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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Sat Sep 16, 2023 9:54 am
The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


Ever since her little scuffle in Africa, entertainment proved difficult to come by. Everyone seemed focus on that place in particular, but what was so special about that place really? A guy promises her it'll be entertaining, and all she leaves with is a poor excuse of a good show. In retrospect, she probably should have fought on the other side. They had all enemies of varying difficulty she could have sunk her teeth into. Alas, no use in crying over the past. It's spoiled milk, and she hates the smell of it, so her mind is clearly focusing on what to do in the present.

For one, she probably needed to get out of Khaana's home and start her day. That would be ideal. With all the attention likely on hollows now, it would not be feasible to go marching into the public area. Maybe she'll dance somewhere around the outskirt, or maybe she'll tempt fate. If a Shinigami confronts her, she'll just send them back to the Soul Society. Those thoughts in mind, Amaranta rises up, throwing on an ideal set of clothes - donning an outfit reminiscent of a biker - and exits the house. Since she had no fear whatsoever to begin with, she decides to walk around in an area where the neighbors knew her most. It isn't fully tempting fate, but whatever. She's not exactly in the fighting mood. A leonine lady just wanted a chill day. Nothing more, nothing less.

Of course... that didn't mean she would turn down a good fight if it stared her right in the face.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

The Cat
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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Sat Sep 16, 2023 12:13 pm

All That and More

V had no clue where the fuck she was. What could have been half-decent directions to a street address for a photoshoot was easily ending up being the most egregious fucking route to the middle of nowhere she had ever seen. Where did these dumb ass frenchies even want her?? What was the set? What was this place even? V kept taking glances at her phone, kept re-searching the location in her map app, only to then get rerouted somewhere on the other side of fucking town. She could get there on foot in a matter of minutes, she just, like, didn't want to.

While looking blindly down at her app, not even looking at anything in particular, just being utterly pissed off at it, she bumped shoulders with someone. Normally she'd apologize in order to keep up appearances, she was famous after all, today was not the day for that. "Hey, watch where you're fuckin' going." She practically hissed venomously. As much as she had room to talk, V didn't give a fuck right now. Just threw a spiteful glance over her shoulder at the other woman, not even getting a proper look at her, and then kept on walking without apologizing. Why would she?

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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Sat Sep 16, 2023 3:16 pm
The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


Scratch that. Maybe she was in a fighting mood. Sure, this bunny-eared bitch hadn't said anything to provoke her necessarily, but the leonine woman started shit over way less. It was the venomous hiss that caught her attention the most. Turning back in her general direction, a lopsided grin on her face, Amaranta walked past the woman, purposely bumping into her again. Honestly, what the fuck did she care for an apology? To hell with apologies, she simply wanted to stir the shit. What better way to derive some entertainment out of agitating this chick with the peculiar appearance? It was almost free real state, really. Of course, if she retaliated ferociously, she might have to shift locale elsewhere. Avoid stirring up too much trouble in this neck of the woods. Otherwise, Khaana would chew her ear out about it.

"Whoopsie! How clumsy of me~"

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

The Cat
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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:29 am

All That and More

V was willing to just let that slide, to ignore the fact that the whoever the fuck it was had run into her. She couldn't be assed right now, as there were much more important things to do. More important than getting upset over getting bumped into, and more important than the person who had done it themselves. V kept on walking like nothing happened even as the rage started to boil in her chest, but that was when she got bumped into again, this time causing her phone to be knocked out of her hand and land front flat on the ground.

Her reaction was instant, turning to shove Amaranta with her actual strength. Not the kind she used to play around with others, to nudge or to mess with them. No, V pushed with the strength she used to break down walls and lift literal tanks. "Yo what the fuck?!" She cursed at Amaranta, voice raised in volume to the point half the neighborhood would hear it. "You tryina fuckin' fight?!" V's face was contorted in an absolutely livid snarl, chest puffed out, and stance wide in preparation of beating the shit out of this dumbass unless given a very good reason not to.

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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:42 am
The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Whoa now, lady. Simmer down. You'll wake the whole neighborhood up yelling like that."

Amaranta chortled loudly even with her body being pushed a few meters backward. What a welcomed reaction. She was really upset now, wasn't she? Ah, Amaranta had long since forgotten what it felt like to agitate others for no rhyme or reason. An amusing pastime that had fell out of favor for a while, yet she still welcomed the bursts of exhilaration it afforded. Flashing a mocking grin, Amaranta shrugged her shoulders as she settled into a stance that left multiple openings, as if she didn't even acknowledge the cute bunny as a legitimate threat. Disrespectful in both posture and stance. How hard could she hit? At present, that was the sole question that occupied her mind. If things got a little hectic, though, she'd probably have to drag her elsewhere.

