Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Left_bar_bleue0/0Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:36 am
After 10 years just walking around Tibet with clouded visions of tomorrow… it was time to go home. To Japan… but not exactly home. His last memorable encounter in China kind of threw him off the loop, so they weren’t going back to Kyōto. Still, at least he wasn’t chased by police anymore…

So where was he going, then? Simple – Akira led the way. This strange, strange, coated swordsman had basically made the younger swordsman question his knowledge on Reishi, Reiryoku… and just spirits in general. And who the hell was Akira, anyway? Where’d he come from, and how did he know all of these things? The dude could heal himself in the most literal, magical manner possible, and he could even just decide to disappear and reappear faster than Mura’s eyes could track. One had to wonder how a person just up and learned all those things…

The guy had a library. Allegedly, any and all of Mura’s questions could be answered with the contents of this library – at first, the swordsman had his doubts about the entire ordeal. Stranger danger, y’know. Akira was still very much an oddball thrown into his life at this point, but Kyūken thought otherwise. “Let him humor you. If this’ll help you grow stronger than the sorry state you’re in right now, it’s worth a shot.”

“I never asked for your opinion on that… but you sure trust him a lot.”

“Of course, I do. He had every opportunity to end your life back in China – the fact that he’s still here, and you’re still breathing, means he put his heart on his sleeve. I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about.”

Mura didn’t bother arguing with that logic. He couldn’t believe that Akira would have any ulterior motives after drawing it this long, but… this whole spirit stuff did interest him quite a lot. He’d stay quiet for now, until they finally reached this library…
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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:04 pm
Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


This mura individual is definitely one for following wasn’t he? Well. Such individuals required a level of guidance comparable to the wildcard that could be his life, so Mura was taken across sea into the safety of Japan's borders. It was notable to him that the victorian like estate nestled in a remote town often dominated this area, though many were friendly, Mura witnessing Akira enter a Gigai and elaborated on the necessity that his nature is best concealed. Upon entering though and getting some well deserved rest, Akira took the man down into a personal training area that was expansive to say the least.

."Let’s begin then Mura. First of all, reiyroku is akin to a muscle that one can learn to refine and otherwise enhance. There isn’t many methods of doing this without direct conflict as the body responds well to instinct over manual focus, at the beginning at least. We shall focus on striking something that is a little less dangerous.

It was then a boot kicked the base of a dummy and began to drag it across to the center, unbeknownst to Mura though it had been enhanced and inlay with a Bakudo of which redirected kinetic energy and had a threshold. It would without proper current, thrust it out in a kinetic burst of defiance.

."Here is an accessible method of testing to see if you channel your energy naturally or is it activated based on reflexive instinct. Strike this for me. Don’t hold back.”


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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:08 am
Large ass estate in the middle of nowhere, what a time to be alive. It also looked like the perfect, discreet area for a temple, but maybe Akira didn’t dig temples. Victorian-like estates and housing, however, was too, too, and a third time – too outside of his comfort zone. Felt all too fancy to an ordinary citizen…

A Gigai? He could hide his Spiritual Pressure with some sort of artificial body… but it looked just like him! It looked every bit as alive as him – how did that even work? Akira just upped and introduced such a thing out of thin air for Mura – could he get one, too? Was that possible?

Now, they were in a training area – a ridiculously large one, at that! So much space, you could have an entire war in here. Mura, constantly astonished by each new thing he learned, listened to Akira’s wise sage counsel – Reiryoku was like a muscle, but more like a smooth muscle that responded faster to certain instinctual reactions than manual ones. It wasn’t like lifting weights, that was for sure… but Akira didn’t plan to send soldiers or monsters at him.

Instead, Mura was introduced to a dummy and told to strike it, no holds barred. “… Okay,” he swiftly replied, unsheathing Harukami, tightening the grip on its hilt and channeling Reishi throughout his body. He aimed to do as he was used to – enhance his physical strength to the point where he could apply Niten Muryū, then close the distance with a focused leap empowered by the practices of Fa Jin. A simple, unexpected step from his right leg launched him forward like a bullet, and when he was close enough, Harukami was swiped in a diagonal line in front of the dummy-


Eyes widened in shock, the moment a wind scythe landed on the dummy, a burst of air launched him away from the dummy – Mura quickly spun back in the air and crashed on his feet and bum far away, perplexed at the result. “… What was that?! Wait, you did something to it, didn’t you – what kind of dummy is that?” he panicked.
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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:07 am
Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


There was a soft exhale as Mura was thrown backward after so much charge up, providing some insight through his eyes about the current situation that seemed to present itself. He would offer a contemplative hum, feeling an itch of former woundings come to the forefront of his body. This wind caused a cascade of energy about his body, flowing overcoat fluttering behind as a soft chuckle followed at the confusion from the poor individual.

He had alot to learn.

."This is a dummy of which acts on the basis of currents, I now understand you rely heavily on reishi being used in techniques that you have ironically leapt over a fundamental basis. Consistent refinement. It’s not too difficult to begin refining that but separate strikes I am afraid won’t do too much to this without said current.

