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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:28 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Akira was concluding another workout, managing to comfortably adjust his method of modifying Kido within the confines of the training hall but furthermore modify them when they combine together. He was basically creating a brand new Kido….It was…Satisfying…It felt like he had taken a step in the right direction after so long. There was a thought that rang in his skull, about the revelation that he wasn’t using his zanpakuto’s name correctly.

One step forward, two back huh?

."We are surrounded by the ocean, that’s a little convenient for me I suppose.

He uttered to himself as his lips wrapped around a straw, slurping a vanilla milkshake of all things. The clear heat radiating from his core being evident of one hell of a workout, sticky with sweat yet he didn’t really think anyone was coming to see him this late. He often chose this time of night to perform his hardest, best to keep everyone thinking he was some weakling.


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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Left_bar_bleue0/0Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:14 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) 3yrgcon5db4

"That's quite a sweat you're working up!"

Ehefra's voice would no doubt cut through the soft calm that had been hanging around Akira in that moment. The woman stepping out inot the training area as she offered a friendly smile to the young man. She had abstained from her labwear or her uniform. Rather, she simply had casual clothing and a friendly smile on her person as she offered a gentle nod to the young man, glancing at the console and then back to Akira.

"Sorry for intruding. I'm from Albedochiffren, here to do a bit of maintenance." She explained to the young man, one of her sphere drones floating out from the belt on her waist to make its way to the console and interface. She joined it at the console, inputting a few commands before the little cube chimed.

Beginning Interface. Please wait.

Turning her attention back to the Soldat, she smiled and tilted her head slightly. "I'm Ehefra bye the way. Sorry again for the inconvenience, this'll take a moment before it's ready." She noted, a soft apologetic tone to her voice as she offered a little bob of her head toward the shinigami.
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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:25 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


There came a voice that shattered his relaxing silence, a female of which an idle gaze came to linger on Ehefra. Huh. There was a slight few more blinks at the introduction, coming to offer a gentle smile as she began to trudge along to begin maintenance. Ah. So that was why she was able to tune these items. Scientific research and Advancement was a branch he had hardly interacted with much to his dismay, letting a hand raise and wave softly.

."Akira. You needn’t apologize, such a job can be tiring I imagine when so many use these training grounds. Could you offer my compliments to the creator Ehefra? It is nice to be able to let abit loose within these things.

The man standing promptly and dabbing his forehead with the towel, assuring it soaked up alot of the sweat that was cascading down his forehead. It did strike him though as curious, though clearly unaware of who she was on a grander scale.

."What are you working on specifically if I may inquire? Did I overuse it?.

He mused lightly.


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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:08 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) 3yrgcon5db4

Ehefra offered a lopsided little smile before chuckling as he offered such praise. "No idea who made the first training areas. But the current design is my own work, so thank ya kindly for that!~" She noted with a little wink in his direction, glancing briefly at Beeps to check on the status of the diagnostic sweep. Humming to herself as she tapped her chin. Pulling up the recent data.

"Nah, nothing like that. Just a maintenance check regularly scheduled. I recognize you though, The Systems for security reasons keep tabs on use, and of course register the spiritual energy in the training areas so that the barriers can adjust accordingly. Some people are a little...cavalier with their powers. And so the systems keep tabs on whats going on so that it can anticipate any....unexpected expenditures, or anything that might be considered a potential threat or hazard. For the safety of the city." She explained as she turned to face Akira fully and offered a calm smile.

