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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:58 pm
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] JryjPlU

Given all the people who'd been injured down on Earth, and who were now pushing themselves to get better in the aftermath, it wasn't any wonder that Bambietta was seeing a lot more time helping out in 2nd division with medical work. Of course, that was only part of what she had time for, and plenty of her other hours were spent either keeping Amou company or offering insight into the hospital explosion for 6th.

She was, by most people's metrics, probably running herself a little ragged, but she didn't mind. It was way better than sitting around being useless, after all. With a sigh as she approached the hospital bed holding one particular patient, Bambietta spoke in a way that was somewhere between "concerned older sister" and "genuinely annoyed overworked secretary."

"Hey, you really shouldn't push yourself quite this much when you're training, you know. I read about what happened already, sparring with a captain?"

Despite her chiding, Bambietta had already started assessing the injuries, and it didn't take terribly long for her to nod sagely to herself before she opened the case on her back, looking through the countless talismans she kept in there to see if she had what she needed.

"You at least get some good hits in?"

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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:05 pm
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] HEADER_22-1_3a-16

Igen had certainly expected a lot of things when it came to Sparring with Kanae. After all, she was a captain of fourth! But still, it felt like a lot! He winced slightly as he glanced at the damage. If he weren't so worn out from the fight he would have healed it himself! Maybe... The captain's reiryoku definitely was making it a bit hard to do so. So when that familiar face showed up he instantly brightened up, smiling from ear to ear.

"Basterbine! Long time no see!"' He exclaimed, only to wince slightly when she suddenly started to chastise him! Ahah...he supposed he deserved that. Still, he sighed as he allowed her to loo him over. "It was fun! She was a little intense, but it was a great time! Honestly I wasn't even sure she was going to humor me! And uhhhh. I think? I think I dislocated her shoulder after I froze it. But I admit I'm not quite sure, I was a lot of pain." He chuckled sheepishly, though he hardly looked sorry in the slightest. Not every day you got to spar with a woman that strong!

"Still, I'm really glad to see you! Keeping yourself busy I see. How have you been feeling?" He ventured, looking her over for a moment, scanning for any signs of strain or hampering in the way she moved about. After all, she'd been recovering for a while now.
God of Love
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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:01 pm
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] JryjPlU

"Yeah, I'd kinda figure you were, after something like that."

Bambietta's attention was only half on Igen as she continued to dig through her bag of talismans, until her expression brightened a bit and she began pulling several small, tightly-wound scrolls out of the pouch. This was probably a good way to handle something like this, and hey, what was the worst that could happen? It wasn't like she was stupid enough to just use untested technology on a patient, but she also hadn't ever done it for something of this scale.

"I've been okay. Busier than normal, but I don't really mind that. They've needed me to help out around here a lot."

A faintly smug tone crept into her voice as she said that last little bit, and Bambietta's attention was more on Igen's injuries now as she pulled the Kido Gun Mk. II from her back, loading the kaido talismans into it like shotgun shells.

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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:09 pm
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] HEADER_22-1_3a-16

Igen blinked a bit at that and paused. Wait, he'd never pulled Bambi into one of his training sessions. Was.....was his reputation for sparring really that prolific? "Oh uh.... is it that well known?" He asked with a sheepish shuckle, wincing a bit as he gently rested his hand on the cut in his side. Ngh, man that hurt. He didn't really pay much mind.... until that gun came out.

He blinked, staring for several long moments before watching as she loaded the scrolls into the slots. A slight bead of sweat forming along his brow.

"Ahah, so uh Bambi. Quick question. Uh, how come you have a shotgun?" He asked, mostly curiosity in his voice, just a tiny bit of concern as he looked at the woman. Now, he usually was pretty cool around Bambi. He trusted her, she seemed friendly! Also she was nice to be around! Honestly if he wasn't injured he might even be flustered. But uh. Even he was one to take another look at a firearm being loaded near him.
God of Love
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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:57 am
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] JryjPlU

"Well, I did ask for reports on what happened after you came in all torn up. That'd be the smart thing to do with such serious injuries, wouldn't you say?"

