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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:32 am
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 1262094-Anime-Akame-ga-Kill-Esdeath-Akame-Ga-Kill-1080P

The place Lerna chose was rather quaint and while not one that Armina had visited before, she had no problem with it. There were other Shinigami about, including one or two that the blue haired woman had seen before during her duties but none that she knew by name. It made sense, as the 4th Seat wasn’t exactly a social butterfly anyway a lot of the time but she didn’t try to give off an intimidating vibe or anything like that. With the spar over, she was rather more relaxed and if there was anything she wanted now, it was the beautiful blonde woman beside her.

“After the beating you just gave me, I reckon I’ll need something more than a soda.”
She replied with a smirk, seemingly content with how things had gone. It wasn’t often that she found herself on her back but Lerna had managed to pull it off and the memory of the mod soul’s hand around her throat was quite thrilling for the 4th division member. Turning to the barkeep, she’d order firewhiskey, a rather strong beverage but one she definitely needed at that point.

Curious about the spell that she’d seen Lerna use during the spar, Armina would ask, perhaps oddly given how dismissive she’d been about the subject. “So, I get that you’re pretty good with the destructive spells but are you as able with the restraining ones too?”

She didn’t say it out loud but the thought of being able to do such a thing was quite sexy in truth.


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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:28 pm
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 B49zcoa26qy

Lerna couldn't help but feel that welling feeling of Deja vu at the mention of the beating, a soft little snort escaping her as she tilted her head. "It wasn't that much of a beating. I'm pretty sure you could have beat me if you put your mind to it." She stated simply enough, watching as the woman ordered herself a hard drink. And some portion of her brain registered that some might appreciate that. There was certainly a lot of culture around that kind of thing annoyingly enough. Shinigami always seemed intent ot bond through the stuff. It was something that drew many of them together. But then again, that had even been the case on earth. How insidious that it had been used against her in the past. That Shinigami really HAD been a bastard.

The question about Kido however, hit her a bit out of left field. For someone who had no respect for kido, she certainly seemed to have a fascination with the stuff. "Uh, yes? I've also got a bit of skill in Kaido as well. Kinda necessary given we often get deployed solo or in pairs." She noted simply, any untoward implication about binding someone with Kido didn't register with the blonde as she took another sip of her soda.
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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:49 am
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 1262094-Anime-Akame-ga-Kill-Esdeath-Akame-Ga-Kill-1080P

“Well, it’s been so long since I last fought someone as beautiful as you. Maybe I was a little distracted.” Armina replied in a tone that was rather carefree for her. “I admit that I was rather more defensive than I usually am.” A truthful admission and when she looked back on the fight later, she’d probably be rather pissed off with herself. It was rather rare that she let herself be pushed around as much but that wouldn’t be the case next time. The blue haired woman wasn’t going to be so easy to get on her back next time.

Taking a sip of her liquor, she’d listen as Lerna talked about her kido skills. “I’m sure whoever gets caught or healed by your kido will consider themselves lucky.” It was a compliment although one that needed a little imagination to figure out. Honestly, Armina wasn’t sure if Lerna was all that interested at this point, which was unfortunate. The 4th Division member was certainly attracted to her and a part of her hoped that they’d fight up close and personal again one day.


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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:31 pm
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 B49zcoa26qy

Lerna tilted her head slightly as she glanced at Armina again. Huh, she was talking a lot about how pretty she was. Was that really it? She pondered it for a moment. She supposed she forgot how physically focused shinigami could be. Those few friends of hers familiar with her situation so very often went onto great lengths about what they valued in a partner. Being funny, entertaining, charming. But at the end of the day, for some, it was so much simpler and she glanced down at herself for a moment, before offering a lopsided smile to the other officer. "So I've heard." She noted calmly, taking a sip of her soda as she listened to Armina's confession.

Not surprising given the matchup. She doubted that the woman often ran into individuals around her own level. Other high ranked officers sure, but most of those around her would be well weaker than her by quite a bit. "Not really. I'm usually gonna kill or disembowel most things I'm gonna snag with a Kido spell." She pointed out and tilted her head slightly at the other officer. "So what about you, Miss Armi. What is it you spend your time doing for fun? Got any family? ?" She ventured. After all, even some rukongai denizens found and formed little families. An important part of many of their lives, perhaps it would shed a bit of light on Armina's uh...personality? Whatever it was you tried to figure out about a person on these little outtings. Was it a date? Probably not quite. But still, the woman was......well...transparent. It was pretty clear she wanted to get her hands on the 7th Squad member. But she was curious what else was on their mind.

