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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Return What You Have Taken! [PRIVATE: Arianda, Srath, Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: Return What You Have Taken! [PRIVATE: Arianda, Srath, Fuurinji]

Mon Oct 02, 2023 11:49 am
Srath felt involuntarily sick to her stomach at the feeling and sheer weight of demonic power and wrath pressing down on her, but her body was an extension of HER will, not this demon's, she would. Not. Bend. She had, however, never felt so grateful for the fact that her mask completely hid any hint of a facial expression, knowing that there were no twitches or movements in its perfect facade to be read.

She spoke with a confidence that she didn't feel, but by her nature as a Hollow she had learned to fake as easily as breathing in circumstances where to show weakness was a death sentence.

"And you, little reaper, show your inexperience. I stated that if placed under duress I would like to send you scurrying. My offer was to retrieve and return the blade for you, not simply tell you where it was and be done. And why assume it's on earth? Or on anything at all? You are unaware of my abilities, as far as you know I was able to place it in a block of molten lead, a vault anywhere, or even released it from, going with your assumption that it is in the living world, the earth and moons gravity. Even assuming you can search the seas, the sands, the crust, every vault, every piece of metal or concrete, every lava plume on earth, could you search the infinite void of space? And again, that assumes you even have the correct realm. Are you really willing to take that risk, either of you?"

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

Kanji Man
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Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:51 am

Return What You Have Taken

Fuurinji kept her eyes closed as the two of them talked and taunted each other, mostly ignoring what was being said though she was still paying enough attention to know the gist of what was going on. Only once the talking had ceased did she speak, though eyes remained closed "I am more than confident I can find my Zanpakuto, for if it were destroyed I would already know. However there are only two realms in which this Hollow would find itself, for the third would see it killed before so much as breathing and the fourth is a place for which only demons may enter and it has been eternally sealed. It would be highly unlikely that this creature would send it to the vacuum of space, as even a tiny amount of momentum would carry it far and it would have no way of retrieving it nor of knowing its location."

It was now that her eyes opened and she stared at the hollow "Nor would such a creature dare risk its destruction by sending it someplace where it would happen. However to respond further to you Hollow, a vault still contains air and thus I could still find it there, a block of molten lead would be the only thing from your description that would fit it though I doubt you would even do that or could do that. The unfortunate thing for you, creature, is that you held me prisoner for a long time. I understand well the nature of hollows and their powers, yours is that of a spider. I'm not the smartest Shinigami, I'll grant you that, however even a Shinigami who freshly entered the academy could discern your strengths at least from such a long time in captivity by your ilk. We could probably safely assume you're unlikely to go near a volcano or anywhere of extreme heat, such a thing is deadly to almost all spiders hollow or no, which narrows it down considerably."

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Return What You Have Taken! [PRIVATE: Arianda, Srath, Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: Return What You Have Taken! [PRIVATE: Arianda, Srath, Fuurinji]

Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:31 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Return What You Have Taken! [PRIVATE: Arianda, Srath, Fuurinji] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

After listening closely to what Fuurinji had to say, and what the hollow had to say, Arianda briefly considered before she looked at Fuu closely; appraising the woman before her. She wasn't completely defenseless without her Zanpakuto... But they were an important part to her being. Well, simply, they'll just have to spend time finding them together.

"Very well then, Fuu if you're confident; no deal, Hollow. None at all. I was loathe to deal with you to begin with, because of whom you kidnapped; someone quite dear to me."

Arianda glared at Srath as her anger flared once more in a surprisingly damning way, her energy flaring disgustingly before... Arianda simply sighed and shook her head. This wasn't worth it, and anything that involved a fight would put Fuurinji at risk, no matter how strong or fast Arianda was. Without asking permission, or really much preamble, Arianda picked up Fuu, sweeping the woman off her feet and into the demon's arms. Arianda carefully judged her hold before she held Fuu tight and close. Afterwards, Arianda gave the hollow one last glare.

"We're leaving, Spider Hollow. Whether or not you want us to, we are leaving. Try to stop me from leaving, from taking Fuu, and I will make you endure every pain and agony that makes death seem like a blessing."

With that, Arianda spun on her heel, wings flaring from her back and hips, as if to fully cover Fuurinji from Srath's sight. The other implications were twofold. If Srath didn't try to stop Arianda, she would leap forth, pressing into the dark landscape of Hueco Mundo; to find a better place to return herself and Fuu to the world of the living. With the fact of Fuu's missing Zanpakuto, Arianda really needed to perfect her method of healing Fuu's eyes in some way. After all, the demon didn't want Fuu to be without sight forever.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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Return What You Have Taken! [PRIVATE: Arianda, Srath, Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: Return What You Have Taken! [PRIVATE: Arianda, Srath, Fuurinji]

Sat Oct 07, 2023 7:47 pm
Srath couldn't stop herself from laughing, a cold and cruel sound, at Fuu's claims. "You know my abilities do you? Please, enlighten me of what they are little reaper. You who only faced the same abilities from me that the weakest of hollows would have, you merely know of what my form is. You haven't seen or experienced any of my abilities, but if you truly wish to remain seperate from your blade, you should simply say that."

The demoness' energy was no less stifling as than before, but she didn't allow that to stop her as she called out to the woman before she could leave.

"I wouldn't try to stop you. Though...I do have to wonder how precious she is to you to allow her to throw away not only an easy return of her blade, but also a guarantee of safety from myself in the future. Perhaps, however, I could be persuaded to sweeten the deal, and in addition to avoiding your pet reaper, I could even offer that if I did come across her making similar poor decisions as to the ones that led her to fight me I could...offer aid to extricate her safely, then continue to avoid her. Though I would need a further, minor, concession of course."
Kanji Man
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Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:45 pm

Return What You Have Taken

Fuurinji simply shook her head, giving a soft chuckle as they turned to leave. "Trust me Hollow, come near me again and it won't be me you have to watch out for, of that I at least can assure you." While it was true that previously she'd been rather foolhardy, such a mistake wasn't like to happen again. Fuurinji learned from her mistakes, but could this hollow say the same?

"No matter your threats, my Zanpakuto's will return to me one way or another... Nothing and no one can hide them from me indefinitely, of that I promise you. Attempt to stop me from finding them, and the reaction will be the same as if you killed me for the two are one in the same." What Srath knew of a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto's bond Fuurinji knew not, though she cared not for it either. In truth, the bond between her and her Zanpakuto was that of the bond between a human and their soul or close enough to it anyway.

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