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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:10 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 CzhaocQ


Once again, Priscilla took Manasa at her word. Of course it would be a blast, she even promised! It didn't take long after that promise was made for Priscilla's senses to start to betray and play tricks on her, as she almost felt like she could taste the audible pop Manasa's finger made when it left her mouth. She was in the clouds, her head spinning just as her friend had said it would, pure bliss sending waves of pleasure up and down her arms and legs. Legs? Did she still have legs? What was holding her up? Priscilla had to look down to check, and sure enough there were legs there. But were they hers?

Not long after that Priscilla lost all awareness of their surroundings and actions. Things were peaceful and chaotic and colorful and black and white. Hours passed like this, or at least she thought it was hours, maybe it was days, who knows? There were flashes of people, things, lights, and sounds, but trying to piece them together like a puzzle was too great an endeavor for Priscilla. She just knew she was having fun.

The Arrancar of Regret wouldn't allow herself to feel any such thing. When they made their way to Manasa's suite, Priscilla was still in the clouds, though she could at least make out her surroundings. A disheveled room to match it's occupants. Priscilla looked at herself in a mirror, noticing at some point she had discarded various items of clothing and accessories leaving her in her blue two-piece swimsuit and a single sandal. Oh well. she thought as she turned to Manasa, now splayed out wherever she happened to find a spot. Priscilla staggered a few feet before falling to her knees, and crawled the rest of the way to her friend before finally collapsing onto her back next to the other woman. Priscilla sighed contentedly.

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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:41 am
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Header-manasa


She murmured to herself at the feeling of something rousing her and the feeling of a hangover clawed at the senses. Where were they? What had happened? Oh, that didn't matter. It must've been fun given the fact that Manasa looked down to see that she had somehow acquired more clothes in their time out. Who was this girl again?

That was the question that stuck in her head. Pri- Pri- Uh, Prissy. There we go. Close enough to suit her needs she thought to herself while sitting up and having flashes of the night. Something about swimming, eating something which she couldn't remember, dancing, and teasing.

"Hey, didn't you have more clothes on? What'd you do with them?"

Manasa asked the other arrancar. It wasn't like there was much on her to begin with but now there was even less. Did she take them off or something? Maybe. Perhaps they were still laying in some bizarre location where they had been discarded the night previous.


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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:28 am
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 CzhaocQ


Light filtering into the room struck Priscilla's face as she blinked repeatedly to get the sleep out of her eyes. In a daze, she sat up and looked around the unfamiliar environment she found herself in. The room looked like a cyclone had hit it, with furniture, drawers, and all sorts of things moved out of place and knocked over. Oh well, Priscilla thought, at least it isn't destroyed. If it was, it wouldn't have been the first time she woke up to such a scene.

Priscilla turned when she heard Manasa mumble something and yawned, her arms outstretched toward the ceiling as she did. When Manasa asked about her clothes, Priscilla looked down at her mostly-exposed body and shrugged her shoulders "Guess I got hot." Looking at her friend, she noticed Manasa had gone the opposite direction; she'd somehow picked up more clothes. "And you must have been cold!"

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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:48 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Header-manasa

"N-nope. I have no idea who these clothes belong to but they aren't mine."

She complained while taking off the top that looked like it was for a much bigger person. It was too hot for all this stuff, and when you lived right next to the beach why bother with all this extra stuff.

"So, have fun? I told you it'd be great- I think I did anyway. I think you might've ended up getting married to a stranger though but that's tomorrow's problem to deal with."

Did Priscilla actually marry a stranger? She couldn't be certain but there were quite a few business folk that came for leisure so it could've just been any old businessman in a suit that was talking to her during the night just gone that put the thought in her head.


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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:32 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 CzhaocQ


"Oh." said Priscilla as she tilted her head and watched Manasa undress from these random clothes she had accumulated. What a weird thing to happen. Oh well! She stretched her arms up into the air and opened her mouth in a great yawn, her jaw pushed to the limits as she inhaled. Whatever happened last night it had been exhausting. But today was a new day! A new day for adventure and, most importantly, more fun.

Marriage? That could be interesting, thought Priscilla. Something new, at least. But from what she could remember those guys last night were big bores. If she was married now, she hoped it wasn't to any of them. "I had a great time! Maybe. I don't really remember everything that happened Manasa. Or most things. Or much of anything."

Priscilla brought a hand up and scratched lightly at her head, confused about some images flashing in her mind. Had those things really happened? "I think someone kept trying to mess with my horns. Maybe that's who I married? Do you remember anything else Manasa?" inquired Priscilla.

