Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:15 pm
Saera gave her a grin, "Another rukongai brat huh? Me too, though that was a hell of a long time ago. I still come by to keep up with the people still left. Doubt we come from the same area though, I was pretty close to one of the bigger forests. it I guess. Regardless I can respect wanting to improve the Rukongai itself, it needs a lot of it. Not that it'll be easy when certain people like to stay cooped up in their nice, pristine white walls and talk about family names, acting like anyone outside of the walls are beneath them."

Saera gave Hono a hearty pat on the back as she tossed back the rest of her mug, "But I don't particularly like thinking about them on my day off, you said you're trying to get stronger? Any particular focuses, skills? Maybe I could point you at a good teacher!"

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:51 pm

“So this is why I can hear this place halfway down the district; who let you louts out for the evening?” came a voice over the noise of the bar, and it was met with a raucous greeting of mostly friendly cheers as a crimson haired man finished entering the bar. Joshua Jehanna had a hard time not standing out in a crowd, even moreso when that crowd was mostly the rough and tumble remains of old friends. Several crass jokes rolled out at his entrance which he returned with aplomb, making his way into the bar and waving down barkeep.
“Throw down another round for this miserable lot, provided they can keep from breaking anything else in the place,” he called out with a wink the barkeep, his voice pitched to carry through the building. He laid pair of long strings with many coins on them to back up his request, and sent the barkeep scurrying as the bar erupted in jubilation.

Joshua cast a glance around the place, a wide and content smile on his face. He’d had a good day and evening thus far, as evidence by the money he’d put down. He caught sight of another game going on, and seemed to consider heading towards that table before he found the unconscious man on the floor. Not exactly an uncommon occurrence, to be sure, but he looked around a bit more and his eyes landed on a familiar sight. That wide, content smile split into something somehow more joyous as he grabbed a drink the bartender put down and walked over to where Saera and Hono were sitting.

“Well they really have let everyone out to run amok haven’t they? How you doing Saera?” he asked, holding out a hand to trade grips. It’d been a while since he’d ran into Saera out this way. His eyes tracked over to the other lady at the table.
“And hello there. I dun think I’ve met you before. Name’s Joshua,” he said, holding out a hand for a gentler greeting than he’d trade with Saera.
“What bring you two out on the town this evening?”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:04 pm

A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 200

With a quick nod, the pink-haired woman would nod. "Yep. 10th. I know it won't be easy, but hey, that isn't gonna stop me!" The woman would sigh and sip away at the glass in front of her. I don't really care about status, some nobles are assholes, and some are nice people. I'm not gonna judge someone until I meet them." That was how she thought about it at least, I mean it really wasn't fair to do so.

"Honestly? My Kido and Shunpo" She would simply say. "Ideally I'd get my Bankai~" She joked, though she knew that was a ways away. "I have this... rival, I wanna land a hit on her. So I wanna be faster and stronger!" Though Hono would raise an eyebrow as a new person entered the bar, someone she didn't exactly. Though from what he was saying, he seemed to know Saera? That was interesting. She would nod her head. "Hono Kaen. She would accept the handshake before drinking more of her vodka. "I just got off work, so trying to enjoy some of my time off~" She would explain. "What's your deal? Don't look like a no-name member of the Rukogani."

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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:18 pm
Shunpō I'll admit is not my forte. Less concerned with avoiding hits than I am with taking them and turning that to my advantage you know? But Kido? Kido I know fairly well. I ain't an expert or anything, but I know a good bit of you want some help."

Saera called for another drink before looking at Joshua and clasping his hand with a wide grin. "Joshua, you lazy bastard! Haven't seen you around much lately, they finally managed to get you to show a little effort in the seventh? Come on, sit with us."

Saera looked back at Hono as she asked about her past, "I grew up out on the edges of one of the big forest, little bit inside it actually. Not sure what you mean about not seeming like the Rukongai type, I damn well hope I don't come across as noble stock."

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:35 pm

Joshua exchanged greetings and pulled up at chair at Saera’s invitation. He made a sour face for a moment at Saera’s comment about him “putting in some effort” for the Seventh. He wasn’t about to go bragging about his little charade in the middle of the tavern though, especially not with someone knew in the conversation.
“Nah, things have just been busy around the Seventh as of late what with all the goings on in the World of the Living. Plus the dust-ups between the Seventh and Fourth. Feels a little like old times in some way,” Joshua said with an almost wistful smile before turning his attention back to Hono.
“Guilty. I used to be just another sword walking these streets, but that was a long while ago. Nowadays I’m a member of the Seventh Division. Used to be a member of the Eleventh and a few other Divisions before the shuffle happened, which is why I know this lot. How about you; what Division you putting the time in for?” he asked, taking a drink of his own drink. He couldn’t say what exactly it was now that he’d tasted it, but it wasn’t bad so it would do.