Only after she'd finished loading a full 9 shells into the magazine did Bambietta pause, her expression seeming somewhere between "pensive thought" and "earnest confusion at his question." Right, most people didn't keep up with her research. Maybe they should've, really, but she'd have to get out more for that. One thing at a time.

"This is an invention of mine. It's called the Kizokushahou, but I just call it the Kido Gun Mark Two. I used some old notes from the 3rd Division, put a little brain power into it, and here we are. Shoots kido faster than I can. Anyway, I put 9 pretty good kaido in there, so hold still."

Without really waiting for anything, Bambietta leveled the Kido Gun squarely toward Igen's chest, aiming quite intently despite it being more or less point blank, and pulled the trigger, a 3-round burst of kaido immediately blasting out of the barrel and directly into Igen.

Not bad.

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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:51 am
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] FOOL_E_zHbYxVgAQ-U_F

Igen felt a little uneasy even as Bambietta prepped him for the treatment. Clearing his wound sites for any debris as well as the bandages. Standard practices and the like so that nothing got healed INSIDE of his body. And once that was done, he promptly WINCED as the triple shot of Kaido slammed him into the chest! Gasping out as the sudden pulse promptly caught him off guard! Wincing as the flesh rapidly proceeded to knit itself over his body, closing up his wounds and leaving him healed! Though with nice fresh sensitive skin left over, breathing a bit heavily from the sudden dose!

"WHOOOH! Okay! NGhhh! Alright!" He huffed out, more weirded out by the sensation than in pain, but after a few moments he managed to catch his breath and pause, looking over himself. "I am..... alright? Really tired though." He huffed softly, still a little breathy, a slight sweat having broken out over his skinny frame. "It seems like it ...worked? But I'm still tired, You may wanna restore the patient's spirit energy first before administering,. Also uh... you may wanna maybe space out the doses a bit. Whew." He noted with a sheepish chuckle as he paused and surveyed himself. Wincing a bit as he peeled down his hakama, just enough to check the cut across his hip where the captain had all but tried to cut him in half.

It was still red and a bit irritated. But it seemed like it had healed alright. "I think I remember hearing about this thing. Can't say I expected it to be put to use for Kaid though. That was kinda cool., and I'm really impressed with the results!" He noted, promptly giving a big smile to Bambi. As bizarre and intense as the experience had been, he was very intrigued by the results! No less that she'd apparently developed it to this point! If nothing else, Bambi was always impressive.
God of Love
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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Fri Sep 15, 2023 11:04 am
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] JryjPlU

"It's not meant as a replacement for usual treatment. If kaido were that good, we wouldn't really have use for much of a hospital, would we? I just wanted to get your big injuries handled so they didn't get any worse."

Getting messed up by a Captain wasn't exactly an everyday injury, so she'd rather let his body recover naturally than just speed things up. Especially given the nature of the wounds when he'd actually gotten here... That was something she'd have to keep in the notes for later.

"Well, the first Kido Gun didn't really shoot much of anything special, far as I can tell. Just a big blast, which is pretty cool, so obviously I don't mind that idea. But this one's more versatile, I gave it a little more to work with. You should see it pump out three Raikoho."

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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:33 pm
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

A nice, steady sigh escaped him as he took a moemnt and held his hand over his chest, a brief moment to check himself, making sure everything was okay before a brief look of surprise crossed over his features at something Bambietta said. But it then occurred to her that she was speaking about Rudimentary Kaido, not the surgical grade stuff that was used in more delicate healing and the like. "I mean it depends on the Kaido. You'd be amazed at some of the spells some of the more experienced healers use!" He pointed out! An immediate smile rbeaking out across his face. "I really love some of the Kaido that was developed during the Ender conflict. A lot of techniques centered around removing pollutants in the soul and Detoxing popped up because of the demons. One of those old journals is where I learned my favorite Kaido technique." He pointed out, perhaps a surprising enthusiasm in Igen's voice.

