Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Empty Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento]

Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:34 am
Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] JGYv9eD


Of all the Divisions in the Gotei United, Morikawa Mizu was most nervous to travel to the Fourth. Its reputation as the successor to the Thirteen's Eleventh Squad was well known, and given the brutal focus of the Eleventh's on combat and mastering sword fighting, the blond pixie was unsure how to feel about it. Not to mention its new Captain, though legendary as one of the original Captains over a thousand years ago, was apparently a murderer who had just been released from prison. Yikes!

Despite all of her concerns about the Fourth, as a hard working senior officer of the Eighth Mizu felt it was her duty to make time for visiting the squad. After all, the Eighth was still the new kid on the block, having been founded only half a year ago, and it was up to her to build relations with the rest of the Gotei. Thus, the small golden-haired and -eyed woman found herself trekking into the Fourth's training area. She figured, given the combat squad's reputation, this would be the best place to meet people.

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Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Empty Re: Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento]

Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:21 pm
Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The reputation of the Fourth was truly a complex and mixed one. The remants of the Gotei Thirteen's Eleventh Squad ever present in the current model within the Gotei United. At times brutish, overeager to fight, and singularly focus on the art of the blade. Many still forgoed the other Shinigami arts to specialized in martial skill. Many many kept up the tradition of carrying their Zanpakutō at all times. The headstrong belief that only melee type Zanpakutō's should be in the division lessened through time, disciple of Vice Captain Hanako and the late Captain Kobayashi doing wonders to drill honor, respect, and a different philosophy of tenacity made them true warriors of quality and the standard of being the swords of the Gotei United. Such harsh exteriors still filled the ranks, and with the lingering and at times strong aura of Zaraki's underlings still as fired up as before, and at times recruiting people to a side modified more to the past. It was easy to see how the faces of other Gotei Unitrd members were still filled with a nervous apprehension when a 4th division member made an appearance out of combat situations.

A fact Tento new by now by a few first hand experiences.

Did that bring him down though? NOPE. The man was filled with smiles and a bright Goofy expression still as always. Annoyingly so.

"Up! Up! Move it move it!!", and perhaps even more pumped up. To the dismay of a few 4th division members who found Tento training in the day. Making the wonderfully (foolish) choice of asking the 10th seat if they could join him in one of his workout regiments. The man was pumping with tension as he lunged back and forth from jumping into the air, landing into a push up, before bringing a leg up to his chest. One or two keeping pace with this beast of a man. Others getting the workout of their (after)lives. "Come on! Show me what ya got!!". The sounds of drilling coming fresh to curious golden haired lass ears. Catching witness to some of the sections of effort the 4th went to daily. As others simply went on with their normal tasks or off to duties with diligence.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Tentos10
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Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Empty Re: Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento]

Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:36 pm
Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] JGYv9eD


Not new to a heavy dose of training, Morikawa Mizu looked on eagerly as she observed a handful of Fourth Division members go through their workout regimen. She was hardly surprised to see members of this squad working so hard. Her eyes were drawn to the man seemingly leading the group in their training. Bubbly energy radiated from him as he shouted commands to the no-doubt unseated members of the squad. Mizu didn't have the entire squad's hierarchy memorized, she just knew of the new Captain and the fact her friend Rio had recently been promoted to Vice Captain. A fact which filled her with both excitement for her friend, and a little bit of disappointment given she had hoped Rio would have come to the Eighth.

When the group she was watching slowed down and completed their workout, Mizu strolled up with confidence and introduced herself to the one who had led the rest "Hello! I am sorry to interrupt. I am Morikawa Mizu, Fourth Seat of the Eighth Division, here on a relations-building mission with your squad. If you'll have me, of course!" Mizu's gold eyes sparkled cheerily in the sunlight as she awaited the man's reply.

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Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Empty Re: Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento]

Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:40 pm
Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Ah this was it. There were not many things that Tento enjoyed more then feeling the slick feeling of effort drip from one's pores. Letting adrenaline flood one's senses as their body, mind, and spirt focused. The more intense site the long nothing broke. Extremes were never gun in this road after all.. One such thing for him though, was working out with others and not by himself! The comradery, the competition, the reinforcement and sight of improvement or change. Or really the boosted moral and ability to keep going. To hold one another up and move forward. Oh soul king it made such a team effort the best!

"Great job everyone. Shira come on! Go go go, I'm not gonna take it easy on ya today because you told me you wanna break your record", the newly appointed 10th seat said to a green haired woman who seemed to be nearly her limit. "5 more. 5 more. Chocho!", he said tur ing his head to a black-purpled headed petite lady. "Keep ya buddy strong. Remember, if ya both can do it everyone gets one meal on tonight!", it was an odd encouragement but it seemed to be working. Everyone let out a roar with a last bump of spirit. Encouraging each other as they called out names to keep going. All before collapsing in a stop as people reached their goal. Landing I. The stomachs and sides with smiles I. Their faces. Tento hoped to his feet all to see fingers pointing at him with grins.

"Yo. are. SO. gonna have no money after tonight dude", the group said today their 10th seat tired smiles on their faces as he only returned their loom with a conent smug on his lips. His face sideways as his eyes hinted towards a surprise guest to the end of this workout.

