Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Thu Nov 09, 2023 10:59 am
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Dd9ee32f72faf6b333d4d9bee09a87cc


The first thing Akira’s body did after the internal conflict with his Hollow was sharply inhale, a brutal desperate gasp for oxygen as his back was against wettened grass, blades feeling irritable against exposed flesh, as a single layer had been stripped across the length of the left arm, only for a similar injury to be ever evident on the upper torso.

Whilst this acidic element had all but faded, a constant steam rose like a plume from the Shinigami’s body, fingernails digging into muddied earth below and dragging his weight, albeit barely, across like a wounded animal, golden hues fixating on his sealed zanpaktou. It was comforting to know it was close by atleast, finally managing to grasp the hilt and place his back against a large tree, beads of sweat and trickles of vermilion staining usually white locks into a lighter pink.

Akira could feel his eyelids struggling to remain awake, glancing at the upper pec whose clothing had all been consumed alongside skin, raising the right hand with a tremble, as a dull emerald energy activated in the form of Kaido, using his slither of focus from the unbearable agony as the cold air bit at this horrific wound to intertwine such a spellwork with a basic seal. It was a work in progress, intertwining spellwork like this of which failed, backfiring into the fingertips.

"Nargh!...T-The only time I-I’d want a Gotei mem-member…Here…How did they not feel that A-Adjucha…

He attempted to keep his mind off the pain by speaking aloud, glancing around each injury as several forms of smaller shrapnel had embedded themselves unceremoniously within the upper leg. Passing out would spell disaster.


God of Love
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Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Thu Nov 09, 2023 2:41 pm
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) UE9X4Dv

Reida didn't spend a lot of time in Japan, and that was for one reason, more or less; her Japanese was, to put it politely, "functional." She could get around fine, but she sure as hell wouldn't be moving here any time soon. It was enough for dealing with contacts, and the other members of the Vandenreich who spoke Japanese-

Or, in this case, listening to the ramblings of the injured shinigami she'd come across. Not like it was hard to notice him, admittedly. Reida had a much better sense for reishi expenditure than most of her fellow Quincy, probably because of how much more she relied on it.

"They don't get around Japan much. Somethin' about that Yuudeshi fella and Lux Orior."

She hadn't announced her presence or anything like that, but Reida wasn't typically the sort to. Instead, she simply approached with a remarkably casual wave for how poor Akira looked.

"Need a hand?"

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Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Thu Nov 09, 2023 3:23 pm
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Dd9ee32f72faf6b333d4d9bee09a87cc


There was a rather primal response upon hearing a southern charm, a wounded animal of which was natural instinct to defend itself, moving to point the tip of the zanpaktou toward her casual advance, a slight tremble traversing the length of it from lack of strength. He couldn’t fight even if he wanted to, though considering the rather blunt way of introduction, he lowered it slowly.

Her offer was glanced upon before softly nodding, lips parting to offer an exhausted tone to her ears.

"A-Appreciated…I…Can you rip some cloth off from my right sleeve? I need to bind my left arm as I focus on my chest, som- Tsk. Some company would be welcome to keep me awake.

To manage such a sentence as the thrumming of Kaido continued to knit flesh around the upper chest, pain still ringing through the core of his body, teeth sinking once again into the lower lip as this focal demonstrated another light blue sealant of bakudo which shifted to intertwine with the Kaido and seal bleeding off, only for it to burst a bit again and fail. This was going to take sometime..

."Y-You’re not Gotei are you?.


God of Love
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Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:28 pm
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) UE9X4Dv

"Handlin' it yourself's a real brave choice with a wound like that, ya know. Don't try'n be a hero about it."

Reida stepped forward without much concern, tearing the sleeve off as requested, but doing the bandaging herself rather than waiting for this pasty-lookin' fella to mess it up. No reason not to, after all. As he asked his followup question, Reida's expression visibly soured, and her response was a bit more serious than before, though she didn't stop tying the bandage.

"Hell no. I'd never go anywhere near 'em."

Well, unless it had been with a right to open fire, but she wasn't quite going to say that aloud. Oh well.

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Posts : 451

Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:26 pm
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Dd9ee32f72faf6b333d4d9bee09a87cc


There was a sharp, pained exhale as the sleeve was applied to the wound keeping him awake with another burst of adrenaline, assuring that each breath wasn’t going to be overdrawn to pass out or so quick to elicit a dizziness. The hand carried on pouring a level of midnight blue reiatsu into the upper chest, watching flesh slowly rekindle itself into health though this company was by far the best thing to keep his mind occupied.

"G-Gotei were meant to patrol J-Japan…Fools…If you lived in the town, North of here…My condolences. I wasn’t strong enough, nor do I think anyone lives.

It was best to offer the bad news off the bat then use this…American? She sounded American. He watched her bandage the arm, glancing at the way she did it.

