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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:32 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 HEADER_cf1d025139ec924c8a9ddfae3605b3729e8397d4

That explosive blast made him grit his teeth. He had been hoping to get a bit more mitigation, but this damn thing was too fast for the both of them to react properly! Whew this thing was desperate! It was almost alarming how much more frantic this thing was, so much more lively than a lot of hollows he'd fought in the past!

Scorches riddled his frame, the explosive power of that barrage of Ceros leaving his frame smoking, that sturdy frame of his still rattled by that confined blast. And unlike the creature, he didn't have regeneration to automatically assist him. No, if one of them was hurt, he'd have to heal them himself. A small solace.

But as he recovered from that blast, the sudden flicker of the enemy had his eyes going wide. SHIT! His eyes flicked upward as one of his legs almost buckled slightly, delaying his response for just a half a second as that facsimile of himself shot upward. And so those Stripes bit into his own skin. Covering his wounds, staunching the bleeding along the part of him that had been closest to the blast.


His declaration punctuated the burst of spiritual energy that flashed across his frame and he shot up and into the air after the creature. It was just as the creature was darting around that Danku that Igen would aim to plow into the creature from below. A shunpo closing the distance as his arm cocked back. Cold air instantly introduced into the area, that bright roaring pink Reiryoku causing ice to creep along his frame, potentially even the Hollow's frame as he opened his hand and lunged, those black stripes spiraling around his hand like a blade, wreathed in that Kido energy as he stabbed forward. Aiming to plunge his hand clean through the creature's midriff, a move which would come with an explosive burst of pink ice gushing outward and attempting to bog down the creature's body.

This thing seemed too potent to simply freeze through and through. And So his only hope was to somehow slow it's regeneration and movements by freezing it's body. Even if it meant locking himself in melee range of the creature, it was preferable to that thing getting it's claws on Kaminari.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:12 am
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 KaminariPostingHeaderCombat
Enter: KAMINARI HATAKEYAMA | 4th Seat | Kido Corps

The twisted version of Igen that was now their opponent gave Kaminari the creeps. This thing taking on the likeness of a friend was haunting and it angered her in a somewhat irrational way. As he reached her level, it's familiar eyes looking to target her for its next assault, Kaminari found herself frozen, stuck trying to comprehend the change, trying to realign something in her mind about what, or who, her target was. "Do not. Hit. Igen." she told herself and suddenly "not Igen" was gone.

Kaminari followed the movement as Igen charged his "evil twin" and pushed him away from her. No longer the immediate target for assault, hopefully, Kaminari forced herself to regain the focus she had clearly lost for those few seconds. At the moment, Kaminari could do little else. She would not risk striking Igen, and she could feel her kido fading as the reiryoku ran out. Within seconds, only one kido would remain and Igen would feel himself return to normal as his speed lowered and any damage he took was no longer having a percentage of it negated.

Do not screw this up... | End Post
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:15 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 QwgERzJ

There was a point where 'Igen' locked eyes with Kaminari and that hint of familiarity caused her to freeze where it seemed that Kasmos was about to swarm over her, those elongated limbs twisting towards her at angles that could not quite be considered natural but moved with an impressive agility. Then, in a blur of light, their double blocked their path. That broken mouth opened just a little too wide, a listing scream escaping their lips as they clashed with their pink-haired mirror, and that icy fist promptly impaled them.

But its body was simply a vessel upon which they could inflict suffering upon those around them. Freezing it would prevent it from achieving that goal, but it also would not stop it. The top half ripped free, the body of 'Igen' simply tearing apart as it flopped forward without a hint of pain or remorse. Was any damage to that area even having any effect on it? Perhaps that was the question that Kaminari had time to consider because Igen did not have time to sit down and contemplate. That body that was still frozen in ice now reformed in the space in between them, arms swinging wildly as it hammered down upon the shoulders of its opponent with a blistering pace. He had denied them access to Kaminari so they would first simply smash their way through him instead.

It was only then, as the blows began to land, that the real danger presented itself and their mouth opened again to unleash a point-blank cero upon their opponent. Purple light bathing Igen with an unpleasant glow whilst it also threatened to blast off into Kaminari if he was too hasty to evade.

Once More | END POST
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:08 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 HEAD_98550034_p9_master1200


The razor thing margin with which he'd managed to score that hit on the beast was something that Gnawed at him. This was too close, WAY too close! Even as he unleashed that spearlike lunge into the creature's chest. He could feel it. The tug of fatigue at the edges of his frame. It took tremendous effort, to put enough energy into his attacks that he could affect a creature like this hollow. It was something that he had felt many many times. For all of the skill and talent he'd garnered in Kido and even Shunko. That limitation haunted him.