Akira meandered over, halting a bit before Mura and offering a hand to clasp then drag him up unto his feet.

."The way you channel reishi then disperse it for your techniques is one thing but to channel it is another. First you’ll need to focus upon the blade, akin how you’d channel the technique but instead of releasing it. Keep it. You’re on a timer to close distance but this way you’ll be able to mitigate that timer.


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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:11 pm
Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] K47mTNA


Okay… apparently, he relied a lot on Reishi for his techniques. He did wonder at times if the wind scythes were manifested purely by Reishi-empowered muscle or not – apparently not fully. Okay, there was a problem – a problem he could begin solving…

Grabbing Akira’s hand, Mura helped himself back up on his feet and listened – Reishi… he dispersed it for his techniques, resulting in the wind scythes that dealt destruction to his targets. His problem – the channeling of Reishi itself. Task to solve said issue – focus on channeling Reishi by focusing on his blade, but don’t release it. “…” Glaring at his rusty sword, he second-guessed the idea, but Akira looked rich as all hell. He could fix a sword for him, most likely… right? He knew a swordsmith, right? He had a sword, himself…

Taking a sharp breath, veins bulged up under his skin, and his arm grew in strength. Reishi flew through his limb at high speed, and he felt naturally prompted to swing Harukami and release the Reishi as a wave, but… when he tried to remain, when he tried to keep the energy locked solely to the blade itself, his arm looked stressed. Veiny, muscles pulsating, sensitive to the Reishi flowing through one limb only. Mura was much more used to using Reishi to empower his entire body at once – what he was doing now was basically enclosing that area of effect to his arm alone, then the sword itself.

Most of his Reishi was still gathered in his arm and not the sword, but Mura asked: “Am I… doing it right? This is new to me – m-my legs feel a little sluggish, too…” Gathering Reishi to his right arm alone meant that the great power throughout his body – its physical prowess – was less and less affected by his Spiritual Prowess, the very effect that strengthened him due to his amount of Reishi. Like weakening leg muscles to empower arm muscles even further.

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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Tue Feb 13, 2024 2:04 pm
Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


The way Mura’s veins bulge against his own flesh, a concerning thing for sure as it seemed to be a variation of reducing strength in one area to gain in another. Akira remaining silent for a brief moment of time, observing the ongoing through his ocular ability, taking in information at a rapid rate before a hand raised in acceptance of this.He was swift to learn than most, so much Reishi could kill him or remove the arm entirely.

Best not to disturb him with that fact.

."You’re taking strength from other limbs to enforce your own, a sacrifice like that can be both advantageous and detrimental. It is though so far a form of correction Mura, the pathways are clear. Don’t be concerned about the sluggishness, your body isn’t used to keeping such energy for long periods of time.

Akira placed each hand behind his back, observing it further with a keen eye, a researcher within the den of it all. Odd that Mura’s instinctive method of channeling was sacrificial in some aspects, a curious tale behind the person perhaps?

."Now you’re going to need to push that energy into the blade, visualization is key for a newcomer like you. You technically already achieve it in bursts, that creates your wind based offensive but in this instance you’ll to hold it releasing.


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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:10 pm
Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] K47mTNA


Oh, neat. Whatever he was doing, he was doing it right… he did feel that his arm was much lighter now. A lighter arm could swing faster… yeah! That could work. But… nah, thinking back to it, that wasn’t exactly what he was meant to achieve, was it?

Akira threw some more light into Mura’s mechanism – widening his eyes at the news that he was robbing some body parts of energy to enforce his arm, wondering why on earth he needed to do that. That sounded very detrimental in the long run… but Akira told him not to worry too much about it. He would, but he’d keep it to himself for now. There had to be a more efficient way.

Okay, yes! That! Into the blade, that was what he needed to do! He just… damn, he knew what Akira meant. His blade was an extension of himself, so if he just focused on that concept, then he should be able to channel his Reiryoku through it like he did with his arm. Just an extension of himself… c’mon, Mura, you’ve swung swords your entire life. The sword is you.

The sword is you

Wind blades were so familiar with Harukami, responsible for most of its cut wounds. Now, wind blades slowly escaped its sharp edge, brought forth by a flux in Mura’s Reiryoku traveling up the rusty sword. Almost like rippling waves, instead of furiously launching at an enemy, the wind mellowed out in some way, resting along the metal blade like a sort of scabbard. Reishi was emitting from the entire blade in ripples, slowed by the poor condition but still channeled through nonetheless.

But the wind wasn’t sharp – it was just like a coat. It needed some more momentum to regain its cutting edge, like a sort of… chainsaw-like rotation, or something. Mura couldn’t tell, he was preoccupied with getting a hang of this experiment. As a new phenomenon, it demanded his focus.