"Oh hello miss, a pleasure", he said with a wave. Choosing not to extend a handshake due to how sweaty his hand. was. "Zefa Tento. 10th seat of the Fourth Division. I'll be glad to have ya. Do I...need to do anything??", he asked not sure of any fancy procedures he should need to do. He always just showed up at other divisions unoffially!

Light in the Dark | End Post

Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Tentos10
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Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Empty Re: Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento]

Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:49 am
Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] JGYv9eD


The comradery Mizu witnessed amongst the Fourth Division members was impressive. Every squad she visited seemed to have a bit of this, and it just showed how united the Gotei United really was. She couldn't be sure if it was just because of the relative peace Soul Society found itself in these days, even with the hellish nightmare that was the collapse in Africa, or if it was the simple fact Shinigami serve as brothers- and sisters-in-arms. Her experience in the Shin'o Academy had been much different, where students often competed to overshadow one another instead of working together as friends and comrades.

Mizu bowed at the waist politely as Tento acknowledged and greeted her. Upon standing up straight again, she was a little caught off guard by his question. In every other squad she visited, upon sharing her purpose there she would typically be challenged to a friendly spar to test her and, by extension, the Eight Division. Of all squads, she expected this to remain true in the Fourth given their proclivity for combat. "Oh! Well, um, in other squads I have sparred or trained with people. As an outsider I won't dictate what you do though Zefā-san. Whatever you want to do, I'm game!"

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Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Empty Re: Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:10 am
Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The comradery was an interesting thing. Not always there like if should be, but the good nature built and nurtured gave the environment for it. Beyond that; tenacity, hard work ethic, and respect of combat skills. Those were the seeds of the 4th. Tento did enjoy healthy comradery, and coming in with that bright warm spirit with power to back it, if not. Then he had a steadfast tenacity and willpower that many could not help but respect in the division.

Being a decent average might did help though!

How comradery with other divisions were done was a real thing. In the few years that Tento had been in the Gotei United had been a bit expected and hard. Rare training sectiosn together, often not going beyond ones own friend group or squad. More often than not missions that had a mix of divisions. But usually one. Tento knew there were groups, the men association, the women association primarily. Captains also did things at times but that was with their own people. A thing that Tento hoped to do as well. Organizing welcome parties from New members, and a few events per month for the division to do. Wolent be easy because it would come out of his own pocket buuut it was a lot of fun and good for morale. Totally worth it.

"Hehehee. Yeah, that is what I would normally throw out at ya", Tento said before lifting a hand up. Pointing hd thumb back over his shoulder back towards the tired grunts of Tento's poor workout partners for the morning. "But they are exhausted and we all had a hard work out. I figured you can join us for some food my treat. Talk a little and hang out, then come back to spar. Sounds good Mizu?".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Tentos10
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Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Empty Re: Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento]

Fri May 26, 2023 7:54 pm
Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] JGYv9eD


Mizu was a bit taken aback by Tento's offer, this was not at all the reception she expected to get in the Fourth. Given its nature as the spiritual successor to the Eleventh, as well as having been given the name Death Division by its new captain, she fully believed this man would have immediately challenged her to a battle. That was even what she had mentally prepared for. Instead he offered...lunch and a hang out? Oh well, thought Mizu, if this is how they do it here, then I'll go along with it!.

With a nod of her head in agreement Mizu accepted Tento's offer to relax for a bit before a spar "Hai! Sounds like a plan to me, Zefā-san! This is the first time I've ever been in these barracks though, so I'll follow your lead." She supposed even if things didn't go how she thought they might, as long as it was a decent day and she made a friend, it would be time and effort well spent.

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Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Empty Re: Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento]

Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:01 pm
Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Little did Tento actually know that his offer was a surprise. Mizu being taken aback by the man's offer of food and drinks. To him it made sense and even expected. Tento and the others had just got done with an intense workout. They had to have a cool down period to rest snd recover the body and mind. Food, hydration, and laughs. That was one of Tento's mottos. Given that Mizu had came along seeking comradery. Well, how could he not invite her!?

The docile nature of the others was just a boost. The fiery spirit of the successors to the Eleventh division of the Gotei 13 tired out by their work effort strict but caring seated officer.

"Alright sounds good!", Tento said with a smile and a nod. Bending down to grab a wobbly member of his division who was trying to get up to the feet. Eith a surpding amount of care the member was placed onto their feet with a shuffle before getting what looked like a half of dozen pats to the shoulder in congratulations to great effort snd results. "Good stuff Jake. Shira. Chocho Everyone!". He said as he went around giving high fives, fist bumps, and shoulder/chest checks. A real workout group these people were. Even in their drained state they were pumped so to speak. For some at least. Sadly only tired smiles and bent over thumbs ups were what was returned to him. Good enough to him. New recruits.

"I assume some will want to take a quick wash off while others will come now. We can walk all together for the people ready and meet the others there. Same place as always on this day, sounds good?". Wavss of yeahs, yups, and other likes were spoken. About half of thr group leaving for a quick wash while others stayed getting ready to leave now.. He then turned to Mizu. "Ready to go Mizu?".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Journey to the Fourth [Mizu, Tento] Tentos10
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