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Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Empty Always In Training [Tento/Hana]

Sat May 06, 2023 10:02 pm
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader14
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Ever since she graduated the Academy and officially joined the Gotei United, Hana's life has kept changing, expanding with every move she made. She was finally feeling what true joy was, but also fear and even jealousy. She had even been in the presence of brilliance, having met someone that both inspired her and made her feel so insignificant at the same time. And though she had begun training more formally, she wasn't sure how well she was actually doing, especially after needing to be rescued by Ikari and the incident with the Arrancar: Amaranta.

Those experiences were real wakeup calls…

Sitting quietly, legs crossed, on the side of the training grounds, away from anyone who may enter this afternoon, Hana's eyes were closed and a couple beads of sweat fell from her forehead. She looked like she was having difficulty meditating, and indeed, she was. She was trying her best to hear the voice of her zanpakuto. She heard it one time in the past, at least that is what she thought, but hasn't heard it sense. She was still not sure whether the first voice was what she hoped it was.

After thirty minutes of silent meditating, mentally calling out to any other presence that might be there, Hana opened her eyes in disappointment. For the fourth day in a row, she failed. She heard nothing back and couldn't help but wonder whether she was doing it wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. She shook her head in shame at herself and laid her head back against the wall behind her. "I'm never going to get this." Hana said, frustration building enough to inspire a yell. "Why do I even TRY?"

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Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Empty Re: Always In Training [Tento/Hana]

Sat May 06, 2023 11:01 pm
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The day was started but Tento's spirit was flowing with the power of, determination. Once again the man had gotten far early in the day to get a training session in. Finally knowing the name of his partner, he was determined to deepen his understanding of them and their connection. That, and he just lived the feel of a hard sweat leaving his body.

Either way, he had finished that. Had a massive breakfast before resting and digesting then handled his officer duties of the day. At least for now until somebody dropped another pile of files on him. Or made a mess in the barracks he had to clean up...

No no no. He had to think positive. Be positive. After all he had free time! And so he had to do more work on the little side project he had going on. Moral examination and upkeep of all the divisions! This time it was the 6th division; realm enforcement.

Let in much easier than before in other divisions. Tento was let in and given a mini tour before practically being dropped. Something about an important task needing to be handled. Stay as long as ya need Yada Yada Yada...don't break anything Yada Yada Yada. And so there he was. Walking around randomly pretty much talking to random members of the 6th as they came up to him or seen by him. A bit of jokes, small talks. Soft prys into how they were feeling and doing. Covert he would like to think.

Soon he would spot someone by themselves. A pale skin light toned white haired young woman with an enchanting soft look. Sitting crossed legged in the training grounds. Peace and isolation in her afternoon meditation it seemed. Even from where he was he could tell there was a calm focus being had. Or at least attempted. It wasn't long in his wqtch where her eyes opened.

It was something short and quick that he would have simply turned away from. But that was before he witnessed Hana shake her head and plant it against the wall. With that and her yell at the end, it was at that point that Tento decided to walk over. Different from a few others who acted unaware or moved away.

"Because how else are you live?", Tento offered in a light comment stopping a several feet from the young lady. "Are you alright miss?"

Light in the Dark | End Post

Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Tentos10
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Sun May 07, 2023 1:14 am
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader14
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was not supposed to be in this particular Division's training grounds, at least not without a member of the Division present, but she was avoiding her Division mates. She found an empty spot and just started. So, when she heard another person's voice, she hurried to her feet, dusting off her uniform with her back to the new comer. Composed, Hana twirled to face him, elegance even in her startled movements. Her eyes fell upon an extraordinarily tall man, causing them to widen momentarily in surprise. A memory of another came to mind before she spoke.

"Hello," Hana said, pushing up a soft smile. "You can certainly make a lady feel tiny. What was that you said?" Hana was referring to his first reply. When he asked her if she was okay, she looked away and pat at her face. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down. "Yes, I was just sneaking in some extra training. My Division was rambunctious today, so I needed somewhere more peaceful."

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Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Empty Re: Always In Training [Tento/Hana]

Sun May 07, 2023 3:34 pm
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well that was something. This lady was more up on so.ething than he thought. He spooked her! After he had spoke she had immediately hurried to her feet. Dusting herself un a quick re-composition she then turned to face him. For a quick refocus she had a lot of grace and elegance, even for someone clearly dealing with something troubling to an observant eye.

Tento let out a soft chuckle and smile. Resting his hand down still before tilting his head before speaking. "Well that is the first time someone told me that", Tento said un a bit of surprise amusement.

