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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:42 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 KaminariPostingHeaderCombat
Enter: KAMINARI HATAKEYAMA | 4th Seat | Kido Corps

There was no stopping Igen, and Kaminari knew trying to reason with the pride of a shinigami was rarely fruitful. His injuries were severe, but not fatal. That was all she could take solace in as she watched Igen force himself back to his feet and protect them both using his shield. She knew his reiryoku reserves were very low; the form his zanpakuto was currently taking proved that. She had one thing she could do now, and that was to figure out a way to do what Igen said: kill the hollow.


“Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness,” Kaminari stood up and held her right fist out in front of her. “Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders.” Kaminari took the time she needed, not wanting to make a mistake or lessen the strength of her kido. Ten pink points of reiryoku formed around her.

“Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired." Kaminari held it and then pointed out her left index finger at Igen’s back. “Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!!” An orange colored rope of reiryoku fired out toward Igen, wrapping around his waist. “Hadō number nine, Horin!” With a swing of her left arm, Kaminari pulled Igen back away from Kasmos, doing her best to send him back behind her current position without causing him any further injury.

“Hadō ninety-one, Senju Kōten Taihō!” Kaminari shouted as she released the kido. All ten points of reiryoku fired at Kasmos from multiple angles, intending to strike the monstrous hollow and explode in a massive burst of powerful reiryoku. Her left arm dropped, releasing the kido she had attached to Igen. Sweat dripped down her face, and Kaminari’s breathing became heavy at the release of such a large amount of reiryoku. She hoped it was enough. This thing needed to die.

Do not screw this up... | End Post
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:21 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 ATxnBng
Kasmos the Infinite

Burning out like a blazing torch. If that was what Igen wanted then he would certainly find a fitting end here in this final arena. Carving into that unending mass was not going to serve much purpose beyond showing that he was still a target, raw strength was not what had gotten them this far after all. Not that he was capable of precision any more, the prior maimings might have robbed him of his senses along with his energy. Kasmos could now focus his attacks on the other and wait for the pink-haired vagrant to expire of his own volition.

But this gnat was doing its job, and that was distracting this monstrosity for even the briefest of moments.

The second volley of ceros was just a mite slower than had been intended, the blasts shooting out in a wide array to deflect the incoming storm of kido bullets but taking too long to charge to leave any room for evasion. Several of the pink points of energy slammed into Kasmos directly, several more were only partially hindered and made contact all the same, and a shower of light bathed the battlefield once more as all this energy condensed inside the hollow and tore vast chunks of it apart. Limbs, mouths, masks, nothing was spared from the impact of Kaminari's attack.

But the dust settled and something was clear. Despite the overwhelming power, despite the devastating blasts, Kasmos was not yet beaten. They roared again, the cry quieter now but still echoed from a dozen maws at once, and then the mutilated mass of a creature threw itself forward like a whale flopping on dry land. It would crush them into paste beneath its bulk, that would suffice, and they would be reduced to mist before they found the heart of their power.

Desperate Longing | END POST
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:51 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 HEAD_98550034_p9_master1200

A look of surprise crossed his features as he felt himself being yanked away from the creature! And all at once he could feel the roar of Kido slamming inward to erupt in a massive burst intent on destroying the Gillian! Fuck. It was insane that these things were so damn powerful, it wasn't anything like any gillian he'd fought before! Well above the rabble he usually dealt with! That was only further cemented when he saw the damage that had been dealt to the creature!

Seeing that thing struggle and try to overcome the incoming spell, and eventually lurching toward them! His eyes widened. In that moment he almost fell on his face as Kaminari had grabbed him to whisk the both of them away, next thing he knew he staggered as that creature slammed into the ground they had been standing on just moments before! A wave of force rolling out from the impact as he turned and gritted his teeth!

He could do this. THEY could do this! He was still bleeding, he was exhausted, but he was desperate now! He was DETERMINED!

Standing upright, he held what was left of his hand out, and his voice steeled as he began to chant.

"Ye Lord, Mask of Flesh and Bones-" He hissed out, as reiryoku coursed into his palm from his blooddy hand. His reserves were all but dry. And yet he pulled from deeper down. His spiritual pressure bolstered, the sheer desire, the NEED to preserve himself and Kaminari. To survive! That desire pulled up whatever pathetic vestiges of energy he had left and into the spell. It was by sheer talent and ability with Kido that he was even able to turn it into anything.

