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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ye Olde Guarde
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Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:57 pm
Rosa Rubicundior

To most that knew her, it was a surprise that Kaoru Nagumo could read let alone the fact that she enjoyed it. To those that knew Haruna Kaneshige, it was surprising that she wasn't surrounded by books. Sometime after dropping her alias, she had dropped something else too—most of what made her smarter than the average bear. When alive, she was a half-decent philosopher that mostly focused on the importance of family and the bond that siblings—especially twins—shared. All of that was forgotten. What wasn't burned in the inferno that took her life had been eaten by an unknown darkness.

But one thing did remain from that time. Kaoru still enjoyed reading, even if it was in one ear and out the other—so to speak. She didn't like audiobooks all that much. Even in the futuristic world of today, paper books still had a place. Today's place was the ever-rarer library—one that had more of a western styling to it. Kaoru wasn't looking for anything in particular. Today was a "find a title that looks interesting" kind of day. Kaoru practically ran down each aisle. She scanned the titles for anything to stand out. Three aisles in, she found it. There was just one problem.

Kaoru and her sister shared one unfortunate trait. They were short. Kaoru didn't know her sister even shorter than she was, which was extremely unfair. The book was something similar to Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings or Yamamoto Tsunetomo's Hagakure. It was one of those vaguely-philosophical, vaguely-nationalistic, vaguely-a-manual type works. It was likely mediocre at best. And worst of all, it was on the top shelf. Not even the actual top shelf, but the one above it used for overstock. Obviously this book wasn't very popular. Not seeing a ladder, stepstool, or milk crate, she tried to jump. Still too short.

Growling to herself, Kaoru almost used Hohō to get there... And then a slow-paced flash of white caught her eye. She pointed immediately, calling out to the specter. "Hey you! Tall guy with the white mullet." Her tone was excited, as if she had found gold after digging on the beach. "I need your tallness to get a book." She pointed it out with her other hand while still pointing at him...

Lilio Candidior

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Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:37 pm
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Today was restock day for his own establishment of knowledge, though often procuring books from other libraries of which intended to throw them away or see them repurposed for a new book, Akira felt himself lending them a new home. There had been a drastic change in technology afterall, a constant desire to listen to an audiofeed on the move, others electing to mere look for synopsis online, these things whilst each to their own lacked character, offered little self reflection to ones own nature. It was common for him to be cozily surveying the words on a page several times over until it saturated into his mind akin to the very ink it was written in.

Those were the glory days, often finding themselves lost in literature or within the Kido Corps, writing a litany of reports, refining others for them and teaching the importance of sharpening their minds, spiritually granting them awakening that could further their lives as Shinigami. These inner thoughts though finally shattered at a voice shrieking for a white haired man, causing an abrupt halt and a double take as his overcoat came back into view, a pair of golden hues which for those whom had insight were very reminiscent of an alleged man with a title: Kido Killer. Akira though smiled softly, tilting his head as if some form of familiarity washed over him.

"My distinction only makes me believe it is me you’re referring to Miss.

He claimed with a chuckle, advancing down the small pathway whilst a bag gingerly tapped against his left side, glancing around before proceeding onward with an ever calm tone, within his gigai that assured his presence was naught more than a spiritually aware human.

"I believe my tallness can provide for your shortcoming in this endeavour, especially in the name of literature. Which is it I can acquire for you? Maybe I also have it within my bag.


Ye Olde Guarde
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Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:46 am
Rosa Rubicundior

Kaoru ignored his offer about bag-hunting for now. "It's that one. Green cover." As the tall one reached over, she guided him. "Left. Left. Left. Too far. Back to the right. Right... Aaaaand that one!" Her eyes gleamed like honey for a moment. She took one look at the book's back matter and realized it probably wasn't going to be any good. Oh well. A book was a book was a book after all. If it was 'mid' as the old folks called it, she'd just write a scathing review... probably on a notecard to leave at the end of the book. She didn't have a blog for influence, nor would she vandalize a book of all things. Mailboxes, homes, pets? Fair game. Books? Nope. Not allowed.

"Thank you for getting this down." Kaoru nodded as enthusiastic as she could be while being mildly disappointed in the book. Nope, she couldn't be disappointed. Not allowed. She'd find some way to enjoy it. Otherwise... Kaoru's attention turned back to his earlier comment about his bag. "Say Library Santa, you got anything in that man purse that'll be interesting to read?"