Though he'd scored that blow to the creature's chest, and ice crawled along it's frame. It was....shallow. The ice wasn't freezing deeply enough. And he could feel frustration burning through his mind as he still felt energy pulsing within the iced-over creature! Was he really that Weak?!

An answer came in the form of a fresh form. As the iced upper body broke apart, a fresh new one had seemingly sprouted instantly between them, and Igen was caught off guard by the sheer speed with which it emerged. He had hoped the ice would slow it down, and so he was caught off his guard as those limbs rained down on his shoulders. Black stripes and his very own Shunko wrapped around his frame to take the blows. But it was a sesnation so very akin to his fight with Kanae. Even as those strikes pummeled down onto him, and his energy and Shikai managed to barely keep him from simply being pounded to a pulp, he could feel that he was losing. The creak of his joints. The sharp sting of what felt like tiny little fractures. The rattle of his body struggling to stay upright amidst those strikes.

A flood of light broke his concentration further and his eyes widened.

Ah, a Cero.

His Shunko Flared and wrapped around his body, the Stripes of Koozoku twisted up his frame and collected into his arms, turning them, black as he thrust his hands toward that blast. His body strained as that Cero crashed over him! His own energy coiled around it, keeping that beam from simply exploding, trying to push back even as he felt that energy threatening to overtake him.

But it was way too much energy. He'd already put in so much in those attacks. He could feel the heat searing along his palms, only his Shikai kept his limbs from simply being burned away! But he felt it. The instant that that wave of energy chipped away enough at his Shunko, enough that he could no longer keep it from simply bursting over him.


The attack finally exploded, without being allowed to simply carry him back thanks to his stubborn grit, the energy simply burst outward and the explosion sent him flying downward. He was slammed straight into the ruins of a building, a loud crash sounded as the entire upper section of the building came crashing down while fire and smoke billowed outward. And as the flames and dust settled out, Igen would stagger his way from the rubble, panting as a trail of crimson followed him from the chunks of building. In that last second, Koozoku had quickly shifted from his arms to wrap around his head and upper body, keeping the damage away from anything Vital.

But not without cost. His left hand was almost completely gone past midway down his forearm , and his right hand was missing a section of his thumb and pointed finger. The rest of his arms and legs were littered with bleeding charred flesh. "GHRRRRRRRH!" He staggered, and almost dropped down to one knee, as the sheer pain of his injuries hit him all at once! He was panting, sweating, the corners of his eyes tearing as he fought tooth and nail to keep from simply not passing out from the pain and the shock. The dark stripes bound the worst of his injuries, but he was still bleeding from everywhere else.

Everything was searing. He couldn't hear what was going on around him, he couldn't form proper thoughts. He wasn't used to this sort of injury. His sheer sturdiness had always dampened his injuries considerably, but he didn't have the energy reserves to contend with a hollow this destructive. It took everything he had to stay upright, and try to lock onto wherever the hollow was. He was exhausted. HE was Hurt. And his head spun as he tried to keep it together. Fighting the urge to expend energy to try and heal himself.

Even in his panicked state, he knew that he'd need that energy to try and kill this thing. Or lock it down so that Kaminari could.

It had to die.
It HAD to die.
Push through the pain.
Push through the panic!
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:42 am
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 KaminariPostingHeaderCombat
Enter: KAMINARI HATAKEYAMA | 4th Seat | Kido Corps

The moments Kaminari took to think may have been the cause of more trouble, but something new came to mind. This monsters behavior had made it evident it cared very little for it’s body, at least most of it. The change to Igen’s appearance, though disturbing, may have been a clue of some sort. As Kaminari’s mind brought this information together, Igen was attacked with a powerful cero at point blank range.

It burnt. It hurt. It was always a strange feeling to take on part of the damage of a fighting partner, but she was getting used to it. “IGEN!” Her friend’s injuries brought her out of her thoughts as she watched him hit the building. She could feel the damage to his hands through the breaking of her own. This was the consequence of the kido she put on Igen. She fought to keep the grip on her zanpakuto.

Do. Not. Let. It. Go.

While the dust cleared, Kaminari turned to the Arrancar and readied her zanpakuto once more, holding it in her right hand as she used her left to point at the hollow. Igen could not be hurt again, and neither could she. “Rikujōkōrō!” Six rods aimed to pierce the hollow at the waist and force it still. Whether it hit or not, Kaminari’s next step was a shunpo that brought her within melee range. Kaminari swung her zanpakuto with a swiftness that could cut air, the reiryoku-made blade threatening to cut the hollows head in two. or at least along the face it had stolen!