WAS there anything else on their mind?
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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:01 pm
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 1262094-Anime-Akame-ga-Kill-Esdeath-Akame-Ga-Kill-1080P

A smirk crossed Armina’s features as Lerna remarked briefly on the former’s reputation. There wasn’t much to add on that topic in truth. The blue haired woman was, well, for lack of a better word, a brute when it came to combat. Sure, there were faster and more intelligent fighters than her but when it came to taking and dishing out punishment? Armina was pretty well assured of herself in that regard.

The question about her family caused the 4th Division member to blink a couple of times, not having expected such a question. She had no qualms about answering it though and after taking a sip of her drink, replied in a neutral tone. “I was born and raised in the back end of the Rukongai, where all the filth tended to end up. My parents didn’t have much time for me and soon enough ran off to god knows where. I was only a child when they fucked off and life was a hell of a struggle then. It was tough but I learned fast. How to fight and survive. An asshole saw me beating up someone twice my size one day and threw me into a cage to fight other kids for his cronies to wager on. We were all scared shitless but we had no other choice but to fight. We were all starving animals. That was my introduction to life in Rukongai and I guess you could say it has shaped me somewhat.”

Understatement of the century.

Realising the effect of her unpleasant story, she added after another sip of her drink. “Sorry about bringing the mood down but my story isn’t a happy one either.”


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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:10 pm
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 B49zcoa26qy

Oh, that was a bit more backstory than she'd expected. But all the same, she tilted her head as she eyed the woman and took a moment to absorb the explanation. There were really such practices in the rukongai? A bit interesting, what would the point of such things even be? Certainly there was something to be said about accruing strong individuals, but as what...assassins? Hired muscle? Didn't the Gotei have a history of corruption? Surely back when the Nobility was around, they could simply get Shinigami to fill that role at times? Well, she supposed some instincts really didn't change.

"No need to apologize. I live down on earth, and theres quite a few places that have devolved to that kind of practice. We even had a few guys who did that kinda shit in my old gang. But well, they started causing trouble with it and ultimately they were dealt with internally." she noted, which was, perhaps not the reaction Armina explained, more or less establishing that Lerna had, at one point, been in an organization that did the very thing that Armina had been subjected to.

Truth be told? It had happened at least to several gangs she'd been a part of. Over the years Gangs sometimes flashed in and out, and they'd pick up that stupid notion. Sometimes successfully, but really it usually caused problems unless the gang was VERY large. As it turned out, training a bunch of freakishly strong kids that you then traumatized into likely hating you didn't really work out that great at times. Even less likely if the police in the area were competent. Which well....she imagined is what happened to Armina's abductors, the Gotei did seem on the ball about a few things, especially what witht he reforms Commander Abalia worked toward during her tenure.

"Well, since you seem keen on sharing, how'd you wind up in the Gotei then?"
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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Thu Apr 18, 2024 11:56 am
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 1262094-Anime-Akame-ga-Kill-Esdeath-Akame-Ga-Kill-1080P

The 4th Division member wasn’t all that surprised to hear that situations like her own happened regularly in the human world. Why wouldn’t it? There were opportunistic scumbags in every realm, searching for ways to exploit others for their gain. It seemed to be a way of life for some and while Armina had only limited experience with Earth, she’d seen more than a few troublemakers during her previous excursions there. The blue haired woman was hardly the most appropriate Shinigami for missions there, a fact she knew well. She was likely to cause more damage than the enemy. It was rather frustrating though for a woman as bloodthirsty as she was. Sparring could only do much to ease such desires and she could say the same for sex.

The question brought a smile to her face and after another sip of her drink, she divulged. “That was decades later. Long after I’d taught those who’d captured me a lesson. I’d become somewhat of a terror among Rukongai and shed more than my fair share of blood. Fights were commonplace wherever I was as my fuse has always been pretty short. One day, I came across a woman wearing a kimono, who was rather insistent that I stop my rampage. I told her to fuck off and we ended up scrapping.”

