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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Wed May 15, 2024 2:24 am
Stella wouldn't want to stay with all of the Soldat as she wanted to leave the weaker enemies to them. So, she would break away from them and make her way into standing position pretty close to where efehra was going to draw the enemies to. Stella would lean against the wall, and attempt to use the reishi around her to cover her presence. Trying to channel what Veralia had taught her she would use the reshi around her as almost a blanket to cover herself.

She wasn't sure if Akira would follow her or not as he was apparently a glass cannon if Efehra was concerned about him. She didn't want him to get wounded on the mission, so she would keep an eye out for him as they make a scene. She knew it was there job to just be as nosy as possible so that the other teams are able to do their thing. Stella was a little nervous, but the bracelet she took from Efehra did make her feel a bit better now that she understood efehra seemed to be a but more on the stronger side.

As she would take a deep breath she would try to make sure that the scanner was still scanning for information. Even if it made sound it probably wouldn't be that big of a noise as it seems efehra wanted the weaker people like Stella on the group to be able to pick and choose their targets. Which Stella was determined to not be a waste on the team, so she would try to stick to enemies as strong as or weaker than her. No point in trying to play the hero unless it comes as a last resort. She didn't want to be a hindrance like what happened on her mission with Menias.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Fri May 17, 2024 11:08 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Akira was lost within the confines of his thoughts, letting the idle mutterings of Zahtrusta drown within the cascading waves of noise that emanated from the jeep. Halted. It was once he was out that Ehefra hit him with an inquiry, though a hand raised from the left side that saw bruising, a head shaking shortly after though that soft smile still radiated on his features. It was nothing personal to her, being aware of what they did was not exactly the kind of attention he wanted. They were useful for others, Stella. A glance to her coming.

."You should take one, Stella.

Only for those words to leave once they breached the dome of Reishi, taking in the current environmental situation yet it was not long before Ehefra began demonstrating a bit of her strength. The sound of whistling from missile and bow arm alike, flinging into an upper building less a victim came out to be on the receiving end of such a hunter. One way to handle it. Akira did though begin to unsheathe his zanpakuto, letting the left two fingers caress the moist steel to enhance his next Kido before moving so it remained a few inches from the chest.

He did though take this brief moment to glance about at the Reishi, golden iris able to perceive energy sources beyond normal ocular sight and to see if there was some odd leyline or connective zone to it all. There must be more to this afterall.


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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sun May 19, 2024 8:38 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 3xsug6m

Jenkins was entirely sure of Ehefra's plan, but if there are enemies, the woman has definitely painted a target on her back. However, even with her display of power, there came nothing to challenge or acknowledge her efforts. Despite the city, it was as dead as a ghost town.

However, they were able to learn one interesting detail. That arrow she fired, as it flew, seemed to behave awkwardly. One wouldn't have noticed at first when it was initially fired, but as it gained distance, the dome around them seemed to fluctuate. As if the arrow had started leaking, its structure broke down until it fizzled from existence, its makeup torn apart before being added back to the ambient Reishi that surrounded everyone. Normally, an arrow wouldn't be dissolved midflight as that was.

Jenkins' eyes narrowed as everyone proceeded forward, getting themselves ready for combat. It's unclear if this was the doing of the enemy or if the dome's working against them. Are long range attacks weakened in this dome? From Ehefra's earlier investigation, she'd have found nothing too particularly interesting about the dome besides its heavy Reishi makeup, which one would have thought beneficial to the operation, so this reaction is... peculiar.

Though, information soon came that something was spotted not too far from their location. It appears a person was spotted before they disappeared without a trace. Was it a reaction to Ehefra's attack? Simply a trick of the light? Or is there something sinister right under their noses?

"Men, forward. We're moving to the specified location."

However, once they got there, there would be nothing but the empty roads they've become familiar with.

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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sun May 19, 2024 9:05 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 W7pjcoqmpa7

Ehefra’s eyes widened slightly as both her and Beeps picked up the shift. The barrier was absorbing the reishi!? No. That wasn’t correct. If it was absorbing the reishi then the inside of the barrier would be conpletely devoid if it. But this dense fog rather seemed like something else. It was weakening it. Similar in principle to a Seele schneider weakening the bonds in spiritual constructs. However it was precise. If it had simply been a scattering effect similar to a sanrei glove it would have made it much harder to form the arrows in the first place. But what was causing this?

”Hold your fire Soldat. This barrier is disrupting spiritual constructs… Beeps. One salvo.” she instructed.