Do not screw this up... | End Post
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Sun Jan 07, 2024 6:39 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 QwgERzJ

Progress came at no small cost for Kasmos' opponents, every step forward they took had been met and matched, and finally, an opening had been found for the masked creature. The one they called Igen was blasted away, sent crashing into the ruins of a building amidst all this destruction, and now their focus could turn towards the other. The more annoying one, who skittered around and shot the magic that impaled its body so many times over. Yes, she would make a fine mask for the collection and then they would rip her limb from limb. But there was a chill that still ran through its body, which it had not been entirely capable of shaking by simply regrowing vast chunks of it. How irritating.

The false Igen twisted and writer in place, and just when it seemed ready to lunge at Kaminari it was interrupted by the familiar sensation of impalement. Half a dozen more rods penetrated its form about the midriff, pinning in place that which was already struggling, but it was no matter. As before, Kasmos began to tear itself free. An arm wrapped around one rod as it simply pulled itself apart at the seams to avoid this obstacle that had been created for it.

Then, surprisingly, the girl chose to close the gap on them instead. Appearing atop them in a blur of movement, the blade came swinging down with righteous fury, but Kasmos was far from helpless. Pulling the upper half of their form back with every last drop of energy they could muster, there was no small amount of grim macabre as an imitation of Igen successfully bisected themselves about the waist to allow the top part to dart backwards in time to evade that deft strike.

A crooked smile spread across their lips, one that seemed assured of victory now as it prepared to launch itself upon Kaminari with another new body, but the limbs did not come. Nothing extra materialised from the monster as it flopped back and simply fell. Slowly, ominously, a thin line materialised straight down his face. A cut, so slight that it had not been registered at first, and yet with it the mask of Igen began to fall apart. The creature as a whole began to fall apart, oozing this black ichor from both the cut in its face and the garish wound it had inflicted upon itself.


The creature's energy signature began to fade once more, though there did seem to be a finality to this.

No. Rebirth.

And then there it was again.

A spike in power so massive that it might well be called a release, an eruption that spewed out of Kasmos with all the volatility of a collapsing star. Gone was the cheap copy of Igen, gone was the peculiarly limbed individual from before, now all that remained was this sprawling mass of limbs and mouths and masks. It was vast, as vast as one would expect from a Menos Grande and then a little more, as it roared a cry of agony and hunger both. These ants that thought to beat them would be blown into ashes, nothing else would suffice. Masks be damned, they would suffer.

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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Sun Jan 07, 2024 9:26 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 HEAD_98550034_p9_master1200

The sensation of Kaminari's assault infringed on the haze in his head as he raised his head. Panting with exertion, taking so much of his focus not to pass out as he looked up at the exchange. The sudden cleave which seemed to end the hollow. But those eyes narrowed and he hissed, shakily getting up onto his feet, even as his blood dripped to the ground. He could still sense it's spiritual pressure. Especially when it released again so explosively. The pressure almost dropped him back down to his knees, but he kept his focus somehow. Hissing through his teeth as the muscles in his frame stood out. His teeth clenched together as he felt his spiritual energy welling up within him.

He knew he'd exhausted a fair bit of energy. He didn't have a lot left for much. And that was before. But healing in the after was not on the table. This thing was way too strong. But whatever it was doing, this seemed like it's true form. He closed his eyes and focused on his Reikaku. Feeling out the sudden explosive burst of energy. It didn't matter if it was a hollow, it still needed those core organs. The Mask. The well from which their spiritual energy flowed and allowed them to continue. This .... thing didn't have an obvious one. But it would be just like surgery. Focusing. Visualizing. He allowed himself to take in that explosive roiling spiritual pressure. Feeling for where it seemed the strongest.

He couldn't kill it. BUT!

He wasn't going to give up!

His breathing came more forcefully as he straightened himself up, and tongues of bright pink reiryoku began to course up the length of his body. Slowly increasing in number. Dredging up every last bit of energy he could manage, even as the pounding of his own heart sent shocks of pain through his body, he continued to push himself. Those embers slowly building into a roaring fire. Ice once again crept long his own body. The bleeding stopped entirely as that blood solidified and darkened. As the cement around him cracked from the expansion of freezing water.

