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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:34 pm
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Within the 4th compound, a far secluded section of the training grounds used for the higher seated officers of the division. A ebony warrior walked with quiet feet onto the grounds for the first time. Over the years of being a Shinigami of the Gotei United, especially the last year, the last several months. Tento had gone through what felt like a rollercoaster of emotions when it came to battle. Battle jitters turned battle crave. Sadness of death and the failure to protect. Anger at the lack of need for it all and the endless cycle of Hollow’s nature, and frustration that although Arrancars grew more human in their evolution. They still fell into the reins of their nature.

And guilt at his failure to do more with each passing battle that seemed to shake the world.

Tento gained more fighting experience, yes. The memories of his spars against members of the Gotei and even the Vandenreich. The scars and thrills facing Arrancar after Arrancar. It was a lifetime of battles and change in each instance with each step forward. From fighting Hollows in mass, to the singular mountain before him such as Captain Kanae. At times thinking death would welcome him as it did others in Africa. All of these situations pushed against Tento’s back like a raging storm. And carried on against that current.

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Re: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:59 pm
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Over the last year, Tento had grown so much in what he felt was a true partnership with Shiōmaru . If not, teacher student relationship. Their guidance and voice a calmness that aided in the deep thoughts that crept more and more to the forefront of his mind with each passing body of a comrade of the Gotei United he buried.

Was it just your time? If I had led better, placed you better. Would you have lived? If we had trained together more, would you have survived alongside me? Did I even survive on skill or was it pure luck? What of…the ones you left behind?

On and on the spanned throughout the day. With each shadow that flicked a light of a face. With each soil that was once under the feet of an empty sliced up clunk of meat. Fabrics of duty placed in wrapping as Moms, Dads, and lovers hung their heads over stones with lowered heads. Gone in the present but still here in the threads of time. Only at times broken up by…

Young Master

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Re: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:32 pm
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

With a jolt Tento was brought back to reality; the joined masculine-feminine voice of his partner like a ringing bell beckoning him. His eyes blinked as if gaining focus as he gave a soft shake of his head before resting his left hand on his forehead and his right hand gently on the hilt of Shiōmaru. Ah, sorry there,you two. That is not why we are here. Tento said in a bit of a somber sigh towards his two Zan Spirits.

In a moment of pause, the honorable and wise voices mused in response to him just like always. All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.

At such words Tento would have to chuckle. What would that be like if it was that easy? Each step felt heavier the more weight Tento wanted to take on. And the more weight it felt like he should, needed, to take on. I would ask a dumb question like which one, do you think I am, but I rather not give you more of a reason to smack me around today than I already am. That’s not bad though. Almost what you told me last night while I tried to sleep. Put your thoughts to sleep. Do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart.

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Re: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:06 pm
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

A bemused huff came from two voices. Quite content in their master’s understanding to draw back the games today. There was a level of maturity needed of him as a seated officer of the 4th division, and the owner of Shiōmaru. They were here to do something more than train, but to unlock an inner strength worthy of the right Tento wanted to demand from them. In a slow shift, Tento said down cross footed. His hands slowly drew Shiōmaru from his hip to rest within his lap. Palms nesting the sealed Zanpakuto as if it was a bird’s nest.

So you can remember things beyond a month. It is good to see what you teach you doesn’t get lost if it does not come to just fighting. A level of calmness in their voice but the image of a smirk coming to the surface tickled Tento’s mind. A soft chuckle came from Tento as he patted the hilt of his Zanpatuko. A visual of his Zan spirit stepping out with a soft shift of wind. A brown golden lit lion with a mane that flowed with a fiery passion. A simple black steel around his neck as a chain connected to another figure's foot perched on his shoulder. A green brown hawk, piercing gaze soothing and yet stirring the soul at the same time. A satisfied smirk on both of them.

Why of course not. You are me and I am you. Beyond just learning and practicing how to use you, you two are very enjoyable to talk to.

