Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:23 pm
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Finally, peace.

The uninterrupted rays of the sun splashed against his flesh, a cleansing of mind and spirit after a long week and so engaging beyond the realms of a usual operative. He wasn’t within his gigai either, a warm breeze caressing his skin whilst a soft smile kept across the man's features, zanpaktou resting upon the lap whilst his eyelids remained closed. It was perfect. The subtle sounds of leafs rustling was a soft symphony that almost lulled the Shinigami into a graceful rest, an open area of plane near the City of Lights.

He wasn’t too far away.

An iconic head of snow locks that fluttered slightly left to right, overcoat that matched and clung to his lithe form, as a soft hum broke the natural noises briefly. It was nothing major, a mere enjoyment of the moment of respite. To the left a notebook with a plethora of new Kido ideas due to his entrance into the Vandenreich, by all that was holy. This was perfect. Part of him regretted not acquiring some form of beverage though, movement felt like a sin.

Nothing could possibly ruin this….

How wrong he was.


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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:52 pm
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Nc14v0I


An open area of land was always a welcome reprieve from the harsh grind of duty. Duty hadn't been all that demanding today, but it was nevertheless always a gift to enjoy the weather in full bloom. The sun was bright, the breeze heavenly, and it was just enough of an ideal space that he could settle down and sit somewhere without worry.

Marching across the plain with a firm gait, his eyes eventually settled on a man who seemed to be lost within the bliss of a tranquil and undisturbed state. He was owed that much at least in this city, and Solomon was wholly prepared to continue on his way until he stepped back a few meters to gain a closer look at his appearance.

His appearance specifically - perhaps unfortunately - resembled the description Violet had given him regarding a man he had told her about the other day. Stalker. Serial Killer. Walking toward him, Solomon manifested his spirit weapon cautiously. Was he the white shinigami she spoke of?

"Disturbing people isn't my style, but do you know a woman by the name of Violet?"


Last edited by Iori on Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:11 pm
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93

AKIRA TAIRITSU - Blue | Zathrusta (Inner Hollow) Purple.

Who. The. Fuck.

Eyelids fluttered open as a pair of golden hues noticed the spiritual weapon that had been forged, a brow arching slightly at this dashing figure. Violet? Oh. The girl who was almost kidnapped. This was most likely some cretin with a desire to play the hero for her, a rather sweet sentiment if it wasn’t the fact that Akira was the subject of his ire.

Shame really.

The right hand shifted, each finger grasping the blue sheathing of his zanpaktou as it was used as a crutch to drag him from the emerald greenery below them, a smile that still remained despite the faltering posture of kindness. As his lips parted whilst doing the fastening of the weapon to the belt, a hint of irritation was laced in an otherwise civil tone.

."Afternoon. I’m aware of Violet, though I take it you’re her boyfriend? Sugar daddy? Some form of colleague or sponsor? Little inconsequential for me to elaborate as to why I know her, an unsheathed blade only means one thing. I’d love to return to my rest.

Tranquility disturbed aside, even Zathrusta sounded a little angrier than usual as the condescending tone fo raw sadism dripped into his ear.

."Akiraaaa, let’s play a fun game with this dashing hero. I’ll send the girl a strip of flesh for each day that she doesn’t find him! Oho! Such fun. Come now, let me play..

More irritation to a usually patient man, a right hand moving to chaffe a little against the blue cloth wrappings of the hilt before slowly unsheating it, watching each droplet collect to the tip and drip to the flooring below as he'd start to move a little to the left, a one handed stance. It was abnormal for a blade like this though Akira knew how to use it well.


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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:39 pm
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Nc14v0I


Solomon supposed he should have expected a likeminded response considering the fact he approached him with weapon drawn. He maintained some air of etiquette, but his drawn weapon and tone spoke to a man who was not at all happy with being disturbed today. Of course, before any form of battle was initiated between them, Solomon wanted to set the record straight. Anything else after that suited him just fine. After all, he had never been a man to back down from a fight.

"I am neither her sugar daddy nor her boyfriend. I consider a dear friend, however, and as such, I don't take kindly to the idea she was disturbed by a stranger. Don't you find it impolite to stalk a woman, Shinigami?"

Whether his question was answered was purely inconsequential, Solomon would draw his blade forward, stepping inward from the right, his prized spirit weapon pulsating with voltaic energy, sparks dancing around his blade with each revolution. Nothing else was said. No words. No insults. His blade was shot forward like a bullet, roaring in with a vertical cleave toward the man to begin their battle.


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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:51 pm
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Wait that didn’t seem correct-

."It would seem Violet didn’t inform you of the kidnap.

