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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:01 pm
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Was it him, again? Very few in Squad 2 were surprised to see Ranma’s return – a common occurrence, really. When Squad 8 was busy, Squad 2 was always ready to patch him up for his reckless actions, one of which happened to have taken place in the World of the Living. At least, he was out in the field… so they had nothing to rebuke him for today.

But he did look a mess – that stupid-looking Hollow, a glorified eyeball, had left tough burn wounds on his torso and face from its wide-ranged Cero, and his bones were aching from that volley of blasts it tried to rain him and Ten-guy in afterwards. If it didn’t have such an obvious weakness, he would’ve been left in a worse state. His Shunpo needed work – it was his saving grace at the end, a nice skill for evasion, but he sucked sour butt at it. Really.

He couldn’t just depend on overexerting himself each time he needed to use Shunpo. But tough luck, he was far behind almost everyone in that field, and he had his work cut out for him. At least, he was making progress with his Kidō library, but Shunpo?

And now, he was in his own room, accompanied by an ambient light in a late evening shade, on fucking edge because more of his face was wrapped up in bandages now. His left eye, too, for good measure – he looked like a ninja for a second – his chest and right arm… more of this, and he’d become a lion king swordsman.

Listen, Ranma was bratty – he thought he had his whole plan figured out, and then Ten-toe folded twice, and now Ranma’s just sitting here wondering if he got communication issues or if he wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. With all this stress, he was dying for a quick fix, but nothing in Soul Society was quick…

“… Ericaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… Ericaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… Ericaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…”

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Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:24 pm
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

The notes that she was reading didn’t make for a great diagnosis and Erica moved like grease lightning as she made her way through the corridors. The hospital was almost overrun with those who’d been involved in the latest crisis and the pink haired Shinigami had pretty much been rushed off her feet ever since it’d started. She was used to busy days, of course but this was something else and yet, her footsteps never wavered, knowing how important it was to reach her next patient. The information wasn’t great although there was a slightly wry look on her face. She should have known, shouldn’t she?

Entering the room, Erica’s gaze would quickly turn to the bandaged figure who was laying on the bed. He’d taken an awful beating this time and compared to the last time she’d healed him, this was completely different entirely. The pink haired woman naturally did her best to hide the concern from her face but it wasn’t so simple now, not since she and Ranma had started dating. They were more than just doctor and patient, so much more and to see him in pain caused her stomach to turn. She’d never felt like this before when seeing a wounded person but he wasn't just anyone, he meant more to her than anyone.

Putting the clipboard down on the table beside him, Erica would waste no time and quickly move around to his side and summon her powers, before channelling the blue soothing kido into his body and beyond. Given the vast amount of injuries he’d suffered, she mused that it would be easier if she simply started at centre mass and moved as needed. Time was of the essence and she couldn’t afford to waste a second.

Her gaze would fall upon him after a moment or two, doing her best to smile for him. “I’m here. You sure took a heck of a beating this time.”


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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:31 am
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


”Mhm…” he instantly hummed, even with his eyes still shut. This felt like the first day he met Erica – just another one of his reckless endeavors, when he was less… okay, slightly less caring about his well-being in favor of training his Shunpo, which led to him faceplanting the spiritually reinforced surface of the Seireitei. That was the day he met Erica… and took his shot. And now, his life looked much brighter.

And hopefully… he was making her life brighter, too.

“I’m… not the best strategist around,” he admitted faintly, slowly opening his eyes to meet his love’s, “… Okay, I know I promised… not to get this hurt again, b-but I think I got off lucky~. Then again… if a Hollow’s choosing to become a floating, fucking eyeball, it shouldn’t have lasted that long to begin with.” No, stop… stop, Ranma. It was dead – stop speculating about Hollow anatomy.

He… didn’t actually notice any tensions in Erica’s smile. Then again, could you blame him?

“Thanks as always, though! Not sure if they’ve found a way to close that damn hole down in the Living World, but we’ll get there… have you seen it? Almost the size of a damn country down there.”

While not exactly intentional, Ranma really did make his injuries sound… insignificant. He ought to learn not to make those close to him worried for his safety. Not only Erica, but even Morikawa-sensei got the creeps at his recklessness… even though it was more of a defense mechanism of his. Y’know, the typical ‘make yourself look awesome to hide the wounds’ type of deal.

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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:35 pm
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

Her hands moving a touch to find a better position, Erica would begin to focus on the burns around his torso. They weren’t nice at all and the more she heard from Ranma about the attacker, the grimmer the whole ordeal sounded. She let him vent for the most part, her attention firmly on her work but the healer heard every word and it left her feeling a little unhappy inside. He’d clearly been pushed to the limit but from the way he was talking, it was almost as if he was making light of his wounds. It would be hard to tell from her expression but there was a touch of something there and it wasn’t her usual peppy and happy manner either.

