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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:52 pm
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) V0xfHBT


One duty that has plagued Helle recently: the fall of Vastime. It is one thing for a nation to have its issues arrive every now and again. It is another that a nation is simply wiped from existence. All it took was one day, one hour, one minute, a single second. Now, nothing remains but a gaping hole. Helle has been busy. She is incapable of helping personally as she is, but she has mobilized countless of her Sternritter to ensure that order is kept. Scoundrels of all shapes and sizes take any opportunity to stir trouble, and the Gotei is not a being that is supposed to regulate the happenings of Earth at that level. They are meant to withhold the soul cycle, and with them busy dealing with the rampant activity of Hollowkind, it is up to the Vandenreich to help and keep the natural peace.

However, with that said, she has grown tired of it all. Days, nights, weeks spent wasting away in her office, paperwork everywhere. She feels as if she's returned to her old habits of losing herself in work, but this is a crisis. There is no time for subtle behavior. One must act in full to keep everything flowing as it should. She is no exception. Still, with everything, can one blame her for being asleep at her desk, her voice rattled by snoring.

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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:03 pm
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Dbjwym9


Freyja was no stranger to the events taking place in Vastime. Once a proud nation that had made significant strides with its army, is now little more than a former shell of itself. Even if she bore no relation or thought toward them, it was nevertheless tragic to see a nation fall so swiftly. They could only hope to offer their assistance, preventing the worst case scenario. They had to cull the threat at its source before any of those abnormalities could be allowed to roam other nations. Still, that was not the most pressing matter at hand. Any worry for them takes a backseat toward the worry for her director.

From the moment she had finally met her, she had resolved to protect and care for this woman in her time of need. She had suffered enough, and yet fate cruelly saw to it that she suffer more. Her life once again fell into peril, but the grand nature of technology had allowed her to operate at an ideal semblance of health. Guilt threatened to settle into her soul, reflecting on how she could have been there to help her director, to assist the woman she vowed to protect. Wandering thoughts repeating countless scenarios. What if I had been there... what if I never suffered a single injury? I'm supposed to be fulfilling a promise, to protect her, and yet...

No, for her sake, composure was necessary. She would simply ensure that no further harm came to her person. For now, she is stepping through the halls, knocking at the door once she has found her director's office.

"Lady Helle? it's me. Freyja. May I come in?"


Last edited by Iori on Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Sat Mar 18, 2023 6:32 am
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) V0xfHBT


Someone is at her door, alarms ringing in the back of her head due to the surveillance technology now installed inside her. It is nothing but a energy detector, but such thing works wonder in a world of mostly spiritual beings. Basic understanding and a quick buzz to the front office clued her in to who was approaching before they even asked for permission. The door isn't locked, but Helle is appreciative that most still have their composure intact despite the current events around them.

"You may enter, Coordinator."

Unsure of the woman's needs, it is only proper to entertain her guess in a professional manner. If this is a report of important, causality must take the backburner. With her elbows propped on her desk, Helle hid her mouth behind her fingers, leaning forward and prepared to hear whatever travesties may have befallen her world today.

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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:32 am
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Dbjwym9


If Helle houses any idea that her coordinator has any intent to fill her hears with the travesties of the world, the bag of sweets Freyja carries in her hand might well indicate what her intent is today. There are other assortments she would have enjoyed buying, to be sure, but she does not intend to waste the woman's time anymore than she is allowed. Entering the door, Freyja allows her azure eyes to sweep across the room before settling onto Helle, observing the woman with quiet curiosity.

From the looks of it, she appeared to be somewhat exhausted, a quick glance at her eyes a telltale sign of her mood. Had it been from a sleepless night or the ever familiar grind of work? Or perhaps both? There was no definitive way to tell, if any, and so she simply carried her body forward to sit at the woman's desk, setting the sweets down with a cup of coffee for the woman to indulge if she so desired.

"Have you slept well, Lady helle? I hope you aren't placing any unnecessary strain on your mind. The event in Africa seems as if its taxed many of the peers in our division. Which is why I won't bore you with any reports you aren't already aware of. Forgive me if it's unprofessional, and I do hope I am not intruding upon your day. If I am not..."

She quietly taps her hands together, smiling warmly at her director. Even for a few hours, her intent was to treat the woman to pleasantries for a change.

"Work has left me busy as well, but I promised I would make sure you are well protected and taken care of. Today, we will enjoy sweets and talk about anything other than work. In return, I'll tend to the paperwork across this room."


Last edited by Iori on Fri Mar 24, 2023 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Thu Mar 23, 2023 10:28 pm
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) V0xfHBT


"Sleep isn't a concern," Helle responded, taking hold of the coffee. She sees no reason to refuse the offer though she has never been a fan of the caffeinated substance. The taste is either too dull or strong. Her particular help in the matter of sufficient coffee shouldn't go unnoticed.

"I am well. Your concern is unwarranted but thank you."

Helle would never say that she is overworking herself, despite knowing she is. There is simply too much that needs handling for her to simply rest. Maybe she is falling into old habits, but the world, right now, needs her to help keep it in order. She is incapable of being out in the field, so this, right here, is the least she can do to provide for her people. That is why she could only give Freyja an appreciative smile before shaking her head.

"My work must be done by me. If not, then what is the point of my title?"

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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:08 am
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Dbjwym9


"I disagree, Lady Helle. I think my concern is quite warranted. Tell me...What is the purpose of a title if you are no longer of able mind and body to honor it? Our titles should never define us when our personal lives are concerned. There is nothing wrong with honoring your title as a director, but you must always remember to pace yourself, Lady Helle. I am here. I will always be here."