Lilio Candidior

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Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:08 am
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Akira didn’t expect to be used as a portable machine this day, right hand raising into the upward recesses of the oak bookcase that held the treasure trove for Kaoru, fingers accidentally grasping the wrong one, only to release it and seek for the emerald covering of the one she desired. It was easier said than done, before finally reaching for the treasure and bringing it down to the enthusiastic pink head. Yet a hint of disappointment shone through the ever enthusiastic demeanor, eliciting a tilt of the head only to be called Santa.

Oh. The White hair.

He couldn’t help but cackle a little at the comments, both a nickname and a reference to his most illustrious fashion statement: A clear plastic bag.

"You’re quite welcome. An avid reader I see, though I often offer selections based on an individual's personality. You seem a little easily bored, though I hate to presume. Let me see if I do have an early christmas gift for you.

The man then delved into the book, letting out a soft hum before moving to take out a pair of books. The first being a rather thin looking piece of literature, a black leather to the cover.

"Grimms Tales. This is an original rendition, well, translated over. It’s the grittier tales and origins of alot of the fairy tales you find, ironic considering I have found they get across their message far easier than that of the more romanticized counterparts.

Before shaking a far thicker book.

"This is a little more layered, though the author tries to offer a philosophical concept about seeking. It’s about a pair of twins who constantly affect eachothers lives without truly knowing about the other, they do something remarkable in referencing the other without explicitly stating it until later chapters. The book is alot about internal desire that we all have to seek out things yet unaware of the importance of acknowledging our present.


Ye Olde Guarde
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Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:31 pm
Rosa Rubicundior

Kaoru nodded at the avid reader comment. She read as much as she traveled. If her Zanpakutō weren't currently hidden away, it would reveal her collection of bumper stickers signifying the places she'd been. She watched him produce two other books. The first was a thin compilation of the famous Grimm brothers' fairy tale retellings. Although many at her age and comprehension would find it insulting, Kaoru didn't. She enjoyed many of the stories in there.

The second book was something that people expected Haruna Kaneshige to hoard like a dragon. Kaoru was intrigued by it. The concept was a bit on-the-nose for her, but no one knew she was searching for her sister. Well, besides that blond guy with the funny hat. He knew. She had a brief thought wondering if he was still alive... One day she'd find out. Not today. Kaoru eyed them both carefully. One would likely put her in a thinking mood, and she hadn't had a good think for a while now. She was hoping the green book in her hand would do it, but it was likely just going to put her to sleep. "The translation of Grimms' Tales. Does it happen to have The Riddle in it? I've always liked that one, but most renditions don't keep it. All these short versions just have Cinderella, Rapunzel, and other commonplace stories. All the good copies have The Riddle or even Frau Holle."

"You seem like someone who reads a lot. What do you read? More like this," she nodded towards the thin book before nodding towards the thicker one, "or that?"

Lilio Candidior

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Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:16 am
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There was an element of entertainment from Kauro’s retort, considering if such had the Riddle and moving his eyes to double check on this. It did. It also had several others, akin to an excited child at Christmas himself, Akira began to carefully peel back some of slightly worn down leather to reveal the glossary page.

"Three Little Men in the Woods, Riddle, Seven Ravens, Little Red Cap and the Devil with three golden hairs.

He swiftly listed before returning it back into a closed standpoint, only for a brow to perk at the inquiry of which he was all too happy to get a little lost in.

"I’m something of a literature addict, so genre itself isn’t really a concern for me, more so the way the writing can paint a picture and enrich a story. I love the ocean you see, a good book has both depth and a sense of unknowing from the tension of a thriller to a heated passion between a couple within a romance. There is a slight bias I suppose to those types of literature that offers a different perspective to an otherwise black and white situation, philosophically speaking. I can only describe it as writing which asks moral inquiries.

Akira then halted himself, realizing he had entirely went on a small tirade.

"Pardon me, I got a little lost there. My delight is good literature all around to keep it easy, I do not think I’ve ever seen you around here though. Is this a stop off before you depart or recently moved into the area?”


Ye Olde Guarde
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Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:33 pm
Rosa Rubicundior

Kaoru grabbed the book and began glancing through it after he confirmed the stories within. It wasn't a bad rendition by any means. She'd much prefer to have this over the mass-market drivel that left the stories mostly on the cutting room floor. Censorship was something she didn't like, though she wasn't quite sure why. The forcible removing of something that future readers wouldn't know about... It just struck a nerve in her.