Pausing for a second, she’d then smirk. “I ended up on my back just like I did in our spar but rather than kill me or haul me in, we ended up making out instead. We got to talking after that and she managed to convince me to give the academy a try. I already had the physicality and my spiritual pressure was high even then but having to conform to the Gotei’s rules was a fucking bitch. Still is.”


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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:00 pm
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 84apcoz5k34

N ot quite the reaction she expected. Or really the ....well... no maybe she should have expected this. The woman seemed to revel in the life she'd garnered after. Was that really it? It was bizarre that the woman had broken out of such a life, and then just kept on going? She even went so far as to join the Combat Division. And now here she was. And one couldn't help but wonder how much of a difference that childhood had made.

Did the ones who kindapped her even change anything? Had they simply broken her and made her into this? Or had she been this all along and they had simply fostered her in a way that allowed her to become what she now was? The hollow in her felt it was likely a mix of the two. But even so, it was ..... strange. The Fourth really was it's now beast. even now, seeing Armina practically eye-fucking her in the midst of their conversation, she could tell that it was fueled by their fight over anything else. And she found her gaze wandering off to the side as she became distracted with her own thoughts.

That Armina mentioned that this had happened previously, she couldn't help but make something of an ..unsavory face. "Is this something you do all the time?" She asked with a bit of concern, frowning slightly as she looked to the memnber of the division. Certainly she knew that some of them adored battle. But this was going a little far.

"I certainly hope you don't mind following them. I understand that the Fourth can at times deem itself outside of normal constraints. Especially with the policies around captainship. But I most certainly hope you understand that you still are under the jurisdiction of Soul Society law." She noted firmly, perhaps a bit harshly.
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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:29 am
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 1262094-Anime-Akame-ga-Kill-Esdeath-Akame-Ga-Kill-1080P

“You mean fighting?” Armina replied with a raising of her brow. “I’m not a lunatic who just attacks people at will if that’s what you mean, not anymore anyway. There was a time where I was and a day didn’t go by where I wasn’t fighting with something or someone but times have changed somewhat. As much as I despise having to restrain my more violent instincts, I’ve found some measure of it, even if the thought of thumping those who annoy me is still rather tempting. I suppose you could say that I’ve struggled to find other ways of blowing off steam.”

In response to Lerna’s lecture, the blue haired woman would shrug, seeming to be rather unbothered by the lecture. “Believe me. The rules of the Soul Society have pretty much burned into my skull at this point and I understand them well enough. That doesn’t mean that I have to lose what makes me who I am though. I’m always going to be a combat loving kind of girl and I doubt I’ll ever not feel my heart race at the chance of shedding blood.”

Taking another sip of her drink, she’d add. “As you can no doubt guess, it makes forming friendships difficult but that’s something I’ve come to accept. Not everyone can be a social butterfly, I suppose.”


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A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina)

Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:11 pm
A Daytime Wander (Lerna, Armina) - Page 4 84apcoz5k34

"I was more surprised about the kissing thing. Frankly, but fair enough." She sighed and closed her eyes, wondering if perhaps she should have reprimanded the woman for her bold move. Especially with how flirtatious she was getting. Humans. She took a sip of her soda and then set it down, raising both hands infront of her and tenting her fingers. "I'd be especially careful of that sort of thing around...certain individuals. You might wind up getting beat up even harder." A pause.

Well...she'd probably like that. Still. A sigh escaped her as she reached up and gently rubbed at her eyelids, taking a moment to ponder her situation. There was something to be said about the ...TYPE of weirdo that came up in soul society. Sure, people on earth wer strange, but the sort of ....settledness was a bit unnerving. Sure, people were violent, but in soul society, Squads such as the Fourth Division created such an odd environment. They were almost laughably aggressive, but it was all part of the culture, it was their identity. And as a result, Armina spoke about this sort of thing passively. On earth that was the case, but usually with gangs or bad areas, usually not members of the military. Well, not in such a brazen and open way.

"Alright so you've made it pretty clear you spend a lot of your time punching faces. But ...what about outside of that? Any ...hobbies? Clubs? Whittling or anything like that?"
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