"Not often it picks up Vizard energy though. Your name's Akira, right? Akira Tairitsu. Since I have you here, I actually had a couple of questions I wanted to run by ya~! If you're not busy or nothing that is."
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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:25 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Everything felt like it stopped at the revelation of this machine, Ehefra would be able to note easily the sudden tension in muscle that followed in suit at the Vizard commentary. It felt sickly. To know she knew about him like that, such foolish move to believe these machines did not do something so deep…No…Ehefra created them to be like that, once upon a time they most likely didn’t. Fuck. The woman seemed kind enough, though those with intellect, himself included, were never truly without agenda.
."Strip the flesh from her lithe, petite form Akirraaaa…She knows too much…So many eyes, so little room to breathe. Too many know! Too many to see! The monster you are…Ahahahaha…

A soft exhale followed from Akira, allowing the necessary moments to pass that the Devil within hushed itself into a buzzing of annoyance comparative to anything else. Thank the Cycle he had the ability to make certain elements of it, silent. It was a strained softness, not out of malice but a curveball that clearly hit certain marks.

."Of course Ehefra, I am impressed. It takes a lot for someone to notice that element of my being, forgive me for being taken a little offguard. What is on your mind?


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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:06 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) 3yrgcon5db4

A brow raised slightly as she noticed that sudden wave of tension sweep through the young man. Oh? So that was something he had been keeping to himself. Not that she didn't already know that. But even so, it was interesting to see the sudden influx of stress.

"Something the matter, Soldat?" She asked calmly, a hand resting on her hip as she watched him. Of course, that cordial responsecertainly gave a bit of credit to the young man's restraint. But even so. "I'm a little surprised I didn't see it on your profile beforehand. Being a Vizard isn't exactly something I'd imagine someone would hide. If I recall, even shinigami need to have things in place. Have them kept an eye on, in case of an y incidents. Is there any particular reason you've kept this information to yourself? I of course imagine there's a reason, I admit I'm just curious given that keeping it does endanger your fellow soldat." She pointed out, folding her arms as she then closed her eyes.

"It's mostly my Scanning Techniques. Useless in combat. But when it comes to managing the Vandenreich, theyre indispensable. They pick up on lots of stuff. Your Vizard reiatsu for one. But if I'm being honest, I was more curious about that thing you've been doing with your nervous system. Its composition seems akin to Kido." She ventured, putting on a calm, warm smile. "Not that I'm tryin to get in your grill or anything. Fuck, not like I'm your boss or anything. But I figured I'd just ask since I have you here. I'm a curious gal, and so I try to keep my eyes on a lot of things. Even been working on some special bracelets for some soldat to utilize. To help collect data on their proegress as fighters, as well as enemies they encounter. " she explained with a nod of her head.

"I admit I myself aint anything special. I'm just a quincy, and not even one born at that. So I'm pretty intrigued when it comes to folks with unique traits like yours."
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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:37 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


If she knew? Then who else knew? Fuck. Fuck. There was a brief scenario that ran through his head, would this individual be easy to eliminate? Were they genuinely curious? He was exhausted, she had data even on the inner working of the Sight. Anything racial which could theoretically strike her off guard would no doubt have been seen, bar his zanpakuto and actual Vizard abilities. Hrm. Touche Ehefra. The man capitulated as the muscles began to release stress, deciding it best not to engage in a hostile fashion.
."If I must be candid, I concealed my nature based on three things. Firstly I dislike being hounded, the more who try to watch is in my own eyes, more who could be harmed during an incident. It is easy enough to manage certain complications with that. Secondly is the inquiries, it is difficult enough to go about a daily routine whilst ignoring it. To be reminded is akin to giving someone a jolt of PTSD.

Akira chuckled softly, letting his lips wrap around the bottle which rested in the left hand as he took a larg gulp of energised drink, another exhale of satisfaction following suit.

."Third is a social thing, I have met a few of my comrades. They all have an interesting view on their own nature…Edgy…I believe the term is. It’s better if I do not let everyone I talk to aware that I have malice incarnate residing in me and torments me every waking moment. Some enjoy their own version of hell.
Another shrug followed, glancing about Ehefra’s form with an intent to acquire some variation of insight into the way she operated on a spiritual level.

."The Kido in my nervous system acts alot like your machines, they read information beyond normal capacity. In essence, I can use it to see things others can’t and operate my nerves as if a machine. My arm goes off, no pain. I am blinded? Enhance my other sensory functions.

