Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:24 pm
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


There was a moment of reprieve as bloodied overcoat soaked the white into a pretty pink, left side reeling in agony at the fresh slash of flesh, right palm holding the wound as the dirtied locks fell against cold stone before him, lips parting in hurried rasps as the injury had put a shock into his system. It had been far too long since such a close call hit him, that adrenaline pumping caused a level of wooziness, Zathrusta being silenced by the wardrum in his earlobe from the heart crashing against the ribcage.

Then a tap on his shoulder.

Dilated pupils darted over the shoulder, noticing Hana as a rather defensive few steps back became abundantly clear as he failed to respond just yet, this wasn’t ideal but she didn’t seem to know him outright, that was something atleast. Mirai. She was strong. It wouldn’t be long until she handled the Hollow, bringing him into an unfortunate predicament.

"P-pardon me, I don’t wish to get blood on your clothes you see. T-There is a Hollow around here, being taken care of, or so I believe it has been handled and seemed to have taken a small protest to it returning to the soul cycle.

He tried to humor her for a moment, concern for a bystander was the last thing that was needed. This was Akiras karma, nobody else deserved to truly be brought into this more than needed, eyes moving to look at the smaller woman.

"Your concern is quite honestly the highlight of my day, considering.


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:50 pm
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The look in his eyes caused her to take a step back. She had clearly started him, but he did the same in response. She watched and waited, having forgotten about the hollow for now; the sight of bloodied wounds could do that. He calm off kind when he collected himself, letting Hana bring her guard down enough to not withdraw from him again. Hearing his explanation, she let her reikaku reach out. There was a hollow and someone else, someone clearly stronger than her, but unfamiliar.

“Oh, I see,” Hana said, sighing in relief. She could tell by the order in her phone that the hollow would have been a challenge. The fear of having to fight it faded. She wasn’t a very strong shinigami, yet, so she did not want to punch too far above her weight class. He was able to conjure a smile from her, his kind words calming her nerves. “Here, let me help. Let’s find you a place to sit,” Hana said, intending on helping him walk. She was quite a bit shorter, but she could shoulder his weight.

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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:03 pm
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Hana’s offer was appreciative though any blood on her would only indicate her involvement in the unknowing retreat of a wanted fugitive. He shifted to take off the overcoat, groaning and whining in pain as it was wrapped, turning it into a makeshift bandage as he went to tighten it around the wound and waist, before offering an idle nod, letting his weight be lifted slightly by her ability to be a crutch for the time being. It wasn’t lying was it? It was half truths. Failing to deliver the full story. She was sweet.

"Y-Your assistance is appreciated, I can help myself once we have find an are- Tsk. Area to settle into it. I think there is a pond garden somewhere around here, It should be far enough away to offer some form of isolation. Is this your duty? The way you act isn’t what I’d ex- Oh…Sorry…Name…What is your name?

He attempted some civility considering his current situation, walking beside her and trying himself to avoid majorly relying on Hana’s assistance.


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:31 pm
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

There was a tinge of relief in Hana’s expression when he covered the blood. She wasn’t fond of that getting on her clothing. If she had popped out of her gigai before running toward the danger, it would be easier to get blood on her uniform. In the modern clothing she was wearing, it would be such a pain to get out, and a sad reminder of failing someone who needed her help. Still, she pushed through and helped him get somewhere safe. She had the strength for that!

“My name is Hana Aoyama, and yes it is my duty to deal with hollow,” Hana said, a drop of uncertainty in her tone. "So, if I may ask, what is your name? I hear talking can distract from the pain." Hana looked around, trying to find a bench for him to sit on. He was right about the garden, so she led him in that direction. At the bench, she did her best to help him sit, and even lay down if he was more comfortable.

"I am not the most skilled in healing, but I will attempt to stop the bleeding," Hana said. Taking a deep breath, she held both of her hands over his wound. A glittery, light blue, cool feeling reiryoku emanated from the palms of her hands and seeped into the wound like a gentle snow falling to the ground. She focused hard, a drop of sweat sliding down the side of her face while she took deep, controlled breaths to keep herself steady. She hoped that the wound would soon start to close.

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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:01 am
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Akira hobbled further still, using the smaller woman as a means to trudge outward toward the garden as the pain elicited both intense heat at the core and a solid cold around the flesh, sench of iron assaulting both of their noses whilst the pressure applied by the overcoat only acted to stem it momentarily. It would be hell to scrub such a thing from the white, it is better off to burn the entire thing and purchase another.
His medical knowledge wasn’t limited, due to his insight into the anatomy though distracting the mind was an excellent way of handling things.

"A-Akira Tairitsu. I’m rather fortunate to land before someone of such kindness, I thought for a second a dumpster would be my company for the foreseeable future.

He claimed with a light hiss of pain, though watching her hands shift to begin using Kaido, a gentle sensation of snowfall caressing the injury, Hana had no idea he was a fugitive did she? There was an inkling of guilt as she focused, feeling the wounds begin to knit back together. The least he could do was protect her from knowing too much, less treason be on her head.