As Kosmos reared his head, setting his sights on carnage and torture, Igen shot up from the ground like an arrow. The cold kept blood from spurting from his wounds as he exerted himself, a hand raised above his head as he appeared in a freezing blur above the Gillian. Those stripes peeled up the length of his body. Abandoning his wounds. No longer wrapped around him now that the ice kept the bleeding at bay. That dark ink collecting along his palm, into a single sliver of twisted ink. A spear, tossed into the air as Igen's body twisted. With his ruined hands, he had no hope of selivering a proper thrust. And at the height of his ascent, he unleashed a kick into the butt of that spear.

Ugatsu 鑿

That Spear spiked toward Igen's best Guess at this creature's mask. And with it, an explosive release of that freezing pink reiryoku, the air cracked from the sound of the weapon shrieking towards the Gillian at breakneck speed. Every bit of his Shikai condensed into that point, intent on marking the spot as an explosive wave of ice and cold would crash down on the Gillian right on the heels of that projectile. Hoping to freeze the creature in place while marking it's frame with that spear as a target. One that hopefully Kaminari could follow up on.

But well, it didn't really matter if it succeeded or not. In the echoes of that impact, with his Shunko entirely spent, the blood covering Igen's body would start to thaw, and start flowing freely again. Enough that a few drops would hit the ground.

Shortly after Igen did.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:44 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 KaminariPostingHeaderCombat
Enter: KAMINARI HATAKEYAMA | 4th Seat | Kido Corps

That line… She cut! At first, Kaminari was unsure whether she had succeeded. She felt her blade strike, but Kasmos’s initial reaction caused her doubt, but watching it fall apart proved she was correct. A moment of relief was rapidly destroyed by the explosion of reiatsu. This monster began to reform. ’No…' Kaminari thought. She had to get to Igen; she needed to heal him. She couldn’t if it was still alive. She shunpo’d backwards, giving herself a decent distance away from it. The form that Kasmos took now was repulsive, nothing but a mass of limbs and masks held together by heaven knows what. Kaminari had no interest in being close to it.

"Mask of blood and flesh,” Kaminari began, holding her fingers out toward the reforming monster. “…all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man!” As the energy welled, Kaminari sensed him. Her eyes shifted to Igen, his ice, the frozen blood… the spear? Kaminari’s focus was on maintaining the kido, but... ‘That fool. If he keeps forcing himself like this…’ Kaminari dropped her zanpakuto, placing a foot on it to keep it still and focused more reiryoku into this next attack. She let go of the idea of holding back, of managing her reiryoku. “On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens."

Seeing the spear fly, Kaminari waited for a fraction of a second to adjust her aim to follow Igen’s attack. “Hadō Seventy-Three, Sōren Sōkatsui!” Pouring more reiryoku into this attack than she normally would have liked and adjusting her hands to open palms. Pushing the gathered reiryoku toward Kasmos, the blast fired and Kaminari released a powerful, yet well-aimed beam of light blue flame-like energy.

‘Just die…’ Kaminari thought, but she took no time to wait. She shunpo’d over to Igen to check on him. She took in his injuries, trying to gauge exactly how bad it was, but she focused her reikaku out toward the monster, hoping it was truly dead… She doubted it, but when something decided to go Eldritch horror on you, it was highly recommended to eliminate it quickly… Like… before it learned to move…

Do not screw this up... | End Post
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:35 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 ATxnBng
Kasmos the Infinite

Fools as they were, Kasmos had to acknowledge his opponents' tenacity. Even as their bodies gave out on them, as hope faded from those weary eyes, they still chose to resist. With their last breath, they chose to spit defiance rather than simply submit and become one more addition to the horde. It was still futile though.

Igen sought out where it was strongest, a wise strategy given the information that they had now learned, but also tragically flawed. A cunning creature displayed strength where it wanted to be attacked, rather than where it did not want to be, and Kasmos' cunning was boundless. Still, the rippling spear of destruction reduced the mask that it struck to dust, and punched through the creature until it had entirely disappeared inside its immense bulk. The monstrous creature's body rippled from the energy of the blow, unable to contain it even now, and the wave of ice washed over it like a blast of winter itself.

Then, as that gargantuan body shivered, the female poured on the devastation with her kido spell. Trusting in Igen's aim, she had poured even more energy upon that initial target and succeeded in causing further damage to the creatures. More masks disintegrated, more mouths collapsed in on themselves as the creature convulsed and sizzled, and its skin was both frozen and cooked at the same time. But it did not die. It did not expire. It did not give in to this rampant effort to contain it. That ice that momentarily encased it shattered, blasting the surrounding area in a blistering hail storm, as Igen's weapon was left for him to retrieve should he survive.

