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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:08 pm
All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-eadfca1b47df80fd749f86198d33910c

It was pretty easy to know Candice was upset, even outside of the more obvious signs. Of course, the woman had also somewhat been giving Giselle a bit of a cold shoulder as of late. And she could understand why, the incident with Ehefra had taken a hard toll on the woman. Being told no, and even worse, more or less being dumped had been hard for the woman. And unfortunately, Giselle hadn't exactly been....supportive or sympathetic. No... in fact having thought about it, she was pretty sure she'd been a bit of an insensitive bitch when it happened. And so here she was, sitting in her room, glancing at the slim strips of plastic that had once decorated her wrist when she was in the hospital. When she'd almost died.

And she couldn't shake the sheer guilt that hung in the center of her chest. She had dropped the ball to be sure. But well, nothing she could do but try and pick it back up right?

And so Giselle started to hunt around the estate for Candice. Lunch tucked under one arm. Something to hopefully help break the ice. Candice when she was mad could be very hard to get through to. But well, just meant she had to pull all the stops right? Surely, all of her experience would make this a cake walk?

If only.

She had a hard time wondering if perhaps her many years made her worse with this than normal. She hoped not.
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:06 pm

All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] EXUX3FC
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

The mood in the Catnipp manor had been rather dry of late, the cause of which was certainly no secret to both Candice and Giselle. There had been many breakups in Candi's tumultuous life, admittedly very few of them leaving her in the lurch but enough that it was not the first time such a terrible thing had happened. She was capable of looking after herself and equally capable of just getting under someone else and forgetting about all those wasted nights and all that investment come to nothing. But despite herself, she hadn't. Something had gotten stuck, and it clung to her only tighter as the days rolled by.

She travelled, made her appearances, and did her duties and errands like the darling daughter her parents wanted her to be, but all was not well with the blonde bombshell. This was something that the Candice of yesterday would have taken straight to Giselle, her little confidant and crutch, and yet the other woman felt no less distant than Ehefra was. They shared a house and yet acted like strangers.

It was not all too hard to track her down, though. In times of undue stress, she was a creature of habit. If there was work to be done, professional work, then she was either in one of the studies or strutting around the garden like a woman on a mission. If there wasn't, then she was in the gym or out on the racing track. Today, like many days, it was gym day. Dressed down in sportswear, hair up in a loose ponytail, she had just finished a session on the treadmill when the approaching footfalls alerted her to the presence of an intruder in her midst. Green eyes darted in Giselle's direction, silently waiting for her to offer anything more than a passing glance.

Livewire Baby | END POST
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:35 pm
All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-eadfca1b47df80fd749f86198d33910c

Ah, the Gym. She had known more or less what to expect, hell once she'd sensed Candice in the Gym, she even had made a point to get dressed in some gymwear of her own as if she were about to work out herself. But even so, she couldn't help but pause a little when she actually made her way into the workout area. Her lips thinned for a few seconds before she cleared her throat, mostly to jar herself from a brief little mental meander before she walked her way over to Candice. Yea, she had originally intended to try and make things seem casual. But wquite suddenly, she couldn't actually remember what her plan had been.

"I fuckin suck." She finally murmured softly, reaching up and rubbing the back of her head as she closed her eyes and let her other hand settle onto her waist. She made her way over to one of the benches and took a seat, sighing a little as she let her elbows rest on her thighs. Looking at Candice with the knowledge that the woman probably wouldn't even turn her way, not yet at least.

"Candice. ....I'd like to talk. But if you don't wanna, I get that. I uh, already kinda get that I fucked up. You don't gotta speak to me if you don't wanna. But I'd like to say a few things if ya don't mind." She set a bottle off to the side. One of the smoothies that Candice always liked to have after her workout. Admittedly a bit of a bribe, and something that Candice could focus on doing while still not talking to her if she preferred. She knew how much Candice liked to have a bit of busy work when she wasn't talking to people.
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 6:18 am

All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] EXUX3FC
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Whether she heard that mumbling comment or not, there was no immediate reaction from the blonde as she seemed quite content to let Giselle go about her day. Being in the spotlight was her nine-to-five so the prolonged stare washed over her just like the rest did, and for a moment she considered simply leaving her to it. This was a communal space, after all, and they both needed to work on their physical fitness sometimes. Only when the smoothie was produced did she return her gaze to the woman, the slosh of the liquid as it slid across the bench alerting her to the intended receiver.

