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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] - Page 3 Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Wed Jun 07, 2023 10:42 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala pursed their lips in sad agreement of Saiko's assessment of Hueco Mundo, their eyes dulling momentarily as they heard even Saiko struggled with finding peace with how tumultuous and uncertain the world was. Cala could say with experience, as could any Arrancar really, that compared to Soul Society Hueco Mundo only amplified that uncertainty to horrific levels. As Saiko opened her eyes Cala would do their best to be reassuring and, with gentle motions, would softly loop their hand through the small hole between Saiko's side and her inner elbow, before matching her motion of letting their hands rest on their stomach once they had finished pointing out the cloud above.

Much in the same way otters did to avoid drifting away in an uncertain, tumultuous storm Cala had elected to hook their arm with Saiko's and, smiling gently as she shook her head and snorted her disagreement over the bunny cloud Cala giggled quietly and paused, gazing into Saiko's expression for a long moment, before they flushed gently and seemed to pick up on where Saiko's contemplative expression was going as they idly wiggled their toes in the water. As if truly testing how safe they were before they exhaled gently and murmured.

"I-I only feel this safe because you're here, y-ya know?"

Twiddling their thumbs between their laced hands on their own stomach Cala would try not to be overly conscious of how warm their companion was against the otherwise cold touch of the ocean water. Cala swallowed softly and, closing their eyes as they nestled against Saiko, would mumble.

"Thank you.... a-also.... for the home a-and.... making it seem like it's worth it. I don't wanna keep wandering, I don't wanna.... be.... alone anymore."

Cala murmured the last two words barely at an audible level, as they felt odd even to them, didn't they have their other self? They did but.... it was different then. They might have been two minds but they were one body and they could speak internally but it was so, so much different to hold someone or be this close to someone else. They did briefly consider explaining what they meant, but they also felt like Saiko could understand, as from what Cala knew Shinigami had their own spiritual other halves and they had never heard of a Shinigami being romantic with their weapon. That felt scandalous to think about even to Cala as an Arrancar.

"Ummm... so.... so umm...."

Cala had so much they wanted to say, at least somewhat, but it felt like too much too fast to address what Saiko had told them on their last date already. About their being other people also wanting her attention, about her change in spirit and her involvement with a group that, by tradition, would want Cala erased from being.... themselves. Unbeknownst to Cala their close-eyed expression went from placid to troubled, their brow furrowing, and their body sinking just a tiny bit as an involuntary bit of worry made their back tense up at the thoughts. Though despite how much they may have wanted to do so they couldn't bring themselves to say anything else.

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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] - Page 3 Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:28 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Hmmmmmm, well, that was true. So long as Cala was around Saiko, few could give them much trouble without facing the might of the woman's glum-filled strength. Hence, the woman nodded along with him as if it were a matter of fact.

"You got a point there. I'll beat the ever-living shit out of anyone who tries to mess with me or you."

Snorting, Saiko looked back at the sky again before closing her eyes to relax further.

"Don't mention it. It's what I want to do. Makes me happy to keep those around me happy."

Though, the woman did seem to pause when he mentioned something about not wanting to be alone. That was a profoundly human desire. Many people did not desire to be alone, as being separated from the tribe meant loneliness, isolation, and death. So, after taking a moment to reflect on that, Saiko just called it out.

"Y'know, for an Arrancar, you are more human than you let on. Ya sure you aren't just a human posing as a hollow?"

Of course, she was joking, and she knew he was one, but there was no harm in having fun, eh? He needed something to loosen up, after all.

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Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] - Page 3 Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Sun Jun 11, 2023 4:35 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Calaaaaa had not expected Saiko to respond so strongly to their mention of making them feel safe. Her absolutely earnest nature in the statement making a warm feeling flutter through their chest and brought a subconscious smile to their lips. Cala would simply nod, relaxing immediately, and would not only feel like they were floating at hearing the girl they liked saying she would keep them safe but.... well... also because they were, quite literally, floating. Odd how life worked out like that sometimes.

Though as Saiko paused only briefly Cala woud blink their lavender eyes up at her, curiosity in their gaze, before Saiko said something that was very odd to Cala. Something they themselves did not at all know what to think of and, pondering, Cala would purse their lips and look down their bodies for a moment. Their free hand not laced with Saiko's arm would idly trace a scar on her side with a gentle fingertip, before feeling their own side and sighing, and admitting to something their other self had wanted to discuss with their sister.

"We.... I-I mean I don't know. Hollows barely ever seem like anything but animals, maybe even smart ones that can talk.... and other Arrancar never seem to want to be around people like we do. They either want to be left alone o-or to rule over people, to not have friends but servants, and from what we've heard... and read... and seen.... everyone says Hollows are the worst parts of humanity as beings, even Arrancar."

Cala would move their free hand up to their chest, clutching over their Hollow hole that was indisputable proof they were, in fact, not human at all and grimace troubledly. Murmuring quietly as they sighed.

"Is it... a good or bad thing that... it seems like the worst part of who we were seems so human? Everyone we've met.... well.... at least people we've met for more than a single fight... have all been so kind.... the opposite of our aspect. Do you.... feel odd.... being around happy people, making people happy, with how your powers work?"

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What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko] - Page 3 Empty Re: What Makes A Home [Cala/Saiko]

Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:00 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Hmmmmm. Cala certainly had mulled over the concepts of being Arrancar, the nature of humanity, and if it was right or wrong to be happy with their powersets and natures. It caused Saiko to chuckle before taking a moment to reflect and give a sincere answer. After a few moments of silence, the woman hummed and moved her feet through the waters with a soft splash.

"Nope. Who says you have to act like some stereotypical copy-and-paste archetype of your powers? The only person who can say whether it's right or wrong is yourself."

Now laughing with joy, the woman nodded and continued.

"So, to answer your question: hell no, I don't feel that way. Of course, there will come a point where I really do look like the mistress of glum when life hits me, but time is like the weather. Some days life is wonderful and full of sunshine; other days, there is nothing but darkness. In spite of that, the weather is always changing, and you just have to adapt to the situations, people, and environment you find yourself in."

Sounding a bit more focused, although still sincere and relaxed, Saiko felt she had given an answer from the heart and patted Cala's head before asking him a question in return.

"What makes you feel so guilty that you feel you have to act like some lame generic evil hollow or something to not feel odd?"

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