"Your Kaido is rather pleasant, I don’t think I’ve experienced that before. It’s like your hair, both just have a natural tug to the eye. This rambling isn’t earning me anything but I hope you don’t mind it. How long have you been a Shinigami for?


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:55 am
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

A dumpster? Alleys? Beaten up? Hana’s mind wandered to different books she read, the plots of muggings and back alley deals. Was Akira about to be assassinated and his body thrown into a dumpster before they bumped into each other? No, that was ridiculous. He already explained the hollow, and she could sense the other shinigami taking care of it. Hana pushed the silly thoughts out of her mind.

“I am just thankful I showed up and can help you. Now, hold still…”

Healing Akira was where Hana's focus was. In fact, she focused so hard on controlling her reiryoku and doing this right that his words seemed to fall on deaf ears. She heard him, but would not respond until her mission was complete. His wounds slowly wove themselves back together, and unfortunately did leave a decent scar. Hopefully, he could find a better healer to get rid of that. She certainly wasn’t it. She stopped, sighed, and wiped the sweat from her brow.

“There. I do apologize for the scar; I could still use some practice,” Hana said, taking another deep breath before sitting on the bench next to him. "I have been a Shinigami for a little under a year now; I am quite new to all of it. What did you mean by my kaido being pleasant? Is there something odd about it?" Hana's question came off worried, like she might be doing something incorrectly.

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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:27 am
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


The scar could easily be handled by the man himself but Hana’s kindness, alongside any other minute issues, though it served as a rather good reminder of both her kindness but also his reckless behavior, Mirai. This individual had found him and as such, Akira was back in the spotlight coming forward, eyes of gold glancing around Hana who had been so helpful. The man though offered a calm smile, shaking his head whilst locks of white followed, albeit dirtied and sullied by both vermillion and residue alike.

"No need for concern. Your reiatsu is calm, diligent, most who use Kaido aren’t accessing it for others sake but their own. The ability to heal one's own wounds within the realm of conflict is worth more than the moral cotton that is woven into internal desires, yet yours does not hold this. I can tell you wanted to heal me based on desire to heal, not due to obligation either.

He softly regaled though and also had to tear himself from Hana soon, Mirai would eliminate that Hollow eventually and her next target would be him.

"Under a year? That’s rather new considering all things. Is this your natural patrol route or is that classified information?

Akira softly mused.


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:45 am
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana’s cheeks reddened at what he told her. It warmed her heart to hear it. He could tell all of that from her kaido? That was impressive. Someone more experienced might have caught on to his knowledge and questioned it further, but Hana had the habit of assuming the good in everyone. She had no reason to be suspicious, and so she wasn’t. His compliments only made her smile.

"Hm..." Hana put her fingers on her chin, the natural thinking gesture. "I am uncertain, but I might get in trouble explaining anything about my route to someone outside of the Gotei United. Normally, I would not hesitate to answer, but I am trying to better myself as a Shinigami. The most I am willing to say is that I patrol everywhere; I enjoy patrol assignments. I may be in India next week."

Remembering her job, Hana stood up and looked back in the direction of the hollow she should have been fighting. It hadn't been long, but the person she sensed was much more powerful than she was. The battle was coming to a close, at least that's what she sensed as the hollow's reiatsu began fading. She sighed in relief and then turned her attention back to Akira. "I think the hollow that attacked you is close to death; you should be safe now. If you need, I can escort you home."

End Post
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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:58 am
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Akira couldn’t help but offer a rather reassuring, genuine warmth from the smile that curled across his lips, this woman was a rarity among the Gotei. It was what it was meant to be. It was at her offer that harsh reality crashed and broke the reprieve from anxiety, as Zathrusta muttered horrific acts of violence within his earlobe, corruption, abhorrent acts to this precious beacon. No. If he left her now then Mirai would interrogate her, those who acted as executioners and sought his kind out held no love nor mercy.

"Thank you. I think you’ll be a shining example for all Shinigami.

He stated gently, moving now to stand before inhaling softly.

"I shan’t get in your way regarding such duties, nor will I ask any more than you have managed to provide. It’s crushing to confess that you must draw your blade, cut my hand and claim that you attempted to stop me. The Shinigami we can sense is from a branch which specializes in interrogation, rooting out deserters and traitors. My kind. Like any good book, there is far more to it but she is too fast.

Akira claimed calmly

"Less you hand me your blade and I cut myself..


Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana]

Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:07 am
What Are the Chances? [Akira/Mirai/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Overwhelmed. The casual conversation that seemed to be on good standing was completely changed in the course of a few seconds. The things Akira said shocked her. What he wanted her to do was horrifying. She shook her head. “Wh-what? I will do no such thing!” Hana said, but as he continued, it got worse. He claimed himself a traitor and a deserter. Hana’s eyes widened. Who was this man?

Hana took a few steps back from him, her hand gripping her zanpakuto, but not in a way that would ever imply that she would draw it against him. Firstly, she was using the wrong hand for that. "I... do not understand, and I will not harm someone I just healed. Explain! Who are you?" The hollow they sensed was now dead, and the shinigami that took care of it was likely on the way. Hana could not tell.

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