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God of Love
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Wed May 03, 2023 10:15 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 Kizuna_beach_header

Kizuna couldn't help but laugh at that one, fully aware that she wasn't eloquent in the slightest. Damn, Safira was really starting like that huh? How mean, but she wouldn't have expected anything else. As the energy shot into her, Kizuna fired back with a cero of her own, using it mostly to keep the blast from simply crushing her as it threw her out. Riding a cero was a little hard, sure, but she'd gotten pretty good at these things.

"You know, it's normally polite to let someone know you're starting!"

With a snap of her fingers, Kizuna's six pylons flew to her back, hovering menacingly and pointing down toward Safira. Each one quickly opened fire with a Spark Array, countless beams scattering to fire toward the stronger Arrancar in a wide salvo. Realistically, all these hits might actually do something helpful, but that was assuming every single one of them hit. And that, tragically, wasn't likely at all.

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Wed May 03, 2023 10:26 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 Safiraglam

"I'm starting."

She snapped back to mock Kizuna, eyes tracing the myriad of beams that were closing on her position but while impressive they were ultimately all using quantity over quality. The Serpent Queen of Brazil snapped her fingers and conjured another cero but funneling the vast reserves of her spiritual power into it with its toxic attribute.

A twist of her body, spinning on her own axis to build up momentum before she launched the ball of spiritual energy at the barrage that was coming towards her.

"Tainted Gospel."

The moment it made impact the explosion stained the sky above the resort green with lingering traces of her poisonous reiatsu seeping into the various beams to negate them.

Still too close for her liking so she launched herself directly at Kizuna once more. If she had to keep throwing Kizuna hundreds of metres to get to an ideal spot that they could not hold back then she would.


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God of Love
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Wed May 03, 2023 11:03 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 NeEjuDL

"Heh. You bitch."

The speed Safira had was radically more than Kizuna did, and that meant running away wasn't an option. Then again, there wasn't any option she had when it came to dealing with Safira other than her singular specialty. Defense? Not a chance. All she could do was attack, and she would without any hesitation.

"Mega Break Cannon!"

Each of her pylons changed their angle, cero firing and condensing into a single beam that rocketed toward Safira. It was fast, and it was exceptionally powerful. If anything was going to have an impact without releasing, it was this.

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Wed May 03, 2023 11:17 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 Safiraglam

Oh dear, how expected of Kizuna. So simple and straightforward with just throwing out more and more cero. That was fine though, Safira had no intention of slowing down and in order to do that she would pressure her opponent's weaknesses. She spun as she flew towards her foe her reiatsu flaring to strengthen her hierro against the oncoming blast.

A direct it.

The smoke lingered but she flew out of the cloud before it cleared. Safira's back was charred with burns and her bathrobe had a hole to leave it exposed. It was an annoying kind of stinging that ran through her spine but Safira hoped to get close enough to finish her spin, a foot outstretched to try and kick Kizuna in the head and send her flying away once more.

"I can juggle you all day."

Safira taunted, shooting another cero after her foe which was laced with poison. She aimed for her limb, if it struck the poison reiatsu would give her a tingling sensation that would develop into localised paralysis. It's not like she needed her arms to shoot her cero but Safira did wonder how it would play with her mind. This woman was her prey for the moment after all.

She ought to sweat a little.


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God of Love
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Wed May 03, 2023 11:46 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 NeEjuDL

At high speeds like that, Kizuna couldn't do much to dodge that kick, and the most she could do was move with it so it didn't simply snap her head from her neck, layer upon layer of Hierro A-Type stacking to further reduce the damage she took. Her pylons could keep up with her, sure, but it was easier for her to scatter them through the area.

"Yeah, yeah, I know you can. I bet you're really feeling yourself right now, huh?"

The poisonous cero slammed into Kizuna's arm as she corrected herself, and while it was a painful injury, she simply grinned through it. That was the sort of thing she lived for, something new to adapt to, to study. The lattice of Hierro D-Type was already on top of it, absorbing the energy, analyzing, consuming whatever it could. Was that dangerous? Maybe. She'd throw it away if she couldn't use it. It was something, though.

She didn't need her arm for much of anything, though. In fact, as she flew back, she simply stared straight at Safira, another cero rocketing toward the snake from her left eye. At the same time, 6 more cero shot toward her from various directions, one from each pylon. No more splitting now. She ought to at least take things seriously.

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Wed May 03, 2023 11:55 pm
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 Safiraglam

"There's an allure seeing you struggle. I'll make you grovel at the end of it."