At Saera’s comment, Joshua shot her a sly grin.

“Dun worry Saera, you don’t sound much like any noble I’ve ran into. Though you might just be able to pull off the look if you could keep your mouth shut,” he said, managing to both joke and flirt in the same breath as he added in a wink.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:04 am

A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 153

"I wouldn't mind a little kido practice!" Though Mizu wouldn't be mad about it right? Well, let's hope not. She would nod her head. "Well, hey! Kido training sounds pretty fun~

Soon the bartender would bring Hono more Vodka, a tray with various different types of Vodka. Something that would last her a bit longer.

"The... seventh?" It felt like everyone was in that division... Hono did spend quite a bit of time around there herself. She would quickly speak up. "Well, I'm in the Sixth. 9th seat..." Her cheeks were a bit, pink seemingly the buzz from her shots was starting to hit her. "Though, I feel like I'm always up in the 8th! I bring Elyss food like. All the time!" Hono would grab another shot glass, and throw another one back.

This one had some more bite to it, she would hit her chest coughing. "It's good... practice for cooooking!"

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Saera Kirin
Saera Kirin
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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Sat Oct 14, 2023 1:10 pm
Saera rolled her eyes at Joshua pulling a face at her comment, if he didn't want people making comments like that, then he should show is actual level of ability and skill. Regardless, she wasn't here to bemoan her old friends eccentricities.

"You know me Joshua, the only time I'll keep my mouth shut is if I'm too busy laughing cause I'm fighting someone actually fun. Which, by the way, thank fuck for the restructure purging that stupid "Kido is cheating" mentality from the combat division."

Saera eyed Hono when she heard how badly the younger girl was slurring her words, "Let me know and I'll be glad to find a time to work with you on kido or cooking, but I think it's time to cut you off. Going straight for the vodka was maybe a bit too much for you."

With that Saera motioned to the bar tender to cut off Hono's alcohol supply. She wasn't going to be getting anything with alcohol in it for the rest of the night.

Saera Kirin-SC7-HR:C // Text color: [color=#9970b6]

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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:54 am

“Though I’m sure some of the thick-skulled bastards still hold onto it,” came Joshua’s response after a laugh at Saera’s previous comment, his own referencing the combat division’s outlook on Kidou from the past. He turned his attention back to Hono as she spoke up about which Division she was part of.
“Ah, Realm Enforcement. Thought about joining up with you lot actually when the restructuring went on, but I heard yer Captain’s a bit of a hardass. Good man, from what the rumormill says, but damn strict. Sound about right?” he’d ask. While he wasn’t exactly planning a move from his current division he was always looking. Especially since he’d started to garner extra attention in his own Division.

As Hono continued the telltale signs of her drink began to show prominently on her face. She continued on, earning a small bark of a laugh from Joshua as she took another shot. As she got herself back under control, Joshua would speak up.

“Elyss huh? You meanin Captain Kishimoto? Cause I think you got a better understanding of my own Captain than I do then. I don’t think I’ve shared even a dozen words with the woman,” he commented, the comment shifting towards a question at the end as Joshua tried to recall any discussion he’d had with the Captain since joining the Division. He’d done a good job of keeping out of her attention though.

Saera spoke up, cutting Hono off and Joshua could see some sense in that. He couldn’t blame Hono if she objected though.

“Seems like you lot have been at this a while before I turned up. You get any grub yet?” he asked.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 Empty Re: A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua]

Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:06 pm

A night to drink to [Saera, Hono, Joshua] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 168

Hono was done drinking for the time being anyway, so getting cut off wasn't exactly a HUGE issue, though, of course, she would love some more but, eh. She would nod her head. "Gottc-ha kido is always good!!!" She clapped her hands cheerfully. She would wave her hand at Saera before lightly laughing.

"A little yeah." She tapped her chin thinking about how to answer Joshua. "He's a nice guy but can come across that way. I was in his office a couple of times, we also got our Vice-Captian, Makoto who is kinda similar!" Hono had a few interactions with Makoto, mainly her evaluation which she thought went... well, it certainly was an evaluation.

"Mhm, Me and Elyss are pretty close I'd say!" She wasn't about to make this about that, so she would leave it at that unless of course she was pressed on it. "A while? Noooooooo! I've had... 4 only!" She shot a glare at Saera seemingly protesting a bit. "I haven't eaten anything"

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