The eyeball had been strong for sure though and Erica narrowed her eyes as she placed more of her spiritual energy into her kaido, having to work fairly hard to continue with the process. The healer didn’t flinch though, her stamina seeming to grow from strength to strength every day. No doubt there were many Shinigami who’d taken a beating from similar monsters and Erica hoped that her fellow healers would be able to keep up with the workload. They were a tough bunch but there were days where the pink haired woman felt shattered and she imagined it was the same for them. Still, she loved her work and that would never change.

“You need to be more careful out there.” She finally said, still looking at his wounded body. “You might not be as lucky next time and from what I’m sensing, I’d hardly call this lucky anyway. If you’d taken any more damage, you’d have been in serious trouble.”


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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Mar 02, 2024 3:22 pm
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


He could already feel his body recover from the pain… or maybe it was Erica’s warm hands. Either would do.

Lucky… Ranma didn’t really consider himself lucky, not like that. But the fact that Erica was now in his life was the luckiest he’d ever been. Was he… overconfident, maybe? It felt weird to think about it himself – he certainly knew his limits! He rarely even enjoyed going above and beyond , for it ended up taking sweet time away from him – time that he could’ve used to… y’know, other stuff. Napping, and shit.

“Well, I… *sigh* okay, fine. I did get lucky there,” he admitted, “It just… kinda creeps me out to think about. That things could’ve ended worse… y’know?” It surely made him feel like fate was holding his hand all the way, and that felt awful. It meant his achievements, and thus his safety, was constantly at risk. That was terrifying! And it made him feel rather inadequate.

“… I-I’m sure I’ll do better next time. I made good use of Bakudō back there, so… next time, I’ll just raise my defenses. See? Nothing to… nothing to worry about…”

He was starting to pick up on Erica’s aura – his love certainly didn’t like seeing him hurt. But Ranma desperately wanted to reassure her, that was why he was making it such a small deal – why make the love of his life more anxious? What would that help with? He could definitely do better next time, and then Erica wouldn’t have to… force such a smile. No, no…

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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:55 am
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

It was as if she could feel the strength of his attacker just by her healing his wounds, sensing a maliciousness from them. The eyeball didn’t hold back and Erica shuddered to think about just what could have happened if things had gone wrong. Ranma was still underplaying the damage that he’d taken and the healer felt just a touch of frustration for a second. She was skilled in the healing arts for sure but there were limits to what she or any other healer could do. One day, he might just come to more harm than she could handle and that thought was enough to make her shudder.

“What you need is to be a little less reckless.”
Erica uttered, relieved that the burn marks on his torso were now starting to fade as time passed. “Shoring up your defences is all well and good but there are some enemies out there where simple defence isn’t going to work. You’ve got to stop relying on your ability to take a punch and simply diving headlong into battle. One day, you might run into something who can and will kill you, luck be damned.” Her tone was becoming more unhappy with each word and while she hated having to say such a thing, she felt it was just necessary. “I’m not sure if I could live with that.”

Right on cue, a familiar smell would fill the air as Erica’s zanpakuto chose that moment to unleash a burst of its sweet scent, sensing the Shinigami’s mood. Its effects seemed rather muted though at the moment, with the green eyes of the healer not lighting up as they usually did. No, there was a noticeable lack of that.


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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:48 pm
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


It felt heavy. Her hands pressing on him, her Reiatsu pressing into his, and his wounds recovering at such a pace. Erica, as much as she loved her job and duty, didn’t like seeing him injured. Usually, Ranma would joke that it was just one of many opportunities to spend time with her, but…

What she said last betrayed that assumption, and it scraped his heart in a very painful way. He could only be reckless for so long, until someone or something actually committed fatality upon his soul. It wasn’t something he liked to think about, but Erica did. And by the atmosphere, it felt as if she thought about it every, single day…

“I’m not- I won’t… I’ll keep it in mind,” he promised in the end, “I’m not… I’m not just trying to get myself killed, y’know? Obviously not, but…” He had trouble wording his predicament – it just felt like his skillset leaned towards being a tank! Like… if he strayed from that for his own safety, that’d mean a lesser output from him, and thus the Hollow would’ve likely taken much longer to take down. It was a dilemma.

