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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:23 pm
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 MPftNxw



The playful coy act flew right over his head, huh? Of course it did. He truly was a man with a monkey's train of thought, through and through. In a way, the whole oblivious frame of mind was endearing. Quite befitting of an idiotic man like him. As far as his clothing went, he didn't have to worry about much of that. There wasn't much value in keeping his clothing to begin with. It was probably somewhere in this hut. None of that mattered at the moment, however. Sola posed a question, and she would answer it. Gazing down at him with that same mischievous expression, she spelled it out for Sola where they intended to go next in this pointless conversation.

"Go ahead. We're already naked anyway. Might as well find some way to release that tension boiling in you, right?"

There would be no confusion after that. After all, even someone as oblivious as he was could understand that much. Hopefully, he was into playing as rough here as he did in battle. That makes the event even more worthwhile as a whole in her books.


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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:26 am
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 IvmQGwF

Did he need her permission? Probably not. However, she did win so Sola would at least respect that fact. If he got stronger than her though he didn't intend to maintain that formality but she was fine with it and so Sola didn't waste any time with her. As much vigour as he would offer any training session and all the gumption he had towards his own improvement is what he'd put into the the task at hand. A monkey that did it like it was a discovery channel documentary until he was done and the luchador rolled off the other arrancar's back.

The gentle sound of his ragged breathing rang through the crappy little hut as he basked in the afterglow of a good day. A good fight, which might've been a loss but he won in other ways.

"Hey. Do you have any food?"

That was the next priority. He couldn't keep training his body if it didn't have energy to help it through this work.


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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:32 pm
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 GHpYYuP


Nothing about his request for permission offended her, at least not entirely so. In truth, possessed of such a bestial spirit at her core, the bronze woman would have preferred he seize the moment without asking, but that didn't matter in the grand scheme. Blazing ego simply allowed her to revel in how endearing it was, and any offense accumulated was promptly swept away by how vigorously he approached the act itself.

When he finished, Amaranta rose from the position she occupied during the prolonged period he attacked, reveling in the entertaining fight and the prize - from her arrogant perspective - that came from her victory. Turning her head in his general direction, the leonine woman offered a playful comment in passing at his question.

"Rough sex and a meal, huh? What am I? A housewife? At any rate, I don't have any food on me at the moment."

Rising from the ground, observant sapphires sweeping through the area, Amaranta walked through the abandoned hut in search of possible sustenance. To be certain, she wasn't in dire need of a meal at the current moment, but that didn't mean she was against humoring her current guest at the moment. At the moment, that was easier said than done. What even counted as food in this wartorn country now with all the destruction going on? Did the trees have any fruit, perhaps? Moreover, what did he even eat?

"What do you have a taste for anyway? Hollow? Human food? Humans? Animals? Whatever it is, I'm sure a quick hunt and setting something over a fire will solve your issue in a minute. Consider it a reward for being worthwhile entertainment... in more ways than one."


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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:48 am
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 IvmQGwF

"I thought the lion chicks did everything for the lion guy?"

He explained like she was a literal lioness. Sola was never one for complex thoughts and so observing lions in the African wilderness and seeing that she had all this cat stuff going on meant that she must be like that too. He gave her a pat on the butt like it was a reward for behaviour like that.

"Humans? Why would I eat that? Eh, whatever. I guess the last woman with fat tits did it too so it must be fine. How about you just get some food and I'll eat it. It's all fuel to get stronger after all and it'll all come out the same at the end."

Sola declared without any hesitation to her. Who even cared what they ate or how it tasted when it was just a means to get energy.


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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:19 am
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 GHpYYuP


"Heh, if we're using comparisons like that, does that make you my male lion?"

Exchanging that mirthful chortle at his genuine comment, the leonine woman took the light tap against her rear in stride, biding her time until he gave her a proper answer. Humans weren't the first form of sustenance she hunted down unless they approached her disrespectfully, but the same couldn't be said about other arrancar whose tastes certainly varied. It was a simple attempt at due diligence, but then again... was there ever anything complicated with this idiot? No, of course not.

"Nothing wrong with due diligence, right? Ya won't want me bringing back shit do ya? In any case, I have my answer now. Sit here and continue basking in the afterglow or whatever until I get back."