Her primary Bow promptly fired dud missiles in a spray. A sweeping arch aimed to fly out across the air above the skyscrapers. A test. To see if the effect occurred more rapidly to those fired that flew closer to the barrier. But also, if this effect was centralized in any particular spot, she might be able to pick up a gradient in the speed at which they were broken down, and potentially find a source from which this effect was taking place. Either way, her secondary bow flared and a number of claws formed over her fingers as she glanced down towards their commander.

”Stella. Stay behind me. We’ll take point.” she instructed. The woman seemed intent on following her, may as well coordinate with them. Dropping back down to the street she promptly darted forward, not too fast that Stepla couldn’t keep up. So the gal could keep up, but also so that she could more carefully cross corners as she made her way to the designated area.

Quiet. Aside from the individual that seemed briefly to flicker out of sight, she didn’t sense anything. Her eyes narrowed and she fanned her claws out at the surrounding buildings. Firing the blades of reishi into the structures, eyes narrowed as she watched for signs of movement and listened for any commotion. She sisnt imagine camouflage to be reliable in a place like this but it didnt hurt to check.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sun May 19, 2024 9:34 am
Stella would nod. She wasn't intentionally trying to follow the woman, but she seemed much more experienced than her. So, in that regard she would listen to her and try to stay out of her way. That was the goal, and she wasn't entirely sure what the woman was thinking but she would speak.

"Y...yes mam."

As she would try to stay as close as she could while still being out of the way. She didn't want to be in the way at all if she could help it.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sun May 19, 2024 9:42 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 OJpTmMQ

"Ehefra-" Jenkins started, but the woman had already went about doing her own thing, breaking formation to test the area. She's moving beyond her parameter, recklessly taking charge beyond her commander. Her attack blew up the area, for sure, but it didn't cause anything out of the ordinary to occur at first.

But much like last time, as her salvo started to reach the end of its effective range, the constructs started to break down, seemingly erratic with the speed at which their specific signature was torn apart, almost as if more than one thing was tugging at the mass of collective Reishi. However, much like last time, nothing happened immediately after.

That is, until Jessie screamed into Jenkins' ear. "What the Hell, Jenkins! The uptick of Reishi in your area is off the charts! It looks like gian-" And then nothing.

Jenkins' sole eye widened as he opened his mouth to call to his men, but it was too late. A sudden gush of Reishi rushed in from everywhere, the ambient energy turned savage in an instant as it berated the soldiers, separating the few that had followed Ehefra from the main group with the impossible nature the wall of Reishi created. Almost like the winds came alive, a torrent began to pick up.

And just like it came, it stopped, but the area's Reishi concentration had shot up immensely, like gravity had increased tenfold. Ehefra, despite herself, wouldn't be the main one affected by this, but outside of anyone's perception, a hand reached forward. A fog began to form, a similar construct to the dome that hid Jefferson from the world. Ehefra and Stella would find their small band of men, surrounded by something similar.

A hand emerged.

Stella would find something or something clasping bony fingers on her shoulder from behind, a gnarly growl ripping the feeling of safety from her very soul. Though, she might feel something actually pulling at her soul. Soul Body Separation was enacted on her, an attempt to rip her from her mortal shell as any onlooker would suddenly become aware of the bony figure that had appeared from seemingly nowhere. Nothing had detected. Nothing had saw it at first. It seemingly came into existence like an afterthought finally remembered.

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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Tue May 21, 2024 9:04 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


It was a curious thing to witness such constructs of reishi be broken down without care nor a seeming tug into any specific direction, like it was purposefully paradoxical to the way everyone would expect of Reishi. A thought crossed his mind, maybe entities here were born of both thought and Reishi alike? An odd combination of subconscious reactions, tugged on to manifest the very enemies which had come to Jefferson before? That was another thing to consider, alas. Akira glanced at Jenkins, witnessing Ehefra move from the perimeter with Stella, a soft exhale moving beyond his lips.

He didn’t speak to Jenkins outright, merely offered him a sympathetic look whilst he took a step forward and found his body thrust from a Shunpo, covering both Ehefra and Stella from the rooftops, watching each explosion from the salvos with curiosity.

Suddenly a brutal uproar of energy caught him offguard, eyes widening a bit as a brutal downpour of gravity slammed against each shoulder and caused a knee to buckle?! What was this?! Spiritual pressure? An entity? His teeth gritted as the tip of Rivu dug into the roofing, using it as a cane to remain knelt yet unable to stand entirely, yet noted a ghastly hand moving….What was that thing?

