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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:51 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Things were seemingly going in accordance to some semblance of a plan, Ehefra was able to handle anything upfront right now whilst Stella handled more personalized formations. Akira elected to remain as long range support for this moment, adhering to Jenkins wish not to annihilate the large cruiser but it did elicit a level of curiosity further. The Shinigami taking a brief moment to glance below within the sewers, bypassing concrete to see use his sight, wondering if there was a form of layline of reichi or reiatsu that could be followed.

Afterall one could feasibly design a machine using the sewer system to puff it all up! The hail of gunfire that came their way elicited a small growl for the man though, a stray bullet finding itself through white clothing and striking against the upper left arm which released a soft.



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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:32 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 JLq78rV

Their formation is tight, leaving no room for the enemy to seize an advantage. The ghosts began to thin out the further they moved from their original location, the sudden ambush proving to be their only use for the enemy. And with Ehefra and the other's efforts, they've made good distance between them and the mechanical soldiers. The rendezvous location, if everything with to shit, was to be near the center of the city.

Akira, for his efforts, would be rewarded. Down below, in the sewers, he'd see a movement of energy, a thick flow of Reishi towards the direction they were moving, heading towards the center of the city. However, it's obvious this wasn't the case at first. Some energy still laid dormant, as if trapped which made the flow unsteady and slow. That's when the ship overhead casted a shadow over them, showing that it's moving the same direction. Though, then would come a foreign spike of energy that was seemingly rushing closer to them.

"Halt!" Jenkins would yell, seconds before a small object raced over them. The object, streaking blue Reishi behind it as it rose up into the sky and stopped, turning to face down at them, hatches on its body opening as the head of missiles popped out before being fired down on the squad.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Jenkins would then order, many men forming barriers of Reishi around the group as others braced for impact.

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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:16 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Wye3cd9bqe4

The moment that the object had begun flying in, Ehefra had already put up her guard, as Beeps re-positioned themselves accordingly, it was the sudden opening of those ports that suddenly galvanized a response from Ehefra. A sudden jarring spike of pure aggression as her spiritual pressure promptly vanished almost entirely as the inward drag of spiritual pressure promptly overcame the natural release of spiritual pressure from her body. The Quincy equivalent of an anger spike in her spiritual pressure. The air suddenly rocked with a carpet of explosions, not over the city itself, but a sudden spray of missiles from Beeps into the airspace between the group and those incoming missiles,. Detonating a series of short-range concussive blasts. A spray of air-to-air bombs aimed to explode once they were in the same airspace as the volley that had been fired at the group, resulting in premature detonation of the munitions before they could get close to the squad, aiming to tremendously mitigate the ammount of energy or force that would need to be brought to bear on the barriers erected by the rest of the squad.

And it would be through the smoke and debris of those blasts that a single sharp spike of an arrow would plow through the air and aim to plunge clean through the object that had fired the missiles, an arrow still connected by a long chain of reishi, such that if Ehefra managed to harpoon that missile platform, there would be a vicious and wrenching lash along the length of the chain which would slam that object into the nearest building with enough of Ehefra's savage strength amplified by the whip-like lash that it would slice it clean through the building and out the other side.

Ehefra herself, of course, had aw VERY aggressive expression on her face. A toothy grin spread across a face filled with sheer violent intention, the case at her hip which had housed the sensory bands that she had handed out before sliding shut as she kept her Reikaku locked onto the THING.

Already it seemed distinct from the soldiers. They had been empty husks, while this at least seemed to have a spiritual signature coming from it. This was also distinct from the ghosts which, for whatever reason, seemed not to have any sort of spiritual pressure when they had manifested. Whatever this was, it seemed different. The Sensory bands she'd handed to some of the soldat as well as Stella, would have already been in the process of collecting data on the Soldiers and Ghosts. Them not having a spiritual pressure would be irrelevant. Whatever spiritual or physical structure they had, would be getting transmitted to Beeps and the Backup pack at Ehefra's hip.

Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 3yrgcon5db4

"Commander Jenkins. I understand if you need me to cover the Squad. However, I would like to request permission to break formation and engage the target directly." The calm, cheerful voice and matching smile from Ehefra would perhaps be a bit alarming considering the look of sheer, murderous intent that had been on her face just moments prior.But if nothing else, these past 14 months had given her considerable practice in forcibly grabbing the reigns of her emotions when it came to combat. Just how many times had she gone out to perform field work in the depths of her own mental issues? She'd grown very proficient at grasping those emotions with steel gloves and wielding them much to the detriment to many a hollow. At first, she had simply channeled that rage into brutal and cold violence. But now, at least, about a year later, she was able to keep her head on straight rather than simply charging at the object of her focus.

