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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:24 pm
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Header_sample_b2193b82ba5fb6b7d890dad69fd18172

Something had just had a hell of a fight.

It wasn't often that things were a mess before Khaana even arrived. Staring at the wastes in the area, the young woman couldn't help but furrow her brows just a little as she made note of the wastes left behind. A fight, or maybe an after-fight. It was always hard to tell with places like this. Once some big wigs had a show down, all that spiritual energy usually attracted straggler hollows to the area, looking for scraps to pick up or chomp down on. Be that from whomever had lost the fight, or just bystanders too injured to fight back. And that in turn usually attracted the local spiritually gifted, and that attracted more hollows. Quite the cycle.

Staring down at the ruins of what had once been a section of a town, Khaana furrowed her brows ever so slightly. She could sense hollows, but none of them were venturing nearby. Why was that? Usually they were real intent on moving in on wastes like this. It wasn't long before Khaana got her answer, and it was.... unique to be sure. The smell of a hollow, and a strong one at that. But more than that, she DIDN'T smell activity. Was it just...hanging around the area? Was it drawn by the carnage? Or was it the source? Peering out over the area, she furrowed her brows. Fully intent on finding out. She'd just have to find the thing.

And so she started to close in, and allowed just a hint of her own spiritual energy to seep out. That faint tingle of hollow energy. Normally something she concealed without fail. But it certainly helped when it came to mingling among hollows, most of them at least.
The Cat
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:46 pm
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

The reason Khaana didn't see the source of the disturbance was simply because she did not look up. She wouldn't make it very far before a heavy lump of something crashed into the earth several dozen meters front of her, something heavy enough to cause a plume of white sand to rise high into the air before settling moments later to reveal a literal dragon, covered in rotting flesh and pristine gray scales.

The Dragon was tired to say the least. Whatever that last fool was had required quite a bit of effort and had even inflicted some fairly harsh wounds on her. But it would never be enough to kill her. No, she was simply too resilient for death. And so she lay there, letting out a wheezy sigh as she allowed herself to simply lay. Any stragglers attempting to pick up scraps could bite into her all they wanted. They'd die moments later from the latent acid beneath her scales. The Dragon was content to lay there and simply rest until her wounds healed at least somewhat. That is, until she laid eyes on Khaana not too far away.

"What are you?" She wheezed hoarsely at the girl. "You are the second human shaped Hollow I've met. Yet another regression of figure from beast to a weaker species. An inferior species." Correcting herself at the end and grunting as she lifted her head to better look at this thing. "Not even strong enough to sustain my being. Not even worth being food. How pitiful."

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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:01 pm
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That sudden thunderous crash caused a sudden tension up Khaana's spine as her Reikaku only caught onto the presence at the last moment, snapping around just in time to see the big heap of a dragon slam into the ground with thunderous reply, briefly startled by the sight of the big poisonous thing sinking into the ground as if exhausted. Was THIS what had caused all the damage? For just a moment, she bristled, the faintest hints of her spiritual pressure rising before she ...paused.

It wasn't fighting? It was just... laying there. She furrowed her brows, but then was further surprised when she heard words. Not the bare-thread growls and cackles of a frayed mind. But this thing sounded....cognizant. And for just a moment she furrowed her brows. The dark shadow that had briefly swelled beneath her fading back into nothing as she peered at the creature. The biting words from the beast caused the slightest tension in her face. For just a moment she considered a retort. However, she was .... a bit intrigued. This was the first HOLLOW hollow she'd run into that wasn't violent. She shifted a bit to the left... and then the right. And as she noticed no real motion from Dragon, she realized that the big beast really DID just plan on sitting there.

