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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun May 07, 2023 7:08 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] 6EdIfMt

It was nice to be back in the Seireitei, and nice that she could be back in the Seireitei. She had a lot to thank Abalia for, even if the woman was retired these days. Though there was another person who helped out, more subtly and without either of them really knowing. Elyss, and her support despite her own problems, allowed Hannah to subsconsciously see that not all Shinigami were cruel things like she expected of them, which opened the way for later.

So it was, that in her time off, Hannah wandered off to the 7th Division barracks to see if her friend was in, and maybe get some tea if she was, and catch up on how life had been going for the Captain.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Kanji Man
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Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Empty Re: Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba]

Sun May 07, 2023 7:19 am

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

The Seireitei had changed quite a lot since she'd last been to it, and that wasn't only considering the actual structural layout of the place. The particular individuals that inhabited it also had changed quite a lot, from their general demeanor to their actual Spiritual Pressure. They were indeed stronger, just as Tento had said, but that didn't really impress her all that much, to her that was just a sign that they'd not yet stagnated, which by itself was still a good thing. She recognized that some areas were likely off-limits to her since she was not officially apart of this new Gotei, however that didn't stop her from wanting to check in on her old 'stomping grounds' as some say namely the Seventh Division.

She was sure they likely weren't anything like what she'd last known, and their duties were likely changed as well, however she wanted to see if anyone she knew was still apart of it or if they'd all vanished. From what she'd learned thus far by just asking around, it seemed that Komamura was indeed no longer the Captain, in fact it seemed nobody really knew what had happened to him. However she didn't want that thought slowing her down or impeding her, so she just simply chalked it all up to the ones she'd talked too being more new Shinigami that weren't around when he was... and hoped.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun May 07, 2023 7:32 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] 6EdIfMt

While heading there, she was a little distractable, given that she liked learning new things. And so she saw a woman in the Barracks. Nothing was notable about her physical form, but there was a slight disruption in her spiritual energy. Not like a wound or anything, but like there was something missing. So she would walk up to her and engage in conversation.

"Good morning" Hannah would state, opening with a polite tone so she didn't spook the woman. After all, 'Hey, what's wrong with you?' was a poor opening to any conversation.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Sun May 07, 2023 8:19 am

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

The Seventh itself hadn't changed to any drastic degree, outside of new members which was a norm for any squad the structure itself had remained mostly the same. Truthfully this meant little overall, outside of the fact that Fuurinji herself wouldn't need any actual guidance as far as getting around. However that itself was of little consequence, for her attention was soon distracted from those thoughts by another greeting her.

Turning slightly at first, and shortly after turning completely, she took in the silhouette of the one who'd greeted her, before returning the greeting herself. "Oh, uh, Good Morning to you as well. How're you doing today?" She figured giving a greeting and at least establishing the conversation was probably a good way to start, and hopefully lead into more probing questions later.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Empty Re: Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba]

Sun May 07, 2023 8:37 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] 6EdIfMt

The question didn't need to be asked, it seemed, because as Hannah got close, she could feel the answer. For some reason, she had a reiatsu limiter around her wrist. She understood that some people had that because their power exceeded their capability to control it, and was sufficient enough to cause major issues when it was out and about like that, but...Even if Hannah assumed this woman to be four times as powerful with the limiter off, even that wasn't enough to really cause any issues.

A new question popped up in the course of the old one being answered, though there needed to be a tactful way of asking that. 'You are too weak to need such a limiter, so what's wrong?' would not get her any friends at all.

"I am doing alright, thank you. I was coming to visit a friend here, but got a little side-tracked due to interest in your state of being. If you do not mind me asking a few questions, of course"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Sun May 07, 2023 8:56 am

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

"My... state of being?" She repeated quizzically, tilting her head to the side. It was, admittedly, rather obvious that she was blind, a black piece of cloth around ones eyes wasn't exactly the most subtle thing in the world she could admit. But something told her that wasn't it, or at the very least wasn't the entirety of it. "Are you referring to my blindfold?" She wondered aloud.