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Re: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:32 pm
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Always a flatter Tento was. But what he said was full of truth and honesty. There was a world’s difference between how they were now, and back to how Tento was in Shino trying to get Shiōmaru to communicate with him, let alone give a sign that they existed. He felt them in every step, when he breathed, when he meditated, they were softly there with him. When he slept it was if they were playing a melody over his head as if he was a baby asleep in a crib. The two of them were so much to Tento. A teacher, a friend. A tool, a living thing. And with each fight and challenge, he learned from them. They kept him alive, striving towards the warrior he needed and wanted to be. The gratitude was immeasurable.

With each promotion he got it was ordered to be put through the grinder to deserve it. He was all for the work and bonding. It was a thrill and even now Tento continued to think back on those times. Reflecting on those experiences with Shiōmaru trying to see how he could improve. How he could grow, to enjoy battling. The intensity of the wind flowing, the bumping of blood in his veins as wounds dripped onto the soul. The shifting of soil under his muscles as the fibers tensed and relaxed with his will.

He moved beyond that for now though. A shift of wind shook his hair as Shiōmaru took a step towards him. The soft breeze ruffled. He needed to concentrate solely on why he was here today and his Zanpakuto. He had been slowly hinting at this to Shiōmaru for some time now, wanting to develop their relationship and learn how to use their Shikai better. Building trust and working relationships in the hope to unlock their inner power. Bankai. Though an intense and dangerous action, it was what any elite Shinigami should work towards. Especially one of the 4th division. He was no genius or legend that could make up for it in other ways. No kido or hakudo that he could rely on all the time. His vizard powers had grown considerably but…it was something that had a limit. His Zanptauko. Sword of his spirit, was his main key, and it would be refined again.

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Re: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:28 am
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Soon the world around Tento shifted and bent upon itself. His mind bringing him to somewhere else, one with Shiōmaru and his subconscious. Away from the Seireitei and the troubles of reality. A temple, isolated in what felt like a place of liminal. Hugged by mountains that touched the sky, lion dog statues adoring the sides of a pathway. One that led to the inner den of the temple where the soft whistles of the wind sang. The back tune whispers of time itself seemed to rustle through the leaves, shrouded in the emerald embrace of nature. Much lusher and fuller of life than what Tento had seen several months ago. It felt like scattered greenery, but now it felt like he was within a deep forest. His inner world grew and transformed into a mighty home loved by nature like an ecosystem. But even then, the path was not perfect. It had an old tale to it, ancient.

Edges and breaks of a forgotten trail that weaved through the dense tapestry of towering trees and tangled underbrush. Leading to Tento to a hope of serene sanctity with each step. The edge of where he stood was tight to his soul, a boundary between the known and unknown. It was faded and blurry. Foggy as if in mist. The path is subtle and humble, marked by only the faintest impressions of his soul that lit the steps of this inner word’s earth as if it were the long ago feet of pilgrims from eras long past. Moss covered stones and dirt tickled the ground each one with its own carvings, a silent sentinel lining the way of surfaces. Cool and slick with the kisses of the forest’s breath and the temple’s embrace.

Further and further Tento took his steps, raising his left hand as he felt the shadows from the greenery hover around him. As he went deeper and deeper, he felt them more. The canopies above interlaced to form a piece of a living beacon. Vibrant leaves falling in the shape of feathers as Shiōmaru stepped forward to gaze down upon its owner. Sunlight filtered down in the patterns of dancing gold rays. The air was alive in the symphony of Tento’s spirit; a distant call of a bird, the gentle breathing of a lion. The rustling of it all mixed with the soft murmur of Tento’s heart pumping in his mind. A lullaby.

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Re: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:02 am
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The Lion and Hawk tied together, Shiōmaru let out a boastful roar and scry. The path from them to Tento is a mosaic of shadows and light, with roots snaking across the trail in the pattern of a snake like the storied lines of a broken river drawn by an old sage’s hand. Here and there, clearing was open up to reveal to the sky. A fleeting glimpse of something beyond before fading to the sound of Shiōmaru’s essence. The temple shifted into reality from the forest’s foliage like a dream. Ancient stones worn smooth by the passage of countless seasons. Vines drape over its edges, and flowers bloom from crevices, nature, and structure entwined in an eternal dance. Carved with intricate patterns and symbols that spoke of a forgotten wisdom.