She assured, eyes darting back and forth to assess the situation. It was all down to the timing of it and so as Kizuna approached and shot her array of attacks it would appear that Safira had no intention of moving, confident in her defence until they all struck the goldilocks zone. The moment when she could utilise her sonido to leave an afterimage behind that the blasts would converge upon.

Ideally by the time that Kizuna had realised the deception she wouldn't have any time to respond to the dynamic form of the former Espada dropping from the sky to come down and axe kick the other shoulder to send her plummeting into the ocean below..


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God of Love
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Thu May 04, 2023 12:00 am
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 NeEjuDL

"Woah, grovel? I don't do that, c'mon."

Of course, she knew Safira liked to see it happen, but Kizuna wasn't going to be held down like that for anything. Not unless it was someone real special, anyway, and Safira sure as hell wasn't that special. Strong, sure, but the same as any strong Arrancar.

Not that Kizuna'd ever say that aloud. Safira'd crucify her for that. The sonido afterimage she left behind was good, good enough that it fooled Kizuna for longer than someone else's might have. But her pesquisa was exceptional, and it was only made more impressive by her pylons reinforcing it. She could see the kick coming fast enough to respond, but the question was how to respond. Move? No, she was slower than Safira. How to attack then?

"Change! Emperador Primera!"

She'd just have to take it. The ring of her resurreccion formed above her, widening to its furthest size of 10' to make ample space for Safira to fly through and strike her. A damning hit, to be sure, and it sent her flying downward. But the sheer force of moving through her resurreccion's ring would surely be enough to give anyone a good shock to the system.

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Thu May 04, 2023 12:13 am
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 Safiraglam

How irritating, as painful as it was to pass through that ring. She felt her body charred and burned to pass through the woman's resurreccion and so too did her pure white fabric covering her become even more mangled. Safira looked down at her damaged body, disinterested in Kizuna for a moment to assess the damage.

Raising her hands upon her head and gathering her spiritual power in her hands. Safira would drown her.

"Lost Eden."

She launched the large ball of energy into the sea below after Kizuna. She was not the target though. It was designed to transmute the general vicinity of the ocean around her opponent into a toxic stew. A cocktail of drugs that would burn her skin, cloud her mind with sedatives, make her body feel stiff. The individual attributes were not individually potent but Safira did intend to overwhelm Kizuna's body with how many different toxic effects tried to take hold on her.

"Resurreccion, huh? I suppose you would need it."


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God of Love
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Thu May 04, 2023 12:22 am
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 NeEjuDL

Now this was something else. If she didn't have an answer to that, she was probably just about done here. Not that Kizuna actually expected to win this fight, of course, but she wasn't a huge fan of drowning. Unlike most of the Arrancar she knew, she liked the dry sands of Hueco Mundo. Ah well, only one answer. Thankfully, her pylons had been left to float in the sky, and now, she could point her free hand up, even as the other pylons pointed down.

"Volitant Buster."

A Cero Oscuras burst from her fingertip, colliding with Safira's attack to mitigate as much of it as possible. But from each of her pylons, another Oscuras shot downward, splitting into a dangerous volley of catastrophic impacts that rained down on Safira and the ocean below. It was the sort of mess that gave Kizuna some time to at least move out of the water, before things got worse.

And they were definitely going to get worse.

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Thu May 04, 2023 12:31 am
No Reply from the Wind [Kizuna, Safira] - Page 2 Safiraglam


How irritating. These pylons were proving annoying she thought as she stared at the oncoming array of cero oscuras. There was no point really wasting her time dodging. Safira would rather spend more time preparing than to waste time dodging. Her hands pointed down at Kizuna when the blasts collided on her, burning through her hierro until she was nice and blackened.

By letting herself be attacked she had allowed Kizuna to draw blood.

"Heaven Eater."

The blood peeled off her and mixed with her energy forming in her hands. The Gran Rey Cero firing down into the ocean with the same job as her previous attack. This time it was focused and aiming to transmute Kizuna's watery environment into a powerful acid that could begin to eat through her hierro.

"You've done well to wear out my first layer."

Safira muttered to herself while grabbing her flesh to peel off her destroyed layer and discard it. On the bright side she had peeled off all the wounds that Kizuna had inflicted upon her. In exchange for her regeneration she had as a hollow, she had acquired a power she valued far more. It did mean though that Kizuna had now worn out her allowance, that layer was all that she was getting from her.


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