Some of that was a lie but she didn’t seem like the type to truly understand Kido, though strong enough Kido users could perform some wild things.


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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:56 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) 3yrgcon5db4

Ehefra raised a brow slightly at that before offering a gentle smile. "And you felt that this would be without issue if you were to say, go ona a hollow fueled rampage. That having no context would improve things?" She ventured with a slighty chuckle. "Well, like I said. I'm not your boss. But your boss DOES have access to this information. So I would expect more conversations on the subject if I were you. So you get to have all the fun details of peoplke knowing, AND them knowing that you ommited the information." She stated as she turned to look at Beeps who was peeling apart. Separating into four segments as they worked the terminal. A soft flow of reishi in and out of the device as they exchanged information.

"So a scan. Except that's not how scanning works. Unless you were just amplifying your eyesight. Which you aren't, as the Kido isn't constrained yo your Optic Nerve. I've had scans of it for a while now, If I wanted to figure out how it worked, I could dedicate resources to processing the data and finding out. Something I was hoping to avoid with a chat." She noted with that smile of hers brightening. "But I admit, it seems you're a bit harder to talk to than I anticipated! So perhaps a full processing of the data will be in order after all." She mused, before walking her way up to Akira and giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"And I wouldn't be too concerned. You haven't been upfront, but well, we have plenty of members who aren't. That said. I can only imagine that trying to manage the symptoms of your hollow get in the way of things. I wouldn't be surprised if the thing was listening and making some sort of commentary right now!" She smiled and looked the man in his eyes. "IF you're listening in there little Hollow. Heya~ Pleasure to meet you. But please do be aware that misbehavior will not be taken kindly to. Whiceh brings me to the next subject." She pause and then removed her hand from Akira's shoulder as she turned, took a few steps away from him. And as she walked, AKira would see reishi crackling down the length of her spine, congealing into an armored covering which slowly constructed a long tail to extend from her lower back. Until finally ending in a pair of pincers, and a port, which house the peeking tip of a needle.

"Given you seem to have your own reservations about your Inner hollow. I wanted to give you some information, and offer something to you! I can imagine that it's rough trying to keep it under wraps. And so there is an option! IN my research I've developed a lot of things." She smiled and glanced at that tail of hers, swishing it back and forth before lightly pointing it at Akira. "You see, my Quincy powers are based on my unique bow. Which allows me to create spells and manifest my abilities through coding language. And so a lot of my abilities operate off of that. These scanners for example work by analyzing the 'scripts' of whats around it. Sortof reading the underlying code. Lengthy, but thorough with enough exposure~ It also means that I can modify that code." She pointed out, pointing to the center of Akira's chest.

"ASt present, you're at the stage where your hollow and you have issues functioning because you share permission rights. IN any system, users have levels of authority to perform functions, but your Hollow has almost the same permissions you do. And with a bit of effort, can even take over. IF you like, I can modify the permissions your Hollow has to your powers. In the PAST of course, I've used this permission augmentation to completely shut off an individuals powers pending certain conditions. Even tested it on myself! Was able to turn myself completely spiritually inert and human for a good few weeks. But with a bit of playing around. I can render your hollow essentially Inert." She explained, putting a hand on her hip as she reached into her jacket and produced a slim bracelet.

"This is a scanning device. Now, I'm not your boss, and I can hardly mandate you to take it. But, if you don't mind wearing it. I can collect more long term detailed information. And we can see about giving you the option of some breathing room. IT'll be a lot of experimentation, trial and error. But it's a possibility." She noted and shrugged her shoulders. "Just something I thought you might be interested in while I have you here."
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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:13 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13



This woman.

It was clear as the sun which radiated the warmth that allowed our world to breathe, as obvious as the moon that remained constant in Hueco Mundo, this Ehefra was without a doubt one of the most dangerous women in the Vandenreich. The information at her fingertips alone would subject even Todgestalten to shame. Clever. This scientific insight no doubt were akin to veins that spread across the City of Light, Ehefra was becoming significantly more a threat than ally as time went one, a gentle pat to the shoulder. Reassurance. Did she have a knack for manipulation?

