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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:26 am
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 VTEZeJL

Erica couldn’t help but smile, her cheeks turning slightly pink as Kaminari complimented her. That feeling was what made being a healer so wonderful for her. To see the faces of her patients light up as she healed them was indescribable and was the extra little kick that got out of her bed, whenever she didn’t want to. Such a simple pleasure but one that the healer adored. She pondered if more combat oriented Shinigami felt the same when they defeated a strong opponent. “I look forward to it.” She replied happily, hoping that she would be able to see her fellow member at work one day.

As Kaminari spoke about how she’d come up with the idea of her modified spell, Erica chuckled, looking a little sheepish as she commented. “I saw one of those movies once. It was an old one about this robot, who looked like a man, who was trying to kill this woman whose unborn son was supposed to be the leader of some great resistance movement or something. I spent half of it with my hands over my eyes. Guess I’d better not ever watch a horror one.”

Kaminari’s latest attempt at her spell looked great in Erica’s eyes, until the senior Shinigami revealed her hand anyway. The healer’s work had been undone rather quickly and the pink haired woman briefly pondered about just what was causing the problem. It could’ve been a number of things and it seemed that the only way that her new friend would discover the answer was by continuing to try.

After a few moments of thought, a bolt of inspiration hit her and funnily enough, it came from the movie that she’d seen. All of the guns used in it seemed to kick and a few of the characters seemed to wear gloves to protect their hands. What if there was a way to shield Kaminari’s hand so that it could protect her from the recoil or at least help to soothe the damage? Erica had never attempted to come up with a spell herself before but at that moment, she couldn’t help but want to try.

She didn’t have to think about the process too much, as though the plan for how to form the spell just seemed to visualise itself in her mind. Her mum had been a Kido expert when she had been in the Gotei so maybe it was her influence? Whatever it was, the pink haired girl's eyes were bright with enthusiasm.

Turning to Kaminari, she’d say with a chuckle. “Let me see your hand for a minute. I got an idea.”


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:31 am
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 Kaminari_PHS4-20

Kaminari couldn't place the movie that Erica was talking about. It didn't help that Kaminari only recently started watching these movies in the past few years or so. At least, from what Kaminari could tell. Since so much of her history was a blanket slate, and she was getting on mostly by muscle memory and blind ambition, who knew what she had done before the last decade. She could have watched this strange robot movie before. "I can't say I recall that particular film."

Kaminari was curious about Erica's reaction when she immediately undid her previous work. To her surprise, she didn't get a scolding, like so many other healers would have done. Instead, Erica's eyes brightened and piqued Kaminari's curiosity even more. When Erica asked for her hand, she looked at the woman with a playful suspicion and held her hand out. "Alright, let's see what you've thought of."

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Sun Sep 17, 2023 7:10 am
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 VTEZeJL

“I’m sure you’ll know it if you see it. The main star was this six foot four guy with a thick Austrian accent. He’s kind of hard to forget and plays his role well.” Erica answered, scratching her head for a moment as she tried to think of the name. “Oh! I remember now! The Terminator! That was the name.” As she thought back, the pink haired woman could almost hear the theme song start to play in her mind. It was quite a haunting track but kind of catchy at the same time.

She was pleased that Kaminari was willing to trust her and as soon as Erica was given the go ahead to proceed, the healer would do her utmost to keep the vision she had in her mind. Her left hand would move so that it was sitting just above Kaminari’s wrist, while her right would take up a position underneath, kind of sandwiching her fellow Kido members hand between her own. There wasn’t any physical contact though, both because Erica didn’t want to press down on Kaminari’s wounds nor touch her without permission.

Once she had the image in mind, she’d then start to move her hands down from their starting position, leaving behind a combination of Bakudo and Kaido that took on the form of a ladylike glove, surrounding Kaminari’s injured hand. Erica’s brow furrowed with concentration as she went about her work, which might have looked more funny than anything, as her serious face tended to leave that impression on those who saw it. Channelling both her energy, as well as her desire to help into the glove, it would eventually cover the entirety of Kaminari’s hand.

When she was finished, Erica would glance at her work, peering at the wound that was underneath, which would hopefully start to heal due to the gloves' influence. The more curious part about it for her though was the colour of the glove as rather than being blue, as Kaido tended to be, it was almost the same shade of pink as Erica’s hair. She’d put her all into her new spell and it seemed to have responded to that. “How odd.” She commented with a chuckle, rather pleased with her efforts.


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wed Sep 20, 2023 4:55 pm
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 Kaminari_PHS3-16

Kaminari had no problem letting Erica try something new on her. How else were her allies supposed to learn and feel like they can take risks? She had no interest in dampening someone's willingness to try. She still kept a close eye on the attempted spell. Erica seemed to have a good understanding of her own reiryoku, and her spirit was calm, so it was no surprise when she was able to form the kido glove.

"Not bad. Well done," Kaminari said, turning her hand back and forth to analyze the energy. She also noted the color of the reiryoku. "Even fashionable." she chuckled.

The only question Kaminari had was how well it would keep up with the use of her own reiryoku. Mixing reiryoku like this was not the easiest and not the most common thing to do. She didn't attempt her machine-gun sho, but she did fire off one at a time. Unfortunately, it did not last too long. After the second sho, the glove faded away. "After some practice, your vision for this kido should come through."