Freyja recognized that she may have spoken out of turn - considering their roles - but she has recognized what stress has done to the honorable woman to which she pledged her unwavering fealty. A strong woman had already been brought down to heel under the weight life has brought down on her shoulders. As her squire, she will not allow the woman to suffer the same fate with paperwork. Rest is necessary. If anything, Freyja would feel offended if she is not doing her duty by taking that weight off of her director's shoulders. Clearly unwilling to let her offer be refused, Freyja simply grabbed half of the paperwork that occupied Helle's desk, replacing it with the sweets she has brought to share with her director.

"Know that I am not telling you this to challenge the way you carry out your duty, but to assist you in such a fashion that exhaustion won't seem so commonplace. I may be overstepping my boundaries, but if I cannot ease your stress, then it is nothing short of a failure on my part to live up to my promise."


Last edited by Iori on Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:15 am
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) V0xfHBT


"Exhaustion is common in the face of duty. If I am not exhausted, then I have not done enough. You understand that well, Freyja, or have you been slacking in your duties?"

Her question, poking as is, was not meant to call out the woman before her, but Helle does not particular enjoy being told to slow down. She understands she is doing more than what is required, but no one is as capable of telling her that as herself. Maybe that is why she finds it difficult to slow down. Admitting to being tired isn't something she takes pride in. It is a glaring weakness. However, it is a signal that she did everything she could. At the end of the day, she can have some pride in that.

"Sit. I have extra lunch if you wish."

Another consequence of working so much. Her stomach is always empty. It has become common that her eating habits have suffered.

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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:33 pm
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Dbjwym9


"Of course not, Lady Helle. I simply wish to ease your stress to the best of my ability. There is a difference between exhaustion and overworking oneself, no? I simply wish to remind you that you have me by your side to assist. I know duty means a lot to us, so I apologize for speaking out of turn."

Offering a courteous bow, Freyja felt no ounce of guilt at addressing the matter as she sat down at the woman's instruction. Perhaps, it was a result of spending time around her peers. Freyja never would have envisioned such words exiting her lips in the past, but perhaps she had realized that there was a profound joy to life if one simply took a moment to soak it all in. Even one moment of respite could do wonders for the soul. Chuckling softly, she leaned back in her chair, curious to what lunch the woman wishes to share. To fill the air with conversation, Freyja continued along a more positive train of thought, one less judgmental, more encouraging in its delivery.

"I miss speaking with you, Helle. Can you at least assure me you won't push yourself anymore than necessary?"


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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Sun Apr 09, 2023 6:47 am
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) V0xfHBT


"Like I've said, work has been plentiful. Until this situation with Africa has been handled, I'm afraid I won't have enough time for casual chitchat. Sorry, Freyja."

Helle did her best to explain herself a bit, but she's not able to justify everything. Her lack of personal care isn't required to do her job. There's no reason to work herself like this, but she is. Why? She's unsure. It's just natural to end up a mess. Bad habits are hard to stop, but that's what makes them bad. At least she hasn't divulged into drinking and the likes, but this sort of behavior isn't alright. How many more people will have to come and scold her for her to realize that? Mere words aren't enough, but she will always end up saying whatever to appease them and regain her solitude.

"...Honestly, I can not promise anything. My words have gained a certain emptiness these days."

Her emerald eyes, hardened, broke away to the side. The truth hurts, but maybe, just once, she'll tell the truth of the matter. Another face lied to does nothing but lead to eventual disaster.

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Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Empty Re: Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja)

Sun Apr 09, 2023 12:04 pm
Knight and Squire (Helle/Freyja) Dbjwym9



Freyja took a moment to acknowledge the woman's words, momentarily reflecting on her own experience in Africa. Declining her offer of casual conversation is justified from that perspective, an opportunity rendered null by the current circumstance in taking place in Vastime. Thousands of lives uprooted in the blink of an eye, innumerable abnormal hollows erupting from the maw in the center of the capital day by day. Indeed, by that degree, there ought to be no time whatsoever to allow themselves a moment of respite. Even so, Freyja will not step down from her stance.

It is their duty to support their director, after all, and to allow the entire weight of work to fall on her shoulders is nothing short of detestable in her eyes, an act equal to negligence on her part. Perhaps there are others who can act as if nothing has happened months prior, but Freyja is haunted by the thought of what was nearly lost. Countless days spent confined to a hospital bed, each second of each minute of each hour, challenging her faith and will in equal measure.

There is no need to promise her anything. She simply wishes to avoid seeing the woman work herself to death. No, if anything, she had been the one whose words rang hollow. She promised to fight in this city's stead to the best of her ability, yet a single wide-ranging cleave of energy had left her immobile. She promised to protect Helle, and she nearly lost her again.

"So have mine. I nearly lost my life in a battle I never entered. I nearly lost you. I promised to be a proud coordinator of the Vandenreich, yet my life was nearly snuffed out by a single attack. I promised to always be by your side, and I nearly lost you. I couldn't be present because of my injury. Even if your words might seem empty to you, they are anything but to me... or the people that serve you. For better or worse, I promised that I would stand by your side no matter what, so..."

Freyja leaned forward, azure eyes staring solemnly at her reflection in the ivory desk.

"As your coordinator, as your right hand, as your friend... let me support you. If respite is not what you seek, then let me support you properly this time. Nothing would bring me greater joy than knowing I gave my all in assisting you to the best of my ability."


Last edited by Iori on Fri Apr 21, 2023 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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