The genuine offer peaked a brow first, raising as the concept for rendering Zahtrusta inert, unable to shift and wriggle from a confinement. Yet. Hesitation. It was true that as she goaded the entity which resided with his core, a retort came in the form of foul promises to strip her of limb and sell what was left to the inhumane treatment of the underbelly of the world. Sheesh. He had never really seen his Inner infection react so aggressively, it only enforced the level of threat she truly was.

But he needed it for now….

There were plans underway that necessitated this abomination and adhering once or twice to otherwise an insatiable entity of unfathomable understanding. He never cared to understand it. Finally did lips part as she elaborated on the level of which her abilities worked, a not so subtle way to say that not adhering to this will only cause him issues. Well. She intends to maybe create a few issues. It would not be an easy task to eliminate Ehefra without serious collateral.


He begun, though eventually his smile grew brighter.

."You’re quite formidable aren’t you? Genuinely. The amount of information you have, alongside the way your spells act and that bow of yours means that aslong as anyone trains within the City of Light or does trust you….The more your abilities work. That is by extension a remarkable safet net, not that I think you would ever use that maliicously.

He lied.

."I’m more than aware of the engagement my superiors may have with me going forward, though I presume this data has been in there hands the moment I walked into a training room. So should it occur, it will. Your offer could let me breathe, for that I can not describe my excitement yet I am afraid of declining. Our kind do not take kindly to our souls being…So…Surgically touched, I have other elements to consider and I have only just met you.

The man glanced at his zanpakuto which rested to the left of him.

."I am fond of honesty, even if that is honesty through dislike. It is clear to me that someone hasn’t considered the drastic reach you may have regarding the City itself.


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Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) Empty Re: Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra)

Fri Apr 05, 2024 7:14 pm
Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) 3yrgcon5db4


That smile of hers never wavered as Akira distracted from the topic at hand by providing a compliment and assessment of her. Formidable indeed. And in the very same breath, somewhat indirectly made notice of potential for misuse. But of course, she had no real interest in a subtle aknowledgement of his comment.
No she was far too impatient for that.

"Of course I would." She stated with a calm smile, her head canting a bit to the side as she looked pointedly at the man in front of her. "The safety and well being of those within this city, as well as the fufilment of the Vandenreich's goals is something I believe in quite firmly. And if the malicious use of my abilities ever becomes a prerequisite toward that end. It's one I'll partake in gladly." She explained, before pausing for a moment at his presumption.

"Oh no. Well before that." She clarified, but did not go into further detail on the matter. Even so, she paused for a moment and considered hid declining of her offer. Though she couldn't help but smile a bit at the notion that the Vandenreich was, by some metric, thinking that she had too much power, a soft chuckle offered as that tail whipped about in an excited little swish, the edge of that needle lightly scraping the floor as she did.

"And why would you say that?~ The Administration regularly gets reports on all information I procure and my boss gets reports on my work." She chimed, slowly stepping into the young man's personal space as she looked him in the eye. [color=steelblue]"I didn't even obfuscate my methods to you. Despite the fact that you're not a coordinator or administrator. So I can't help but wonder... just what it is that has you so rattled..."[/coilor] She trailed, lightly tapping her fingers on her forearm as she crossed them over her chest.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why is it that you're so concerned? If you had simply had fears about the process, I could see hesitation. But I imagine that given the benefits that come with putting your hollow to heel, you would at least ask more questions. But no... you refused outright." She let a hand rest on her hip and that expression of hers shifted. That playful, calm expression slowly draining into a flat, professional stare. No longer a mere peer checking in on Akira, but an Administrator, speaking to a lower ranking officer.

Always watching. (Akira/Ehefra) W7pjcoqmpa7

"You almost seem attached to your hollow. Moreso than the peers endangered by its unconstrained presence. But that seems a little ridiculous, so if you wouldn't mind. A bit more ...context would certainly help."

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