."B-Bakudo 61: Rikujokoro.

His free hand raising, a beam of light forming across each fingertip to thrust ahead and down into the confines of both Ehefra and Stella, forging these slabs of light that shot forth with intensity, mostly aiming for the midsection of the entity. It would hopefully be enough to paralyze them but Akira took the time in this casting to modify his spell, enhanced by Rivu, merely on the structuring of it all. In case this realm ate or weakened it entirely, better to reinforce the makeup.


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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Wed May 22, 2024 11:51 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 W7pjcoqmpa7

A gleam of silver shot behind Ehefra as the creature appeared near the Soldat. Ehefra's tertiary Bow shot out and lanced into the hand that was reaching for Stella's shoulder, that long, armored tail punching needle-first into the hand as Ehefra's body twisted in follow-up. Shifting the weight into her legs as her hands shifted in two directions. One of which reached out to plant over Stella's sternum as she promptly flexed her own spiritual energy. The usual explosive burst of energy that usually came with such an action coned around Stella's form, forming a dead zone to protect the woman as Ehefra's own spiritual might flared out, aiming to shunt the creature away from her in a flash of force. Something aimed to stun the creature just a fraction of a second before Akira's spell pincered towards the creature.

It was only after Akira's spell rolled in that Ehefra's other hand finished it's action. Twisting into a clenched fist, as blut glowed up the length of her arm and concentrated onto a single point, her larger of her two knuckles. She aimed to strike the creature squarely in the face with her own pure, unrestrained strength amplified by her blut technique. An upward angle that on any living creature would have caved its head in and send what was left of the skull up into the nearest building.

An upward angle in order to eliminate the possibility of striking an ally.
And a pure physical attack following her own flexed spirit energy and Akira's spell.
She was not, at present, aware of this creature's vulnerabilities. And so, a mixture of physical and spiritual force made the most sense to neutralize it as a threat as quickly as possible.

All the While, Beeps promptly focused in on the scene from above, scanning the surrounding area for any other signatures that would have popped up amongst the chaos.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Fri May 24, 2024 8:21 am
Stella was much more aware of how efehra seemed to be much more serious when she's on a mission than in public. She felt the hand on her shoulder, but within seconds Efehra was between her and the threat. She would take a gasp as she would feel the energy around her. The energy possibly breaking the hand from her. As she would look around she'd summon her axe. This time she would be ready.

She didn't want to be looked at as useless and someone who needs to be constantly protected. She wanted to show that she was ready for this kind of mission. Readying herself she would take a deep breath as she would try to keep an eye out for any more of those hand things.

" you guys know what those are?"
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Fri May 24, 2024 6:32 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 2 OJpTmMQ

Pierced from all sides, the zombie-esque creature was frozen in place as its attempt to grab Stella was foiled. Though, it did not seem to pay attention to its situation before Ehefra rocketed her fist into its skull, sending it flying upward as its skull popped from its neck, blood and Reishi spraying free from its loose neck until it landed not too far away. Then the scene grew quiet as Jenkins rushed forward, shouting.

"Everyone, take up cardinal position! I want eyes on every direction! Contact with the other squads is tempora-"

"Commander! Above!"

Jenkins' words were interrupted by one of his men shouting and pointing up into the sky.

The Reishi above broke loose, revealing a massive floating ship. Doors on its side opened before canisters shot from its hull. What appeared to be missiles fell towards the ground, scattering throughout the city, but not all of them landed in the city. Some exploded in the air, sprinkling thick amounts of Reishi onto those below.

And thus, as that Reishi sprinkled down around them, more of the zombie-eqsue creatures began to simply spawn into existence. Creatures of human-shape emerged from the wind, their features disturbingly human, yet lacking nourishment, gnawed fingers and limbs. Disheveled faces stared at the group of Vandenreich members. They appeared within their ranks, around them, above them on the buildings, in the buildings. Some crawled out from other cars. Other's pounded on windows or crawled.

However, one of the fired canisters landing right down the street from them, the impact shaking the ground as it cracked the street and legs dropped down from its side. There was a hiss before the sides of it opened, revealing within men in gear strikingly similar to the Vandenreich, except they sported all black and helmets that hid their faces. They filed out quickly, pulling out black guns that one could detect Reishi from. Without a word, they began firing, raining what felt like Reishi arrows on the group as the creatures around them began moving upon them in a frenzy.

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