Then Solomon bolted forward, replicating a speed that matched the voltic energy that caressed his blade, sharp, fast, without fault or hesitation. Akira shifted into it himself, bringing Rivu up as the moist steel struck to intercept Quincy's own weapon, though intent instead to use such a heavy cleave and more so parry it down!

Akira was a surgical fighter, as such these moves were vital to victory when his body strength was human at best. The intended parry was meant to follow up with a flick of the wrist, dragging the slick weapon upward as sparks would fly off and discharge a bit of electricity due to the vastly different elements with aim to slash the inner elbow of the sword arm to cause discomfort.


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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:25 am
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Nc14v0I


His coordination was impressive, though perhaps that was to be expected. No man, unless their soul was steered by pride, would foolishly attack without some notion of attaining victory. Or perhaps solitude was truly a sacred matter to him, and he had crossed that inviolable line.

Whatever the case, the time for personal reflection was over. A strike and a counterstrike signaled the beginning of their battle. His overhead cleave was parried with a surgical parry, the white Shinigami seemingly intent on shifting the momentum of his blade at an angle that would leave him open for a counter to his sword arm.

His martial acumen allowed him to adapt quickly, repositioning the grip around his weapon to allow the man to believe he had overpowered him in their initial clash, only to draw his body back in a graceful stream of movement. He stepped forward again to thrust his blade forward, releasing a rudimentary bolt of lightning targeting his midsection. He aimed to stun the man with swift offense, creating a potential opening in the span of a single counterattack.


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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:51 pm
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Akira wasn’t a strong individual, self-awareness was vital to certain surgical strikes as moist steel caressed his enemies spiritual weapon. Joy. The man shifted forward to press this advance, yet Solomon had an upper edge, a fluid step back as almost a fluid riposte caused his gold iris to see the refinement of reishi, unloading a sharp lightning strike across the short distance.


It crackled into existence, causing Akira to let out a hiss filled growl as lightning danced across the body and caused a level of spasming, though without movement and open for a counter attack. He wasn’t defenseless. This opening would be one he intended to exploit for the brief moment of being under this locked state, unspoken Bakudo: Seki. if Solomon chose to offensively utilize his spiritual weapon, a small blue orb of energy would manifest in the intended striking area to repel it violently!

Though it was useless against longer range based effects, banking on Solomon deciding to use that blade of his.


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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:36 pm
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Nc14v0I


Solomon did not account for a spell, at least not immediately so. His offen was predicated on striking true with a lightning bolt, following through with a swift overhead to the man's shoulder to compromise his offense. His airbone sword was repulsed by a pulsating orb of blue, forcing his body back by a few meters.

Determined to ensure his prior attack would not be in vain, Solomon extended a palm forward to compose an orb of electrified reishi, casting the projectile forward. The roaring thunderball separated into three bolts of electricity. Transitioning from singular to multidirectional, the fierce strokes of lightning roared toward him at high velocity.


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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:32 am
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


The distance forged was enough to wash off the slight spasms that licked at his nerves, Lightning. That was Solomon’s element? Curious. Ironic as it was an opposite to Akira’s own water based abilities, though he had to consider if this was one of several or maybe an offshoot attack. Versatility came in abundance among the Quincy.

It was then that Solomon shot out three bolts of blinding yellow, sizzling and crackling as the formation shot across the air, it was intense enough to cause some injury atleast. The split second response was a rapid trace of both fingers against the moisture that collected naturally on Rivu, by the time he reached the tip, a sapphire energy burst from the middle two fingers.

."Hadō#4: Byakurai!

Demonstrating an indepth level of Kido, the usual blue beam of focused energy split into three of his own bolts, each one intercepting and causing a brutal shockwave of electrical backlash as his lips pursed into focus. The strength was weaker without an incantation, though only slightly less thanks to Rivu. It didn’t matter though, now it was to see if Solomon would push for a spiritual assault or return to his superior swordsmanship.


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You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Empty Re: You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon)

Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:15 am
You've been Thunderstruck! (Akira vs Solomon) Nc14v0I


His wave of lightning bolts would be intercepted by Akira's own in the form of another spell. From an observational evaluation, Solomon assumed he favored employing kido as his primary form of offense.

He wasn't expertly familiar with the demon arts, but his past bouts with Mizu had told him that most specialists could only derive the utmost strength with full-scale incantations. Since he was far from that, Solomon decided to test himself against Akira in a contest of spiritual assault.

Upraised fingers guided the attack further, aiming to press through his kido spell and strike him true. If that landed properly, Solomon would then return to his martial prowess. After all, he wasn't aiming to gravely injure this man, simply teach him a lesson, and perhaps report him if what Violet said was true.


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