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Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:05 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

The amber and pink skies embraced the glowing light of the sun as its warmth touched the earth below. A pair of bare, petite feet—belonging to a figure with long raven hair cascading down her back—touched the sands of the unnamed South African beach.

She turned, her crimson gaze taking in the sight before her: a beach marred by blood, bodies, and burning skulls. In the waters ahead, more bodies floated, the dawn's ginger touch rendering the scene both horrific and sincere.

Humans were such vengeful creatures, weren't they? They see an arrancar and assume they are out for blood. They are masters of their fate. To confront her as if she were another mindless beast like that horde in the hole of The Vastime Captial was insulting.

After taking in the scent of iron, the horned Arrancar turned her back and noticed a rather tall figure looming in the distance. With a raise of her eyebrow, she could sense it was one of her kind, so she waved at the hulk of a woman coming closer.

"Friend or foe? Better let me know quick as I've had enough of people getting on my ass for one day."

Her voice carried over the gentle lapping of waves, Veralia's nonchalance remaining unshaken as she called out to the stranger.

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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] WVMWLOu
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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] Empty Re: Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako]

Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:40 am



Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Africa... This place really had become quite the shit hole. Once upon a time, it was a place Kanako never would have ventured due to the strong nation that once stood upon it. Now, however? That was a different matter entirely now that Vastime was a shadow of its former self, if it even still existed. Luckily for Kanako, she could simply stay in the water whenever there was too many troubles to be dealt with; or aggressive humans that insist on attacking whatever is even a little hollow. Sure, she's had to kill a few humans that refused to let her go, even underwater, and most of them rest in the water now. When Kanako surfaced eventually, she came upon quite the destroyed beach, and corpses sullying the water. Kanako tilted her head before she gently shook it to try and rid her nostrils of the intense smell of blood; except the smell of ash filled her nose instead.

In the moments in which Kanako dried off, an Arrancar on the beach called out to her. This woman seemed chipper enough, and was likely responsible for killing all these humans. Kanako shrugged mentally. Truth be told, there was no reason to get upset over this sight. After all, if the humans had attacked the Arrancar for the same reasons that others had tried to attack Kanako, she couldn't fault the woman.

"Friend, I would think... I have no reason to attack you, nor will I senselessly like I assume these poor fools did."

After Kanako had moved closer to Veralia, likely making her immense height more obvious than it already was. Kanako considered the woman before her, tilting her head and leaning over a bit to actually get a look at her without cramping her neck. She definitely smelled odd... and like a lot of blood, which was fitting considering all the human corpses.

"I'm Kanako... and you are?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:23 am


Enter Veralia's Post


Affirming who she was with a steady tone behind her voice, she continued to admire the grim sight ahead of her as she spoke to this stranger.

" Or Envy's Ember as they call me in Hueco Mundo."

With a satisfied expression on Veralia's face, her gaze shifted to that of Kanako's hulking physique. It seemed like this one drank their milk and vegetables growing up as the size of this woman seemed endless compared to Veralia's five foot two petite stature. And given the energy she sensed from her, the spiritual energy radiating from the monster seemed akin to her own. It was... peculiar.

There was a fleeting tightness in her chest, a familiar twinge that whispered of wanting, of coveting that which was not hers. But she masked it well, her expression one of cool amusement.

"What in the hell is a beast like you doing out here? Your a whole fucking unit."

While Veralia's words were crass, her tone remained unconcerned and filled with nonchalance. Her right eyebrow arched higher, not just with curiosity but with the unspoken question of whether she might match this figure in stature and strength.

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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] WVMWLOu
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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] Empty Re: Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako]

Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:36 pm



Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"Envy's Ember, huh? Mm, I think I like Veralia more."

Kanako looked around at the beach, not entirely noticing how Veralia studied her body and seemed to grow wanting of what Kanako had; then again, Kanako had no idea. She wasn't some empath, but she did know Veralia was an Arrancar, like herself, and they weren't exactly the friendliest of lot at times. Not to mention, Kanako did notice how short Veralia was. In a sense, if Kanako could tell that Veralia wanted what she couldn't have, she would understand the feeling all too well. After all, being as large as Kanako was, eight feet tall, hair four feet long, approximately, and a large tail to accompany it? It draws attention like nothing else. Eventually, however, Kanako gave Veralia a small shrug at her question.

"Searching for... A friend. But I suppose I came to the wrong area. She's not gonna be here... Aside from that, I was enjoying the ocean. But never mind, what did these humans do to you, by the way? Same thing humans always do to the unknown and scary?"

Kanako eyed a few corpses around, glad her scent had long since filtered out the smell of fresh blood and burnt flesh; she didn't need bloodthirst clawing at her insides while she was trying to have a nice conversation. Luckily for Kanako, humans weren't exactly tasty. Eventually, Kanako sat down seemingly on nothing, but it may be obvious that she was using her tail to seat herself so casually, her yellow eyes boring into Veralia with an unintended intensity.

