Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Thu May 16, 2024 5:23 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Ah, was this occasion always so lively?

Initially she was blending in with the boys of the company as a mere tag-along, was easy to do when you didn't have a face to match to a name - she didn't have to be Adrian Andersson here. Even amongst festivities, she felt on edge, eyes constantly searching for trouble around every inch of crowd. Those intrusive thoughts kept being born even amongst a sea of smiling faces, various ages and creeds together having fun as music played over strung lights and a dark sky. Just a fun night within Roma for most here.

Get something to eat and sit down, get something to eat and sit down - that was what she hammered into her brains to quiet her thoughts. Several offerings that looked unsavory to her were dodged quickly, until she settled on a sandwich, the irk of her concern for cleanliness and quality still making her expression sickly as she was finally seated on a row of stones, only to stare at the food she got.

Close your eyes, just eat it - she'd repeat and repeat to force herself to psyche up, until finally giving it a crisp bite. She didn't notice how hungry she was - couldn't help but start mauling the sandwich like a starving bear, eyes squeezed shut.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Thu May 16, 2024 8:20 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] W7pjcw95ab7

"AND we have our Winner here!"

Cali's voice cut through the crowd with both volume and energy as she promptly raised the victor's adm up into the air by the wrist! This festival was a lively one, with all sorts of games and sports that people could have. And the one she was an arm wrestling table! One of the normal ones of course. The Tables themselves had been reinforced in the event of supernatural contestants sneaking in for a quick win. But the one Cali specifically was standing over was designed JUST FOR individuals of exceptional strength! The crowd let up a cheer and she promptly gave a firm swat to the man's shoulder.

"Fantastic~ What an absolute WEAPON! That's Three wins in a row! Fantastic!" She declared, smiling from ear to ear as she promptly showed him off to the crowd, gesturing to the crowd to raise the volume of their cheers as the Winner then sheepishly shuffled off with one of the prizes.

"Alright you animals, I wanna see more takers rolling up! I'm gonna go get some food, Miss Astelle's gonna be taking my place. So you better show her what you've got!" She crowed out to the crowd, several of them cheering as she promptly handed off the station to some other girl and promptly scooped up a thermos as she began to stride down the street, promptly making her way towards the concession area where all of the food carts were parked, clearly intent on getting herself something to eat.

Briefly, in her journey, she paused when she noticed a flash of red hair. And for the briefest of Moments, she paused to turn and look dead directly at Catherine sitting all by her lonesome. Her head canting to the side as she flashed a smile. "Love the hair~" She promptly noted as she walked by.
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Thu May 16, 2024 10:07 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Destroying the remnants of her sandwich, she'd hungrily lick her lips and the tips of her fingers. Actually it wasn't too bad... She wouldn't be too shy to maybe get another one, that sick feeling vanished quick. Maybe she really was just hungry... Should probably recommend the place to the other guys, maybe meet back up with them... Nah, if anything Niko would keep the lads sorted, she didn't have to ru-

Her soul damn near left her body when a woman came close by her unexpectedly, a presence both mysterious yet familiar given off as a casual compliment was thrown her way. Was that meant for her? She looked about - there was a decent volume of people she could've meant, lady had nice distinct looking hair herself... Didn't seem dyed.

"Y'mean me?" She pointed at herself, calling out to her with a brow raised. Couldn't help but be a tad incredulous...

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Thu May 16, 2024 10:23 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] W7pjcw95ab7

Cali paused for a moment when she caught that response. Oh! She halted in her tracks and looked over her shoulder, taking a better look at the shambly little ragadoo that had apparently Cookie Monster'd her sandwich. at least that's the story all the crumbs told. Cali's smile widened just a little and she broke out into a chuckle. '"That I was! Sorry if I was interrupting your meal. I was just thinking to myself how awesome your hair looked! Real long and luxurious." She turned completely and promptly walked straight up to Catherine and eyed the crumbs.

"That looks pretty tasty, Mind sharing where ya got it? I think I might snag one for myself, what with how much you seemed to enjoy it."
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Thu May 16, 2024 10:59 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Looking between the sandwichless paper and this stranger of a woman with the mention of a meal interruption, she almost instinctively touched at her own hair upon referral, hand freezing with realization she was about to ruin her hair with her grubby fingers. Not being too thrilled with the idea of cleaning sandwich bits out of her hair later, she'd lunge for her pocket to start cleaning her hands with a handkerchief of her own craft as her lips parted and eyes darting with a look of tension, "Ah, thanks..?"