A lopsided smile crossed her lips for a moment and she chuckled. "Boy would you be disappointed if you saw what I really looked like. Sorry but I was made to look like this. Well..sortof. You seem rather ...docile. Did whatever you fought tire you out that much? Or are you just full?" She ventured, eyes straying, as if to find some scraps of a corpse scattered around or something.
The Cat
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:29 pm
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

The Dragon snarled out a simple "Both." at the girl before simply laying back down on the sand. "My hunger is as sated as it's going to be for the time being, and that little scuffle tired me out too much to do anything else. It is simply a time to rest regardless of whatever else I would like to be doing right now." Which, admittedly, wasn't much other than hunting for more food. Her hunger wasn't truly sated so much as it was stifled, but that was simply how it was to be a Hollow. Neverendingly starving until the end of time.

The beast simply lay there on her side and practically deflated. Relaxed as she could be, more exhausted than she had ever remembered being in the past few years... and chatting with this thing. "Does it surprise you? That a beast like me can be so civilized?" Chuckling hoarsely in her scratchy voice. "Truly I do not understand the confusion. That ice witch, and now you. I simply do not understand..."

Criella's words did linger in her mind, that humanity was the reason they existed in the first place. Surely that couldn't be the case. There was simply no way that these things were even Hollows, no?

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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:46 pm
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Header_sample_b2193b82ba5fb6b7d890dad69fd18172

Khaana raised a brow slightly at that and flashed a half smile. "Experience. I've fought a lot of hollows in the past. None of them have been quite so eloquent. Have YOU run into many hollows like yourself?" She ventured, furrowing her brows for a moment before pausing as she made note of the earnestness in the dragon's words. She truly didn't understand? With how strong sh was, it occurred to Khaana that this might be a menos. Those only stayed in Hueco Mundo for the most part didn't they? Were hollows smarter over there? A burning curiosity ran through her, and she remembered her brief visit there. The Gillian certainly hadn't seemed smarter. And for a moment, she couldn't help but wonder.

Looking back toward Dragon, she wasn't sure what she felt, it wasn't pity or anything as insipid as that. But she could understand the confusion. She crouched down slightly as she eyed the creature. She glanced down at her own hand for a moment, and then looked to the hollow. She wasn't stupid enough to think this would be a permanent state, she was simply full, as full as she could likely be,, and Khaana simply wasn't very strong.

"Got a name? Or should I just call you Dragon?" She ventured with a slight tilt of her head. More...curious than anything.
The Cat
The Cat
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:10 pm
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

The Dragon thought back to all the Hollows she had killed and wondered to herself if any of them were smart. "I wouldn't know." She muttered after a few moments of silence. "Words tend to get lost in the heat of the moment. Assuming they even have time to talk, that is." Thinking of it now, she realized that she genuinely killed most of her prey far too fast for them to even make a noise. She was but a speeding missile to them, crashing into her food before they even noticed.

"Names are useless to me. Call me what you will." The Dragon snarled softly as it lay to rest, only to then correct herself moments later. "Dragon is fine, before you come up with something inane." She had to make sure the fool of a creature didn't say something stupid and waste her time. The Dragon was here to rest and recover, and to try and understand what this creature even was, not be harassed or bothered any more than she had to be. Understanding wouldn't change her viewpoint, but she had nothing better to do, and understanding one's prey always helped in hunting. "You never did answer my question, little one. What are you?"

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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:33 pm
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Khaana raised a brow lightly at that and chuckled, not in a mean spirited way, but simply a bit amused as she tilted her head. "And here I thought you were from someplace with just a lot of talkative hollows. I guess with how fast you hit the ground, I can only imagine you don't leave much time for chitchat." She mused thoughtfully, folding her arms over her knees and resting her chin on her forearms as she watched the big beast, a lopsided smile in evidence.

"Oh? I dunno I think Usagi would really suit you. What with you falling from the sky." She chimed, just a hint of cheek to her voice. That said, the reiteration of the question did make her pause. "You actually interested?" She ventured, slowly standing up and rolling her shoulder. Pausing as she ....considered. This was actually the first time anyone had ever asked the question. Even those who saw her abilities never asked, they simply assumed she was some sort of arrancar or disguised hollow or..... huh. Actually, WAS that really what they assumed? Concerning either way.

