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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
Age : 28
Location : The beach :)

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Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:52 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Kizuna_beach_header

Well, Africa had sure been fun. Not as much fun as it could've been, but hey, you win some you lose some. Sauntering into Safira's place with a cheap can of beer in one hand, and a case full of more under her other arm, Kizuna called out to her sometime-friend as she entered.

"Hey, lady, you home? I've got intel. And beers, if you want one."

The Arrancar knew perfectly well that Safira would turn down a drink like this, but it was still nice to offer, wasn't it? Besides, Kizuna liked Safira. Sort of. Sometimes. It really depended how she was acting, but if nothing else, she was a pretty face who made interesting things happen, so it wasn't like Kizuna hated her.

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Sat Apr 22, 2023 3:04 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Beach-header

"You do?"

She asked while coming into sight, she'd looked like she'd just gotten out of the shower or a bath by the way that her skin glistened and her hair hung down under the weight of being waterlogged. People could be so brazen to just disturb her like this but Kizuna was valuable as a companion and as she had said, she had intel. So Safira forgave this little intrusion and grabbed a robe off one of the tables fashioned from a short roman pillar to wrap around herself and look decent.

"I hope it's something fascinating, you're hardly known for being a bore so I expect it won't be disappointing."

The serpentine arrancar mused.


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Location : The beach :)

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Sat Apr 22, 2023 6:02 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Kizuna_beach_header

"Well I wouldn't just come by here if I didn't have something good to share, would I?"

Seeing as Safira hadn't said anything on the matter of the beer, Kizuna cracked it open with one hand and downed about half of it before she turned her attention back to the snake lady. She didn't exactly trust Safira, but trust wasn't much of a factor in Kizuna's line of work, so it really couldn't have mattered less.

"Swung by Africa for a little visit. They didn't like it, security's pretty tight over there. Gotei and the Vandenreich are both doing decent work, seems like they're keeping it all contained at least kinda well. Same time though, all it took was me showing up to throw everything way off, so I wouldn't call it ironclad defense by any stretch."

Finishing off the beer before crumpling the can in her hand, Kizuna looked for somewhere to sit as she spoke.

"Odds're pretty good we can make it down there to see what's going on if we cause a little ruckus."

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Sat Apr 22, 2023 6:18 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Beach-header

"I wouldn't say that, you come and go as you please. The fact you've got something to share is at least somewhat nice to hear, the alternative is that people tend to come to you when they want something of you."

Safira finished covering herself and listened into the information. Now that was quite the gamble wasn't it? To just go parading into Africa and make enemies of those two groups? Kizuna had no assets or anything to lose by doing so but she had an image to uphold here. It wasn't good business if her face was taken into a negative light by these two groups.

"While I am certainly intrigued by what is in that hole, I would prefer not to smear my good name by making trouble. Taking advantage of a bit of trouble though could be more to my tastes."

She had no concerns about using a bit of chaos to slip into the hole. As for making actual attacks to provoke them? That was a bit more than she was looking to do right now. The arrogant fell on their sword, the prideful kept the sword pointed at the right direction.


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Location : The beach :)

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Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:01 am
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Kizuna_beach_header

"Hey, I come by all the time, but I don't bother you unless I've got something good. I've got better things to do than play stupid games and annoy you."

Taking a seat on the closest object at the appropriate height, Kizuna cracked open another beer from the case under her arm and continued to actually talk about the more important talk at hand.

"I'm not saying you head on over and make a fuss with 'em yourself or anything. Causing a ruckus is more than easy enough just by telling some other people to handle it. Then we can slip on in, deal with any stragglers who're still a little too nosy, and figure out what the deal is down there. I'm itching to know."

Kizuna's nature made it difficult to avoid just running on into the hole to see what was down there, but she was smart enough to know how to temper her own hunger for growth.

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Wed Apr 26, 2023 1:48 am
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Beach-header

"Well, out of curiousity have you attempted to garganta into the hole at all? I assume there's something interfering with it otherwise I'm sure those giant beasts would be bypassing the blockade that's been established."

She mused to herself with a sigh. Well, how bad could it be to sneak in. Safira felt pretty confident that she could arrange something problematic for the two groups that would seek to contain the situation.

"I suppose it would be nice to get some fresh air. This place can get pretty boring from time to time."

No matter how great the luxury, it was hard to ever be content with something for any amount of time.


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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:34 am
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Kizuna_beach_header

"I have, yeah, and it didn't do a damn thing. Can you believe that? Even from me, and you know me, I'm no slouch at this."

Not that Kizuna was really terribly upset by it. If anything, there was obvious excitement in her voice and in her eyes, the sheer idea of something that unusual and difficult enough to get her blood pumping. It wasn't some weird sexual excitement, thankfully. She wasn't that degenerate.

"Whaaat? This place is killer, I could hang out here for a hot minute. Might take a week or so to relax once we're done in Africa. Especially if it ends up being serious business, sure as hell haven't seen any action that pushed me too hard in a while."

Of course, just because the notion sounded fun at the moment didn't mean it would still sound fun when they were finished. Kizuna was a fickle woman like that, and she always needed something to grip her attention.

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Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:45 am
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Beach-header

This place was killer. She could certainly see how someone like Kizuna might feel that way, or anyone really. A palace of a sovereign was always admired most by the people that experienced it but did not possess it. Once something was in your possession there was no longer that same awe. To a human flight was extraordinary once, the realm of Gods and yet it was so mundane now. From miracles to mundanity.

"Very well, though if you're worried about becoming a dulled object I'm more than willing to remind you of the gulf between us."

The arrancar explained with a haughty sneer, she might not find luxury as enjoyable as it once was but crushing someone weaker underfoot? Now that was a thrill that never disappeared from her conscious. The privilege (right) to lord her greater status over those lesser had its own kind of pleasure. Thankfully not the sexual kind, she wasn't that uncouth either.


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God of Love
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Wed May 03, 2023 9:56 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Kizuna_beach_header

"Ooh, now that's an offer and a half, isn't it? Not every day someone gets to butt heads with you."

Of course, Kizuna wasn't an idiot. She knew all too well how dangerous of an opponent Safira was, and that messing around with her was practically asking to die if she didn't take it seriously. But that was the whole reason to do it, right? Push herself? Climb to new heights? Hell, if she died in a fight it was just the way she had to go. Slamming down another beer and crushing the can in her hand, Kizuna stood and stretched out, enough so that her top ended up snapping open.

"Ah well. I'm always ready to get my hands dirty. Just don't mess up my pretty face, yeah? I worked hard on it."

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Wed May 03, 2023 10:08 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] Safiraglam

"I will make you look as beautiful as your eloquence suggests. Don't break anything though."

She said with a faint sneer. Her foot kicking off from the ground to rush forward towards Kizuna in a blur with the crackling sound of her sonido. As fast as a black mamba she appeared in front of the bikini-clad warrior with her hand outstretched. A venom green cero was already in her open palm to strike for the other woman's abs.

"Vile Lance!"

With the crackle of static filling the air the toxic energy shot out like a cannon to carry the Kizuna hundreds of metres away through the very balcony that she had used to enter and into deep blue the sky beyond. A very transparent move which was designed to get Kizuna out into the open, the last thing she needed was this little mutt to cost her in repairs.


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