"I suppose I could answer a few questions, if you're at least willing to entertain mine afterwards." A fair trade in her opinion, information for information, and it wasn't like hers would be too... invasive for the woman in question at least, and perhaps the questions tossed at her wouldn't be either... there was only one way to find out.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Empty Re: Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba]

Sun May 07, 2023 9:07 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] 6EdIfMt

She's blind? Huh, Hannah had missed that. Obviously, since she didn't get much in the way of details when casually wandering like this. It was a touch of effort and nuisance besides to pull it in enough to get details like that, so she just let it be and vibed at silhouette and spiritual energy. But that was for later, right now she wanted something more specific.

"Ohh, no. It was not about the blindfold, but I would definitely be up for answering some of your questions afterwards. My question was more about the reiatsu limiter on your wrist. I was wondering why you needed such a thing as you are now. I am sorry if it sounded insensitive, I tend to be more on a forthright trend of conversation..."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Empty Re: Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba]

Mon May 08, 2023 1:49 pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Ah, so it wasn't about the blindfold... and rather why she limited her energy reserves. "Ah well..." She paused, lifting her wrist up and staring at the bracelet for a moment "One could chalk it up to having too much Reiatsu than the body can handle properly I suppose, though in my case that isn't so much the issue at hand. For my part, my Reiatsu tends to be... uh, uncontrollable? I think that might be the easiest way to describe it anyway, especially in combat. It fluctuates rather wildly due to the nature of my Zanpakuto's, while harmonious at some points they can be uh... at odds with each other in the heat of battle."

She shrugged slightly as she lowered her arm "This limiter ensures the fluctuations that happen are kept minimal at most and non-existent at best, it limits some of my capabilities but I don't tend to use a lot of things like kido that use Reiatsu, and instead tend to rely on my speed and execution of basic Hakuda techniques like the Tesshō or Kazaguruma which relies more on a users physical strength rather than their Reiatsu capabilities."

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Empty Re: Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba]

Mon May 08, 2023 2:38 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] 6EdIfMt

Hannah could absolutely relate to having more Reiryoku than one could handle. Her thin, seemingly malnourished body was due to many years of being internally ravaged by the raging Fire Sea that was her Soul. Even now, when she stood in relative control of it, it was still something she had to carefully watch over, lest a relapse happen...

"Hmmm. I can relate to that kind of trouble. The research they did on me when I was going through that is probably what they used on your device, to get it out without you being hurt too much by it. Though, at the same time I can tell you that you should rely on yourself. To control your own power by your own means. A limiter is just a stop-gap, just an emergency to help you prevent anything major from being damaged. It is not something to be relied on, or else you might find yourself outstripped by your own power, and ravaged by it without remorse"

Hannah had a deep, somewhat sombre tone as she spoke. Ruminating on the possibilities. The seal, if there was such a thing to be, should be more internal and dynamic. Something similar to Small Manners, but different. She wanted to help, not hinder, after all.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba] Empty Re: Do you see my point? [Hannah/Wakaba]

Mon May 08, 2023 4:21 pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Fuurinji chuckled slightly before rubbing the back of her head "I... doubt that very much. It's more likely that its technology was based off of Zaraki Kenpachi's, except rather than consume it this one merely keeps it in check." Considering when exactly she got this bracelet, and the fact she had no knowledge of the person in front of her, Fuu found it rather unlikely the two were linked in any real way. "Controlling it is... not something I can do. I've always been terrible at pretty much anything that requires Reiryoku or Reiatsu in pretty much any way."

Of this she was being truthful, it was the actual reason she never practiced Kido in earnest, most of it would probably fizzle or just explode in her hands. "As for being ravaged by it, that is again something this bracelet is for. The fluctuations of my Reiatsu are random. Some days they can be perfectly calm, and the next day I could spend the entire day doing naught but trying to keep it under control. I guess another way to think about it would be like a sedative for my Zanpakuto Spirits, it keeps the more... tempestuous one from taking control or getting too rowdy. Controlling her would be like controlling the winds themselves. A task that, for most, is simply impossible, and even for those who understand its currents is still a challenge beyond their years."

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