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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Steiner Franz
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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Fri May 03, 2024 9:10 am

Jefferson | Intermission

The rising sun gives way to a new day, a morning full of anticipation. Though, the looming shadow of doubt blotches out the beautiful morning rays as the reminder of today’s assignment swirls only a mile away. Reports came in, day by day, constant surveillance watching for any changes that may have occurred during preparation, but for all intent and purposes, nothing has changed. The thick cloud that shielded Jefferson from the world remained.

The scouting parties have reported seeing people here and there, but with the order to not engage, they’ve yet to find any plausible reasoning for this event. However, scientists have concluded, from the reports, that there seems to be some form of spatial distortion occurring within the mist. The dense Reishi is contorting reality, warping time and space with no rhyme and reason. Of course, without diving further, this is all they’ve discovered, but with a suitable party acquired, the day has come to dive further into Jefferson City and figure out what has become of it.

Armored vehicles drive back and forth from the temporary army base to Jefferson City, carrying personnel and equipment as the differing Divisions prepare for today’s mission. A morning meeting is being held to release important information for the three squads that are being sent into Jefferson. Each squad is made up of Sternritter, Todgestalten, and Albedochiffren and are assigned in a way to evenly spread out The Vandenreich’s manpower.

All members find themselves waiting until a man appears, dressed in all white, clean shaving with an eyepatch over his eye, the other side of his face scarred. Commander Jenkins stands at attention as the rotor blade’s of a helicopter could be heard approaching from a distance, and as it neared and began landing down on the platform created before the crowd of soldiers, out stepped the Director of the Sternritter: Helle Armstrong.

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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Fri May 03, 2024 10:42 am
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Yp94BVK


Fresh out of the frying pan, right back into the fire. Wherever there's one irregularity in the world, there's another that'll draw her back to a potential battlefield. Of course, by now, she welcomed it. Whether life or death or a situation easily handled, each opportunity welcomed another route through which she could improve and refine her technique.

Regardless of what lay ahead, she intended to handle her duty as a proud soldier and coordinator of the Sternritter. Hazel eyes sweep across the other members that find themselves here today, each observed in relative silence as the woman stands at full height, awaiting further instruction for the task ahead, whatever that may be. What did this Commander Jenkins fella and Director Helle have in store? Time will only tell.


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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Fri May 03, 2024 10:49 am
Stella would look among the crowd as she found herself in this situation. Unlike some others here this was her first irregularity that she's seen. Dressed in the sternritter attire she would sit patiently waiting for her orders. Spotting a familiar face she would flash a small smile to Natasha as she waited.

She wasn't sure what was going to happen, but she was pretty nervous for what was ahead. She wasn't sure, however she did feel much more comfortable about her level of strength at this point. After her trip to Japan she came back to the City feeling better about herself, and she just didn't want to disappoint the people important to her, or herself.
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Fri May 03, 2024 3:26 pm
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

It had just dawned on Daniel as to how crazy his last few days had been before arriving on base. Signing documents, receiving his uniform and authorizations, and applying for the position he wished to fulfill within the organization to now being on the front lines. He didn't know if he would be fighting, but if it did come to that he would not hesitate to do so. After all, he was a member of the Vandenreich now, sure a member of their science division, but a member none the less, and that meant no matter what he would have to serve to the best of his ability.

He checked his equipment for the tenth time that day, making sure all of his silver cylinders were in place, and that his gauntlet was working at maximum efficiency. He didn't want to disappoint on his first mission and more over than that he didn't want to let his family down or his fellow Quincy down. No one knew what was going on here after all and being in the dark meant that everyone here had to lean on each other for support, such was the way of things, and he would not be the weak link here. At least he hoped so.

End Post

Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich OlBPPj4
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich VewULRr
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich AQodtc6
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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Fri May 03, 2024 5:48 pm
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich L4necv8o684

Been a while since she did field work, least since her promotion, but of course this particular incident held PARTICULAR interest to her. As such, she had decided to personally be involved in the operation. Her attention swept over to the other vandenreich members in attendance, but ultimately she didn't look too far into it. It was the readings that the Steingruft had gotten from the scouts that interested her most, though she couldn't help but smirk a bit wider when she saw Helle welking out into view. The Dairy Queen herself.