"I'm ...I suppose the word mod soul doesn't mean anything to you. But I am something like an experiment. An artificial creature made from hollows. This isn't my actual body." She reached up, and pointed to the center of her sternum. A misdirection of corpse, she didn't keep her pill there, but still it served as a demonstration. " MY actual body is a small sphere similar to a pill, designed to possess human bodies and eject their souls in the process. Though I suppose I look a bit more hollowlike in my released form." She murmured, resting a hand on her hip, shifting from foot to foot. It was a bit strange being so open about this stuff, but also kindof nice. She kept this sort of thing close to the chest. And well, she hardly expected Usagi here to tell anyone about it.
The Cat
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:54 pm
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

Usagi? That was too much of a name, or at least the Dragon surmised it as such having never heard more than a handful of names in her life at all. It annoyed her, and Khaana would be able to tell by the growls in her throat rising in volume a little and one of her half-torn wings ruffling in annoyance. "If you call me that, I'll eat you purely out of spite." She growled halfheartedly, making it seem even to herself a little more like a half-threat than anything else. "Dragon is fine. Don't push your luck, insignificant scum."

But hearing what the girl described herself as. "So you're not whatever that half-hollow, human thing I just fought was?" She muttered, a wheezy chuckle emanating from her skull-like maw. "You're instead an amalgam, made I'm assuming by Shinigami or Quincy or something. Calling yourself artificial, I can only imagine that's the case." Yes, of course. That made sense to her even with her limited knowledge. And even then the only reason she knew those two groups were so creative was because many of those creations were used on her.

"It doesn't change anything, not for the better or worse. You're just not what I thought you were." The Beast sighed. "I slept so long that it left me unawares of the changes this world has gone through. All these new things... Nuisances, all of them."

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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Wed Aug 09, 2023 4:54 am
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Header_sample_b2193b82ba5fb6b7d890dad69fd18172

Khaana smiled, just a hint of mirth as she made note of the irritation in Dragon's frame as she seemed to resist the name she'd come up with. Raising her hnads and nodding her head. "Fair enough fair enough. Dragon it is. I won't call you the other name." She pointed out to Usagi, though she would certainly think it.

Still she shrugged her shoulders at that. "More or less. But given how strong you are, aren'y you also essentially one as well? At some point when a Hollow becomes a Menos, its more a conglomerate thana single soul isn't it?" She ventured, looking at Dragon closely as she did so, closing her eyes and tapping her elbow with her fingertips. " But I guess it probably doesn't matter much to you. And .Half humans? Are you talking about a shinigami with hollow powers?" She ventured. Certainly she woulnd't consider arrancar 'half human'. so she presumed it was in regards to the corrupted shinigami.

Slept too long? Had she been in hibernation or something? She canted her head a bit to the side, [coloe=royalblue]" Maybe, Why exactly where you asleep for so long?[/color] She ventured, eyeing the hollow's huge frame, she wasn't sure it could have been on earth. Unless she had been underground or something, like what had gone on in africa? Who knew, theorizing wasn't exactly her strong suit.
The Cat
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:00 am
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

"I wouldn't know if it becomes more than one soul. I still feel the same as I always have. That's all that matters to me." The Dragon said after a moment of deliberation. Such knowledge was pointless when it didn't do anything for her, but she supposed it wasn't too awful to know. Maybe that was why Hollow souls were more filling the later down the line they progressed. Her pondering was cut short by the mention of something much more intriguing.

"Shinigami with Hollow powers?" She laughed aloud. "Even the Shinigami are copying us, now. How utterly worthless they are." Snorting in amusement, ruffling her wings at how funny that was, the Dragon truly hated and loved the idea of it. "Whether or not that's true, I have yet to see. But it would not surprise me. That still isn't quite what I saw earlier. It was clearly a Hollow, I could smell the stench of my kind on its very soul. So potent that it's all that was there. No scent of Shinigami taint, it was merely a Hollow pretending to be a human. I've never seen that before."

And at the question of how long she had been sleeping, the beast only muttered, "At least a few hundred years, I estimate. Though I do not keep time, typically."

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