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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:55 am
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Khaana raised a brow slightly, certainly curious about the ....revelation of experience from the beast. It was interesting to hear it's...motivations and the like. She rested her elbows on her knees as she crouched beside he thing, keeping a clear distance from it's head as she inspected it's body, curious.

"I can't say I've seen much of them myself. I think I sensed one from afar once, but I've never actually seen one up close. Seems to give them quite a kick from what I was feeling." She noted casually enough. Her brows furrowing a little at the description. "Ah, you might be talking about Arrancar. Yea, not sure why or how that whole process works. I know a few actually. Well, more I suppose that I'm something of a ....well I guess you also wouldn't understand the concept of a landlord. I know a few, we'll keep it at that. Though I guess some of them are less...humany than others." Her mind drifted to Kanako. With her big tail and scales, the girl definitely seemed less human than other arrancar.

"So. What exactly is your goal? I mean, other than eating things. You seem cognizant. Thoughtful. And you certainly have a lot of opinions. Do you have something you're working for? Or are you just living your life meal to meal?"
The Cat
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:06 pm
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

"Arrancar..." The beast tried the word out on her tongue, and she utterly fucking despised it. It tasted like the most raw of garbage, like a gillian with no substance that was wasting away at the same time it was being eaten. "What an utterly repulsive kind. Even if our existence stemmed from humans, we are an evolution. A superior race. How could we simply... regress, like that?" It truly was a baffling idea, one that left the creature even more deflated, especially as Khaana only asked more questions.

"Obnoxious little pest, aren't you? Asking all these meaningless questions." She sighed in defeat. The Dragon had fallen to let herself rest, but she couldn't possibly have anticipated this. All she could do was deal with it. "What goals could I possibly have asides from getting stronger?" She wondered to the girl. "I have no other purpose. To become strong so that none may defy me, and so I can feast on whomever, whenever. What other purpose could a Hollow even need?" Though even asking that question, it seemed like more of these Arrancar had shown up in the human realm with more purpose than what the beast herself had. At least, more human purpose.

"What are you even doing here?" The question came out of her abruptly the moment she realized. "If you yourself are not explicitly Hollow, at least not in the same way as me, what business do you have in Hueco Mundo?"

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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:27 pm
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Khaana smirked softly at that. "ISn't it just spanish? Matches up with how you guys name everything else." She pointed out, a little amused at the pure and seemingly arbitrary distaste the dragon seemed to have with it. "What does Arrancar even mean??" She ventured, thinking perhaps there was some root reason Dragon found it so vile.

She shrugged her shoulders at that accusation. "As I said, I have a few arrancar that tend to bother me a lot. so I'm a little fascinated by someone so apparently disgusted by them." She pointed out casually enough. Of course 'bother her' wasn't really a true depictiction of the relationship. But well, she was hardly going to tell this arrancar hater that she more or less was harboring several of them at her place. She sincerely doubted this beast wanted a place to crash. "Maybe you wanna rule an area. Power. Status. Money. Food that isn't a hollow." She noted with a casual shrug of her shoulders.

That said, the question made her pause... and a slow smirk crossed her lips. "You must be more tired than you thought. You're still on earth Girly. If you meant to go back to Hueco Mundo then you definitely messed up." She pointed out, gesturing around them at the far off landscape of Europe. "Not that I don't at times go to Hueco Mundo. And I go there to fight. You're not the only one looking to get stronger." A lie. Technically. Getting stronger wasn't exactly her ...primary goal. But well, again. 'Because I like the thrill of almost dying' wasn't something she was quite prepared to divulge to the murderous Hollow.
The Cat
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:15 am
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

"I don't know what this 'spanish' is that you speak of, but I hate it. Do not utter that word again." The Dragon said matter of factly, like her word meant law. Which, despite how weak she was after fighting Criella, she still was to this little not-human that had simply wandered up to her. "Who cares what it means. The meaning of names means nothing at the end of the day. Words hold no merit to the consequences of one's actions, nor to the arbitrary rules of nature which dictate whether we do, or do not, live."

The Beast snorted at the reasons she was given in contrast to her own. "Those are human reasons. Hollows are supposed to be an evolution. Look at me, then yourself, and tell me that Arrancar are a reasonable change of figure. They're a regression. That's why I hate them." It made no sense how, if that truly was the evolutionary path for a Hollow, that if she were to 'evolve' past being a literal Dragon she would instead turn into the thing that was her food.

"Even if, on a conceptual level with Hollows being born from human souls, it simply does not make sense for a Hollow to change from a human, to a monster, to a different monster, back to a human. It's utterly pointless, convoluted, and simply does nothing for us on a strength or otherwise evolutionary level. It's like a bird evolving a beak designed for feasting on insects, only to live in a land of seed and nuts instead. It is simply not fit to live, as it is not designed to fit that environment. Just like Arrancar are not fit to walk the same ground as the thing they have devolved from."

With a tired sigh, the beast simply closed its eyes silently. "If they devolve into food, then they should be eaten like the degenerates they are. Does that explanation satisfy your fascination with my hatred, incompetent child?"

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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:42 pm
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Header_sample_b2193b82ba5fb6b7d890dad69fd18172

Khaana smiled just a little, and found the dragon's grumpiness a little adorable. In the anime sort of way. It was actually quite scary to any normal person, that this being was so aggressively volatile. Definitely not something you'd want to BE near. But in the abstract? It was rather cute. "Really? I think it does matter sometimes. I guess it depends. From what I understand, A Shinigami's powers can get weaker if they can't say it's name, and if it doesn't have one they are significantly weaker in general. But maybe that's a psychological thing." She mused.

She paused as Dragon promptly made a comparison between the two of them, and she stuck her tongue out lazily. "I'm not an arrancar. I'm a mod soul. I'm a modified hollow, but I don't have powers like an Arrancar does. really I don't have a Zanpaku'to. But I guess being able to transform might count? But I guess that's just more like...showing the real me. Which, by that metric. I'm pretty sure I'm a lot bigger than you in my real form." She murmured, but didn't really put too much force behind her words there. Not like it was a contest or anything. Still.

"It does actually. I have to say I rather enjoyed this conversation, even if it seems that you didn't. Which, bye the bye, I suppose I should probably get going before I overstay my welcome." She murmured rthoughtfully, rolling her shoulders just a little before eyeing Dragon and canting her head a bit to the side. "Anything you want to ask me before I let you rest?"
The Cat
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Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:14 am
Fear My Fangs [Dragon, Khaana] - Page 2 RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

"They get weaker because humans give words so much power, but that power does not hold a candle to death barreling at them as it so often tends to do." She argued back, starting to get a little irritated at the way this girl was being so argumentative. Really now, humans and Shinigami and all their creations really did like to chat so much. This wasn't some sappy story, this was real life.

"It doesn't matter how big you get. Gillians are but puny, pitiful creatures whose size isn't reflective of their lack of strength." She spat with a dry sigh. "I can't imagine your bigger state is anything that could give me trouble in the slightest. I don't feel that sort of threat from you." Whether or not that was insulting didn't matter to the beast. She had proven her strength to herself plenty of times. The Dragon knew how strong she was in comparison to most things.

"No. Begone." And that was that. What the beast had gotten out of this, she didn't really know. Perhaps just another event she was forced to endure during the maelstrom of mundanity that was the act of being alive. "And if I find out you tell anyone where I'm at, I'll simply erase you. Do not test me."

And that was that. The Dragon closed her eyes and simply relaxed with a long, exhausted exhale.

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