With a huff and a puff, she let down her hair and fluffed it out a little with one hand. The kinks from having been pulled into a ponytail remained, but soon the blonde fringe returned to shield her gaze from that of the once-zombie. Approaching, she did not vocalise her consent yet but took a seat at the other side of the drink and waited patiently.

If Giselle was scoping for a reaction then she would have to do a little better than that. But it also hadn't prompted her to storm off in a fit, so as far as Candice went that could be considered progress.

Livewire Baby | END POST
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 6:48 am
All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-eadfca1b47df80fd749f86198d33910c

Giselle smiled softly as she watched Candice make her approach to accept the offered tribute. She gave the woman her full attention, despite her instincts telling her to avert eye contact. ”I’m sorry about Ehefra. That she dipped. That I was a cunt about it once it happened. I…. I’ve been around a long time Candice. Ive seen so many humans turn tail and run it just feels natural.” she murmured quietly. Closing her eyes as she thought back to the situation itself.

”That chick is a bag of cats, even before she made the mistake of leaving you.” she noted softly, closing her eyes. ”I’m sorry it took me all this fuckin time to say it. She rubbed her eyes and let out a soft sugh before turning her attention back to Candice. Who well…. Probably was just still sipping her drink. Truth be told she had no idea how this would be receoved. She hadnt exactly even been in the doghouse for this long. For all she knew she was about to be shown the door.

”How can I make it up to you?”
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 11:32 am

All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] EXUX3FC
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Picking up the smoothie, Candice let it rest in her lap as her hands folded atop it and she settled in to listen. It would not be long before that grip grew tighter though, as Giselle began to pull and pick at what had been eating at her. It was never going to be an easy conversation to have, but there was something about her tone that just managed to get under her skin. How casual she was about herself, how quick she was to throw the blame at Ehefra's feet now that she was no longer around.

"So why is leaving me a mistake? You don't exactly seem thrilled to be here."

Her tone was a little shriller than she would have liked, betraying her emotions as they ran wild beneath the surface, but to have it all just drop on her out of the blue after all that waiting and build-up made a girl tense. No small part of her wanted to cry and scream and let the world feel her wrath, but then that would be it and everything for nought. Years of her life had been committed to that woman, and she had thrown it back in her face for the sake of her conscience. If this one walked too then at least she could just wipe the slate clean and move on, instead they were here, dragging through dirty laundry whilst she danced around her like a kitten walking on egg shells.

Livewire Baby | END POST
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:27 pm
All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-eadfca1b47df80fd749f86198d33910c

”Because if it had been me I would have tried to take you all for myself. I don’t know why she dipped Candice. Maybe she’s stupid and she thought she was better off without you. Maybe she was jealous and didn’t want me in the picture. Maybe she just has shit going on and couldn’t handle it. I have no idea. But she chose a life without you in it. A choice I wouldn’t make.” she stated firmly, standing up and walking directly up to Candice.

”And I’m unhappy because I was stupid enough to upset you, and took this long to talk to you about it. If you wanna atill be mad at me I understand that. I deserve it. But don’t for a minute think I’d rather be out there by myself rather than right here with you mad at me. Ive earned my time in the dog house, but even the dog house means getting to see you. And sure, its uh…. Torture being around the hottest fuckin woman I know and getting the cold shoulder. But youre MY angry hot girlfriend. So I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make you happy again.
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:46 pm

All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] EXUX3FC
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candi did not rise to meet Giselle as she loomed over her, content to remain on the bench for the moment and peer at the drink she had been given. Of course, the view from above was perhaps more envious even than the view from below, but if this was her chance to steal a glimpse then Candice seemed to allow it. She huffed at the continued mention of Ehefra, seeming to prefer to treat the matter like the woman had simply never existed and yet that ignorance was denied.

"Then why didn't you care before? Why did you let things go so far? If you wanted me all to yourself then why did you simply accept that I was also getting it somewhere else?"

It was true, she had expected there to be hell to pay when she had originally admitted it right after it first happened. Had that been her cry for help, and it had landed on deaf ears, galvanised her worse tendencies and set up this whole disaster in the making? Unlikely. She was not the type to show her weakness. But that did not make what she had done righteous. It should have been Giselle’s chance to set her straight; to show her how this relationship was going to be, and yet she had left the door open.