Grinning from ear to ear, Amaranta vanished from the hut in a faultless flash of Sonido, embarking on a hunt that would take merely a few minutes at most. He was free to do whatever until she returned.


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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:18 pm
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 IvmQGwF

Something like that. He didn't think he was much of a lion, all they really did was lounge around all day. It wasn't his way to do that and so he preferred to avoid being called the "king of the jungle", wasn't much of a king if they sat around all day to Sola. So he did as she said when she disappeared to go get something to eat.

Or whatever is what he picked.

Sola crawled up from his spot to begin looking around the hut, plucking the pieces of Amaranta's clothes that were left around and dangling them thoughtfully. How did he beat this woman again? Sola had tasted victory against her and the loss meant she had either improved or he had stagnated.

Even worse would be that he had regressed and so he clutched her clothing in his fist while trying to use the small amount of brain cells he had to think through the situation.


Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Gamma_Signature
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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:59 am
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 GHpYYuP


His moment of silent reflection would promptly come to an end as the bronze woman reappeared in the imperceptible blink of an eye, large bags in hand. There were a few streaks of blood that ran across her body, but nothing so grisly that it ruined the overall luster of her bare frame. Finding a suitable location to set her bounty down, Amaranta opened one bag to reveal some fruit she found along her travels. Another was filled with hunted animals and harmless hollows that were effectively on the verge of expiring.

"Dinner's here, Sol. Come on over and sit. I'll start a flame and see if you can cook whatever catches your eye. As you can see, I picked up enough to fill us both up. Though, if you want it raw... you're certainly free to help yourself."

Grinding her claws against the collection of stone and wood present in the hut, Amaranta used the friction her clawed fingers created to form a flame hot enough to prepare the meat. Of course, she didn't exactly know if hollow could be cooked. Those were probably better reserved for appetizers. Placing one of the slain animals to roast over the flame, Amaranta's sapphire gaze finally recognized the man holding her clothing. A wry grin crossed her face.

"What're ya doin' over there, huh? Reflecting on our battle? Or do you want to keep my clothing as a keepsake now?"


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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:48 am
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 IvmQGwF

Dinner was served and his eyes looked up at the sun-touched lioness coming back with a few bites to eat. Sola got up from his spot while tossing the fabric in his hands back into the pile that they were in before he fiddled with it.

"Yeah, I was."

He said in a serious tone while approaching her. A fight was always serious business for him if it was a challenge but starting something right now wasn't in his mind. They should be rested and fed before they went for another round, so he looked down and picked up a piece of the hollow. Weird but the other woman ate it, she was rabid and could eat just about anything so Sola wasn't going to turn his nose up at it.

Downing a chunk of the hollow meat and chewing its disgusting flavour until being able to swallowing it. It didn't taste good but staying in the comfort zone was how someone never got anywhere. She had said something else he recalled and looked at her in how to answer it.

"Nope. I'd prefer keeping you instead."

It was delivered with no charm or tact. Too matter-of-factly really and his hand grabbing her butt with no clarity on if it was a possessive or affectionate action.


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Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]

Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:31 pm
Monkey Business[Amaranta, Sola]  - Page 2 GHpYYuP


"Ha! Of course, you are. I wouldn't expect anything less from a competitive bastard like you."

Amaranta expected as much. There was an animalistic competitiveness in the way they challenged each other, after all. He wanted to prove himself superior to her, while she wanted to prove herself superior to him.

The wild dynamic they shared presented its own form of recurring amusement. Indeed, much of his charm surely lay in the way he rose from defeat to fight another day. In truth, she viewed that nature of his to be annoyingly grating and undeniably exhilarating all at once.

The odor of burning meat filled the hut, the bronze lioness observing the approaching male. His brazen action and bold declaration elicited an impish grin, the sun-kiss lioness turning back to him with an inquisitive gaze. That statement was certainly spoken with the conviction typical of a determined ape like him, but she wondered if there was truly any weight behind it. Turning her head around, she pressed a single finger against his chest, her tone playful, her words as challenging as always.

"What's that supposed to mean exactly, Sola? Don't get me wrong, the sex was pretty good, but that doesn't make us a pair or anything. Do you even think you got what it takes to keep me?"


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