What could easily be mistaken for embarrassment or shyness for being called out in such a way was really a sense of silent terror. Wonderings of this woman's motives or wants patterned her thoughts as she cleaned her hands with the nicely knit piece of cloth, before cautiously folding it up with the filthy side in and placing it in her pocket. She'd stand up with a degree of stiffness at the request,

"Sure, I was about to get another one anyway. And enjoy it slowly this time," Her tone was calmer than her rigid body as she'd wave the woman along, "..Your hair's nice too very... Achromotrichia looking? Not in a bad way, that is. It's a nice pale."

Her eyes dropped to the ground as she'd make a steady direction for the booth she got her sandwich from.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Thu May 16, 2024 11:31 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] W7pjcw95ab7

Caliora couldn't help but snort softly and smile just a bit wider as she watched Catherine wipe her hands and nervously accept her compliment before seeming intent on joining her! Oh! "Well I'd be happy for the company! Nothing like a new face to enjoy some food with!" She insisted, holding her hand out as she promptly offered to help Catherine stand up and gestured for Catherine to start leading the way. All too happy to continue their conversation on the move. No reason to idle about after all. Though at the mention of her hair, Cali tilted her head a bit to the side before flashing a playful smile and lightly doing a little toss, flipping it over her shoulder and promptly running a finger down those silky locks. The very underside of her hair briefly glittering, for the faintest moment, showing the starry sky in those silken strands before her finger left them.

"Oh this is just my casual look. I save the color for special occasions! But hey, I don't mind showing it to a friend if you wanna check it out." She chuckled, briefly glancing about to get stock of where Catherine presumably would be leading her.
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Fri May 17, 2024 12:03 am
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

That so? The woman was kept in her awareness at all times as she led her, expression unreadable and shoulders a stiff square as she weaved through joyful children and happy adults alike, her gaze occasionally directed to them. Fixing on them. Lingering. Then freeing, as if she never stole a gaze in the first place. Soon they were up to a rather busy booth, now teeming with customers compared to before. Ugh, line it was - she made sure the strange woman was within sight of her, "..Guess we're waiting."

With her referring to her hair, she caught the appearance of the underside, and those sparks... She got a feeling off her, but that was just confirmation. Her curiosity was piqued, that sight provoking a sensation of familiarity with such a look,

"..What are you?" She'd calmly ask, disregarding how blunt of a question that most definitely would sound, "And, it's Catherine."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Fri May 17, 2024 7:35 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] W7pjcw95ab7

Caliora smiled as she noticed the line, giving an appreciative whistle and rubbing her hands together. "Ooh~ If this many people are lined up it really must be fantastic~ It doesn't look like many others have a line this long." She chimed, turning to look at Catherine and raising a brow slightly as she noticed the sudden stare the woman was giving her. She hardly missed a beat and promptly puffed her chest proudly, all too happy to pose a bit as the woman stared at her. Though as they blurted out that question, Caliora couldn't help but let out a little bark of laugh.

"Waddaya think I am?" She ventured with a tilt of her head, reaching up she gave a firm pat to Catherine's back. "You really aughta relax. This is a festival! It'd be weird to just go interrogating people right? That's personal, the kinda thing you'd ask a close friend. Or is this your way of sayin ya wanna be close friends?" She ventured and canted her head to the side curiously.
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Fri May 17, 2024 10:26 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

A sense of embarrassment hit her features when her staring was noticed, and reacted upon, quickly averting her gaze and pressing it on the street beneath them as they occasionally inched to the front. Something felt oddly familiar about this woman in a way she couldn't place her finger on for the life of her. It bothered her incredibly - her memory was normally pretty sharp, it just made her more frightened of this possible unknown. Was this some form of mental tampering? Did she have some ability that enabled people to get too comfortable with her before they... No, no, calm down. Her eyes shut and she momentarily utilized Signal; nothing strange was... Immediately apparent?

She was knocked out of the thought with the pat on the back, her shoulders bouncing and feet stumbling before quickly regaining composure, looking someplace below Caliora's eyes as to avoid her gaze, "Kind of hard to be 'close friends' if I don't even know your name..."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Fri May 17, 2024 11:23 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] W7pjcw95ab7

Caliora didn't let the woman stumble. As Catherine found herself staggering, she'd find two hands firmly catching her arm and steadying her. "Whoa there, you must be spacing out more than I thought. You doing alright?" She chuckled, craising her brows for a moment as she watched Catherine's eyes wander down her body. Hmmm. She leaned forward, giving Catherine an eyefull down her top for a brief second before promptly those ruby red eyes locked with theirs, she seemed rather insistent on eye contact.

"Caliora Monslapine!" She held her hand out and firmly shook Catherine's hand. "Now you give me your name, Right?" She ventured with a playful tilt of her head. Certainly she was pretty entertained by Catherine's curiosity. She liked that, people being interested in her was great, as the feeling was often pretty mutual! With some unsavory exceptions, but even in those cases, she still would assert herself. And right now, that involved getting this nervous little broom handle to loosen up!
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