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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:06 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Header-manasa

"I think I tried to bite them..."

Manasa presented after a pause, for some reason her mouth felt a little sore like she'd ground her teeth against something hard overnight. Nevermind that now, Priscilla had asked her a question and it was her responsibility to answer. Any answer, the first one that came to mind! She leaned in close, too close, and filled the other arrancar's vision with mismatched eyes.

"Oh! Maybe it was us that got married. I'm a total catch, aren't I?"

She encouraged, eager to hear just a little bit more of Priscilla adhere to her whims. Get drunk off them until she was knotted around the chimera's finger like a pretty little ring.


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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:37 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 CzhaocQ


Had Manasa really tried to bite her horns? Priscilla didn't know what to think about that. That was hardly what they were meant for...but, she couldn't really remember anyway! The flame-haired Arrancar brought her hands up and rubbed her soft fingers over the tough horns protruding from either side of her head. She didn't feel any toothy indentations, but even if Manasa had spent all night chewing on them Priscilla wasn't sure any marks would be left behind anyway.

Priscilla was brought back to the real world by the sudden leaning-in of her friend, who was now close enough for her to feel the woman's breath on her lips and chin. Then Manasa hit her with the wild possibility they could have been the ones to have gotten married! Or maybe it was just a tease. Priscilla couldn't tell the difference. "Well Manasa, you are cute as a..." as she spoke she brought her right hand up and swiftly poked Manasa right on the tip of her nose, repeating what she'd tried the day before "...button!"

A realization hit Priscilla as she further considered the possibility of being married to Manasa. Unable to contain herself, she leaned back slightly and threw her hands excitedly into the air "Plus you're a big deal around here! I could do whatever I want, whenever I want!" she said with a light giggle.

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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:11 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Header-manasa

She bit at empty air as the finger that had attacked her nose retreated, maybe there was still a trace of alcohol left on it is the thought that crossed her mind. Something that might arouse a bit of excitement to her system with a bit of a buzz, alas she was left dry and having to listen to Priscilla's revelation.

What a thought.

"Hoh? You'd only wanna marry me for my status, huh? You'd wanna use me, is that it?"

Manasa advanced as she said it, grabbing at Priscilla's sides like a vine that was growing over its victim to make them at home within the prison of its clutches. She didn't sound particularly upset at the idea of being used, she was a drug after all. A poison flower with a scent oh so sweet and a poison oh so deadly to the mind.

"You want me to be your high, Pri-sci-lah?"


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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:40 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 CzhaocQ


For a hair's breath of a moment Priscilla thought she had insulted Manasa by implying she only cared about her position. This was quickly proven false as the slightly shorter woman advanced on her, Manasa's hands grasping her sides, immediately eliciting a fit of giggles and twisting from Priscilla who was dangerously ticklish in a few places she dared not reveal to this woman.

Despite her ticklishness, Priscilla did nothing to fight off her would-be assaulter. After all, she was not a woman of strong will. All she ever wanted was to just go with the flow. Conflict was for hateful fools who don't know what a good thing is. Anyone who's experienced true loss should know the folly in even the tiniest bit of discord, particularly among friends. And Manasa was her friend.

Priscilla not only allowed herself to be pulled into this vexing vortex of intoxication called Manasa, she welcomed it. If it meant having someone she could hold in times of need, follow through the light and dark, and party with day or night, she would dive in head-first. Anything else was a life of regret, a terrible nightmare to the Arrancar that very word is ascribed.

After calming from the fit of giggles Priscilla gave Manasa her answer.

"Absolutely, Ma-na-sa."

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Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Empty Re: Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:54 pm
Deep Dive into Strange Waters [Manasa, Priscilla] - Page 3 Header-manasa

"Then you'll never feel a low again as long as I'm around."

Become dependent on me, drink until you bloom, you will be a flower that will shine for eternity in bliss. It was the reality of intoxication to climb the highest of highs and freeze that moment in eternity so that it could not be reduced. So that a person could not become apathetic to it and empty. That was the chalice that Manasa carried and so she leaned in to give Priscilla a taste. A small peck that would leave the sweet taste of her lip gloss on the other arrancar's.

It was the kind of action that was deadly if she was in her true form but the path to depravity and pleasure was long and full of twists. She was harmless to her for now but she'd drag her along by the hand until she was chasing after everything Manasa offered by herself.

"You can stay with me as long as you want. I wanna see you bloom into something really pretty."


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