Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ye Olde Guarde
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:42 pm

Yuuki had one other talent aside from fighting: finding good deals. When it came time to restock their medicine bag, Yuuki went to great lengths to get good quality for an even better price. Usually this meant traveling into the Rukongai—but sometimes it meant traveling real far in. Yuuki had just finished a purchase that they'd honest suspect was initially stolen merchandise. But hey, a deal's a deal. Yuuki had no part in that crime, and no reason to not partake in a good deal.

It was getting well into the afternoon and Yuuki was looking to head back. Seeing a throng of people, they hopped up onto the roofs of the shops—using crates and lamp-posts to parkour up rather than simply using Shunpo. Although Yuuki carried their Zanpakutō, that was the only thing that showed Yuuki was even a Shinigami. The ivory Enreiun covered the upper half of the Shihakkusho, and Yuuki preferred a different, more close-cut style of pants. To most, they just looked like an androgynous monk or something.

Heading over a few streets, something—or rather someone caught Yuuki's eye. Not many people had the color hair they saw. And Yuuki had only made friends with one. Standing near the apex of a roof, Yuuki waited for the male to walk near the building. He changed direction and Yuuki had to sprint to find another rooftop—thankfully just one that was one story—that'd work. Standing high above, Yuuki peered down like a royal addressing their subjects. They called down as the subject of the stalking walked beneath. "So, you're tying the long hair now, huh? I thought you were too good for that, Ko-ha-ku~"


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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Fri Nov 24, 2023 8:19 pm
Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

Day off, day off, day off. Fucking finally...

Kohaku was out without the need to deal with any of the bullshit that came with guarding the District. He enjoyed his job, sometimes, specifically when red-headed jackasses didn't come cheat their way through the house... Anyways, there was a shop that cooked good meat that had like ten plates waiting for him.

Kohaku wasn't expecting anyone to be dumb enough to stalk him through the streets, let alone from the top of the roofs that he normally naps on. When a familiar voice reached his ear, he stopped walking. The hands he had held behind his head while walking, dropped down and he looked to the roof, eyebrow raised.

"What the hell?" Kohaku put a hand over his eyes, the sun blinding him. Once he could see, he recognized the guy. "Holy shit, what the hell are you doing here, man?"

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Sat Nov 25, 2023 5:19 am

Deciding that it was recognition enough, Yuuki hopped down from the roof. As always, it was slower than one might expect. Most would think that they were just using some Shinigami art. Nope. Just the skill of fashion. Kohaku was taller than Yuuki, but that wasn't too hard to be. Yuuki was tall for a woman, but short for a man—it really led to their androgyny. The long hair made people think female, but the deeper, rougher voice and way of speaking had others guess male. It was an amusing game for Yuuki.

"Well I was getting some good deals here." Yuuki held up the canvas bag that carried some not-so-basic first-aid supplies. "I don't like to spend more than I have to, even if it is a bit more legwork." As if Yuuki didn't have enough funds to buy one of these shops outright—and that was without really hurting the dojo. "But now that I've seen your ugly mug, I think I'm just going to pester you for a little while." Yuuki smugged at him. Kohaku would know that it would be impossible to get Yuuki to stop until Yuuki themselves felt it was time to stop. Or Kohaku punched them hard enough—but Yuuki had a few more trips up a billowing sleeve than before. "Soooo, how's it goin'?"


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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:18 pm
Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

It had been years since the two rivaled their rivalry, so you’d think they had grown up enough to let that childish behavior go, but nooooo. Kohaku and Yuuki always had this unspoken competition, one that existed beyond their normal rivalry. It was a comparison between their lives: who had it better. Usually, Yuuki did.

"Eh, fine," Kohaku said, smugly crossing his arms. "Constant training, good job, surrounded by money and women." Of course, Kohaku forgot to mention that those didn't belong to him. "Getting expelled was better for me. Not exactly fond of rules and being ordered around by assholes. And what about you?"

Kohaku wasn't one to talk much. He preferred quiet spaces and letting actions talk for him. Right now, his actions were talking though, so he had little choice.

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Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3663
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:46 pm

These two brats would never change. It was the same kind of attitude that would get one of them in trouble one of these days. But not today. Hopefully. Yuuki nodded along. Even at the bragging. They'd prod at that later... Mostly because something caught Yuuki's ear. Yuuki tilted their head. "Expelled? They said you dropped out. And here I thought you were doing good for a dropout. That you had some kind of goal that the Gotei wouldn't allow. Tsk. Tsk." Yuuki clicked their tongue a couple of times before answering Kohaku's own question.

"Oh, you know, getting ready for Old Man Kasei to keel over so I can take the dojo. Took me a while to actually take the enlistment exam because of him and his training. I'm in now finally. 9th Seat in the 4th Division. The poor saps need someone with a cool, level head like me." The smugness returned as they bragged about themselves. "So, like, do you actually live out here?"


