Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Episode Where A Castle Was Built [Hitoshi/Sawachika]  Left_bar_bleue0/0The Episode Where A Castle Was Built [Hitoshi/Sawachika]  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

The Episode Where A Castle Was Built [Hitoshi/Sawachika]  Empty The Episode Where A Castle Was Built [Hitoshi/Sawachika]

Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:04 am
The Episode Where A Castle Was Built [Hitoshi/Sawachika]  CMjCIgX


Time took kindly to construction, unlike most facets of life. The noise of hammers and saws would fade, giving way to the beauty of architecture; scaffolding a torn cocoon giving way to the butterfly underneath. On the day of completion, the sun rose early, pink and orange bleeding into the sky.

Hitoshi stood some distance from the building, parasol comfortably shading him as emerald panned across the remaining workers. His gaze truly meant for the sunrise, but he could not resist knowing what occurred on Kurata land. A compulsion, if he believed in such things.

It is... Well done.

You are sure? Worry panged his zanoakuto's voice, Hitoshi's grip tightening on the parasol in turn.

If your concern was wanted it would be asked for.

The spirit remained quiet.

Stepping forward, Hitoshi's gaze slipped back towards the entrance gate as it opened, one of the few faces he'd grown to recognize of the Sawachika coming through. "Lord Sawachika." His voice raised in volume, if not tone.

"Today is the day."

170 words

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