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God of Love
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Dangerous Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Dangerous Women

Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:40 pm
Dangerous Women - Page 2 NsOqTkn

That sort of response to her attack told Murasaki a great deal about her opponent, such willingness to simply accept a wound and utilize that window of opportunity. If she hadn't been in Musonzai, she probably could have responded far more ffectively, but she wouldn't back down, either. Her foot struck the ground just quickly enough to move with the stroke of Kanae's blade, and so while she avoided being cut open, Murasaki was still left with a notable stab wound, one that she felt all the more sharply as her Musonzai ended and her expression returned to its lighter, more chipper state.

"You're pretty quick. That's impressive."

Murasaki understood that this little bout was more than mere 'sparring,' but that didn't mean she was interested in being pushed any further than necessary. Being the Captain Commander meant being one of the last defenses in Soul Society, so she had no intention of simply asserting the full scope of her strength, especially here in what was ultimately an unimportant match. She took a quick breath to recenter herself, and then was right back on the offensive. Her blade became hardly anything more than glints of light, as it cut countless times toward Kanae in the blink of an eye.

It seemed the 4th division's captain favored iaijutsu, so Murasaki would simply refuse to give her any chance to re-sheathe her blade.


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God of Love
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Dangerous Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Dangerous Women

Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:59 am
Dangerous Women - Page 2 NsOqTkn

Very impressive. The vast majority of Murasaki's experience against the captains from before her tenure had come during her time in the academy way back in the day, and even then, she didn't quite get along with most of them. But while Kanae was fast, Murasaki was faster. Her footwork was more practiced, and her instincts were perhaps second to none in the modern Gotei. She'd felt that aggression coming toward her, practically seen the woman's course of action already.

She angled her blade downward this time. It seemed she was being underestimated still, and while she might have been a cheerful woman, she understood the importance of her position. That it was a matter of authority, and that someone willing to push her like this would need more than glancing blows to understand the reality of her dedication to this role. As Kanae's leg moved to the right, Murasaki's sword simply flashed through the air, a single purpose in the stroke; to simply cleave Kanae's leg from her body, using the woman's own momentum to further ensure the blade struck true.

They had plenty of competent healers in the Gotei. Even Murasaki herself knew sufficient kaido to reattach a limb, after all. If this was a clash of blades, a measure of skill, then half-measures weren't ever going to be sufficient, and Murasaki understood that it was exceptionally likely both of them were being limited in the extreme simply by avoiding any truly lethal attacks. Though she couldn't completely evade the slash across her chest because of such a commitment, she wasn't bothered by such a wound, either. She could heal it, and it was the nature of combat to expect an injury.


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Dangerous Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Dangerous Women

Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:07 am
Dangerous Women - Page 2 NsOqTkn

What was injury to a sword? Simply one more inevitability of a battle. Murasaki simply remained centered as she felt Kanae's zanpakuto cut through her, the here and now of her fight far more pertinent than something as transient as the pain of a wound. She heard Kanae's words, thinking about them carefully as the other captain began to heal her wound. Murasaki, too, brought a hand upward, kaido patching the injury across her chest as she spoke. She knew kido well, after all, and as she spoke, her voice was sure, confident. Unlike the girlish and cheerful voice that she so often had, this was sharp as a blade, cutting through the air so anyone watching the bout could hear.

"So what? The old ways died. Captain Commander Yamamoto gave his life up for Soul Society. Captain Commander Iriko gave up the Gotei 13 itself. This Gotei, the one you're in now, isn't the one you came from. In another 2000 years, maybe there'll be another Gotei that's taken this one's place. Know why?"

She was finished healing herself, or rather, finished with this little effort. It wasn't like Murasaki much minded fighting with an open wound. If anything, it was just something you should expect in a fight. Without holding back, she bolted toward Kanae's weakened side at full speed, knowing fully well how much of a weakness that cut would be. Her hand gripped the hilt of Kiaishi firmly, and without hesitation she unleashed another of her most extreme techniques. After all, even the pinnacle of her skill was only one more hurdle to overcome. If she had reached the top of the mountain, she would simply build another one herself to climb.

"'Cause what matters is bein' able to grow. Move forward. If you're so busy bein' stuck in the past, then ya might as well just cut your own guts open now n' get it over with."

Kochuu Kyokiri (虛宙 虚切り, Empty Space Void-Cutter).

Murasaki's blade moved so quickly that even she couldn't keep up with it, only aware of its motions due to her mastery of the weapon itself. Every cut through the air was followed by another, all in the space of such a brief moment that there was no time for the vacuum left to fill itself in again. A technique of slashes so perfectly spaced as to create a total vacuum surrounding the foe, to send their body into agony with both the environment and its impending collapse, to say nothing of the myriad cuts in that fraction of an instant.

"But me? I won't tolerate slackers leading my Gotei. Acceptable losses're just an excuse weak captains use to justify their failures, so don't waste your breath talkin' about somethin' so worthless from those old days! Someone with pride as a shinigami, as a warrior, wouldn't ever accept a loss! Every loss, no matter how small it is, is still a failure!"


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God of Love
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Dangerous Women - Page 2 Empty Re: Dangerous Women

Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:44 am
Dangerous Women - Page 2 NsOqTkn

Even now, Nagoshi Kanae fought on. Murasaki respected that tenacity, even if she had no love for the woman herself. As the captain's final technique came toward her, Murasaki did what she could to defend in time, but she had committed to offense. Her strikes mitigated the effectiveness of that attack at least somewhat, but it didn't change that Kanae's blade found some purchase. Locks of green hair blew away in the wind like cut grass, and yet despite the blood soaking through her uniform, Murasaki stood resolute. Proud, dignified, as the Captain Commander should always be.

She had suffered worse than this. She would suffer worse than this again. It was her pride as a shingami, her role as a sword, and her duty as the Captain Commander.

"Losses're inevitable. Death's inevitable, too. But if you're willing to just accept stuff like that when it's all over, why even live?"

Wiping her blade clean, Murasaki returned Kiaishi to its sheathe, satisfied that this bout was finished from a combative standpoint. Even if Kanae thought to keep fighting, she didn't have her zanpakuto, either. In that state, there wasn't any doubt that the bout would be even further decided.

"Every battle I've ever lost is one more drop in a river of blood. Every ally I've ever failed is one more body in a mountain of corpses. If I ignored all of those things, didn't learn from them, didn't aim to be better, then what's it all for? Why even pick up my sword, if I'm not striving in every single moment to be better than I was a second ago? If I'm not strong enough right now, then I will be one day. That's all there is to it."


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