She wanted this thing. She wanted to plunge her claws into it's chest, rip out whatever core it had, and deliver a handful of her sensory nodes into it's heart with her own fist. But the mission and her squad came first. And so, she patiently waited for the response of her commander, and fully anticipated the possibility that her request would be denied.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sun Jun 09, 2024 5:16 pm
Stella would see the monster before hearing the orders as she would immediately place her body behind a car. Making sure that everyone had cover either behind one of the barriers made by some of the other soldiers. Stella felt bad she couldn't make anything really strong barrier wise, but that's why she chose to use something solid as hers. Sitting among another group of soldiers as she would keep an eye out for anymore more of the zombies.

Seeing Akira and Efehra doing their things filled her with doubt about her own abilities. Both of those 2 were doing so much more than her that she felt as if she had no use. She didn't want to get in their way, and she felt that her best use was just protecting these soldiers from the zombies. Doing this allowed them to focus on the husks that were firing at them. However, she may be behind the car but she would peak up looking through one of the windows to see what was happening.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:03 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


There we are.

Akira offered a firm nod but before his attention shifted to the shadow cast above, each hand raising in response to those hatches breaking open to deliver a brutal payload. The sound of missiles shrieking through the air, piercing the ambience of the air around him before speaking rapidly, with his voice came a swift coating of yellow energy around Rivu that he tapped with the side of his left palm.

."Bakudo 32: Okasen!.

The modification done to such a spell was more to mitigate the kinetic energy which was about to be released into them, Ehefra’s assistance helping greatly so he pushed the size of this disk to cover the entire squad like a brutal propeller of reiatsu, only to begin speaking into the com with a knee down into the concrete.

."Commander, I can confirm both active and dormant reishi within the sewer system all converging to the center of the City! We could disrupt it and end this facade if whoever is behind this is utilizing it to conjure these things. The Capital ship seems intent on going that direction..


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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:10 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 JLq78rV

Defenses put up, the combined efforts of everyone lessening the impact of the attack, many of the falling missiles never reaching them due to Ehefra and the shockwave mitigated by Akira. Jenkins, however, only threw a passing glance at Akira as Ehefra moved, throwing a chained arrow towards their assailant. The thing in the sky turned though, snatching Ehefra's arrow out the sky which didn't stop her from throwing it to the side into the nearby building. The building's failing infrastructure began to collapse a top itself, but Jenkins also seemed more occupied with Akira than Ehefra.

"We'll follow the trail. It's in the direction of where we're heading anyway. Maybe you're right but cutting it off from here probably doesn't lessen the situation. For all we know, the city's entire sewage system is being used."

His attention would then switch to Ehefra. He can recognize a bloodthirst when he sees one. Her sweet smile doesn't hide the murderous aura she's enveloped in. His one eye regarded her for a second before looking at his men. As it stood, the attack from the enemy soldiers had dropped dramatically while the zombie-like creatures have faded into an afterthought. It would be their luck to split up, but if they were to be impeded further by the thing that was in the sky, they'd only end up pincered and cornered.

"Proceed, Administrator Kleinmund. All others, on me. We move!"

He gathered the troops and began moving out, leaving Ehefra to her own devices. Though, the thing she had threw had emerged a few buildings over, stuck in the side of one made of brick before breaking itself free. It'd look in the direction of the group, scanning and taking notice of their separation, specifically how the one who had attacked it decided to stay behind. Again, more slots on its body opened, firing missiles from its spot into the sky that began to fly in a scattered away that aimed towards the buildings around the main group.

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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:02 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 3yrgcon5db4

"Roger that, Commander. You be safe~" She chimed towards Jenkins, even offering a nod to Stella as the rest of the group promptly moved towards Akira and away from her and her opponent. Speaking of whom...


The popping open of the ports from the creature was all the signalling Ehefra needed to reach out to her Primary Bow. A barrage of arrows speeding towards not just the air, but plowing toward the area directly around the Armored Quincy? Autonomous Unit? Unclear. But Beeps and Ehefra were prepared. Calculating the speed and tracking capabilities of this unit's missiles, the moment those ports had opened, Ehefra already had a Triangulated danger zone. With her own reflexes and ability to send orders to Beeps, she had a narrow range of delay between when those missiles fired and her own return salvo could be launched. Using that band, she could calcolate the limit and range surrounding the unit that the missiles could possibly have travelled within that time. As such, there was not even any need to track.