"Been in this-this situation before? Tending to the wounded I mean.


God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Tue Nov 14, 2023 6:28 pm
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) UE9X4Dv

"Psh. Gotei ain't touched this country in years. Much's I ain't a fan, can't say I blame 'em, either. Most people don't mess around here anymore. Japanese government'll handle most things these days."

It left a bitter taste in Reida's mouth to say anything even slightly supportive of the Gotei, but she wasn't going to speak well about Japan, either. She was spiteful toward just about every world power, though, so ultimately it didn't mean much who she was speaking ill of.

"I'll give a ring to my people. They'll let the government know, I guess. You could say I know a thing or two, yeah. Used to be a militia girl. Work in the Vandenreich these days. Don't do so much healin' anymore."

Her work was typically bloody, and usually what people would refer to as cruel in nature. That was just how it was.

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Posts : 451

Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Wed Nov 15, 2023 10:30 am
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Dd9ee32f72faf6b333d4d9bee09a87cc


The term militia often held a stigmata surrounding it, a variation of rebel against a regime that by all accounts was forged by Dictators and Tyrants. Terrorists with a rebranding in other instances. Yet a brow did perk at the mention of the Vandenreich, that seemed a little odd and albeit strange, certainly dragging his mind away from the pain from his core.

"I c-can tell. The G-Government can handle it th-then. Forgive my rudeness here, Vandenreich? I-Hrm. I wouldn’t expect a woman of a militia to be joining such an organization, is there a core reason behind it? Maybe your…Militia experience could enlighten me if you are inclined to tell that story.

Akira hissed once more, shifting a hand further up his wound until the chest was atleast subdued into a healing balm, Kaido finally stitching and rekindling a level that wouldn’t be lethal if left unchecked, realizing that other techniques going forward would be needed.


God of Love
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Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:59 am
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) UE9X4Dv

"Damn, boy, you got all kinda questions, don'tcha? Ain't anyone ever told ya to take it slow with a lady?"

Not that Reida actually cared much about answering his questions. She was only half paying attention to him now that she'd finished her work, anyway, hand half on her gun as she scanned the surroundings. Did she expect another hollow attack? Not quite, but she always expected some problem or another. You got used to it after a while.

"They're the only ones who keep up with what I want. Gotei, Lux, Vastime til it sank in that hole, they're all no good. Ran that last war like they were just fightin' in the middle of nowhere, didn't think about anyone who got caught in the middle. Well, I was caught in the middle. Far's I'm concerned, they've still got a debt to pay in blood."

Most, when asked to describe their allegiances and reasons for joining an organization, probably would not choose to be so transparent in their hostility. Reida, however, was not most people, and the hate that had driven her was stronger than any emotion the average person would likely ever feel.

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Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:46 am
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Dd9ee32f72faf6b333d4d9bee09a87cc


Akira chuckled softly, though another pain laced whine flowing through it as the hand shifted to the finished work of Reida, listening to her reasoning for being of the Vandenreich and of the philosophy of it behind closed doors. The Gotei weren’t entirely known for their ability to crowd control once blood started flowing, so it was an understandable reason to harbor hatred, it was atleast good enough for him, any who hated the Gotei were by extension, allies of his. The man finally shifted to bring about a soothing aura of Kaido across the arm, responding softly.

"Forgive me, I am not good with women in general. My track record displays I am inept in this department.

Trying to make light of his situation, glancing once more at her before continuing.

"The Gotei aren’t exactly known for their merciful engagements, many get roped up in their ways despite their alleged straits of policing and watching. I can’t deny their strength, ashame such a society is also abundant with stupidity.Do you think the Vandenreich can grant you what you’re after? Blood?

He inquired idly as the pain on a larger scale was fading softly below the waves as his breathing became stable.


God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Left_bar_bleue16000/1Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) Empty Re: Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:36 am
Southern Surprise. (Akira/Reida) UE9X4Dv

Akira's question gave Reida no small amount of pause, not because it was one she'd been ill prepared for, but because it was one she asked herself rather often. The Vandenreich was a place that had brought her no small amount of peace, after all. The days she spent with Alastair, with Inanna, were the kind of thing she'd lost in the war and so desperately wanted back.

But it didn't really change what had been taken away from her. It didn't simply fix the gaping hole in her heart, it didn't keep those smiling faces from haunting her every day and every night. She still itched for vengeance, no matter how wrong she knew it was.

"Dunno. Maybe it'd be better if they can't, though. Ain't nothin' good that comes of just chasin' a fight you can't win, and the Vandenreich's got a long history with the Gotei already."

Reida wasn't the sort of woman who was willing to drag the rest of the Vandenreich into the abyss just for her own sake. She didn't want anyone else to go through what she'd gone through, at least not on the Vandenreich's end. The Gotei? Well, she hoped every last one of them suffered just as bad.

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