But it was then that he heard a voice joining his. He couldn't afford to lose focus, and so he simply went with it. As he felt more energry than he himself would have been able to provide go into the spell. Was that Kaminari's hand next to his? He could feel more energy, more focus, the sensation of another person adding to his spell. Sharpening it, bolstering the power behind it. And in Unison they chanted.

"Flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens !" That ball of brilliant Blue flames swelled before them, twisting and coiling as it swelled to a larger and larger size! Putting everything he had into this attack, to try and erase this beast so that there was nothing left to regenerate.

" Sōren Sōkatsui!"
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:40 pm
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 KaminariPostingHeaderCombat
Enter: KAMINARI HATAKEYAMA | 4th Seat | Kido Corps

It was Kaminari’s minor injuries that allowed her to move. As this monster barreled down on them with its mass, Igen’s previous determination to keep her unharmed let her take the step that was needed to move them both out of the way. Landing far enough away to give them a second to act, Kaminari used her sleeve to wipe the sweat from her brow and focused on leveling her breathing out, at least until Igen began his incantation. At this point, desperation was all they had. Kaminari’s reiryoku reserves were pretty low, but not gone. One more attack, however, and she wasn’t sure she would have anything left without a Second Wind.

Moving in by his side, Kaminari placed her hand behind Igen's and continued the incantation with him. At the same time, her free arm attempted to help stabilize him by wrapping firmly around his back. "Flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens!" Kaminari’s help in this provided the energy, but also the shape. She focused what would normally be a large wave of reiryoku down to a size that could overtake this creatures body. “Sōren Sōkatsui!” The released beam of energy was condensed down into something much more potent, more destructive.

Kaminari dropped her reiryoku down to zero with this kido. Their combined skill let their reiryoku fuse perfectly, so if this didn’t do it… As the beam of blue fired, Kaminari's grip on Igen tightened, her eyes narrowed as she hopefully watched this creature finally be destroyed, each screaming mask shattering under the condensed focus of their Sōkatsui. But for now, she only saw vibrant blue...

Do not screw this up... | End Post
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Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 Empty Re: Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV]

Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:00 am
Wolf Amongst Sheep [Africatastrophe Act IV] - Page 3 Q7esMJq
Kasmos the Infinite

Another attempt to end them had proved ineffective, and in turn, only more of Kasmos' gargantuan body had been annihilated and slowly knitted back together. This constant back and forth was exhausting both sides, but did they have enough to close it out? That was the question they were asking themselves. To gamble upon that chance was to risk their own demise, the end of everything that they had achieved, and whilst the warlord had released them purely to cause destruction, Kasmos was not so foolish as to throw his life away for this cause. There were plenty more masks to create, after all. A world here that they had not yet fully understood.

They had fused their spells together into a great wave of destruction, so grand in scale that it nearly enveloped Kasmos' entire form, but therein lay their folly. Still, it could not go unanswered, so that great body twisted around to unleash another broadside of ceros. But that purple light could not quite overshadow their brilliant blue, though it provided a fitting contrast as the entire area around Kasmos exploded into a vast crater from the combined impact. The ground cracked and broke beneath them as the true scope of this collision of power turned everything within hundreds of metres to ruin. What was certainly apparent was that this last desperate attack had not been particularly well targeted, rather than trying to seek out Igen or Kaminari it had simply slammed into the environment and kicked up more rubble and debris in the assumption that destroying everything would likely destroy them.

When the dust finally cleared all that remained of the great Hollow was the outermost edges of its form, its entire core blown out by the powerful spell. A few scattered, broken masks and limbs hung in place like a limp imitation of what had once been a true monster. It persevered for a few moments longer, this vestige of Kasmos, before beginning to wither and collapse into nothing. If they had survived, then it was a victory for them as the beast had been stopped before more chaos could be caused, but had the kill been truly confirmed? The echoes of Kasmos' essence still lingered in the air, like a nagging echo in the backs of their minds, as a dozen separate shadows began to silently slip away into the cracks and holes. Was any one of them their true form or just a final trick spun up in its death throes?

An End..? | END POST
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