But it stressed Erica out. He could certainly be a bit more careful. “I didn’t mean to worry you like that…” he tried his best to comfort her, and when vigor returned to his arms, he’d gently try to grab her hands even in the midst of her performing Kaidō. He didn’t… find peace in that look in her eyes. He didn’t find joy, either, and they weren’t sparkling as usual. Upon gazing on them, Ranma’s own eyes widened, and his face saddened further.

“… Am I that big of a burden to you?” he quietly panicked, “That’s the last thing I wanted to be.” Certainly, he didn’t catch the meaning of a bond – they were both tugging on each end at times. That was a way of life, and it was what made partners bond to each other. Making each other’s hearts shiver and shake was part of the package, Ranma… but he saw it, initially, as a bad thing. Why make his partner, his love, look so… down? Wasn’t that a testament to his failure as a partner?

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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Sun Mar 03, 2024 1:36 pm
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

When his hands touched hers, Erica felt for a second as though she’d just crack completely but she just about managed to control herself. It was an incredibly close thing though and if he looked at her then, he’d see tears almost start to fall. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, was it? Their new life together was supposed to be one of joy and happiness, right? Why did it hurt so much seeing him like this? She’d seen so many wounded patients in her time and not once had this happened. A part of her, the more cynical half, told her that she shouldn’t ever mix work and pleasure together and that their relationship should be purely professional, that someone else should heal Ranma, while she worked on others.

Yet, there was another side too, one that brought a memory to the forefront of her mind. She had promised him that day to always be there to patch him up, no matter what. Ranma was her patient, those words meaning far more than they might appear, she didn’t want anyone else to heal him. It had been their first meeting, when the spark between them had first been formed and what had led them to where they were now. He meant more to her than anything and it was then that she realised that what she was feeling was simply proof that her love for him was real. The pain she felt was natural and that was how she should be looking at it.

Pausing her healing for a moment, she’d grip onto his hands, looking him in the eye. “No and I never want to hear you say such a thing again. You’re not a burden and you never will be. I just didn’t expect to feel your pain as strongly as I do. Seeing you like this just brought all these unhappy feelings to the surface before I could stop them but I guess this is part of what being in a relationship is all about. I worry because I care, Ranma and that’s not something I can just turn off like a light switch. It’s going to take time for me to adjust and I’m sure it’ll be the same for you too, right?”


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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:44 pm
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


She was really tearing up now. No, no, no, he couldn’t stand to see that – not now… not like this. Ranma wasn’t used to commitment, and thus he wasn’t yet accustomed to the weight of it all… but he didn’t want to think that. It implied the worst.

It made him afraid of what would happen should he get this injured another time. He just had to get himself into trouble all the time, didn’t he? Couldn’t he calm down, take a step back, and just… rethink his actions? Couldn’t he just… be more cautious? It’d do him wonders in the long run, and really – it should’ve been the default setting. He was weird.

But Erica embracing his hands shot blinding light into his eyes. She told him that he wasn’t a burden, and never would be… and he’d never think of her as such, either. Whatever she felt, it was natural, and she decided to try and adjust… over time. Yeah… and for an unbelievably impatient guy such as himself-

“I’ll… try, too. Even if it takes long.”

Huh, a relatively… patient Ranma. Good news. “I do hate waiting too long, but this… can’t be rushed, y’know.” He took the opportunity to gently bump his forehead onto hers, drawing their eyes closer. “Thank you… feels a lot like when I was with aunt. The rivers she’d sob over me…”

His own eyes were watering up at the memory… nay, not exactly the memory. But the feelings it brought, they were similar to how he felt about Erica. Family.

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Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma]

Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:43 pm
Do You Like Mummies? [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

It was tough for her to see him start crying too and Erica inwardly cursed herself for making everything so difficult but what could she do about it now? She’d said what needed to be said and now that it had, the pink haired healer did feel a little better. They needed to know where the other stood and if they were ever going to work as a couple then they had to be honest with one another, even if it sometimes might hurt. His words did a lot to soothe her worries though and she hoped that one day, perhaps he could be a little more cautious although if his goal was to get stronger than she knew he couldn’t always be. People grew the most in tough situations, after all, or at least that’s what her father had told her.

“I’ll try not to burst into tears whenever I see you hurt but you’ll have to bear with me too, OK? I’ve never had to heal someone I’m so close to before. It’s different than with anyone else.” She replied softly, appreciating the gesture when he touched her head with his. Erica knew that he cared for her and there wasn’t any doubt about that in her mind. There were just some understandings that they hadn’t figured out yet.

With that said, she would resume with her work, doing her best to hold herself together again so that she could repair the damage done. He should at the very least feel his spiritual energy be replenished, which would help the process further. At least the burns weren’t looking so bad on his torso now, which was a promising start.


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