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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Wed May 24, 2023 9:48 pm
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 FOOL_E_zHbYxVgAQ-U_F

"Of course! I'd never lie about something like that!" He chuckled, taking another bite of his food and perking up just a little bit, even despite the somewhat dreary thoughts that assailed him. Being a bit tipsy certainly helped, and thankfully he wasn't so far gone that he had to worry abut devolving into any ruts about his situation. And of course, the support from Rio Helped. His face warmed and he gave a sheepish smile as she promptly assured him. Though ....wait what was that last part?

He blinked a bit owlishly

"Like you?" He echoed, briefly a bit, stunned and sobered by that murmur from the Shihoin. HAd he heard her correctly? But what came next from her was something else entirely. That playful little smile on her face, and the look that she seemed to give him as she offered that question in a harmless tone. But it still hit him like a brick to the face. Well, alright maybe something tougher than a brick, that probably wouldn't even hurt him much. And the answer ....tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop it.

"I'd say yes."

His eyes widened a little, startled by his own answer as he ....considered. IT felt so natural that he'd surprised even himself. But looking at the Shihoin, he could think of nothing to refute what she'd said. She was great to be around. She was thrilling to fight. And she had a personality that seemed to work well with his. And more than that?
He felt like he had an effect on her. He wasn't just her friend. Some wayward stone off to the side that was settled as she flowed on by. She often hinged on the things that he said. And well..she'd alreayd told him before, he'd changed her quite a bit from how she had once been. And for the BETTER at that. And even more, he wanted to CONTINUE helping her, pushing her to be more, to accomplish more, to be happier.

And so, with his face all but burning. Igen reached out, and gently rested his hand on the table, before glancing up to Rio and smiling sheepishly. Turning the palm upward, and offering his hand to her.
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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Wed May 24, 2023 10:27 pm
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 HEADING_manjuu_and_south_dakota_azur_lane_drawn_by_hayabusa__sample-edc500469ff0856b150122e54dafb499

"Yes, like me."

Maintaining that warm smile, Rio made it abundantly clear that there was no hesitation in her tone, no words that could possibly misconstrued, even with a degree of alcohol in her system. She wasn't some heavyweight that could it well by any measure, but she was in her right state of mind here. This was Rio Shihoin genuinely asking that one question. She gave him a moment to reflect on it, allowed him to contemplate his own answer. Then, it came. Her smile grew all the wider that it was something she wanted to hear. After all, what was the purpose in allowing someone else to pass her by?

To claim someone she genuinely appreciated for the impact he held on her life? No matter how many times she repeated, she wondered if she would have developed the courage to stand on her own... to arrive here. Yet... it all circled back to him. A catalyst. A genuine source of support. If nothing else, it was worth the exploration. It was worth being brave, worth stepping out again. Therefore, when he brought his hand forward, opening that palm, Rio gently placed hers atop his own, gazing into his eyes with a bold glint. They were here now. Might as well see where it goes, no?

"Good. Then let me ask you officially so there's no confusion, as silly as it seems to repeat myself. Will you go out on a date with me, Igen?"

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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Wed May 24, 2023 10:45 pm
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 FOOL_E_zHbYxVgAQ-U_F

The confidence with which Rio spoke caught him off guard, not only that but that smile certainly got his pulse and mind racing. And as the woman reached out and promptly slipped their hand into his own, he gave a light little squeeze, as if to affirm to himself that it wasn't a trick. Oh,....oh fuck this was real. OH FUCK THIS WAS REAL! His eyes widened, and he..briefly felt a sudden wave of .... excitement and panic all at once!

And of course, the first thought that came to mind was almost instantly quashed by that clarification. Alright well, that just wasn't fair! Igen's own fleeing sense of selfprotection struggled with all of this. To construe or perceive as something that wasn't quite what was being said to him. To leave some doubt so that he might be spared the pressure of this sudden question. And yet, Rio was stalwart, more like an ironmaiden than a shield! And it was.....exhilarating. To not have any doubt that ...Rio WAS interested in him.

And for just a moment, he almost hesitated. But well, it was a little hard when Rio's hand was firmly set in his own, giving it a little squeeze before a shaky smile formed on his lips as he straightened up just a little.
"Heck yea I do."
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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Wed May 24, 2023 11:00 pm
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 HEADING_manjuu_and_south_dakota_azur_lane_drawn_by_hayabusa__sample-edc500469ff0856b150122e54dafb499

"Good. Now there are no longer any doubts. I... look forward to going on our first date."

All things considered, Rio enjoyed the exhilaration that came with being bold for a change. She had always played a role that dictated that she adhere to a parameter, keeping herself confined to a life that had eventually become dull and uninspiring. For this one moment, she felt invigorated. Happy. Content. Courageous. Any word that could lead to - or equal - confidence had abounded in her soul. What made it even better is that this was all her.

