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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:37 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Header-manasa

Another one? She pouted when she was told that another stowaway was aboard, her cheeks were a bit rosy already since she had started her most recent string of drinks nice and early. It was four o'clock somewhere after all! Regardless, apparently it was her turn to go deal with intruders but Manasa liked to think she was wayyyyy more personable than the others. I mean, a girl like her was way more enjoyable than someone who hated you on principle and the other who wanted to own you like property.

She just wanted you to loosen up and let your hair down.

"Who 're you?"

Manasa asked when she had arrived on the scene. Already in her swimsuit with the loose shawl over the top. Her mismatched eyes were a little hyperactive in looking over Priscilla. She was a cutie but that wasn't what came to mind first, she was already going through the routes of what kind of girl she was like. Did she like to party? Did she like to drink? How did she tolerate it? Was she a lightweight or would she outdrink an elephant?

All very important questions.

"Sorry, I mean. What's up, my fellow hollow?"

Where were her manners, really? Kinda boring to adhere to though but Safira did get mad when she acted so casually all the time. Manasa just let her thoughts flow from one tangent to another while she waited. The bottle of hard alcohol meeting her lips so she could take another swig. Yummy.


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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:55 am
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Header-manasa

"My my, aren't you a bubbly one? I want some of what you're on."

She thought the bubbly attitude was a little endearing in a kind of delicious way you know? Manasa definitely licked her lips at the thought of getting something that could set her on that high that put her head in the clouds for a few hours.

"Oh, I'm Manasa btw. You want the beach? Sure, I'll cut ya some slack."

The serpent explained, a shrug of her shoulders like the whole thing was simple. She could be like the rest of them and have a stick up her ass except where's the fun in that? Safira wanted people to do what she wanted and Manasa knew the best way to get someone on your side was to fulfil all their whims.


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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Wed Aug 02, 2023 3:42 am
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Header-manasa

That was a serious question, just what was this girl on. Manasa wanted whatever substance she was taking to abuse like it was no one's business. Alas though she was being a little guarded about it but just a bit of coaxing here and there, an addict could overcome anything for a hit dontcha know?

Her hand came up to wrap it around Priscilla's wrist when she touched her nose. Each digit as a vine that took hold to not let the other arrancar escape now that she'd committed.

"You're so right, love the wisdom there sister. Why even waste any more time here when it's so much more fun to be had? You ever tried drinking and swimming? It can be quite the rush to struggle against your sinking body while trying to keep your head above water. A total thrill."

She said while beginning to tug the other woman along. There was a nice little secluded spot she knew of on the beach where she could really work Priscilla. The boss did want extra hands after all, getting all buddy buddy was always the best incentive to keeping someone close by.


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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:19 am
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Header-manasa

Not a lot going on in this one's head was there? Manasa thought to herself while her drunken gaze lingered on Priscilla's. The blue eyes were like an ocean you could totally get lost in if you dropped your guard and not in the romantic way, they were the type that could really give you some nasty trips.

"I work here, I'm like one of the bosses."

She says all hush hush to her, it's a secret after all and would be a bit of a problem if everyone suddenly tried to mooch up to one of the people in charge. Not really the best secret keeper though after putting that out there so the validity of this as clear as she is intoxicated at the moment.

"And because I'm one of the bosses, we can have as much fun as we want together."

That idea of fun might not be for everyone though. What was more fun than struggling to remember the night before, waking up in an awkward position with a hangover that was just telling you to jam more substances in your body to make it go away. The greatest kind of medicine was the worst kind of poison to her and if she gets her way she'll be holding the goblet to this cutie's lips for her to sip down too.


Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Gamma_Signature
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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:47 am
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Header-manasa

What kind of fun. Jeez, did this girl need an itinerary for fun or something? Whatever happened to the good old attitude of go with the flow, she hated this whole planning business.

Letting her free hand cop a feel of the woman's toned midriff her thoughts were squarely on thinking how it would be a pretty neat platform to do some body shots, or maybe sniff a few lines, off. There were no pure thoughts in this neverending need to chase a greater feeling of pleasure to avoid the apathy and monochrome reality she saw without them.

Everything needed to be turned into an aparatus to escape pain. That was the core of every human seeking to find solace from the harsh reality.

"Can't have anyone stealing our ideas. You wanna try something that'll make your headspin?"

She offers without any concrete idea of what substance to try and stuff into Priscilla first.


Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] Gamma_Signature
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