"What about you? What brings you to this disaster ridden place?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] Empty Re: Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako]

Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:26 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

"A few humans came at me thinking I was the same type of mindless shitstain that opened in the Vastime Captial."

Veralia spoke with a cold snort, eyeing Kanako's imposing figure with a hint of envy veiled behind her casual demeanor.

"So I killed 'em. I might have killed a few more than I care to as collateral damage, but hey, such is the cycle. They can enjoy their afterlife as shinigami or hollows."

There was a roll of her shoulders to be had that comment and the nature of its validity. Her concern was still on the power coming from this other woman and the nature of her strength. If they were to get to brawling here, it certainly would get ugly. Despite that, Veralia still believed she'd win.

" Regardless, I came here since I love the heat and sun as Hueco Mundo is too dark and depressing for my taste."

After declaring her reasons for being here, Veralia crossed her arms and levitated upon a glowing orb of emerald energy that materialized beneath her. Her posture mimicked Kanako's, a silent challenge in her poise.

"The hell did you even eat to grow that fucking big?"

Code By:

Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] WVMWLOu
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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] Empty Re: Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako]

Mon Dec 18, 2023 10:21 pm



Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Veralia's statement made sense. Humans would often become afraid, and potentially hateful, of the unknown and potentially dangerous creatures in the world; and most of them had a rather understandable hate for hollows. However, to consider an Arrancar as a beast or a mindless drone was foolish, and deserving of a grim fate if they attacked unprovoked. Kanako simply nodded at Veralia's reasonings, albeit she didn't quite like the involvement of innocent bystanders... But you couldn't have everything in life. The Arrancar simply shrugged as Veralia continued to eye her form as they spoke, something Kanako barely noticed as she was used to people looking at her like so. Being so tall, muscular, and additionally voluptuous made her a target for the eyes of those who enjoyed such things; or envied it.

"I can't say I blame you. I've had to kill a few humans in self defense, those who, like these, couldn't see past their rage and hate... And I agree, Hueco Mundo is boring. It's sand, sand, and more sand... With a touch of sand. I prefer the Ocean and the cool breezes, along with Earth's myriad of other enjoyments that Hueco Mundo lacks heavily."

Kanako let out a small sigh as she thought of how desolate the land was. It was a depressing thought, but one she shoved aside. She lived on Earth now, not that shit hole. Albeit, she did miss the occasional snacks she could enjoy a bit more often in Hueco Mundo... Then again, those were normally too annoying to be as enjoyable as eating on Earth was. Eventually, however, Kanako raised an eyebrow as Veralia asked such a question, causing a bit of confusion in the large woman. Kanako tilted her head to the side, staring at the woman briefly.

"What did I eat...? I don't think what I ate has anything to do with my size. I've always been a bit... overlarge. I was an oversized Adjuchas, and probably would have been an oversized Vasto Lorde had I not given in to my instinctual urges. If eating souls, humans, and other hollow were the secret to being bigger, many of us would be like me. Why do you ask?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] Empty Re: Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako]

Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:20 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

"Some people just get all the luck, huh?"

Her remark held a tinge of envy beneath her tone. At that moment, Veralia felt less than Kanako for a moment as she let out a hard exhale of breath before standing up and dissipating the sphere she was sitting on.

"I'd imagine you'd have some insight into how you acquired your strength. Why else would I ask? Strength is the foundation of our reality back home."

She casually kicked at the sand, watching it incinerate mid-air with a flicker of her emerald flame. Her eyes, still fixed on Kanako, held a piercing quality.

"Life is fragile. It takes luck, tenacity, and a willingness to risk yourself in pursuit of growing stronger."

Veralia let out a sigh as a mix of frustration and contemplation clouded her features.

"The sacrifices and battles I've endured to become what I am were no easy feat. It seems only natural for us Arrancar to envy those stronger, smarter, or more resourceful. Without such envy, we're as good as dead."

She let out a snort, almost challenging in its tone.

"Don't you think? You seem to possess strength as if it were a luxury.""

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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] WVMWLOu
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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] Empty Re: Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako]

Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:10 pm



Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"I'm not so sure I would call it luck..."

Kanako tilted her head as she looked at Veralia, some of her true colors finally coming free as she spoke more and more, speaking of how strong Kanako was, how big she was, and how much she wished to be so strong. The woman before Kanako was green with Envy of something she didn't have, and Kanako wasn't up for it. A frown creased Kanako's forehead as she listened to the woman speak, still sitting upon her tail as she watched, and listened to, Veralia. She didn't understand why this woman was so jealous... Kanako was only strong because she needed to be. When she was an Adjuchas, she was a big target, drew too much attention, and would have died multiple times if not for her tenacity and willingness to stay alive; to not be devoured.

