Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:43 pm
Nice Try [Makoto, Open I guess] Makoto-header

Dead End. She had left pieces of the investigation to her subordinates but she was hardly the hands off type given the fact she had spent better part of a week going through all of the records for individuals that had sent packages through the postage service. Garnet eyes fixed on the training dummy, she beat out her frustrations into the lifeless frame as though it would bring an epiphany to her.

It had not which only left her more frustrated and give more frustration to beat into the dummy that refused to yield any answers.

Once the list of senders had been exhausted, the staff of the service were analysed as well with no success. While some of them were hardly the cleanest of backgrounds for poor life choices she could unfortunately conclude that none of them had means or inclination to suggest they'd decide to bomb that hospital.

She needed a breakthrough rather than have it continue to progress at this pace.


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Sun Aug 13, 2023 6:10 pm
Nice Try [Makoto, Open I guess] HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

"Getting in a bit of Training, Lieutenant?" More a rhetorical announcement of her presence than a proper question, Yuri had spoken up as she entered the training area and allowed her gaze to drift toward the hapless dummy that had served as the focal point of Makoto's frustrations. Yuri rested a hand on her hip and offered a light smile, something warm , gentle, and helpful as she approached, though taking the time to make sure she didn't get close enough to impede Makoto's aggression on the dummy.

Admittedly Yuri had not been tasked with much part in the investigation. That work wasn't really something she had been chosen for, and rather she had been filling in the gaps, working with restoration crews and keeping an eye on the lower division members that had to maintain and uphold Squad 6th's NORMAL duties while those chosen from the investigation left them with slack to pick up. So alas, she was a bit detached from the source of Makoto's frustrations.

"Mind if I join you?"
God of Love
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Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:06 pm
Nice Try [Makoto, Open I guess] CHnVZsf

"Hi hi~ Vice Captain, Yuricchi, how've things been going for you?"

Kokoro's tone was the same as always, upbeat and even a bit chirpy, but that didn't mean she was being unserious in the slightest. She just knew the last thing this little impromptu meeting of theirs needed was a third person being all sour and grim.

"Stuff's been kinda a dead end on my people's end. But we haven't had much of a meeting to try and put our heads together, huh? So maybe it'd be worth doin' that. I already got in some training, so don't lemme get in the way if you two are gonna throw down."

Of course, even when she was here in the training room, Kokoro had a few reports she was going through, having read some of them as she did typical reps of the standard workout. But her eyes weren't on those right now, she was definitely more focused on the two of them.


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Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:20 pm
Nice Try [Makoto, Open I guess] Makoto-header

Idle division members would normally irk her but these were stressful circumstances and not everyone had the same resilience that she did. No, the same obsession that allowed her to put pressure on every area of her wellbeing to accomplish a goal. A singlemindedness which was comparable to madness to others.

Well, one of them were idle but if she had to venture a guess then Kokoro's commitment to her work was as much some kind of distraction as her own obsession formed from.

"A meeting? Do either of you have something to that is favourable to our circumstances? This investigation is progressing too slowly and our strongest lead is a dead end."

To think that this stupid gala on Earth was being considered as well. The perfect opportunity for someone to flee amongst the groups or plot another scheme by being out of the eyes of the Sixth.


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Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:34 pm
Nice Try [Makoto, Open I guess] HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

Yuri was a bit startled by Kokoro's appearance, glancing toward the woman and making a slight face at being called Yuricchi. She still had to get used to being called that. All the same, she sighed and reached up to lightly rub at her temple. "Alright, or we can talk shop. And not particularly. I'm not on the investigation team. Unless you'd like to give me a lowdown on what's been happening with the investigation, I don't have much to add." She confessed with a sigh.

"Though I suppose according to the pair of you, I wouldn't have much to catch up on. So what... do we have nothing? No analysis on the make of the bomb and where it came from. No witnesses about whomever might have delivered it? No recordings from Third Division or anything? Speaking of Third Division, don't we have a Wizard in there who can assist with this sort of thing?" She ventured, looking from one woman to the other. Well. sortof. She had to crane her head a lot to look at Kokoro. Ugh. Fucking giraffe.
God of Love
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Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:58 am
Nice Try [Makoto, Open I guess] CHnVZsf

"Nothin' wrong with talkin' shop and training at the same time, Yuricchi. As for leads, Vice Captain, I can't say I've got leads, but I've been workin' on it, doin' some thinkin' on my own to stay ahead."

Kokoro took a moment to sift through the papers she'd had with her, before producing a short report that was obviously still in-progress. It wasn't much, but it was definitely something, at the very least.

"Can't say there's much to go off yet, but I've been talkin' to people in the Shihoin and the Kuchiki about the situation. This is internal affairs n' all, but it's silly to pretend the big families don't have eyes n' ears all over the place too, and I know a lotta people in both households, so I'd rather put that to use than just ignore it. Gonna see if I can talk to Lord Kuchiki himself about it, too."

Of course, that wasn't to say she was on good terms with everyone in either family, given her circumstances, but she wasn't there for pleasantries anyway. This was a matter of security, and while she didn't really think of Byakuya as a particularly "friendly" person, she'd spent enough time in the Kuchiki family to know he probably wasn't one to let a security breach like this go unaddressed on his end.

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