Livewire Baby | END POST
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:36 pm
All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-eadfca1b47df80fd749f86198d33910c

Giselle chuckled softly as Candice wound back at her and reached up, resting a hand over her face and smiling to herself. "Candice..... cuz I've never done this before. I ...I STILL don't know what I'm doing Candice. I've never been in .....THIS situation. I've never had to worry about losing someone. Because I was ALWAYS going to lose someone. No matter how attached I was to someone, I ...I always had to think about how eventually they were going to leave me. They were gonna die, they were gonna cheat,they were going to leave. Something ALWAYS happened." She closed her eyes and thinned her lips, disgust as she thought about how she used to live.

"And what did it matter? Even if they didn't leave. Eventually that love died anyway. Eventually, that fondness in their eyes would slowly die, and I'd see fear slowly take it's place. Humans have been nothing but .....pets. And Now I have you Candice. You're ACTUALLY going to outlive me. And're so much .... MORE than anyone I've ever been with." She chuckled, as if to realize just how insane all of this was. That she finally met someone who could actually be her equal, and now... SHE was going to be the one that died.

"And ....I'm fuckin...lost. Hon. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I....honestly didn't care before. And then she left.... and ...I'm...glad she's gone." She glanced back down to Candice and promptly crouched down until she was at eye level with Candice. And she got a look at her. A very clear, obvious look at the woman. "It pisses me off that she had the gall to ditch. And now, I'm thinking about some other piece of shit human that doesn't know what they've got hurting you again." She murmured, leaning in as she just ... looked at her. Was Candice good for her? Probably not in the slightest. But maybe in a weird way she was what was best for her? This .... sensitive, frail....powerful little ball of lightning wasn't someone she could just treat like every other human that wandered into her life. Maybe that was good. Maybe she needed this.

"'re dating a Thousand year old idiot whose never had to make real relationships. One whose discovered that they don't like sharing. Unfortunately, I can't just kill people who hurt you and turn them into zombies. So I'm still....figuring all this out. It's very upsetting, to say the least." she gave a sigh, before glancing back to the woman and smirking. "But you're fuckin worth it, so we're gonna figure this shit out." There was no doubt in her voice. No hesitation or uncertainty. There was confusion sure. She didn't know how to handle all this shit. But there was still not even an iota of doubt. As ridiculous and frustrating as this whole situation sounded. There was nothing that indicated she was anything but fully intent and eager to figure it out.

"So yea, buckle up, hon. Cuz there's no way I'm givin up the woman I love because of my own stupidity."
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All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice]

Fri Dec 22, 2023 5:38 am

All my Life to Live [Giselle, Candice] EXUX3FC
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

There was little that Candi could do but sit there and let Giselle unload her feelings onto her. It was hardly the first time, yet usually it felt more lustful than this. This was, in so many ways, new and that was quite scary really. But the Thunderqueen had cleansed her of fear, galvanised her heart against any such weakness or vulnerability, so she should have been quite unfazed by all that cutting honesty. She wasn’t, she knew deep down that it all meant something, but remained adamantly determined not to show it.

There was no constant commentary, though, as Candi sat there in silence and let Giselle reach her conclusion without interrupting. The Heiress who could talk anyone’s head off if given half the opportunity was rendered quite speechless, overwhelmed by all that was being thrust upon her and stunned by her own fragility. Her partner professed to be the idiot and yet she was the one who understood them far better, who had lost every part of herself and yet pushed to find a new one, that wished more than anything to break those who had hurt them. It had taken her a while to arrive at this conclusion, or perhaps to work up the courage to open that vault, but at least she had the balls to say it.

“I don’t want to kill her, Z, or make her a pet and force her to stay. That might give her the illusion that she ever mattered. She was just using me anyway, so I hope that she got all that she wanted out of it.”

Candice believed that, her eyes did not lie, but she was also entirely unused to the idea that people would want to spend time with her for any reason other than wanting to be around her for vanity’s sake. That was all she had ever been to anyone, a trophy to be held onto for a while and discarded when something shinier came along. Giselle had already forced her to consider the possibility that someone might actually like her for her, and she had tried to accept that, but the truth was that she couldn’t just believe that. It wasn’t as easy as just flipping a switch and deciding to care, it was a fundamental change to her entire being, and she didn’t know what Candice Catnipp would be like if she accepted that fact. Better, worse, something different or entirely the same? It all made her pretty, blonde head spin.

Livewire Baby | END POST
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