Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:52 pm
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 QLkf6E5


"Hmm? Uh. Well, that depends on if you're good at being fast or not. A gal's not always looking for a quick finish."

Being a bit crude, Ojo started walking, giving Yuuto a chance to defend his own speed. It's no good if he can go fast but can't control what's in his hands. She'd not like to be dropped at light speed and spill everything. On the other hand, getting home faster's not a bad thing. Though, it's not like Yuuto knows where she lives anyway.

"Did you want anything specific to drink though?" She'd ask, changing the subject real quick to make sure she has everything.

Beautiful | END POST
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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 12:22 pm
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 ZBd0Iyu


Quite crude, that comment was. He was tempted to make a point, but decided against it. He didn't need to prove or defend himself like that -- he knew what he was capable of. The main point against him right now was that he didn't know where Ojo lived, so it would ultimately be a hinderance. That much was true -- he certainly didn't want to burn energy, daylight, and time speeding around the Rukongai when he didn't know where he was going. But, the topic was quick to change, shifting instead to his preference in beverage.

"Water or tea, but, there's no need to get anything specific. It's hardly important."

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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:43 am
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 QLkf6E5


He wanted to defend himself? Poor Yuuto. Ojo's the type gal who'd blush at a display of manliness. The intricate details and loose ends of plans hardly matter when both parties get something out of it. However, with that said, some things just have to be perfect because perfection is key to a perfect day. That's why she couldn't take his blatant disrespect for beverage lightly.

"Water? Tea?"

She shook her head and pouted, stopping as she pulled at his arm and rammed her horn into his side. Of course she'd not injure the guy, but the pointed tip should get the message across that his lack of care wouldn't go unpunished.

"Yuuto," She started sternly through her pout. "The drink's one of the most important parts. A hearty meal deserves a drink perfect for satisfying your taste buds. Eating all this meat and bread! You need something like a good wine or a strong beer to wash it down and leave your mouth all tingly and wanting for more!"

Beautiful | END POST
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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:18 am
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 ZBd0Iyu


It was barely important for him, however, it seemed to be considerably moreso for her. As she suddenly stopped, he looked to see her cheeks puffed out, before sharply being pulled and feeling her horn jab his side, followed by a stern lecture. The Captain blinked a few times in surprise and confusion, before the gentle, warm smile returned and he chuckled softly.

"I didn't mean to offend."

Gently pushing her away from his side to keep her horn from continually jabbing him, Yuuto reached over to pat her on the head, mostly out of instinct. A habit slightly born from how much time and passion he put into teaching at the academy.

"However, I don't think it necessarily has to be something so gauche. A good wine wouldn't be opposed, but, appreciating such a meal, enjoying it all the same, even just that alone would make me wish for more."

Then again, he was hardly a difficult person to please. Despite his status as a Captain, he was a man that often lived a humble existence, one who appreciated everything that came from another, no matter how big or small, as long as the sentiment was there.

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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:43 am
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 QLkf6E5


She blinked.

"Ah! Captain?! How are you still single?!" She suddenly exclaimed after his sudden showcase of being a comforting man.

Why this kind of stuff makes it almost impossible for a woman to stay mad. The head patting is like that stern but gentle need to showcase dominance and control, and pairing that with calling her cooking good like that... He hasn't even tried it yet! But she can already feel the butterflies in her stomach at the idea that his praises would only worsen once he's actually had her cooking. What is this sudden manly display?!

"You should really save the suave for the lady of your dreams, Captain."

But he did his job at calming her down, and Ojo's quick to take his hand and proceed to continue dragging him to her place.

Beautiful | END POST
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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:01 pm
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 ZBd0Iyu


Yuuto blinked, taken a bit aback from the sudden, probably rhetorical question of how he was still single. Frankly, he wasn't really sure how he -- or anyone, really -- was supposed to answer that. Her follow-up comment did little in giving him much more to respond to. In truth, he simply held faith in Ojo's own confidence in her cooking. It was not hard to make him content.

But, he would not be given a chance to form a proper response, as Ojo was quick to grab his hand and pull him along, furthering them to her residence. As they went along, Yuuto following behind in a slightly awkward stumble due to the difference in height, the Captain chuckled softly as he thought of her words. The lady of his dreams, hm? Part of him doubted it.

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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:17 pm
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 QLkf6E5


Love is such a dumbfounding experience. One second, you're just going about your day. The next, you're suddenly staring someone down, wondering how you could continue living without them. Then there's the issue of getting close to them in a natural manner and the issue of being turned down and what that does to a person. Ojo's not the biggest player of romance, but she's fooled around once or twice with a guy. She's yet to feel anything beyond physical attachment though.

However, her house isn't far and they soon reach the small little hobble she calls a place. Producing a key from her bosom, which was apparently attached to a chain around her neck, she went to turn the lock and open the door. The inside of her place isn't anything crazy, reminiscent of an average Japanese household of middle salary.

"Ah. Welcome home~ Now, what'd you like? A bath? Dinner? Or-" She smirked before finishing, winking as she directed him to the living room, missing chairs with a large couch and pillows on the floor next to a chabudai. The couch and pillows look especially large for someone like Ojo to sit on.

"Sit, and I'll start getting some food ready."

Beautiful | END POST
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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Tue Mar 05, 2024 5:53 pm
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 D8DTm9n


There was a unique comfort to a humble setting like Ojo's home. Despite his status as a Captain and his personal quarters being rather gauche, he was hardly a lavish spender. This kind of setting, so quiet, humble, moderate, and average, was one he missed from his time on Earth. Chuckling softly at Ojo's prod, or whatever it was meant to be, he took a small look around as she directed him to the living room.

"Well, I should hope dinner, given the questions during our little escapade before arriving here."

He noted how unusually large the couch and cushions were compared to Ojo herself. Did she have a really tall brother, or perhaps her father? Despite the size difference, they still looked comfortable. Sliding his sword behind his back, Yuuto casually altered his Zanpakuto's size and shape to that of a simple ninjato as he sat down Indian-style. There wasn't much else to do besides wait -- especially after Ojo's insistence on being the sole occupant in the kitchen.

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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:33 am
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 QLkf6E5


It is Ojo's kitchen after all. She doesn't let anyone enter it, unless they're as good a cook as her. Though, then she starts getting competitive. Well, that's only with certain people, but anyway, Ojo began doing her thing. The kitchen turned ablaze as she started her usual routine of getting the stoves on, and pulling out all she needed.

"Oh! Yuuto- Ah! Captain!" A little slip as she came back into the living room. "Would you like anything while you wait? We've all kinds of snacks. Name anything."

With a smile, she stood with a canted head. However, Yuuto would notice that the woman now wore an apron, her form seemingly even smaller with her small heels taken off.

Beautiful | END POST
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This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 Empty Re: This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:01 pm
This Steers Steering (Koga/Yuuto) - Page 2 D8DTm9n


It was rather sweet for Ojo to still be so formal with him, despite the casual circumstances. Chuckling softly as she came back into the living room, he noticed she was even shorter than she had been before. He hadn't realized that she was wearing heels -- or that they made such a difference.

"Please, Ojo, don't be shy of calling me by name. This is hardly any official matter."

But, he thought for a moment about a snack while he waited. From what he remembered of everything he had answered from her questions prior to their arrival, perhaps a small sweet could be nice to fill in the idle time.

"Is daifuku okay?"

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