"I need some entertainment today. Come on, little bunny. Entertain me."

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

The Cat
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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:24 am

All That and More

V really did just want to kick this woman in the jaw and be done with it, but her flexed legs were thick with nothing but pure muscle. Such a maneuver would take any normal person's head off. Most of her punches had the potential to go straight through a person, too. So despite how much she wanted to take Amaranta's offer up, there was no reason for her to. Instead, the bunny scoffed, walked over to pick up her phone, and-

It was fuckin' broken.

In an instant, V whipped around and threw a blow faster than the normal eye could follow. With her fist aimed straight at Amaranta's face, V hadn't even considered what could happen if she did. Seeing her phone broken left her in such a blind rage that the repercussions simply didn't matter anymore. If she killed her, she killed her. The fury on her face probably described that thought fairly plainly.

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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 3:00 pm
The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Whaddya know? The wabbit has some bite to her punch! Impressive."

It was inherently true that normal eyes likely would have missed the unimpeded attack V launched just now, even more so that the average human would have been turned into a fine paste. Fortunately, Amaranta was neither normal nor average, and unequivocally far from anything that could be considered outside of her appearance. The hit to her face connected without any notion of defense on the leonine woman's part. A small drip of blood trickled from her nose only to be licked up without a trace. Curious to see the the full scope of her strength, Amaranta widened her arms as she lifted a her leg upward to push the woman back, treating her as though she were a petulant child stepping out of line.

"Show me more of that, eh?"

Voicing that challenge with all the bravado of a woman who viewed herself as the superior, Amaranta prompted her to indulge her anger further by beckoning her forward.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

The Cat
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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:36 am

All That and More

Something in V's mind ticked once her fist connected with something solid. Amaranta's face didn't immediately turn into a red and grey paste on the ground. In fact, her head was still intact. That was a lot more dangerous for the woman than she might have realized. "You shouldn't have done that." V muttered under shaky, excited breath. The tick in her brain was that of a revelation. She could fight this woman. For real.

The rabbit steadied herself against that push so that it didn't end up pushing her very far. Just a foot away from Amaranta. But that wouldn't be enough. V was still very much close enough to twist practically the entirety of her body to whip her right leg at her opponent, much faster than she had done her fist mind you. V's legs were something inhuman compared to the rest of her body, not even a blur as she threw a kick three times as powerful as the punch she had thrown earlier, but with even more speed behind it. There was no reason to hold back anymore. At the very least, she could indulge in a real, proper fight. But if she did that, then she wasn't giving Amaranta a single inch. Only pain.

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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:41 am
The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Oh yeah? Show me the error of my ways then, Bunny."

Ah, it was truly a stroke of fortune for V, then, that pain equaled nothing but pleasure for someone like Amaranta. What may have been viewed as danger from her perspective was nothing short of welcomed bliss to the leonine woman as she the high speed kick crashed against her ribs, moving her body back by a few inches. Since she was no martial artist in nature, each reaction was more akin to a predatorial animal reacting to its prey's attacks rather than any techniques practiced over several years. Amaranta shifted her feet from side to side as she chuckled heartily. In that next instant, her body shot forward to meet her again as she closed the short distance between them to throw a series of haymakers at her to test that defense.

"Let's see if you can move as good as you hit!"

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

The Cat
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The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]  Empty Re: The Trouble I Love[Amaranta, V ]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 7:31 am

All That and More

V's eyes widened slightly only because she was surprised the catwoman just took the hit and shook it off. Her legs were three times the strength of her arms, and this stranger just-

The rabbit was forced on the defensive immediately, utilizing her speed to readjust her stance to more easily bob and weave through the haymakers. But the sudden shift in their little dance had left her tripping up while trying to adjust. She'd dodge for a moment or two, but then she'd get clocked square in the jaw and sent stumbling back a few feet. "You little-" She practically snarled like a beast at Amaranta, glaring at her with bloodshot, furious eyes. V would immediately launch back, regaining her half-tilted stance that allowed her to throw kick after kick like Amaranta had just thrown punch after punch. The idea here was to simply overwhelm her, to strike her the same as the arrancar had done to the bunny. Amaranta had gotten her chance to back down, and now V was out for blood.

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