This wasn't something she'd have to excuse once the next day passed. His reaction to all of this was undeniably cute. She thought of the possible locations. Contemplated where they might enjoy time together. She had certainly know what it was like to be the pursued, but this was something else entirely. What could she think of? What did she want to think of? If nothing else, she certainly wanted it to be special. She wondered if there was anything he may have wanted to chose in particular, and so she posed that question to bring it all into perspective.

"Now, we just need to think of a time and place. Naturally, I have my duties to attend to, but apart from that, my schedule is fairly open. Where would you like to go for our first date, Igen?"

Repeating it one more time... just to drive it home.

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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Thu May 25, 2023 6:04 am
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 HEADER_95077084_p3-CT

Igen's smile softened, just a little, comforted by the calm and confidence with which Rio seemed to be handling this all! His own internal thoughts and feelings were.....simple...but panicked! As if worried this might all turn out to be some alcohol induced dream. "Me too!" He managed, his food now forgotten as his attention was entirely captive to Rio. However, the question seemed to catch him a bit off guard. It was almost startling! He'd always held doubts and insecurities about such a situation, but with Rio taking the lead like this there was little room for any of that! And it was when Rio asked him where HE'D like to go that it suddenly hit him.

Ooh right.... SHE had asked HIM out. Did....did that mean he was the one being courted? "Ahah I uhm... well I mean, we've hung out a lot, I kinda always wind up roping you to my own favorite places. I'd like to see what kinda places you like to frequent. Any kinds of spots or hangouts that you like to go to a lot?" He ventured, before looking around and chuckling. They kinda DID almost seem like they were on a date right now. But he refrained from pointing that out for the time being.
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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Thu May 25, 2023 6:43 am
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 HEADING_manjuu_and_south_dakota_azur_lane_drawn_by_hayabusa__sample-edc500469ff0856b150122e54dafb499

"Hm... I suppose that is true. I am already taking the lead as it is. I might as well see it through entirely, then. That includes choosing time and location. Let's see..."

With her remaining hand, Rio tapped her cheek in silent contemplation. Igen was correct. Several times in the past, he had usually been the one who convinced her in following him along to his own favorite places, but those had never been spent under the light of a date, a potentially romantic evening dependent on synergy and budding chemistry. She didn't want to go against this process half-heartedly.

That much was certain. As such, she reflected on any place she had frequented before. Dancing between a series of thoughts as she squeezed his hand, Rio wondered about this particular moment itself. It was a celebration, sure, but it held a similar beat or two of a date. Yet, she viewed that as something of a technicality, albeit playfully. It began as a celebration, and now they were here. What a sequence of events, right? Maybe there was an upcoming festival. The summer was nearing, after all. There were plenty of locations to enjoy in the Soul Society at that time.

"You know... even though we started this as friends celebrating one another's success, this feels like a date in and of itself. Which, if I'm being honest, I certainly don't mind. I'd say you've thoroughly impressed me on today's front, but I digress... What about a summer festival? I've enjoyed frequenting those during the changing seasons."

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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Sat May 27, 2023 12:01 pm
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 HEADER_95077084_p3-CT

Igen gave a sheepish smile at that. "Well hey now, I don't know about the Lead. I think I did a lot of the heavy lifting with all that stammering." He pointed out nervously, his mind still reeling from the fact that this had ...gone ...well? Some small part of him kept expecting for him to wake up from some kinda blackout stupor. Rio Shihoin had just asked him out. He was now DATING Rio Shihoin. Which sure, yea, that name was kinda... like.... he didn't really understand the context behind it. He was never into like, Noble celebrities. She was just his friend and all that... BUT STILL SHE WAS A VICE CAPTAIN! Which was the far more impressive feat in his opinion!

Ugh, he needed to chill, before he got too tipsy and said something stupid. He took another bite of his food, almost choking when Rio pointed out that their little outing may very well be considered a date. "AHAH! I ...I mean yea I guess that makes sense. But I dunno if that really counts. Don't dates have like a bunch of flirting and making out?" He chuckled. Well, at least thats how it always sounded back when he heard about his friends dating. He had no real idea if his own experience was the universal norm. Still, he did start to squirm a little, slowly realizing he might have let out a little cringe right there. Why was he so bad at this. He talked to Rio just fine a few days ago! Why was it suddenly so nerve wracking?!

