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Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Empty Re: Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open)

Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:01 pm
Zaelin couldn't help but see the Chief's spiritual pressure in the distance and decided to drop by and see if he required any assistance. It had taken her a while..but she had found the organization Force Feedback just like her sponsor had wanted. May he rest in peace..the old man had died right after giving her that order. it was his first..and his last..Kind of sad really when you think about it, but here she was. Within Force Feedbacks ranks and the Advisor to its leader no less!

She turned on her invisibility field and stealthily approached the Chief while gauging his actions to make sure she didn't interrupt anything important. Though from what she was reading..he was merely deep in thought and trying to attain a state of enlightment to raise his powers. ..typical. Ever since she had known him..which honestly wasn't that long..thats what he had been trying to do. Gain more power so that he could better protect and serve. That mentallity is probably why they had gotten along so well.

She finally managed to get closer but as she did he walked into the water and moved into what seemed to be a cave-like structure behind the waterfall. She laughed on the inside though said nothing out loud as her guess a second ago had been right on the money..he was trying to meditate and achieve a higher state of being through enlightenment. She didn't really understand all the mechanics behind the phenomena that occured when ascending that caused humans to have a huge rise in power.. mainly because she hadn't done much study on it..and because she herself was not human..She was created with prosthetic limbs and everything from scratch by an old man who wanted her to serve the world. something she was keen on doing to the best of her abilities.

She kept her invisibility mod on for kicks and moved through the water until she reached the Waterfall. She analyzed it to see if there was any way to move around it without breaking its flow..and eventually she found one. She moved around to a little nook at the edge and slide into the small cavern behind it before turning off her invisibility so that the Chief could see her if he bothered to look in her direction. She stood there with her hands on her hips giving him a playful glare.

"Come on Chief.. Today's the day you promised to help me test out my new enhancements so that I could see how much my limitations have increased."

She said it politely and actually quite cheery. Despite her day having been quite boring..she was in a very good mood. it was kind of strange..but at the same time pleasant for her. She motioned for him to get up and come along though she didn't really expect him to move right away without some form of protest..not that she would listen to his protesting anyways.

"Come spar with me so I can learn more about your style while learning my new limitations as well. it's very important so that I don't get myself into something I can't handle..besides you'd probably have a better chance getting stronger fighting me than you would sitting in a cave behind a waterfall."

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Entity of Contradiction
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Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Empty Re: Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open)

Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:46 pm
Stone Cross Commander, K-world

Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Boys-anime-guys-7855061-312-500

Zane had been sent to earth in the forest to search for anyone who hid here to join K-world which was unlikely and to maybe get a base in the forest because it's nearby Karakura Central yet it's hidden from them in these woods. It would be like a small outpost with few people who could infiltrate the city and learn anything of what is currently happening and maybe see what people like Shadin Yuudeshi are doing. But final thing on his list was to find force feedback and infiltrate into there ranks. He'd come up with a reason to go away for most of the time and be called when needed. Even through they were falling Zane could use them for many reasons if he got into the high ranks, which with his power he should.

But it wasn't like force feedback and there people are going to jump out in the open like there pervious leader did. Through it would be nice if K-world could win battles by using one of there people and whole bunch of others. As long as he could focus them on the Soul society and the Iramasha Clan they would be very sucessful and he would shutdown most attempts to attack K-world. he would probably let them once go to k-world so they could get defeated and learn it's easier to defeat the Soul society first. But now Zane was getting ahead of him self and remembered a saying he was taught. Never think of the future until the conflicts of the present are resolved.

Sheild count: 796

Currently Zane had been flying on his four shield platform which had enough space for him to stand comfortably. As he was flying the forest he noticed another person in the distance and zoomed in on that person. It seems that she was moving towards a waterfall and he decided to follow. He was at a good enough distance in the air and behind her that she would have to purposely turn around and look up to see him. but there was probably no reason to do it so it was unlikely. But as she continued he change his eyes to look for reitsu and a large amount of it was behind the waterfall from what he could tell. So now both of them were moving toward it also as he was moving he looked at the person again and noticed they did have nearly as much as him and the other. Even the other one had little bit more than him.

As both were now behind the waterfall Zane speed up to where he was about to enter it himself. Then in one fast movement he entered it and the person again who was now idenifiable as a she and then the other was a man who seemed to be freinedly to the other. He wondered what he had just interupted just now.

"Sorry for me intuding but you." he said and continued while pointing at Damon.
"I could help but sense your power from at maximum of 10 miles and couldn't reisist to see who you were."

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Empty Re: Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open)

Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:38 pm
So he was going to make them fight out there huh? Oh well she walked out to the mouth of the cave and jumped across the water to land gracefully infront of Damon where he was standing. Only to for her scanners to pick someone up nearby from the cave she just left. That was odd..why didn't she pick it up sooner..? Her eyes quickly changed to thermal and reiatsu sensing and noticed it was a male model..Wonder why the man was in the cave then? He came out and pointed at damon before speaking.

Zaelin looked over at the man who had just showed up and noticed immediately he had cybernetics throughout his body. least that explains why he said 10 miles away. Though she was quite annoyed that more people were showing up. She ran his face through her head and finally came up with no information on him.. Though at the moment she didn't care She'd dig up information on him in a second.. She didn't believe for a second he was here only because of the powerful energy emitting from her leader. She herself didn't have to worry about reiatsu output..because of her cybernetic body..she didn't really have one. She had enough to see any spiritual being of any type..but that was about it. Her combative skills came from the many upgrades she's obtained and weapons she used. She was best at VERY long range sniping though.