True, he'd shifted his focus more recently, but prior to his stint into Shunko, his interest had actually been heavy in the Kaido side of things. That said, that interest soon shifted as Igen inspected the item in her hands, certainly intigued. "It can load Raikoho? How did you manage that? Does it use your Reiryoku? Or do you prep them beforehand?" He ventured, immediately curious as he eyed the cartridges. Were they like molds that controlled the flow of Reiryoku that was pumped into them? Or was it something like a prep-prepared spell sealed into a medium? Hmmm.

"So is this something you'red working on with Third Division?" He inquired. Being perhaps a little nosy. Which, hey, he DID wind up being a guinea pig, he may as well ask about it. As payback for Bambi just whipping it out on him and unloading into him outta nowhere.
God of Love
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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Sat Sep 23, 2023 10:06 am
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] JryjPlU

Bambietta blinked once or twice as she took in what Igen was saying, her expression something between "perplexment" and "annoyance" at Igen's explanations on kaido. She'd been 4th seat of the 2nd division, she was pretty aware of the higher end of what kaido entailed. She definitely wouldn’t be here helping in a hospital environment without even being in the division otherwise.

"Well, yeah, but I don't think even Captain Kuchiki's reattaching limbs and stuff on the fly in the middle of a fight. Kaido's honestly not super practical outside doing patchups and emergency work, you know? The energy's gotta come from somewhere, and big injuries take a whole lot, especially all at once."

Despite the fact that she was still doing her best to maintain the conversation relatively normally, there was a little bit of bite to her tone, the feeling of being underestimated eating at her from behind her thoughts. It wasn’t a big deal, really. After all, she was a perfectly good shinigami, with a lot of reason not to be bothered by what was probably just a little bit of miscommunication.

Of course, if Bambietta were good at keeping those nagging insecurities at bay, her life certainly wouldn’t have gone the way it had.

"It's got a few things I invented myself going on. I'm not really ready to make any of it public yet. Still needs some work."

And, admittedly, Bambietta knew that maybe not everyone actually needed access to something like this. She'd invented it herself, made it to her specifications, and for all her improvements, she understood that something made by her was something inherently dangerous. The bombing at the hospital, too, had only made it all the more obvious to her that her talismans were a potential recipe for disaster. Call it paranoia, or just gut instinct from growing up on the streets, but she didn't think she needed to make any of this public any time soon.

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Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] Empty Re: Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen]

Sat Sep 23, 2023 12:43 pm
Ultra Cutie Breakin' [Bambietta, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen nodded softly at that and gave a bit of a shaky smile in response. "Ahah, right I guess that makes sense." He promptly backpedaled just a little as he considered the item and surveyed Bambietta herself for a moment. Namely, wondering, and hoping a bit that this wans't something she was making for herself out of necessity. She seemed able to use Kido well enough if she was here, but he did wonder how she was doing. But all the same, he ...sortof wasn't sure he knew her that well yet. Sure, they had had lunch a few times, but somehow he wasn't really sure that Bambi was all that chummy with him. After all, she never really seemed all that relaxed around him. Hmmm.

Still, he supposed that's just how things were. He couldn't just be friends with everyone. He'd learned that lesson well enough with Erika. Some people just weren't that fond of him.

"Huh, thats pretty amazing then. If you did all this yourself..." He admitted quietly. Not just the kido skill behind it, but the mechanism itself was impressive too. He never actually considered that Bambi would have such expertise with like...machinery. She WAS a Substitute shinigami after all, and he was aware of her past. So he supposed he aught not be too surprised.

"Still, it's nice to see you after so long. It's been a hot minute. Though If things still keep up in africa you may be seeing more of me." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck for a moment before pausing for a moment when it suddenly occurred to him. Wait, wasn't Bambi originally in the penal legion of Vastime. Did she have any ....attachments? He glanced her way and took a moment to try and gauge if he perhaps had upset her a bit by bringing it up.
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