"A uhh, festival sounds nice! Is ...there one thats going to be going on soon? I'm not even sure how far into summer we are..." He admitted. USUALLY he was always about that kinda thing. But as of late work had been somewhat keeping him occupied from such things. "Though It might be ...hard. Depending on when it is. I've been working a lot down in Africa now that I think about it..." He admitted. True he got a few days off here and there, but it had been a bit hard to squeeze in things.
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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Sat May 27, 2023 11:39 pm
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 HEADING_manjuu_and_south_dakota_azur_lane_drawn_by_hayabusa__sample-edc500469ff0856b150122e54dafb499

"Perhaps you are correct. Of course, so far I'd say that is anything but the case. You are free to prove me wrong if you disagree."

Humoring Igen with a wink, Rio continued to contemplate the idea. She wasn't particularly challenging him on who was taking the lead here. This was an entirely different category of conversation than she was use to. She was going to be dating someone who, moments prior, one of her true best friends in the Soul Society. It was a lot take in, but she was shockingly handling it quite handily, all things told.

Of course, her attention, once drawn elsewhere, returned to Igen the moment he spoke about what constituted a date. For at least a moment, Igen's perception would find her dancing on the backfoot as a soft shade of red graced her honeyed cheeks. She was no expert on this, either, but still! If it weren't for Hakuyou, she was likely as inexperienced as anyone else who hadn't dated before.

"I-i can't say for certain. It's been some time since I've been on a date."

Thankfully, with the conversation shifting back to Igen, Rio could regain her composure in short order. His words sort of brought her down to earth about this. Africa... that's right. He had fought there alongside others in wake of the hollow attacks in Vastime. Perhaps it would have to come quicker, then. Although she didn't doubt his abilities, part of her never would forgive herself if they missed out and he returned severely injured - or perhaps something gravely worse than that. After contemplating for a few more minutes, she nodded her head as she slowly raised her hand.

"You do make a good point. I suppose the best option would be to get to it as quickly as possible, then, no? I think there might be something happening tomorrow, even if it isn't a festival. Would that be fine?" "

Last edited by Iori on Mon May 29, 2023 8:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Mon May 29, 2023 7:35 am
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 HEADER_95077084_p3-CT

Igen chuckled softly and gave a smewhat sheepish smile as ...well yea he supposed that indignation aside, she kinda ...was running this little show. That little wink making his heart race just ever so slightly before he gave a slight clearing of his throat. "Well It's not like I mind. It's.... actually kinda nice." He noted, certainly it was ....differwent to see Rio like this! She was always pretty confident and competent, but seeing this impishness was rather cute! Especially when she seemed to falter at the mention of kissing. Wait, how long HAD it been since she'd been on a proper date? For just a moment he tiltd his head, before a little gentle smile crossed his lips. Getting up, he circled his way around the table before promptly parking himself right next to her.

"Ahah, well maybe not all that stuff at first. But things do kinda tend to lean that way. But we can take things a little slower than that." He pointed out, reaching over and gently taking her hand again, of course he felt like screaming internally, but her own nervousness banished his own. After all, he didn't want her to freak out even more! And so, as she stammered and seemed to falter a bit, he leaned over, and gently kissed her on the cheek. "Then we can just go with whatever feels right, no need to worry about experience." He chuckled, trying to help ease her worries a bit. sure he probably had more dating experience than her, but honestly, thinking back about how...dense he'd been. Yea it probably barely counted as normal dating experience.

And then Rio seemed to get her confidence back.

For just a brief instant, he balked, a bit ..unsure what she meant! Do what?! But then she continued on, and after several moments of contemplation, he realized she meant the date. "OH! Uhm.... well that works. Sure, we can go out tomorrow then." He chuckled, admittedly a bit red in the face due to his own brief misunderstanding of her words. Nope, just ignore it Igen, don't be a weirdo, just roll.
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Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 Empty Re: Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen]

Mon May 29, 2023 9:18 am
Moving Up, Tiger [Rio, Igen] - Page 3 HEADING_manjuu_and_south_dakota_azur_lane_drawn_by_hayabusa__sample-edc500469ff0856b150122e54dafb499


Even though she had momentarily found herself on the defensive for a moment, Rio found an extra measure of confidence return at hearing those words. To an even greater degree, she found herself flattered by his admission. The kiss, too, helped to assuage any nervous energy that threatened to set in.Proper dating etiquette aside, this was still a lot to take in.

Regardless of the specific timeframe, she was going to be going on a date with Igen. They entered this estate with celebration in mind - genuinely prepared to celebrate one another's success - yet by the end of this night, they would officially be dating one another, and if all went well... a couple.

For one who had missed out on romance before, it was still hard to believe. Before he pulled back to speak, Rio would return the gesture, planting a kiss on his cheek in return. Sighing softly, her golden gaze would met with his eyes as she smiled in response.

"True. Experience aside, I look forward to this. Tomorrow it is, then."

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