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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Sep 07, 2023 12:42 am
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] EnT7X6l

Rangiku Matsumoto

These days were quite hectic, Rangiku was practically in and out of the division grounds with how full her arms were. It was like there was no end to where she needed to help in! Some mornings she swore she saw a wrinkle or gray hair, and she was rather tuckered out by the end of the day, how was she supposed to enjoy her me time?! The blonde led out an exasperated sigh as she pushed through another bout of paperwork. Even with her occasional attempt to put off or offload some smaller bouts of work to someone else, it just felt like things kept moving.

And now she was hearing about some troublemaker making a ruckus about the place, especially with one of eighth's seated officers?! At a time like this?! She was almost grumpy enough to go knock some sense into someone acting so stupid, picking fights at a time like this... But decided to let the better equipped handle it and keep to her own division's problems, but between something about a letter and an incoming meeting with Asahina-san, it officially became her problem.

She had trust the fourth seat wouldn't give her any more of a headache than she already had, at least...

"Afternoon, come on in, take a seat!" The blonde's head lifted with someone's presence at the door, waving her in, "Sooo, give me the rundown.. Calmly, please. Been burning the candle at both ends all day."

Sure, her definition of it was far looser than most given her lazier attitude, but it was pretty clear the vice captain was facing a lot on her plate at the moment.

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Thu Sep 07, 2023 6:01 am
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] HEADER_32hhbgg

As Noharu walked into her Lieutenant's office she gave a loud sigh! A mix of relief and exasperation as she promptly sat herself down across from the woman. Already Rangiku would certainly notice that Noharu was a little irrate, and a fair guess as to why. While her shihakusho obscured it, she would note that the left shoulder and arm, and possibly a fair portion of her chest was bandaged up. The results of a nifty little point-blank sokatsui. The better portion was already healed, otherwise she wouldn't be walking around. But all the same, Noharu hardly looked comfortable.

"Ughhh, the first time we get to chat in a while and it has to be this. Ran. My girl. My sister under the Soul King. Yer gonna wanna fuckin strap in for this one." She chuckled ruefully. She wasn't exactly the pinnacle of soft words, but she did like to keep herself professional when it came to squad stuff. But uh. This shit was a little beyond all that.

"We got ourselves a visit from the Fourth Division Third Seat. Decided to set up basically an open challenge in our training area. Not gonna lie, I don't even remember whatever it was she shouted, but she got everyone's attention. One of our Unseateds, Gekiretsu, wound up taking her up on it and getting a little roughed up. Which, bye the way, turns out the guy has Shikai. So that was certainly a bit of a surprise." She noted, pausing for a moment as she thought back to Ranma. The kid certainly was a bit more spunky than she'd expected. Maybe a little overzealous but well. Fresh out of the academy, that was bound to happen.
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Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:10 pm
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] EnT7X6l

Rangiku Matsumoto

The blonde let out a joking but clearly exasperated groan in response to how much Noharu played it up. If she wasn't so tuckered out or going off of tea, she'd be smiling and joking along with the girl talk, maintaining some professional air of course but it'd be a nice break from the drone of work,

"Take it a bit easy for me today, will ya? I've got quite the headache from searing my eyes on all these pages..."

Getting out a clean sheet and instrument for writing, she got down to jotting down the details the officer put out, "Yeah yeah, I heard about that.. I got a wind or two of an officer from fourth being a bit loud, but I wouldn't have thought it'd become our problem, yknow?"

Ah, Gekiretsu Ramna; she was meaning to meet the newer recruits, but work was a gigantic slog - she hardly had the time to drop by real quick for even a hi. Was a bummer, but oh well."So, what happened during the challenge? It isn't exactly unusual for division members to pick fights... Would be more considerate if she decided to do this silly challenging during a less difficult time but, that's how it is I guess."

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Sat Sep 09, 2023 6:07 pm
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu blinked, peering for a moment at Rangiku as she could SEE the woman's fatigue. "Oh goddammit, Ran. Are you doping this shit again?! We HAVE Lower seated officers to help ya know! How much of this fuckin paperwork needs more than an Eigth seat on it?!" She hissed! Glaring at the paperwork before leaning forward and looming over the woman's desk. Promptly snaring the woman's attention before flashing a smile.

