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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:22 am

Just a Boy

"She just... I don't know. It's cool if she can, but really it's absurd to think about." Boy muttered mindlessly as he simply worked the kitchen like he always did. It would be slow at first, especially since he just set up business. Customers would slowly start to pour in as news got out that this was a quality restaurant, just like back home in Karakura. He was just happy that he got the brief reprieve of only one customer after all the time he spent setting up. The break was quite nice, actually.

"I guess it just depends. Stronger people must have better control." Aidan assumed idly. But that did beg the question. Was that woman back then actually telling the truth? If what he had just said was true, then surely at least some of what she said wasn't total fiction. "Yeah I think I've heard stories about something like that, but never heard it called by name or ever figured out what they actually were. Guess that's why I also didn't really believe her. I sort of..." Boy bit his lip as he wondered if he should really out himself, but this girl seemed nice enough to not make fun of him. "...sort of came to this city looking to find out more about that kind of thing. And maybe, if I could, learn more about it. Maybe even see if I could... also do that sort of thing."

It was silly but well... Not quite as silly as the girl making a mess of herself. Aidan had to stifle a laugh because he didn't want to make his customer feel self conscious, but it was a very common reaction to one's first time eating ramen. "Yeah that happens to everyone, don't sweat it. You'll get more used to it the more you have." Aidan looking over his shoulder to try and gauge Violet's expression, especially as he wondered to her, "How are you liking it by the way?"

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:30 am
New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader5
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

"How am I liking what? The city or the ramen? Cause I'll tell ya now, the ramen's a troublemaker." Violet said, trying to get more than a single noodle on her chopsticks at a time. "Delicious and devious, noodles keep giving me the damn slip... Though, if you're talking about how I like the city, then it's fine. Not much different than most other cities, besides the brightness and plethora of Vandenreich..."

Finally getting up another bite, she took a moment to enjoy before speaking again. "You mentioned wanting to learn more about all that stuff to learn how to do it yourself? First, figure out whether you even have it in you. Don't waste years of studying for something you're not born for; not everyone has the ability..." Violet's voice trailed off, her tone slightly annoyed. "Anyways, why you so interested in it?"

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The Cat
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:06 am

Just a Boy

Aidan laughed when he heard his ramen was being a troublemaker for the girl. "Yeah, it tends to do that. I just hope you like it. But if you don't, let me know. I'm always working to improve." He admitted while he stepped from one counter to another. This was his livelihood at this point, but to him it was a little more than that. Not quite a lifestyle to him, but at least a craft that he intended to keep honing even on his own time.

His brow furrowed at the idea of it being a natural born thing. "How would I tell that?" The question came out of him before he could even think if it was worth asking. With a dismissive shake of his head, he simply moved on. "I mean, I'll figure it out. Somehow." It was why he was interested in it that got him to pause again, but this time it was much shorter. "Someone saved me from a Hollow attack back in Karakura. A quincy named Natasha. I... I thought she was pretty cool, and well..." It was a silly reason, kind of immature given he was in his pushing mid-twenties now, but that was indeed the reason. "I've swapped my diploma almost a dozen times. I can't find anything I like. And Natasha was just... she was pretty cool. I was wondering if it would at least be worth the try, even if it doesn't go anywhere. That's it, really."

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 3:43 pm
New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader5
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

"No worries about me liking it. Noodles are perfect, and though the flavor is new to me, it's delicious." Violet said, covering her mouth as she rudely talked with it full.

"Maybe I'm not the best to ask about that; I supposedly have the gift, yet I've failed at every attempt... to the point where my family disowned me..." Violet said casually, shrugging it off, pretending she didn't care about all of that anymore.

And then the name came. He said it while she was mid-bite too. Whether it was air or the food, something caught in her throat. She began coughing, turning on the stool to face away from him as she caught her breath. That had to be a coincidence... Clearing her throat, she wiped her face using a napkin.

"So, this Natasha. Just cool? Or was she pretty? Some... brown hair, green eyed beauty that made you want to jump into a whole new world, hm?" Violet said it, obviously fishing for something, but she worded it more like she was fishing to find out about a crush. In truth, she was trying to get him to describe the physical traits of this "Natasha" of his. How many Quincy shared the name anyway?

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The Cat
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:47 pm

Just a Boy

"Well, I-" Aidan dropped a ladle the moment he was called out and had to scramble to catch it, barely snatching it out of the air after fumbling with it for a moment. "I mean yeah that's- Well, not like that, but..." Stumbling over his words to try and defend himself until it struck him. "Wait, do you know Natasha?" Turning to look back over at Violet in surprise. This whole situation just came out of left field, but it seemed his savior had a name for herself. Or maybe this was just total coincidence.

"It's not because she's pretty that I decided to try out this whole schtick." Said the average boy with a sigh. "It's that I'm just... sick of not really knowing what to do. I'll try almost anything at this point." Emphasis on the almost, he thought to himself. Hopefully that at least got his point across that he wasn't romantically hopeless, just occupationally. Not that it was much better that way, but at least in his own mind it made him look less pathetic. "Making ramen's actually not that bad and all, but you really have to have a passion for it. It's not a lot of payoff for potentially days of work. I was hoping that coming here might give me some opportunity, in some way, to change things for the better."

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:24 pm
New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader5
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

Damn it. Was I that easy to read?