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Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:02 am
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 VTEZeJL

It was a little disappointing to see her Kido glove fade so quickly but it filled the healer’s head with possibilities for the future which was already causing her to feel excitement. It was a promising start and Erica would try her utmost to bring her ideas to life, maybe once she had more experience with such things. It was a whole new world for her and one that might just be a touch out of reach as things stood, not that the thought dampened her enthusiasm or anything. The pink haired woman was always willing to learn and grow, after all.

“I’ll keep working on it.” She replied with a chuckle, glad with how it all went. “Maybe one day I’ll create a whole set of pink Kido armour that you can try out.” It was kind of a joke but there was a part of the healer that wondered if such a thing was possible. Kido was a mysterious art and the only restriction seemed to be one’s imagination in the end.

“Did it at least help protect your hand while it was active?”
She asked brightly, eager as always. “If not, I’ll gladly heal it again for you again so that you can have another go at the targets.”


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:57 am
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 Kaminari_PHS3-16

The image that came to Kaminari's mind caused her to puff out her cheeks while trying to hold back a laugh. Her dumb brain some how conjured the image of dressing herself up in blocky mech armor to fight off hollow. It was so heavy that she had to waddle into battle. It was like a silly cartoon. "Just make sure it's maneuverable..." Kaminari said and then explained what originally went through her imagination. Hopefully, they shared a laugh. "That wouldn't be too helpful."

"Hm..." Kaminari looked at her hand. The damage normally done at the start of her volley was lessened. If she had to put a number on it, she would guess around thirty to forty percent less damage. "Definitely, but if you don't mind healing me again, I would greatly appreciate it." she said, holding out her hand. "I think I should be done for the day anyway. I've been out here for a while now, and I'm starving."

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Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:21 am
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 VTEZeJL

Erica had to grin at Kaminari as she spoke about her own mental image of the pink haired woman’s idea, a chuckle escaping her lips. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll make sure it’s nice and flexible for you.” The healer was thinking more along the lines of a skintight outfit that would probably make the wearer look more like a superhero than what she assumed Kaminari was thinking about. Still, the thought of creating a set of battle armour was intriguing too although that may have been beyond the pinkett's comfort zone.

When Kaminari offered Erica her hand again, the latter would nod her head. “Of course! I’ll have you patched up again in no time. I’ll use normal Kaido this time, I promise.”

Cheerfully, she’d raise her hand again and move it so that it was a couple of inches away from her fellow Squad 2 members, before tapping into her Kaido powers and getting to work. It was becoming easier for her to access her Kaido skills and every time she used them, she seemed to be improving little by little. It was a nice realisation for her and gave her something to cheer about. It wouldn’t be long before the discolouration and pain would leave Kaminari’s hand, resulting in it becoming as good as new again.

“There we go.”
She happily stated, once her work was done.


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:55 am
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 Kaminari_PHS3-16

As she waited for her hand to be healed, an old memory struck her, one that she had clearly lost because it felt like new. She saw herself yelling at a man with silver colored hair and green eyes. It was difficult to make out, but it clearly had to do with some intense, risky training he was doing. She was healing him and frustrated about having to do so. When she came out of the memory, Kaminari was healed.

"Oh, thank you." Kaminari said, wiggling her fingers back and forth. Her tone had become softer, like her attention had been drawn elsewhere. It had of course, but she thought it impolite to make that obvious. Bringing her thoughts back to Erica, she smiled widely. "Did you want to get something to eat too, or were you heading elsewhere when I distracted you with the pew, pew?" Kaminari pretended her hand was a gun and "fired" it off a couple times, clearly referring to her kido training.

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Sat Sep 23, 2023 3:56 pm
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 VTEZeJL

Pleased that her Kaido had come in clutch again to heal her Squadmate, Erica would answer brightly. “Happy to help.” There it was again, that little buzz of joy at having helped somebody else. It always felt so nice and she never got tired of that little boost. That being said, she was starting to feel a little tired having already spent the day in the infirmary and she could feel her energy levels dropping a bit. She’d probably used a touch too much of her Kido powers for one day but as long as she didn’t do it often, the pink haired woman thought she’d be OK.

As Kaminari brought up the offer of getting some food, Erica’s body came up with a response of its own, a rumble that caused the pink haired healer to blush with embarrassment. She took it well though and chuckled, nodding her head. “Well, I think that my stomach has answered that for me. Getting some food sounds like a great idea to me.”


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:58 pm
Relaxation And Conversation (Kaminari, Erica) - Page 2 Kaminari_PHS4-17

Everything was good as new! Kaminari always appreciated someone good at their craft, and Erica's kindness and enthusiasm were inspiring. She couldn't wait to see her in action! Though, that was a weird thought since it meant people needed to be hurt first. Well, with that tinge of guilt, Kaminari offered food and was glad for her invite to be accepted. "Well now, we cannot argue with that, can we? And please, let me treat you, as a thank you for getting me a step further in my training!"

Kaminari began walking out of the training grounds, calling upon her skill in small talk to get to know Erica while they hung out together. It had been a while since she was able to just make a new friend, so she jumped at the opportunity.

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