He tilted his head down meeting her gaze. " I had said, that one tries again and again because, how else is one to live?", Tento repeated. "Ah trying to get some good ol isolation?", Tento said with a soft look. "I'm sorry ya had to do so but also glad. A home with plenty of energy can give plenty of opportunity".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Tentos10
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Sun May 07, 2023 6:11 pm
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader14
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana's smiled became more genuine. The way Tento talked was somewhat poetic, and that wasn't something she was used to hearing. It was nice to hear.

"Well, according to some, there are many different ways of going about life," Hana said and took her zanpakuto in hand. She stared at it for a few moments before sighing. "It seems the path I've chosen is not for me... " she said in a whisper before looking back to Tento. "Are you really sure that no one has ever told you how tall you are? I'm guessing... at least six foot four. I'm not too skilled at figuring that out from way down here." Hana was only five foot two, so was used to being smaller.

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Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Empty Re: Always In Training [Tento/Hana]

Sun May 07, 2023 8:33 pm
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Ah. So this young woman had a even more beautiful smile under her sleeve. Tento supposed that was obvious with the shift of her mood.

"Ah...", Tento sounded before giving a few nods. His own smile growing wider and brighter. Happy with her immediate response. "There are many ways about going through the life. Each has it repetition of effort. Although some obviously more than others when it comes to having a hard time", Tento said watching the white haired Shinigami pick up her Zanpakuto.

In the close distance between the two did wonders to carry voices in the wind. Lightly and subtly Tento thought he heard Hana whisper something. But most definitely saw her lips move. The stare and sigh made him wonder...was there an issue with this Zanpakuto spirit and its partner?

He was looking at her closer now. Not his usual expected game when it came to seeing an attractive woman for the first time. No. A careful light analytical gaze. All before catching her eye once again and giving another soft grin. "Tall sure, but I don't think a lady has said I made her feel tiny. And close. Six seven...I think", Tento said raising a finger to uis cheek to give a light tap tap tap.

Tebto would then shift once again, his arms going into his sleeves crossed over his chest. That warm smile still on his face. Perhaps this was something none of his business. But...

"Pardon me. When I have found myself in meditation its because I'm trying resolve something internally...". Welp, nosing probing time he supposed.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Tentos10
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Sun May 07, 2023 9:00 pm
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader14
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana's expression brightened in surprise at his actual height. She was off by a few inches, but she hadn't expected more than six five. She had recently met someone near Tento's height, but was sure Kyo was shorter. "Well, I am a lot smaller than a lot of the people I've been meeting." Hana explained, placing her hand on her own head. "I wonder if there is a correlation between reiryoku and height..."

"Truthfully, I wasn't idly meditating, but attempting to bond with my zanpakuto spirit," Hana said solemnly, "I've been trying for a while now and haven't received a hint to their existence, at least not beyond the first transformation from an asauchi to zanpakuto. Any small sign would suffice, but they don't seem to want to talk. I wonder whether I am doing it correctly, or maybe its too soon, or they hate me."

Hana brought her zanpakuto in close, leaning her cheek on the handle and hilt. The look in her eyes, as she gazed out in a random direction, was a mixture of sadness and disappointment. Realizing she was definitely lowering any spirits, she pushed up a small, but clearly forced smile. "That's okay, I'll get it someday. Besides, I might not even be cracked up to being a Shinigami, so it's possibly for the best."

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Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Empty Re: Always In Training [Tento/Hana]

Wed May 10, 2023 12:03 am
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well he had to admit she was awfully short in comparison to him. But for a woman, he thought she was average size. Perhaps a little on the smol side. Her response and wonder about the possible correlation did made him laugh lightly though. "No I dont... huh. Actually. I don't know. I know people can adjust their Zanpakuto size. And...I have heard hollows increasing their height so".

It was...a wonder actually. "Hmmmm. Yes but no? Correlation but not causation maybe, heh".

As light and jokeful seemed to be. The serious side of the conversation was about to pop its head. When Hana began yo say what she was really doing he simply nodded his head and listen. Bonding or attempting to with one Zan was an important part of being a Shinigami. "Miss Hana. Have you considered that you Zanpakuto is a shy spirit, or that they are simply not ready? A Zanpakuto is shaped by ones partner. Growing with them to become something. But time, for such a thing is always an indidualistic thing", Tento offered offered in a soft tone.

He knew of this headache and pain though. It took seven years for him to hear Shiōmaru's voice. And almost another year to unlocked their name and Shikai form...

"Either way, I would like to say keep your spirit high. But, as one that went through this same experience. I know how hard and frustrating this can be. As well as...doubtful", he said earnestly looking down into the trouble woman's eyes. Trying to give her some type of reassure and hope.

