Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Metal as Fuck
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A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Left_bar_bleue44400/999999A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more?

Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:51 pm
A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Kinoen

It had been a rather long day for the red-head, Kinoen Luesen. He had woken up to a shit-ton of training, and a hangover, which was never a good way to start his day. He wasn't the most.. how would you describe it.. responsible person in all of the gotei thirteen. Which led to a lot of incidents on his part involving getting into trouble for laziness sometimes. However, the captain commander was at least partially forgiving, and wouldn't strip Kinoen of his dignity for whatever reason unknown to those who saw him simply as an irresponsible prick.

Not only was Kinoen one of the gotei's most proficient hand-to-hand fighters, he also possessed abilities invaluable to the defense of the gotei. He wasn't the most knowledge-able in kido, or swordplay in general, but he was extremely skilled in the use of his shikai, and bankai wasn't that far out of his reach at this point. He could already materialize his zanpakuto spirit, the first necessary perquisite to attainment.

Currently, Kinoen was simply walking through the twisting roads in seireitei. The only real place to think and relax anymore. In fact.. he was supposed to meet someone soon.. an old friend of sorts.. Who cares if he was secretly in love with her, that wasn't important.. Slipping his hands into the pockets of his sleeveless Shihakusho, Kinoen took the last few turns into the empty district he had known so well, the place where most deserters took refuge, but was private other than that. Taking a seat on a bench near where he entered, the red-head leaned back, staring up at the sky. Now.. he waited.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty Re: A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more?

Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:43 pm
Yukiko Yami

A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Eba678167a5aeb52b5ae1de-2

Yukiko smiled as she got up that day to look at the calender. Today was the day to see him. She quickly got ready as she grinned. Snow hadn't seen him since she was captain, she sighed at this. She kinda missed the work, really but she couldn't do much anymore now. Finally getting ready she walked outside, immediately comforted by a nice summer breeze. She smirked as she walked along that part both he and her knew. She spotted the bench and began tip-toeing quietly before covering his eyes. "Guess who~?" she cooed right next to his ear as she giggled.

She then took her hands away from his eyes and sat down next to him, smiling. "It's been a while, Kinoen, how are you?" she asked as she looked out at the sky, her arms crossed.
Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
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A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Left_bar_bleue44400/999999A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty Re: A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more?

Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:06 pm
A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Kinoen

As the red-head stared into the sky, he thought over the first time him and snow had met.. Wow.. back then he was nothing. Just a vice captain with nothing to his name besides a bunk, clothes, and his zanpakuto. He hadn't been anything special. He wasn't chosen for the position, nor did he kill for it. It was open, and he applied, simple as that. He didn't even remember why. He might as well've just flown under the radar completely. Was it really so long ago? Back during that time? The first walk he had with her.. the first time he had looked into her beautiful eyes.. That kiss.. Kinoen shook his head a bit, his read hair shaking from side to side, this was no time to get lost in THOSE thoughts. If he got excited here.. right before he saw her.. yikes.. That couldn't end well.. Although.. Kinoen thought back to him just holding her hand, lying in the grass of that set-aside alcove and simply talking.. Those were the moments he missed with her the most. But today.. today he saw her.

Almost immediately as he thought that, he felt a pair of soft hands covering his eyes, the sweet voice he loved hearing so much traveling into his ears in a simple question, along with that giggle that drove him crazy, her breath tickling his ear slightly, making him shiver a bit. Kinoen chuckled as Snow released his eyes, the cherry-red irises facing her as his lip curled in a small smile. "Hey Snow.." Kinoen spoke, his low voice carrying how much she meant to him in that simple greeting. As she sat next to him, Kinoen felt his heart flutter, did she even suspect how much he liked her? Or cared for her? Kinoen doubted it.. but.. maybe.. just maybe.. there was a chance she felt the same way? Kinoen slapped himself mentally. He really shouldn't be getting THAT idea in his head. They were friends.. that's all.. there wasn't really even a small chance they would make it together anyway.. she knew, at least in part, that he liked her, from that afternoon in the grove, but all they had really shared was the kiss.. Kinoen had no idea how her feelings might've changed since then, and he had no intention of finding out through heart break. He'd been down that road.. far too many times. In fact, it was the reason he had stepped down from his position, simple over-stress from heartbreak. Well.. another part of it was that he burnt down half of his division after attaining shikai.. long story there..

