to bore you with that side of things. I'd rather you put it to the test and decide for yourself if it's good enough."

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Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Left_bar_bleue0/0Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty Re: Sound Check [Rose, Kyo]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:49 pm

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] JhiKBVJ

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi | Captain of the 8th

"Hah, your sister certainly sounds like a delightful woman to have such keen ears. I suppose we can put her to the test then, and if she has guided you truly then we shall both be in her debt."

Pushing himself to his feet, Rose's hands soon returned to the guitar that he had just discarded. If a challenge was posed to him then he would gladly see if Kyo's handiwork lived up to his mentality. Besides, getting to know more about the Sawachikas did not seem like a downside.

"So, an older sister then. Are there more in the brood or just the two of you?"

Moonage Daydream | END POST
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] Empty Re: Sound Check [Rose, Kyo]

Tue Apr 25, 2023 12:19 am
Sound Check [Rose, Kyo] 8ZovUmi

Kyo didn't feel it was necessarily the best course of action to further enumerate on all of Miki's...idiosyncrasies, for lack of any better term, but he couldn't entirely help but smile to himself at the notion of her being referred to as a 'delightful' woman. She was certainly someone he respected, but he couldn't imagine that being a word many people would use with regard to her. Most of the suitors certainly seemed to leave before too long.

"There are quite a few more, sir. I have two older brothers and three older sisters. I'm the youngest in the household at the moment."

He knew perfectly well that it was fairly possible more would show up at some point. After all, he was only in his 20s, and the age gap between himself and Nao, for instance, was far bigger than that.

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