"Chief." she said as she glanced back at him. Her hand behind her as her plasma knife formed in the same hand..hidden from view and turned off so that the newcomer's reiatsu sensors couldn't detect it. Though..Damon would be able to see the knife handle and would know what it was. She was his advisor..but she didn't dare act on her feelings without his permission. That would completely go against the very reasons she joined under him.

Maybe she was being too wary..but She was usually like that. Assuming the worst case senario at all times and preparing for it. It's was one of the things that made her valuable. She was always prepared. She wouldn't act without the order but she would make damn sure she was ready in case the order was given.

She focused her eyes back onto the man infront of her and started to poke around cyberspace while acting perfectly normal. The man must have a file somewhere in some database that has at least his background or at the least who paid for his cybernetic enhancements if anyone. She had quickly learned during her short time in the world that everything..had some information on it somewhere.. you just had to search long enough.

"Usually..people start by introducing themselves Mr---?" She said and asked with a polite but stern tone about her. Meanwhile her brain was searching through Cyberland for anything that matched this man's far..public records had nothing on him. she wasn't having any luck finding him in the human goverment files either..But where else could she look?

"It would be very polite if you did introduce yourself." while in her head she was thinking, "and very helpful in helping me find information about you.." Though she didn't say that out loud for obvious reasons. She was never very trusting..but..oh well. if the man didn't like it..he'd just have to deal with it. even Damon had to create trust with Zaelin. Even though he was her boss..she still didn't fully trust him.

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Entity of Contradiction
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Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Empty Re: Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open)

Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:32 pm
Stone Cross Commander, K-world

Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Boys-anime-guys-7855061-312-500

Zane was asked for a reason he was here once but 3 times he was asked for a name. Even through the girl didn't fully ask at all he could tell she wanted his name for some reason or another. Even if she figured out his name was Zane Fenier it would do a difference on earth but label him and people in K-world only knew him as Zane only. But he could answer half of the man's question for now but he expected one back in return. So he started to lower his platform to the ground slowly and began to talk.

"My name is none of your concern and don't ask for it multiple times it tells me that it isn't for anything that benefits me. Even if you did get it you would have no use of it here or back in Karakura." he said and at that moment he was close enough to the ground that he hopped off of it.

"Second thing I'm here for a good reason very good reason..." then Zane paused.

In that pause if someone could see his chi it was gathering around his legs and feet. Also 6 shields formed in front of him in a square shape that floated to his sides in front of him and behind him. These shields were singled layer and could take average hits and attacks. He was pretty sure a punch or any attack that girl made would break even a double layer shield but he was sure she would start with strongest. Through she could be hiding power like some of his allies do.

" test myself." he said with a evil smirk on his face."

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Empty Re: Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open)

Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:56 pm
Zaelin sighed as her prediction of the worst case senario was dead on the money once again. The man was here for a fight. Though she was finding it odd that in all this time she still hadn't found any information on him on the net yet. His face wasn't matching any known person. This caused her to be slightly worried because it ment one of two things. Either he was in an organization that purposely destroyed all traces of digital informations..or he was using a false face to purposely throw off her cyber search.

It didn't matter at the moment however. Even if the man suddenly rushed at the Chief..the Chief was currently armed with a Plasma Knife thanks to Zaelin. even without that..she was pretty sure that he could handle himself just fine against this man..He may have had high spiritual energy..but Damon had more. In terms of sheer spiritual pressure.. Damon would win hands down. But in terms of physical combat it was undecisive without actually seeing them fight since Cybernetic beings had higher capabilities than they let on. She should know. She has almost no spiritual pressure..but has high physical capabilities.

"Your a fool for saying such a thing. Did you ever stop and think that we don't want to fight you?" She said as she scanned him over to gauge his reiatsu output and his nerves. He was pretty confident..his heart rate was steady to support that cocky attittude as well.

"Well Chief?" She said as she glanced over to him. She formed her sniper rifle in her hand and propped it over her right shoulder easily, "I'll leave the decision up to you. Fight or Run. I'm not really keen on showing my back to a man who makes me think he'd shoot my back just for the kicks of it." On her side her steel blade remained hidden by a part of her invisibility field that was active..even if the man had switched to thermal sensors for some weird wouldn't prove that the blade was there. All it would do is prove that her leg was colder than the rest of her body at the moment. He'd had to stretch it pretty far to figure out her knife was there. She intended to keep it a secret as long as possible..only using it as a last resort as always.

Zaelin awaited her chief's orders..and from the look in the newcomer's eyes..she figured they were about to get into a fight. Oh well.. thats life.

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Entity of Contradiction
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Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Empty Re: Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open)

Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:00 pm
Stone Cross Commander, K-world

Path To Enlightenment(Training/Open) Boys-anime-guys-7855061-312-500

Zane was Impressed with the show he was getting right now and this was the first time he's seen another chi user enter the awakened form. He himself had not yet achieved this form himself but has put a lot into it to just try but he hadn't been able to clear his head completely to mediate. Now that he knew this person had this it edged him even more towards battling him. The next thing that happened through was Zane own show for the person in front of him.

"Well I'll give you my reason when I feel it is right until then your going to have to beat me." he said and in that moment he moved at a high speed of 700 mph at Damon with his fist ready to deliver a blow to his chest and gut.

If this did succeed or this person had somehow could counter him then he would make a shield appear to take the hit while he gets away. also why Zane did this the 6 shields that were out already were moving at 90 mph so that they were going to be behind this man so the could catch him.

Shield count: 790

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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