The temple was surrounded by a wall of vines and branches, as if the forest itself was guarding its secrets. Only a narrow path, barely visible among the foliage, led to the entrance of the temple that was guarded. The temple’s presence both awe-inspiring, nerve wracking, and comforting, a testament to the enduring search for meaning amidst the wild’s untamed beauty. It was more than that though. It held a journey of the soul, a pilgrimage through the quiet majesty of the natural world, leading to a place where one can commune with the whispers of the earth and the echoes of the infinite.

Let us begin our training, young master.

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:54 pm
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon


He had grown to know this sensation quite well. Their voices speaking in his mind and to his heart. A voice that was ancient and powerful, but also gentle and kind. You are determined for something right? I think it is pretty obvious. Sounded the lion. You can’t hide your thoughts and feelings from us, Tento. Words are not needed. You want more power. And less on your mind… . Echoed the hawk.

The ebony Shinigami looked up, the soft strokes of a flame with unwavering determination and fiery passion. With his gaze fixed forward, he stood resolute against the howling wind that was gathering. His spirit ablaze with an unquenchable fire; in that moment. Before his zan spirit, feeling other energies far in the distance. For once, just himself and Shiōmaru. As the embodiment of determination and passion, a testament to the power of keeping one’s head held high amidst the storms of life. And he was ready for the storm being brewed.

Since you know then, then I might as well just say it before we start. …Thank you Shiōmaru, for everything.

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Re: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:56 pm
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Do not thank us yet. This will be hell for you, and maybe the end. Do not. Fail us.

Their words came out cold and straight. Not of hostility or a threat. But of reality, a promise. If Tento wanted the right and power to deepen their bond. Their power as shinigami and zanpakuto. He would have to be ready to die and come back over it unlike any other battle in the past. It was a two way of sincerity felt between them. At that moment in response to them, Tento dropped his waist. Planting his feet in a strong stance as he raised his hands up. One open palm facing them with a closed fist to his waist with the other.

With a whirl of wind, the twin sides of Shiomaru lunged forward towards their mark. Claws and talons drawn as Tento barely had time to think about going into an attack before strikes came down from both sides. With a wider grin that spoke of a crazed man seeking more than just a battle, Tento met them head on. He would grab ahold of them and bring them out into the world! With a roar the lion half of Shimaru pressed forward with his claw all to be met with Tento’s own strike as he threw a punch into the folds of the palm and he sidestepped the hawk’s attack. The jingles of their chain shake at the movement of their bodies. “I will make you two submit to me, I won’t hold back!!!”

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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Empty Re: Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training]

Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:22 pm
Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

With a blended shared look of calmness and fiery determination. The paired lion hawk eyes pierced into the ebony skinned warrior as the two continued their assault, bouncing off of Tento’s clashing strike. Lunging forward once again in his assault as the hawk circled around after her missed attack. With a roar the lion half of Shimaru pressed on again, his heavy paws moving in a light quick swipe in a steady assault towards Tento. The jingle of his side of the chain danced in the wind of his strike as Tento striked forward into each attack with his own fists or feet. Untill with a cry from the hawk after drifting away.

The chain that connected the two flexed from its lazed dangle to streeetch across Tento’s frame. With a shift burst of speed the two were behind Tento. Crossing his body as he felt a yank. The brown skinned shinigami found himself pulled then pressed as he flew into the air. Dashing backwards as paws pounded the floor and wings flapped in the wind as his body was dragged across the ground’s surface. Acting as a farmer’s sickle digging up the earth to carve pieces of the earth out of his spirit realm. Tento found himself struggling against this combined effort, grasping at the chains in a failed attempt to untangle himself before finding himself airborne once again as his dual spirits jumped into the air before diving down in a powerbomb to slam his body in a body sized crater.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Commanding Power, Confronting Fear [Solo | Bankai Training] Tentos10
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