"Ran. you know I don't like swearing on the job. But listen to me. When I tell you. This ...CUNT, almost killed me." She annunciated, peeling open her shuhakusho and showing off the absolute maze of bandages covering her chest and shoulders. Hoping to snare Rangiku's sudden interest. This was a goddamn STORY after all!

"I know you're doped up on a mountain of the ol paper cocaine, but I'ma need your focus on this! This girl was fuckin straight up retarded!" She insisted as she promptly winced. A soft hiss escaping her as she felt pain lance up her side. A low, rumbling growl escaping her before she calmed herself and slowly sat herself back down. She WAS fairly hurt. Almost her entire left side from the waist up was bandaged, and the rest of her upper body was also patched in places. A steady sigh escaping her as she took a moment to catch her breath.

"Alright. So Yea. The loud Fourth Girl. That Kurata noble chick. Turns out the reason she wanted to challenge our squad waswanting to 'See if Eighth Division would be worthy of participating in the next battle'. " She air quoted.
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Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:56 pm
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] EnT7X6l

Rangiku Matsumoto

A hand pressed on the side of her head with Noharu's exclamation, leaning back and groaning loudly, "I know! But they're also pretty swamped right now, too! Y'know I hate doing so much work, it's not like i'm helping myself to other's work, Haru!"

Her miserable lil self remained leaned back, until the fourth seat dropped quite the attention grabber - Almost... KILLED her? Now that, and seeing her bandaged up, was an eye widener, "Oh my goodness! I thought she was just acting stupid or something, weren't you guys just sparring?!"

She had quite the 'yikes' expression as Noharu seemed to have exerted herself a bit much; just how hurt was she? "Ookay... Calm down, tell me what happened."

Kurata huh.. So that was who it was. She knew someone was making a ruckus but didn't manage to get a name, not that she felt particularly inclined to find out until now. Though, her writing would stop when that unpleasant little air quote came in,

"What? Was that what that was all about?" The bright eyed lady seemed shocked and even a little annoyed, "Wasn't she one of the responders who came back injured? Now i'm not one to get all up in arms about this but... What the hell's with that attitude?!"

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Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:12 pm
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu was instantly relieved to see the shift on Rangiku's face. FINALLY! Someone who wasnt a damn report form to tell this about! Or a subordinate. She couldn't go venting the way she'd LIKE to around them. "RIGHT?! This bitch was fucking crazy! Anywho, she fought Ranma. And then I decided to ask her about this whole challenge of hers. She explained the data or whatever she was collecting and I asked her what she was gonna do with it. Turns out? This wackjob starts talking about some ideal world where we try to force people to learn bankai, and the special punks who GET bankai be our frontliners, and that anyone incapable of bankai be relegated to support duties." She noted, doing her best to gesticulate with one properly good arm at the moment, honestly just TALKING about it was wild.

"And like, this isn't some spring chicken. This bitch is OLD. I never knew her, but I know she was around when Zaraki was captain. Like, what the fuck, right?" She sat herself down into her chair and shook he rhead. Even now she couldn't believe what she'd heard the woman say. 'Correct'. Just casually talking about sidelining THE Kenpachi. Well, he old one. But still.
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Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:06 pm
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] EnT7X6l

Rangiku Matsumoto

The headache she had was immeasurable to the jolt of annoyance and appall she was struck with - the busied woman definitely was wide awake and attentive to the seated officer's complaints, work mode was thoroughly disengaged. As Noharu explained on, she'd nod along, her face clearly expressing the displeasure she was feeling to such foolish ideas. If anything, she felt personally offended, for herself AND the number of people she's helped get to Shikai - getting to that first release in itself was a thing to celebrate, and not everyone could get there. To expect only bankai users to operate on the field while anything less is simply shuffled off to stay home? This person wasn't even in front of her and she felt like hitting her!

"She even insisted this idea after working under Zaraki?! Has she lost her mind?" Her hands suddenly slammed on her desk as the force pushed her to her feet, "I've met plenty of people who's Shikai are comparable, if not, could exceed a Bankai if they used it correctly! God damn it, you-know-who managed to uproot the entire Gotei without Bankai! It's not the end all be all! Ugh.."

Sinking back into her seat, her hand pressed to her forehead, "Well, she's not ours. Best I can do is notify her captain or vice captain of her behavior..."