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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:49 am
Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Akira watched with intense curiosity as Mura managed to consolidate his thoughts into progression, eliciting a satisfied smirk from the corners of the Shinigami’s lips. This affinity with wind was maybe the way forward, often a mindset can go back to the soul, an element, even those of abstract abilities are often still directly linked to one of the Godai elements and are merely evolutions beyond those branches. The focus was admirable, though combat wouldn’t grant him such time.

."Good. The way one may perceive this Mura is akin to the natural element of wind, each breath you take should bring this energy throughout your body. The very exhale releases any unneeded excess. Akin to an oncoming storm as the gentle breeze laps at one's features, there is a moment…Have you ever had it? That moment where a gust is about to shift into a ferocious assault, a perfect moment of calm..

A few hurried steps to his left saw a sudden rope of yellow energy form, bringing about a lasso of sorts as he dragged the Dummy closer to Mura. It wasn’t too far off but not right within reach of the blade, Akira didn’t intend to let him get off easy. Movement with this energy was just as vital as controlling it.

."Now akin to that wind, follow those movements and assure that energy remains flowing. Strike it again Mura. You will not gain chance to charge during a genuine engagement, so envision your life on the line, lives of others, this Dummy represents the tree the oncoming tornado must tear up from the room to save others.


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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:08 am
Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] K47mTNA


That moment… where a gust is about to shift into a ferocious assault, a perfect moment of calm… before the storm. Mura did have a breathing technique that Kyūken taught him… but it was meant to supply him with stamina to prolong battles. What Akira might’ve meant was that he could gather energy, calmly… then find that perfect moment to unleash it in a violent assault.

Like the difference between a distance runner, who regulates their intake of oxygen and excess of energy, and a sprinter whose objective is to burn as much energy out as possible within a short timeframe. Could he… emulate that with his breathing? If he could visualize it well enough, maybe. It was, in the end, his power… but not the most well-defined method. His body would have to learn for itself.

Once Akira had used another one of his mystic arts to draw the dummy closer to him, Mura squinted at the target. He held his focus, let the Reishi pour into Harukami and run along its edge like a river. No… constrain it. It was running too slow, but constrain it.

His Reishi began tightening its form in the blade, almost as if choking on itself. As a result, its flow across the edge began speeding up like the activation of a chainsaw. Faster… faster… faster…

An… unpredictable outcome occurred. Before Mura ever got the chance to move Harukami, the spinning Reishi suddenly unleashed a powerful whip of razor-sharp wind that travelled like a burst in all directions, whipping the dummy with multiple slash wounds! The burst was like that of a popping balloon and even jolted Mura himself a bit to the side, but something clicked… it was like a bomb. No, it was like… nothing he’d ever perceived before.

Niten Muryū was a martial art – it required immediate movement to perform any sort of Kamaitachi. It couldn’t be performed without movement, so how on earth did this occur?! It couldn’t have been a result of his skill in the arts of the old swords, but… his spiritual prowess held more gifts than he initially thought.

“… One more time,” he asked Akira, “I just… discovered something new here. It’s not a martial art, but it’s almost… the same as Niten Muryū. I didn’t move at all there, but a wind scythe still exploded.”

Kyūken, on the other hand, was astonished, his face grimacing in confusion. It wasn’t his Niten Muryū, whatever he just did… sure, one could argue it was a better application of it, but Kyūken was nothing if not an arrogant, stuck-up relic of the past. “Tch… it barely cut through the dummy. Don’t get your hopes u-“

“I’m trying to focus, Kyūken.”

Mura cut it short with the mouthy ghost, who just scoffed and glared to the side while Mura had another question: “Akira… do you have more of these dummies? If possible, I’d like to be surrounded by them.”

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Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] Empty Re: Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura]

Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:21 pm
Spirit... A Subject [Akira, Mura] I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Everyone was different.

It was an artform that each individual had to refine in a way unique to them, Akira could offer the path though it was epiphanies that were discovered of one's own journey. He carried on observing this affair, Mura’s blade was certainly a focal point but not just to style of combat, his life itself. The way he still hung to the hilt of the weapon desperately despite a lack of arm, most would have it aside. He did not. That was a quality most admirable in this.

Only further still though did his energy pour into the thin edge of the blade, a swirl of barely perceivable energy beginning to contort, twist and drag itself across all sides like a vicious storm desperate to be released unto the world. Oh. That is exactly what transpired. The burst of energy saw scythe-like wind move dramatically toward Akira, who, able to see this energy normally managed to flick his wrist to forge a blue barrier that defended him. One glance to other areas though would note some minor damage.

."Aha. You have had a realization then? Unfortunately I can only guide you to the path but walking it requires conviction which you hold Mura. Those brief sparks of inspiration are worth more to any sentient being than any bodily desire. It is that which grants you progression.

The request was met, a hand moving to cast out four thick threads of rope which looked a little like Eels in the grand scheme of things, each opening their toothless maw to latch onto the neck of four extra dummies to make the total five.

."Let me see what this inspiration has brought forth.


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