The mass of masks and mouths then shifted forward, or rather it just expanded. Each of those maws roared in an ear-piercing cacophony, purple lights gathering in multiple points across its form, as a burst of ceros launched from the creature in a manner akin to a broadside volley from a battleship. Accuracy was not their concern, that was something their opponents should concern themselves with, instead it was simply a matter of reducing everything to rubble and standing tall above the ashes.

Desperate Longing | END POST
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:24 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 2 HEAD_98550034_p9_master1200

Everything was buzzing. His breath drawn in with ragged gasps, his head spinning a little as he stared up at the sky and tried to suck in air as every inch of his body burned. Pain from his ruined hands, the dozens of burns littering his body.

Was this......his fault?

Maybe.... if he'd spent more time training, he could have been fast enough to avoid so much damage.
Maybe if he'd pushed himself into his duties as a commander and a leader he could have led a small squad to take this out in a more intelligent way.
Maybe if he'd studied more in the academy he might have thought of something to deal with this creature.
But .... he was a prodigy wasn't he?
His growth had been so impressive. His learning of Shunko in such a short time was nothing short of astounding.


He could feel Kaminari near him. She was trying to check on him. He was injured, but nothing fatal. He was covered in burns, his hands were all but destroyed, one of them WAS. And he was bleeding profusely. But at least his vitals were intact, thanks to his Zanpaku'to. But well....his energy was very low. He'd pushed himself to exhaustion and then some. And then some more. What could he do now? Hakuda used reiatsu. Kido used reiatsu. Shunko used Reiatsu.

But he had to fight.

His eyes snapped into focus as a chunk of pink ice plummeted down toward them, and with a mighty HEAVE he swung his leg up! Slamming his heel into the chunk of ice and gritting his teeth as he launched the slab away from them! The other shards pummeling the ground around them as he stood up. Ragged, bleeding more than he should be. And with his eyes narrowed, almost sealed shut by the blood running down his brow. If she attempted to heal him, he'd promptly stop her.

"I'll.... be .....fine. You need your energy.... to kill it." He'd hiss through gritted teeth. He didn't have his shunko to make him stronger, faster, more durable. He'd just have to tough it out. And so when those bright lights flared, he stepped forward and held out his hand. From it's spot on the ground, his Zanpaku'to exploded into ink and surged towards him at high speeds, congealing into his palm to slowly turn solid as those ceros glowed to life infront of him.

Waiting for it's Food
A Tiger sits as Rain pours down
Not a tear joins them:

His eyes hardened as his gaze locked onto the creature.
"Kill the hollow." Not even a shred of hesitation in his voice.

His body flickered as he charged toward the creature as those stripes SPRANG out and wrapped around the air in front of him. He wasn't as fast as before. He couldn't weave in or even try to find a safe route in through those ceros. That dark ink od his Shikai forming a hard shield infront of him. Taking those blasts as the ceros erupted around the creature. Protecting Igen. And of course Kaminari behind him as well. Flames and concussive energy tore outward and surrounded him as those ceros detonated on contact with his defense. But he pushed himself. As slow.... as weak... and as tired as he was. He forced himself in through the heat and the flames. So that when at long last he finally reached the hollow, as those Ceros finally died down, flames blanketing the area, save for a band behind him. He emerged from the smoke.

That ink was gone.
And in it's place, was the gleam of steel. The edge of his Shikai, a Guandao polearm gripped tightly in his ruined hand. His body covered in scuffs, blood, burns, and cuts from the shrapnel of his exploding surroundings. IF nothing else...he barely had any reiatsu for the creature to sense his approach. Even now, he didn't have enough energy for his Shikai to remain active. The first time that even he saw his Zanpaku'to in it's sealed form.

He chopped downward, cleaving with all of his strength down the center of the hollow's body. Attempting to hew the creature clean in two. Which would.....accomplish nothing. Without his Shunko. Without a Kido spell. A mere slash was probably nothing in the face of that regeneration.

He twisted his frame and then brought that blade straight back up. Transitioning into a brutal uppercut.

And then a flourish to slash at the thing horizontally.

And then a downward swipe to try and open up it's lower body.

Again and again he slashed and hacked and tore into the hollow. It was going to start beating him down. HE knew that. He expected that rain of fists. Another barrage of Ceros to punch holes in his body.
And all throughout, his roaring shout would cut through it, as he put everything into attacking this thing, while his nerves and his bones screamed in protest.

But what else was he going to do?
He was just gonna keep cutting, and hope that Kaminari could finish it off, before this thing or the fatigue that burned every inch of him finished him first.
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