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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Sat Dec 02, 2023 1:13 am
Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

Ah, fuck. He probably shouldn’t have worded that the way he did. Kohaku always considered it an expulsion because he knew that was gonna happen anyway, if not jail time. Since he rarely talked about it, that shit just slipped out. He rubbed the back of his head and rolled his eyes, looking off another direction, any direction but at Yuuki. “Yeah, sure. That.” Kohaku said, still a young man of very few words. “Level headed. Tch. Your head is barely level with the kitchen counter. Doubt they needed you that badly.” He knew what Yuuki meant. Did not care!

Kohaku looked around the street when his residence was questioned. “Yeah?” Kohaku said, narrowing his eyes. Was Yuuki trying to make fun of where he lived? Where the hell else was anyone gonna live in the Soul Society? You either were in the Seireitei or the Rukongai. Sure, he heard of other settlements far off, but ain’t no one traveling that far. “Not everyone can live inside the nice city of uppity Shini.”

End Post
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Sat Dec 02, 2023 2:13 pm

Yuuki almost kicked Kohaku in the shin for that, but remembered that usually led to being called an ankle-biter... because that was all they could reach. Good and bad memories alike rekindled inside Yuuki's mind. The past between these two was full of conflict—nothing truly malicious or violent thankfully. They bickered and bantered like two yakuza who couldn't throw hands but tried to goad the other into making that first step.

"If you joined the Gotei, you'd be there." Yuuki swung their arms behind their head, letting the bag dangle from their wrist. It wasn't meant to be a shot, but it was one. "Buuut I think in some ways it's good you didn't join up. There's some people I think you'd've fought one too many times and ended up in jail. Your temper's about as short as you think I am after all." Yuuki quickly changed the subject before they themselves could start harboring doubts. "You do seem to be doing good otherwise... and since you're loaded now, I think you should treat me to a late lunch."


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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:34 am
Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

“Not interested,” Kohaku spat quickly, a disgusted expression distorting his features. It wasn’t toward Yuuki, but toward the idea of joining the Gotei. He’d never do that shit, not now. Kohaku raised an eyebrow at Yuuki’s comment on his temper. Kohaku didn’t think the guy was short; he just was short. There was no doubt about that. Kohaku was lucky he hit his height, though that extra inch woulda been helpful. Women liked a six at the start of your height better than a five.

“Loaded?” Kohaku raised an eyebrow. He was good on money, but he wouldn’t call himself loaded. Right, fuck. He did imply that, didn’t he? Ugh. Kohaku did not like being challenged, and this was a challenge. If he backed down on his claim, Yuuki’d win. There wasn’t any way the midget was gonna win. “Yeah, fine. Got a decent place up the road,” Kohaku said and pointed back behind him before heading that direction. “I eat there often enough… good food. Just hurry up, shortstack.”

End Post
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:06 am

"Not my fault you can drive a cart between your shoeprints." Yuuki's retort was almost a pout. Despite the difference in strides, Yuuki didn't fall behind Kohaku. There were some tricks to this that Kohaku might've learned had he continued his education. But nooo, he had to go and be angry. "Did you ever get a bucket of ice for that temper of yours? You sure were hot-headed back then." Not that Yuuki was any different—back then or right now.

Yuuki didn't usually judge places by their outer appearances. They had learned this from the shops they got the best deals out of. And yet... "Is this place condemned?" Yuuki tilted their head to one side as if seeing it slightly askew might paint a new picture. Nope. It had boarded-up windows, and despite the obvious smell of meat cooking, almost seemed abandoned. "This isn't some trick to get me into a dark corner so you can rob me, right? Because I've only gotten stronger and can easily break our tie." Back in the academy, Yuuki and Kohaku had fought one another to an even victory-loss ratio, with a single draw being declared by the teacher. Neither would agree as to who actually won that one—even though Yuuki totally did win.


Tsubine's Character List
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3498
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Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Empty Re: Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku]

Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:48 am
Feisty [Yuuki/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

Yuuki was not wrong about his temper, but Kohaku knew now why he had so little control over it. He was a vizard, and his inner hollow affected him more than he ever liked. Luckily, with Sozen and Tsubine’s help, he had gained enough control to function in society. Yuuki’s quips at him would likely have irritated him before, but that one about the cart and shoeprints was actually able to elicit a chuckle.

“No?” Kohaku raised an eyebrow and faced Yuuki again. He scoffed at the idea of Yuuki winning a fight between them. They had fought each other to an even victory-loss ration way back then. A teacher had to declare one match a tie, and Kohaku had easily won that fight. “You aren’t beating me at anything. What, you assume that I haven’t been training, fighting and advancing just as long as you have?”

Kohaku led him inside and to a table. It was one of those smaller places, but they were picky about what they put in their food. Good quality ingredients… Kohaku often helped make sure of that. Once Kohaku was noticed, a wave and putting up the number two got their order in. They would be getting Kohaku’s favorite: a large chicken ramen bowl with extra everything. “Pick a seat, or take out?”

End Post
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