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Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:44 am
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu was glad of this. Not just becuase Rangiku was listening to her. But because she knew that Rangiku understood how she felt about such shit. She had so many students work their asses off. Some of them were able to attain shikai, but SO many of them weren't even able to do that. Countless students of hers that all were trained and taught. Who poured blood, sweat, and tiers into their swords, only to hear silence. And to think that this woman had the audacity to delegate them to the sidelines was nothing short of infuriating. Especially because she knew that Rangiku herself had put in that very same work.

"The bitch was fucking insane. I don't know how else to put it. And trust me, that only became more apparent." She murmured, rubbing her eyes and sighing as she settled back into her seat. "So you know me. I have bankai if I really wanted to use it. But I wanted to really show up this cunt. So I beat her ass using just Hakuda and Hoho. Pulled out all the tricks. Which ...wasn't easy. Because wouldn't you know it, the girl pulled out her own bankai. Awful convenient that the one thing she put value in was something SHE had." She grumbled, shaking her head a bit before lightly cradling her injured arm, narrowing her eyes.

"Ironically enough. She wasn't very good withit. I don't know if it was an immature bankai, or if she was just stupid. But she really didn't have much to offer. She just wasn't doing nothing. She used her bankai, and small iterations of the same Hoho move. And so I gave it to her straight. Told her that the only thing of note she had was her stupid bankai, and even that wasn't any good. And I asked her, 'Against one fourth of a shinigami, why should I even try?'." A slight smugness to her smile. She wasn't one to relish a sick burn. But fuck that woman.
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Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:52 pm
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] EnT7X6l

Rangiku Matsumoto

Her face was scrunched up as she heard further, already trying to figure how she was to approach this... Captain Nagoshi wasn't someone she could exactly call "reasonable" or "approachable" - then again, what captain of the combat division could be called that? Well, there was how she carried herself; she didn't exactly want to give that woman the impression her squad was weak or disorganized under her leadership. Maybe Vice Captain Shihoin would be a better option for something like this...

"Sounds like all she wants to rely on is Bankai and not much else," The blonde would state with a sigh, "Well, you put it to her real straight; there isn't much we can do on a disciplinary end, so unless ya wanna vent about how much it pissed you off there isn't much else I could do here apart from notify and let her own guys sort her out. Can't exactly walk into fourth and give her a beatdown, yknow?"

A light smile on Rangiku's features was given to Noharu; it did sound less like a report and more Noharu had stuff to get off her chest, she was inclined to listen either way, as long as it was constructive.

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Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:45 pm
So What's This About? [Rangiku/Noharu] HEADER__panty_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_kudou_90n__18e7ecb260f4e6d2745dbc0d1e4b7cf6

Noharu certainly enjoyed getting this shit off her chest, and thankfully it even seemed to be distracting Rangiku from her headache. Double score. Though as the woman went on to talk about Fourth she shook her head. "I don't even know, it was some shady shit. Because I haven't even gotten to the kicker yet." She sighed, shaking her head. "BEcause I said it straight up. I told this woman what her problem was. And honest to goodness, she STARTED taking my advice. Using a bit of kido, positioning a bit with Hoho. Got it just a BIT into that thick head of hers that she could actually stand to improve." She folded her arms and closed her eyes, that iritation clearly building up based on the look on her face.

"So I figure enough is enough. The woman is just kinda yapping. So I offer her my hand and figure its a good time to end the spar. You know, sportsmanlike. After all, she SEEMED to grow a little, and reconsider that stupid bankai of hers." She murmured, before reaching up and gently touching her shoulder, and then looking directly at Rangiku. Oh Rangiku would probably start to sense what she was about to say. After all. She hadn't mentioned getting hit yet.

"And how does this woman repay me? She takes my hand, clamps down, and fuckin sokatsuis's me point blank." She growled, a bit of a snarl to her expression as she clenched her fists. "Seen a lot of fucking backstabbing shit in spars. Sneaky stuff. You know, I'm a hoho user. I can deal with that. But this fuckin shit. And she was still in Bankai. I was barely able to release my Shikai to try and take the hit better.Still wound up in Second Division. Though I uh, lost my temper, so she wound up there too. And don't worry, I only fucked up her arms and legs, she's still like, fine and shit." She quickly added. As much as she would have LIKED to decapitate the fuckin snake.
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