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Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:39 pm
Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna] HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

An amusing prospect to be sure, and a bit embarassing. After all it wasn't every day that someone got their ass so completely handed to them by their own Zanpaku'to. No less, that she was being treated by the squad that had been there to witness her failure at that. A sigh escaping her as she waited patiently. She'd been patched up well enough, an interesting process thanks to her mod soul anatomy. But all the same, all that remained was one last check up. She'd been on light duty for about a week. This, hopefully, would be the last visit to be looked over until she was cleared for full duty.

Still, she couldn't be too down, after all with her recent promotion, she had plenty of work to keep herself occupied. But she uh... very much hoped this went well. It hadn't taken her long to find out how much she preferred field work to paperwork, especially when it came to balancing out her academy schedule.

If nothing else, it was a silver lining that she wouldn't have to wind up sitting on another examination table.
Thicc Boi
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Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:55 am
“Another gung-ho individual, you’re looking at a 01-31.” This was what one of her colleagues said to her before Kokoko entered the room, a simple sigh was her response. To make things easier to understand for both new and old people alike, there’s been a sort of unofficial numbering system to cases as they come in. A 01-31? Zanpakuto related self-harm, explosion based. These happen semi-frequently, enough that the clinic was currently on short supply of burn ointment.

Donned in her white scrubs, Kokoko entered the room and greeted Lerna silently while she reached for her clipboard. With a quick scan, most everything on there was already told to her by the attendant, but there wasn’t a whole lot to begin with. Under her breath, she cursed her colleague: “I have to teach that woman how to write one of these days.”

Taking seat on the nearby stool, the medic finally addressed her patient. “How are you today Ms. Lerna? Everything working just fine? Is this something related to the incident you were here for earlier or…?” There’s a highly likely chance that the attendant also just wrote down the wrong information, so Kokoko has learned to ask questions to every patient before going ahead with treatment.

Coded by Slayer

Last edited by Slayer on Tue Oct 03, 2023 7:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna] Sumera-character-list
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Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna] Empty Re: Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 7:17 am
Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna] HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

Lerna's brows raised slightly as she watched the Squad Member walking into the room, her head canting a bit to the side before offering a calm smile. "No, this is a follow up from last week. Earlier today I brought someone in from my division. I'm here for a medical release for duty." She pointed out calmly enough, holding out her wrist before blinking as she realized there wasn't a little strap around her wrist.

"Ah, right, Forgot you guys don't use those, hah, so used to winding up in the hospital on earth." She chuckled, reaching back and rubbing the back of her neck. "I'm uh, Fourth Seat Lerna, Seventh Division? Got fucked up by my Zanpaku'to. I think the doc said I was originally in for......Alcohol poisoning, Nerve Damage, and organ failure. And before you ask, I wasn't partying, my Zanpaku'to uses alcohol." She promptly added, raising her hands up as if to ward off a sudden look of disdain. Certainly the doctors had been....intrigued by her condition when she'd come in.

"I've been on light duty and I'm looking to be cleared for Work again." She explained casually enough.
Thicc Boi
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Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna] Empty Re: Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:59 am
Defeated, Kokoko threw the clipboard to the ground with a loud noise to accompany it. Man, she wished people would do their jobs and correctly. Now here she was, looking like an asshole in front of another patient. Oh well, for as long as she is unseated nothing on a logistical level was going to get fixed. It was the kido division, not the healing division, at the end of the day.

Listening attentively, Kokoko made a mental note of the woman’s previous visit. “I see. Nerve damage is concerning but nothing kido shouldn’t be able to fix. The poisoning and organ failure is something that you should approach either your captain or mine about, because outside of dire situations your zanpakuto should not be actively killing you. It’s sort of… how do you say, antithetical to the whole zanpakuto thing, catch my drift?” There was a cluttering as a small version of her former captain appeared from under the clipboard, as if Kokoko forgot she existed and wasn’t particularly concerned with its wellbeing. Once out from under the clipboard, it waved to Lerna.

Still engrossed in her work, Kokoko continued: “Yeah, I can get you cleared but there’s a procedure we are required to go through. Normally, this would be a first issue but since the Clinic has been a thing we’ve been able to handle these now…” Her voice trailed off as Kokoko became visibly comfortable in the room, to the point that some of her ramblings were really towards herself. Eating, living, breathing work has made the inside of examination rooms her natural habitat. The healer picked up the board and began flipping through it, looking for pertinent information that, to nobody's surprise, wasn’t there. “Alrighty! First, full name, division, and age. I also need your sex, gender, and highest level of connection with your partner. Shikai? Bankai? These things matter and decide whether or not we let you take some time off or desperately need you back.”

Coded by Slayer

Last edited by Slayer on Tue Oct 03, 2023 7:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna] Sumera-character-list
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Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna] Empty Re: Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:20 am
Down For Reprise [Kokoko, Lerna] HEADER_EFPoF0NUUAEq42w

Lernas brows raised just a little and she gave a sheepish chuckle at the display. "Sorry, But I guess this stuff has been happening a bit more with everything going on. You gusy are probably stretched pretty thin these days." She noted calmly, though at that last part she did clear her throat a bit. "It wasn't exactly... unprompted. I was making an attempt at Bankai training. And it didn't go well for me." She pointed out. Though she listened closely as the woman went through the injuries she'd sustained, nodding along as she made note of the situation. Had it not been for what she was, she was certain that she likely would have been in recovery for much longer. All the same, she paused when she was asked for the rundown of her basic information.

"Right. Uh. Lerna. No last name. I'm from earth. Fourth Seat of the Seventh Division. I'm about Five Hundred, I think? It's been a while and I didn't exactly keep track for a while. Uh... I'm a Mod Soul. I'm a ...woman...I guess? And I've achieved Shikai. And uh...ahem. Due to the Mod Soul thing, I mostly did a lot of my treatment in Third Division rather than here. But well....rules are still rules, so I need a medical clearance. Which I admit I don't really know how that's done around here." She noted. After all, back on earth, it included a physical to ensure that you could perform the necessary movements, bending, or force exertion that was required to return to active work. Since work was combat, she wasn't exactly sure how that worked around the Gotei.

Especially with her being a mod soul. She was only really for a formality, because well. She was more... a thing than a person when it came to repairs. Her gigai had been fixed up for the most part, it was her roots that were acting up, but that was more third Division's forte. She'd already been cleared by a third division member, but well. Protocol. She still needed a member of Second to Clear her. All that fun stuff.
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