"Uh, of course?" Violet said, trying to play off the personal connection. "Most Vandenreich members are pretty well known in this city. If you don't know them, you're living under a rock. I even personally know Solomon. He's the friend I mentioned. Bet you'll get a few new customers if I bring him in."

Violet could not let it out that she was in the city. If Natasha found out, Violet wouldn't even be able to look her in the eye. She couldn't deal with that now. Besides, why should she? She is fine on her own... Thanks to Solomon.

"Sorry if I hit a nerve or something..." Violet said, looking away with a tinge of guilt on her face. She looked back up after a moment. "What do you mean you don't know what to do? About what? What exactly are you trying to change.... Yourself?"

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The Cat
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:33 pm

Just a Boy

Maybe even this girl was something more than just a normal person? Aidan had no clue why he was bringing in so many oddly important people all of a sudden. From just a normal ramen boy to getting all these shinigami and quincy visiting for a bowl of that good stuff. And if what the girl said earlier was true, about coming back for more with friends, he should just expect more of that.

"No, no, it's not a sore point or anything. I just... don't know how to describe it." He said quickly in an attempt to reassure the girl she wasn't being some kind of burden to him. In actuality, he had only spoke the way he did because even he didn't know how to describe it to himself, let alone another person.

"Yeah, I suppose you could say that. It's not like I'm trying to go through some life changing revelation, and I'm not having some kind of mid-life crisis either. I'm still too young for that. I just, like, don't know what to do with myself." He admitted about as honestly as he could. "I can't stand college, I don't have the skills or experience to get any of the jobs I'd want without it either, so I'm just kind of stuck. I only really want to try all this stuff out so I can see if it's something I want to do. No other reason, really."

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:46 pm
New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader5
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

"You're too young for that." What was meant to be an interrupted, ended up a fun moment of the two speaking in unison. As he finished, another customer walked in. While he took their order to go, Violet tried thinking of something to help him. He was a nice guy, and she could relate, at least in small part, to what he had been talking about. She wanted to provide some sort of insight, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt like a failure. What would someone like her say to help someone like him? She was useless in most departments.

"That's a stupid reason," Violet said bluntly, staring seriously at him. "You better find a stronger reason than that. The moment you start, you can't stop. So, if you find out you despise that lifestyle, you're stuck in it forever. That type of thing isn't something you can pick up and put down when you want. You activate any sort of gift, you are a target by monsters. They can sense you, find you, and you will put everyone you love in danger. There are safer places in the world, like the City of Lights, but not every place is like this and even here has been attacked."

If you stay weak and stop training, you're just a meal to them. Life becomes about survival and the power to do so. So, you must make sure that it is what you want. Do not half-ass that decision. It is a life-long, irreversible, and dangerous change."

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The Cat
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:31 pm

Just a Boy

Aidan didn't know how to respond to Violet blurting out that he was simply too young. His mind reeled from that sudden statement and he was left choking on air to find the right words for a response, only to fail miserably. Thankfully the sound of a bell ringing pulled him back to reality where he quickly spun and greeted the new customer just like he had with Violet. All they wanted was a quick bowl to go and Aidan happily obliged. The motions were second nature to him and seeing it again, anyone could tell he had been doing this for a while now. The customer got their food, was given a bow, and then were on their way leaving Aidan with a very stern talking to from his first customer.

"I-I know, I just..." He stammered, turning back to his ramen so Violet couldn't see the look of disappointment on his face. He knew full well what he was asking for, but something deep down inside of him still wanted to commit. Despite how many times he shot down his own reasoning, argued against himself, even lost justification plenty of times, Aidan still wanted it. Even if it was wrong, there was something about that sort of lifestyle that drew him towards it. Like a moth to a flame, he was simply vulnerable to the idea of a grand journey or becoming a hero.

"I was already almost a meal to one, I can't have that happen again. Whether or not it draws more attention to me and my family, we're never truly safe. So... I think I'm going to do it still. My parents come and go so I don't have many memories of them. It's been just me for as long as I remember. Not many friends, average grades, can't stand secondary education, so I'm stuck here. I know I'm underestimating that kind of lifestyle, but I have as much reason not to do it as I have a reason to do it." Aidan said with questionable firmness, his hands slowly resuming their task of cleaning and chopping and anything that there was left to do for the time being. "And if I die, then I die. Not like anyone'll miss some nobody who only sells ramen like me, right?"

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Environments [VIOLET]

Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:00 pm
New Environments [VIOLET] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader5
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

Violet could sympathize with the Aidan's view. Her reasons were completely different, but they both wanted to figure out how to get somewhere that felt beyond their reach. The woman watched him, a sadness in her eyes, before looking down to her almost empty bowl. She silently took a few bites, letting that depressed feeling linger in their air. Finally, with a sigh, Violet realize she could help... maybe.

"I may know someone that can help you; if he can't, he likely knows people that can too. Maybe I'll talk to him and see if someone can come by and see if you have potential in that field... I also may have my own backyard that I practice in for similar reasons, so maybe you can come by and we can try together? I mean, talkin' like you'll just be forgotten ain't no way someone should be talkin' on themselves, ya know?" Toward the last bit of her talkin' a bit of that American accent began slipping out. An accent that might compare to someone Aidan knew. "I mean, if you're even really wantin' more friends, or my help at all. Ain't gotta take it."

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