That barrage of Crusher Arrows shot out and beelined straight for the area just around the opponent. The Arrows narrower, sleeker, faster as modifications to the munitions were made. A sudden pounding rain of thunderous concussion as the spray of munitions filled the air with explosive Anti-Air force. While a few missiles from the previous barrage had managed to still go through, the adaptation would mean that not only would the Anti-Missile Volley be more effective, But...


The Shriek of an arrow would sound behind the target. The arrow connected to the chain that Ehefra had used to throw the creature before would aim to spike into the creature's body from behind, aiming to punch through the chassis and into what seemed to be the Object's midriff.

With Beeps handling the calculated Danger zone for the Anti Missile Barrage, that freed up Ehefra to work on another course of action in the exact same time frame. OF course, the machine may have even felt safe. Of course the arrow was still intact, the creature had caught it after all, so it wouldnt have even risked damage from impact. But it may have been under the impression, plausibly, that Ehefra would need to tug on the chain to manipulate it as she had before. Not true, as thanks to her Scripting, she was able to control the arrow remotely. And it would be if and only if that arrow planted itself into her target's spine that barbs would erupt from the arrow, digging into it's chassis like a harpoon as Ehefra would give a vicious TUG on the chain to slam it into another building. Not even a moment of reprieve offered to the enemy as it would be assailed practically the instant that it's missiles were launched thanks to Beeps handling the Anti Air Barrage.

"Ooooooooi! Anyone in there? I'm not entirely sure if you're autonomous. But If someone is inside that shell with enough of a brain function to understand my words. I'm gonna suggest ya surrender. I'd much prefer to take that suit of yours apart intact. And I'm sure you don't wanna get pried open along with yer fancy ride." She called out with a grin, one hand in her pocket as she began striding towards the target as shrapnel rained down from the missiles clashing.

Not that she was all TOO concerned. She would MUCH rather get a surrender. Then she could disassemble the object and take it back to the Silbern for study.

But of course, she was not the kind of woman to be blinded by her desires for study.

Besides. The Arrow she'd been throwing the creature around with was embedded with one of her sensor bracelets. And with the creature having been so skilled as to catch the incoming arrow, that meant plenty of undisturbed scan data from the target. She would already be supplied with plenty of data on....whatever this thing was.

If need be. She would not hesitate to turn it into a pile of molten slag.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:32 pm
Stella would notice a car door that was hanging on by a thread. She would grab it by the window frame ripping it off the loose hinges. She now had something that could function as a shield or she could could throw it as a weapon. A part of her was worried for the other quincy as she listened to Jenkins. She had a feeling ehfera would be fine, but she couldn't help the nagging idea in her head to assist her.

However, a memory from her mission in China where she had been incapacitated by that guy with the big magic champion. She wasn't sure who thar was as he had gotten away from Meni and herself. The main thing she took from the memory though was the fact that she had been a negative on Meni as she had to go out of her way to wotfy about Stella. Meaning she couldn't focus on the fight at hand. She didn't want to do that to another person and potentially put them in danger. She would move with the main group noticing the rockets and trying to pay attention to the tops of buildings. She could probably fit one other person under the car door with her If she really tried to make room. So she would keep an eye in the sky for any debris.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Mon Jun 17, 2024 9:46 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


The Shinigami offered a nod to Jenkins, each hand moving with a fluid movement as Rivu was placed in a diagonal pivot around the chest whilst the left remained closer to the abdomen, taking the defensive stance which provided an easy way of using Bakudo. There was little concern in his mind for Ehefra, she was a woman who could handle herself but Stella? He would take responsibility for Quincy if need be, no doubt this central point wouldn’t be so merciful for those who found the secret.

As they began to move, Akira took charge and followed these ley lines with interest, watching them as any of these anomalies popped up to see if there was any clear indication of them releasing energy moments before they spewed forth their eager hostiles.


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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:11 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 4 3xsug6m

Their path forward would be full of the usual: enemy soldiers and ghastly ghouls. Though, the quantity of ghouls had fallen dramatically. The only thing between them and their destination felt nothing more than just a hazardous reminder that anything could happen. However, with what they have, forward movement felt entirely possible, and they neared the rendezvous spot.

However, they'd then find themselves faced with an issue. Before them would be a league of ghastly ghouls, all standing still and facing the center of the city. The mass of them is similar to an entire army, all blocking the roads, alleyways, and sidewalks. They didn't seem to care for the group, but it'd be impossible to continue forward without gaining their attention. Then, there's what's viewable in the distance, a blueish light shining from afar which must be what has everything's attention away from them.

"Any ideas, men?" Jenkins would ask, just to strike a conversation. He's already thinking of how to proceed, but he's no stranger to good advice.

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