While Akira explained his love of literature, Kaoru nodded along. She was, truthfully, only half-listening. It was enough to catch the gist of it. People like him weren't exactly rare, but neither were they common. What made Akira stand out was that he acknowledged the bias in his preferences. That was something that made her glance up from the book. "I think I get what you mean." She handed it back to him, satisfied at her quick re-reading. It wasn't the type of thing she wanted to lug around.

Kaoru once again made a thinking noise, then shrugged in response to his question. "Bit of both, bit of neither." She swayed a little from side-to-side, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. "Been in this area before, left, came back—lather, rinse, repeat." The last three words were spoken in heavily-accented English. "You should probably upgrade, you know." Kaoru spoke up abruptly, her eyes focusing more on the books around them. "That body has some cracks, kinda like mine. You use it too much and the real you seeps out."

Lilio Candidior

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Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:38 pm
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It wasn’t rare per say for Akira to engage with a like minded individual but this was most definitely a nice breath of fresh air, most only knew the tales on a baseline level, there had been a remake and even a movie here and there. She seemed genuinely invested in keeping her mind engaged with some form of literature, palm reaching you to retake the item and moving to bring it within his coat. Then it hit him. Her statement. There was a sudden cloak of tension around him, though whilst the smile didn’t falter, there was an element of disappoint pointed internally within his tone.

"So we’re both wearing something a little wartorn?

He mused lightly, moving to lean against the larger bookshelf and exhale sharply, evidently aiming to keep alot of this within a concealed function, it seemed that this woman was able to see through everything or atleast knew what to look for. Gigai weren’t perfect. He knew this. Maybe it was time for an upgrade afterall, an idle glance at her form though didn’t indicate any intent for hostility or that she was from the Gotei United Hypocricy. Curious. Each arm moving to gesture up with a vague shrug, chuckling softly.

"Forgive me for any deception you may feel I brought to this conversation, I’m afraid it is a habit of mine to seek a little isolation amongst all the chaos which seems to seep into this world. Nostalgia. That is why I don’t upgrade. What about you? Lack of access or a lack of care for any who sees the cracks?


Ye Olde Guarde
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Sat Nov 04, 2023 3:20 pm
Rosa Rubicundior

Kaoru shrugged. "Bit of both, bit of neither I guess. No one would think twice about me, so I really don't care much if anyone finds out." She pointed at him. Hard. "But I don't know your story, so you may be on the run or something. Just thought I'd give ya a friendly head's up." With an emphatic nod, she returned back to musing over the book. It was a good copy, but she traveled light. The only thing she carried with her on the regular was the odd-shaped long bag that held clothes, toiletries, and her Zanpakutō. Not quite room for a library.

"Nostalgia, huh..." Those words kept circling in Kaoru's head. Of all the reasons he could have given, it was that one. The one she could personally understand. A desire to revisit the old days. "I take it you had a good few memories with that one, huh? Even if it's not with you, you know you can keep holding onto those memories, right? And you gotta keep those memories close. The good ones, that is. Don't let anyone tell you to forget. They're wrong. Dead wrong. Like, they couldn't be wrong-er."

Lilio Candidior

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Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:11 am
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Akira couldn’t help a soft chuckle which escaped his throat at this individual’s rather staunch view on memories, a level of truth to that. It was beyond all reason that memory would be the anchor of all sentient life, be it Hollow or Shinigami, Living or Dead. These all defined a living being. He offered her an appreciative nod, glancing around the library with an element or air of anxiety that briefly glimmered through a calm demeanor before returning.

"Your insight is most appreciated. There is something about this one in particular I suppose, though I’m addicted to the literature of all worlds. I believe there is a foundation to me enjoying a certain permanency or clarity that a book can offer, so changing this could feel akin to robbing me of an experience. It hasn’t ended yet so to speak.

He shifted a little to lean further onto the shelf of books, exhaling softly before nodding with a sense of confidence that indicated he more than agreed with her.

"Memory creates us all, even our zanpaktou to some capacity could be by theory, a reflection of our memories. It doesn’t matter about the good or bad of said memory, only that we have it to remind us of important things. It is life. That is memory. The ability to recollect those brief moments of happiness, contemplate the worst days and act in a way to avoid the latter whilst indulging in the former.

The white tuff of hair dropped as he sagely nodded, as if some himalayan monk before chuckling a little at himself.

"It also has a habit of forcing you to realize that acting on such memory isn’t the easiest, that is probably what is most infuriating about it. Still. Just as important.


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