"When you're an oversized Adjuchas, you're a target. My secret is only another tale of our brutal home, and that it's kill or be killed; survival of the fittest. I had to be strong or else I would have long since died; so what else was there for me to do but become STRONG?"

There was a small reptilian growl behind Kanako's final word as her yellow eyes bore into Veralia. She was a small, jealous, Arrancar who Kanako didn't entirely favor. That was no reason to get angry at her or anything, however, Kanako soon stood. As she stood she once more truly towered over Veralia, looking upon the woman with no challenge in her eyes but more pity... Or was it something more like compassion? Whatever it was, Kanako still stared at Veralia before finally speaking again.

"Strength may seem like a luxury to you, who may not be as strong as I; but it is a pox to our kind. The weak hunt the strong to try and overcome them, only to be killed by them. The strong kill the weak to remove threats. Me? I prefer to do neither unless my life is in jeopardy. Otherwise? You can always live to become stronger; for what point is there to throw oneself against insurmountable odds when it means death?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] Empty Re: Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako]

Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:20 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia kept her hands in her pocket as her gazer looked upward toward Kanako's with a tinge of irritation behind it. The mind of Veralia was churning with static and fire as it gnawed on the words spoken out to her. With a scoff filled with agitation, she retorted out to the Amazonian:

"Death is inevitable, sure, but strength dictates the quality of life. Relying on the mercy of the universe or others? That's just inviting doom."

After spitting on the ground, the woman chortled and chewed on the thought of throwing yourself against instrumentable odds. Kanako did have a point in the sense of it being killed or being killed and the strongest being the one to survive and thrive. With a gentle sigh, she then came to a decision.

"Why don't we go to Hueco Mundo and fight then? Don't worry, I have no desire to leave you a corpse-like these worthless human bastards here. But there is no point in bitching about strength if you aren't willing to put your nose to the grindstone."

With a snarl, a surge of her emerald aura flared across the beach, a symbolic gesture asserting her formidable spiritual presence. This was more than mere bravado; it was an open challenge, a declaration that on the spiritual battlefield, they stood as equals. The rest – intelligence, durability, and sheer might – was yet to be determined.

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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] WVMWLOu
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Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] Empty Re: Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako]

Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:07 pm



Sands Stained In Judgement [Veralia/Kanako] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

This woman certainly seemed to have her own issues with Kanako’s way of life. When you live with a target on your back for years, you learn that subtlety is better than striving to be the strongest; but Kanako knew it was still better to be strong. However, Veralia appeared to be challenging Kanako’s way of thinking; and way of life. Frankly speaking, they were near kindred spirits if not for their slightly differing opinions. After all, Kanako too struggled to live. She let out a soft sigh as she felt Veralia’s aura emit around her. The yellow eyed Arrancar simply glared before she slowly took off her jacket, hiding it upon her tail, revealing more of her scales; similar to the ones upon her neck.

Kanako flexed her arms as she willed her scales to envelop her hands, ending in sharp claws. Moments after, the smell of ozone suffused the air as lighting began to flicker upon her form; and especially her long mane of hair and tail. That same lightning occasionally crashed into the sand, incinerating some sand and potentially creating small bits of glass.

“Yes. Let’s. This is the best way to settle our differences… And the best way to come to an understanding. We desire strength for different reasons, yet similar. Besides, if you wish to be strong… sometimes getting your ass beat is the way. After all, I have no intention of killing a fellow survivor.”

Kanako extended a scaled finger and poked it into the air, which soon tore open into the familiar form of a Garganta. Even if Kanako knew of a good place, Amaranta’s Arena, she knew the woman wouldn’t appreciate her place being used without her consent. However, Kanako disliked that they were leaving the water. It was a distinct advantage… Maybe they could come back after their fight.

Kanako gestured for Veralia to lead the way, lightning still sparking upon Kanako, and followed the woman into their destination; Hueco Mundo. Their arena would simply be a more barren area with somewhat solid ground; better for fighting than sand. Kanako would cross her arms and stare at Veralia, her yellow orbs boring into the woman. Kanako let a small reptilian growl rumble in her throat, her dangerously sharp teeth showing as she snarled at the woman.

“Now then. You wish to be strong… But have you ever sought to escape the yoke we Hollow, and Arrancar, are forced into? If strength were all it took to be happy, no one would be truly happy. But… if you wish for strength… then let’s see how well you fight.”

Kanako continued to growl at the woman as some scales upon her neck rose to reveal blue lightning bursting from them; with Kanako glaring pointedly at Veralia. Lightning forked out from the woman’s body, and her aura poured through the area just as Veralia’s did. Clearly, Kanako desire no more words; all there was to come was the fight. She knew nothing of Veralia, but if the woman was truly jealous… then perhaps this fight might help them find some middle ground.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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