For a second, Tento had a...disapproving look in his eyes and face. That forced smiled. That fake okayness. He sighed and sat down, next to where Hana had been before patting it. Letting her choose to do so in the end before speaking. "You will. But tell me, what is this about not being cracked up to be a Shinigami??", he asked looking up at her.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Tentos10
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Fri May 12, 2023 9:30 pm
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader14
Enter: Hana Aoyama

While Hana listened to his words, there wasn't much that made her want to take them to heart. By no means was it meant to be offensive to him, so she said little to nothing in reply. She watched him sit. He pat the spot near him, and her arms tightened around her zanpakuto again, as if she were contemplating the safety of this circumstance. She took a step back, and chose to sit about five feet away from Tento, as if this distance meant anything to anyone with any skill with shunpo.

"Being a Shinigami is difficult," Hana said as if she read it from a dictionary. "Have you watched the humans these days? They have countless ways of entertaining themselves, choosing their own paths... The Soul Society feels little more than a husk of what it could be, bound by the glorification of the Shinigami and their duty to keep the Soul Cycle balanced..." Hana sighed, and shrugged. "What if I could be a painter? Or a race car driver..." Hana chuckled as the second option left her lips.

"A little silly, I know." Hana waved it off. "But at least the opportunity is there for them. Here, your options are be poor, be a noble, do a miniscule job, or be a Shinigami, and I've proven to be mediocre. I had the privilege of meeting a women who knew how to add ice to her kido. A friend of mine gained their shikai before graduating, and I'm pretty sure is training with Lord Kuchiki. I, on the other hand, needed rescuing from a hollow, can't sense an Arrancar to save my life, got lectured for being pathetic by that same Arrancar, only recently got my zanpakuto to transform, and have most kido destabilize due to my own incompetence."

Hana curled her knees to her chest, whispering, "I should have just listened to Dad."

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Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Empty Re: Always In Training [Tento/Hana]

Fri May 19, 2023 8:47 am
Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well, she was listening and willing to chat. But her emotions was clear that such words weren't hitting home or a core with her. And why would they? Tento was a stranger. And his words were generic. No deep secrets or truths, no heart pulling realization or confrontation. His soft brown gaze took her in. The clutch of her Zanpakuto closer in her arms as if it was a new babe against the bitter cold air. As she sat down after a step back Tento decided to shift in response. Him moving his body further awayrom Hana five more feet. A mere figurative action really, one he understood easy enough when it came to the mental realms of comfort.

Tento then face forward. Eyes closed and just...ears opened. Whether she needed to just vent. To have an honest conversation. Or a mix, he would focus on this you g woman's words and feelings with an upmost dedication. Once she did, he would speak. Working though his responses as he opened his eyes and continued to look forward. Speaking to her but avoiding the pressure that may come from the feeling of his eyes on her.

"Being a Shinigami is indeed hard. Not a task that everyone can have the opportunity to do. And even more not many that can do it", Tento began softly. "Humans, we. Ah.... they are very interesting. So much before the eye to grasp in the world that has been built. In comparison to the bright Civil life, the military duty of the Gotei United can be far different. The every turning doors of missions can be tiring, but we do have some life of our own. Downtime to pursue and create happiness. Life", a Tento said scratching the top of his head.

"When there is light...there is a shdow. And wherever there is a shadow there is light. Security of peace, the paths to pursuit of happiness. It is what we do and why we exist", Tento then tilted his head up gaze up at the sky. "But it is not our end all be all. We may love for hundreds of thousands of years". He sighed bringing his head down, turning to Hana. His voice soft and warm like a freshly cleaned blanket and deep like that of a lake's depths.

"But I think we are what we choose to be. And we can do more than we think. You're life Hana, doesn't end at being a Shinigami. It only starts. You can be a painter, you can create in the times of peace or break. Such a wish of ease and normality is....good. It reminds us why we fight so hard and stay watchful in our duty. At least I belive so".

Tento then gestured a hand towards her. As is rolling the I to her court. "In the end though Hana. This life in your hand is that. Yours. What do YOU want from it and want to do? You reference your friends and compare, but why? Do you desire what they have? Do you wish to grow? Do you wish to be the same as them? Things change in time and effort. One I believe in as you are a Shinigami. You had to work hard and be good to become one and get where you stood. Please have some pride in that as it is something you did with your own hands".

Well, that was that. It was up to her how she would take it. He was curious though. "Your dad??? What did he say if I may ask?".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Last edited by Ottozeo on Sat May 20, 2023 8:44 am; edited 1 time in total

Always In Training [Tento/Hana] Tentos10
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