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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Wed May 22, 2024 8:32 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

She'd huff as she got a hold of her own after taking a bite, a soft grumble coming after a swallow, "M' not introverted..."

A squint would respond to that teasing smirk - she was playing around with her. Was she one of those types? Did she play with her food before taking a bite? Though, her expression would lighten up almost immediately with that question; what? Of course she... But she always had lots of work, studying, all of that to attend to, sculpting herself into something bigger and better, to kill that wretched old wolf... She didn't have time, or really much understanding of 'fun'. It was like trying to fill up an empty void with light - sure there was a brief spark, but at the end of it all she was left with was a pervasive darkness in her chest.

It was something she genuinely feared, "...I would've wanted to. But now that i'm here, I dunno what to do about it."

...Then the subject fell onto why she was so eager to tag along. Fuck.

"Do you know anything about men?" She blurted out on instinct, but the expression on her face told of a cold embarassment, a broad look of 'why on god's green earth did I say that!'. Too late, commit, "..Like, romantically?"

God she felt gross.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Thu May 30, 2024 8:45 am
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 W7pjcw95ab7

Oh? Cali tilted her head slightly and let a palm rest on her hip as Catherine briefly expressed a bit of a pout, but seemed at least intent on answering her question. Progress at least, but what she was really interested in was the reasoning. And THAT caused her to raise her brows, surprise whoing for just a moment before she smile from ear to ear and gave a light chuckle.

"Now THAT is a bit surprising! I don't think anyone's ever come to me for advice like that in a good few decades." She noted thoughtfully, tapping her chin a few times before turning back to Catherine and canting her head to the side. "I happen to know quite a lot about them! The ins, the outs, romance, and of course the pitfalls as well. Old as I am, there's plenty of partners in my past. Is there someone special that's caught your eye?" She asked, her eyes widening a bit along with that smile of hers! Sheer, pure, earnest excitement bubbling up in her as she gently raised her clenched hands up just a below her chin!

Ahhhhh romance was so wonderful! The power of flame and passion that reached its peak! Sadly so often a brief and pyrrhic thing, but oh when those flames could sustain themselves it was wonderful~ Certainly she was now VERY invested, looking eagerly to Catherine for more information on this problem of hers!
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Thu May 30, 2024 11:48 am
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

'Decades'? So she really wasn't a typical human, hardly looked a day past her thirties at the absolute most. No, focus: Flattery. Ego fluffing, "You seem like someone men would gravitate to," Stuff that hideous feeling down your goddamn throat...

Her expression was forcibly pressed into a neutral state as those emotions, those memories, those feelings were kept boiling inside. She had to disguise her repulsion as embarrassment else this woman would catch on. Repress, repress, repress, "I've... Had my eyes on a few choices..."

Twiddle your fingers a bit. Bunch your shoulders. Don't look near the face. Appear shy.

"I, had a pretty bad breakup in the past. I'm not sure how to bounce back from it. Or pick the right person this time."

The urge to vomit was palpable, "One that wouldn't.. Do wrong to me again."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Fri May 31, 2024 7:37 pm
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 W7pjcw95ab7

Caliora raised a brow ever so slightly as she noticed the tension in Catherien's frame. The older woman resting a hand on her hip as the girl struggled through her explanation. That smile of hers calming slightly as she gave a knowing look to the young woman. "Oh you poor thing~. Trust me, I've had puhlllllenty of situations like that in the past. Well, not quite the same I imagine. But let me tell you sweetie, it's all a matter of ya choices." She flashed her teeth in her smile as she tented her fingers together.

"Now, is it impossible to change a man? Not at all, I'll tell you what I've certainly had to forge a few hoes into swords if you know what I mean sweetheart~ But that takes time. And a young thing like you? You just gotta be aware of what you're shoppin for. If you want you a nice guy who will treat you right, you gotta go to the nice guy store, you feel me? Find you a guy who already seems nice and safe, and then go from there. But MORE than that, you gotta keep those pretty peepers of yours open! Even nice guys can start creeping into some bad behavior. You gotta keep your eyes peeled, and stop it when it rears its head. Let him know you don't play like that. And if he don't back down, you ditch him." She stated with a firm nod of her head. Certainly she made it SOUND simple. But well, was there REALLY any way to truly express how hard such a thing is.

"Hmmm, and maybe make you some good friends girly. A few reliable gals. They don't need to be any particular type, but you know, people who can also keep an eye on things. A fresh set of eyes and an ear to bend helps plenty Sweetie." She noted with a sagacious nod of her head.
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:13 am
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

...Those words caught her off guard a bit. Her expression seemed stunned, as if she didn't expect that sort of response - she sooner expected something about changing how she dressed or painting herself up with makeup, that was the normal type of response women like her seemed to give. She couldn't help but inquire with a hint of incredulity, as if she was expecting the subject to shift into familiar waters after all, "..My, choices?"

Then Caliora started talking.

And she listened. Despite every fiber of her consciousness instinctively cursing these ideas, she did not interject or walk away - she just stared at her. Listening.

The moment felt out of her body, as if she wasn't real.

Doing this. Being here.

It was easier to pretend she didn't say what was to follow.

"...What if I pick wrong again?" Her voice still sounded strong, present, but held a slight whisper of uncertainty and distance, "What... if I don't have anyone?"

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:45 am
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 W7pjcw95ab7

Oh she could tell the girl was a little overwhelmed. Adorable honestly, but she kept rolling as it were. The girl asked for information and by goodness gracious she was going to get it. She certainly LOOKED like she could. Skinny. A little tattered up, but that was EXACTLY the type of a certain type of ghuy, or gal. She wasn't going to judge. The girl certainly had a unique look and a nice one. But all the same, she raised a brow slightly as The question popped up.

"Oh you probably will!" She noted with a warm smile and a chuckle. "You're never going to find someone PERFECT for you. Even the people who claim they have probably have just accepted and acclimated to the bumps and friction. But that's all part of the process sweetie. You're not gonna know who is right until you find out. So you may find a few more guys who are bad. Probably not in the way you expect. But you'll get better at finding the ones you like, and you may even get lucky! I'll tell you one thing, I've had a lot of romantic endeavors in the time I've been a live. And MOST of them turned out pretty aweful~" She noted with a light chuckle.

"But hey. As many times as you have to try. You only have to win once, then you're set forever." She noted with a winsom smirk, tapping her chin a moment before pausing. Well, TECHNICALLY not forever. ONe of them would probably die even if theyre happy. Or they die together. But youknow. Functionally forever, presumably. No need to get lost in the weeds of technicality when this poor gal was just looking for some simple advice.
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Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora]

Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:01 am
Meeting Amongst Celebrations [Catherine, Caliora] - Page 3 QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

The buzz of words in her head went off with mentally picking apart what advice this woman was speaking to her, that expression of her's bearing a look of reading or deep thought as she spoke. None of it sounded like verifiable data or anything past chance; she had just as equal an opportunity to have any chance of a relationship be mired in terrible ends than finding a single someone who had her best interests at heart. Even someone as perceptively old as this woman still had advice like that, huh?

But no, no. She wasn't going to point out how frivolous she thought this advice was. She had to play passive and agreeable, pushing back in the slightest may offend or give a poor impression, then she'd never get any information from her about what she is.

This was what friends did after all, wasn't it? Tell each other nonsense at some fleeting attempt at help?

"I see..." She plotted to latch onto that little end to get her to talk, "It sounds like you've been around a while, how many relationships have you had?"

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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