She made a mental note to check up on the woman later, though certainly she supposed this explained why the woman had been so exhausted even with the de-escalation of the Africa incident. Perhaps when this was all over she'd get Helle lunch, or buy her a salt lick. Regardless, she focused on the briefing. While she did notice a few unfamiliar spiritual pressures, she wasn't inclined to go eyeing the new faces. She was an administrator after all, she was sure most of them had no real business getting familiar with her, and those that WOULD become familiar with her she'd have plenty of time to get to know once that happened.

Still, she did notice Liltotto and Natasha present as well. A light smile forming on her lips as she glanced at the both of them. Very glad that she'd already replaced their bracelets after Africa. All the better for data collection.
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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Sat May 04, 2024 9:47 am
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Thrum. Thrum.

Those helicopter blades rotated violently as Akira was concealed within the comfort of an armored car, zanpakuto resting on the upper part of his legs. A semblance of peace within the chaotic environment which raced through, no doubt being of many who represented Intelligence. He had heard this was not the first time such an incident transpired, each time only causing new issues and problems for the Vandenreich to handle. Yet? Each time it was subdued for a time. It was then a glance came to his sheathe.

True name? All this time, Rivu still had yet to be his true identity?

The concept stung to his core, a harsh reality being that Akira was so far behind others that it wasn’t even comparable. So much time lost. No, he would rely on Rivu more during this battle….

."Sorry…Rivu….I will make it up to you..

Were words spoken but did not gain a response, finally feeling the vehicle halt. The door behind opened and Akira went to join those already gathered, adjusting his blade to fit comfortably on his side, letting each hand move behind and settle at the small of his back.


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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Sat May 04, 2024 10:18 am
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich EZID0uM


Their work was never-ending. But, Kokuto certainly wasn't complaining. It meant there was rarely any boredom, and there was always something to do. Sure, it got tiring sometimes, but, it was all the for the sake of a better, safer world. Kokuto found himself looking around at the other members of the Vandenreich, seeing all who had answered the call.

He recognized only two of them -- Natasha, from when she helped him get to medical attention after the incident with Ichigo, and Ehefra, but that was mainly from seeing her around the City and the Vandenreich's borders in general, as well as her technological assistance in the Anaconda mission. He wasn't too sure what to expect from this mission, but, whatever the commander and director had in store for them, but, he'd still do his best to make sure that it was fulfilled, and that they didn't leave with less than they started with.

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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Sat May 04, 2024 4:18 pm
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

Smooth footsteps moved her to the rest of the lineup, droopy eyes looking upon the sea of familiar faces. It felt far too soon to be out on the field again, some part of her wanting even a bit longer of a rest for everyone, but another knew that if they didn't remain vigilant nobody else would. A bout of worry as she noticed newer faces amongst them, her gaze returning to the city mired in fog. Digging through her bag, she'd open and begin eating one of her provisions to keep the pangs at bay.

A strange scent was in the wind, she couldn't quite place it, but all she could do was silently hold her position until orders came.

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Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich

Sun May 05, 2024 1:32 am
Jefferson City 3: Return of the Vandenreich Dp9ifC3

Oh, the opportunity to battle alongside fellow knights of honor! Any man would certainly be thrilled at the notion, to see the likes of the Knights of the Stars and the Hidden Empire, and to gain further glory in the name of the Kingdom of Nartia and Princess Natalya!

As the apparent leader of this knightly order made her appearance, Mikhail's attention grew a bit sharper than normal, eyes focused even as he maintained that cheery smile he always seemed to wear. How could he not listen to one as prestigious as she, after all? She was, after all, the knight-commander, and he but a knight-errant on campaign. Though he might have welcomed the opportunity to greet those few fellow knights he recognized, he would wait for a more opportune time.

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