Kinoen turned his attention from his thoughts back to Snow, a part of her question echoing in his mind. They really hadn't seen each other in.. a WHILE now... had they? huh.. Kinoen sat up a bit, taking his eyes off the sky and turning his head to face her, taking his signature orange goggles off of his head and slipping them in his pocket. "Oh I've been good, you could say. Been really lazy and boring around now that I'm not vice captain any more." Kinoen gave a small chuckle. "I've missed you though. How've you been? I heard you stepped down from captaincy? Any reason in particular or was it just irritating you having so many people kissing your ass?" Kinoen gave another chuckle, staring into her beautiful eyes and awaiting her reply.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty Re: A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more?

Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:11 pm
Yukiko Yami
A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Eba678167a5aeb52b5ae1de-2

Yukiko smiled at him. Kinoen lazy? Man, it really was long. He seemed so eager to be vice captain when she first met him. Her thoughts also landed on back when they shared that kiss against the tree, but she tried shrugging it off. She was infront of him for pete's sake. Snow should have the courtesy to listen to the man she hasn't seen in almost ages. Yukiko winced when he brought up about her captain position. "Actually.. I was stripped from it, they didn't think I was such a good one," she mumbled as she looked down, staring at the ground as she sighed. She had no ill-will towards the new captain of her division but she loved working there, it actually kept her busy and felt.. well useful..

"A..Anyways.." she stuttered, she began biting her bottom lip as she looked back up from the ground and back at his face with a smile, studying his face. He really didn't change much from when she last saw him. He still looked handsome. A small blush formed on her cheeks as she thought about back then again. She still liked him after all this time, smiling even more she placed her hand on top of his. "So, it's been a while, huh? I mean, how long has it been really?" Yukiko asked as she laughed softly.
Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
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A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty Re: A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more?

Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:07 am
A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Kinoen

"Actually.. I was stripped from it, they didn't think I was such a good one," ... Kinoen froze. How.. how do you even respond to that? Kinoen thought that Snow had been a fantastic captain. Had her position really just been.. taken from her? Why would they do that? She was no Yamamoto, sure, but that didn't mean she was an invalid or anything. She was still a highly capable shinigami, and a great-minded one at that. Or maybe the soul society just didn't care? Or maybe they were blind? Kinoen didn't know, and to be honest he could care less about the inner workings of Soul Society. It was all nonsense to him. The inner workings were, yes, but seireitei itself had seemed to be slowly going downhill as of late as it is. was there a reason? Probably. Did Kinoen really care? Nope. Could he be arsed to try and figure it out? Nope again. If there was a huge issue with soul society, some lowlife ex-vice captain would be the last to know about it.

"So, it's been a while, huh? I mean, how long has it been really?" Kinoen found it hard to focus on her question, because under his red bangs was a furious red blush from her soft hand on his. That.. wasn't even fair. Kinoen gave a soft chuckle, trying to focus on the environment around them to let the blush fade. "I have no idea.. it has been quite a while though.." Kinoen scratched his head, he was.. dying to ask her.. but.. was it.. a good idea? Not like he had anything to lose...

Kinoen took a deep breath, making sure his blush had faded before looking up at Snow. "Hey.. sn.. snow.. Would.. Do you still like me? Like.. before?" Kinoen chuckled at his own stupidity. "Wow.. I sound like a first grader." Kinoen turned his head back to face his lap, slipping his hands into his pockets. "F..forget i ever asked.." Kinoen grumbled, he really wanted to sound more confident when he had asked her about that.. but it just came off naive..

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty Re: A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more?

Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:48 am
Yukiko Yami
A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Eba678167a5aeb52b5ae1de-2

Yukiko turned her head to him while he was looking around the environment, she knew he was blushing. No matter how much hsi bangs tried covering she knew he was still the same. "Hey.. sn.. snow.. Would.. Do you still like me? Like.. before?" Ah, so he finally asked. She grinned at him and took the hand that was once on his own up to his cheek, her other hand going to the other side of his face as she pulled his head up and to look at her. She scooted closer to him, her head tilting as she closed the space between then and pressing her soft pale rose colored lips against his. Her eyes closing as her thumbs rubbed his cheeks. Of course, she still did. After not seeing him for a while, she yearned to talk, touch, and kiss him. It made her feelings for him grow stronger, to say the least.

Slowly she pulled away, her eyes shining brightly with that playfulness she had when they first met. A small had appeared on her face as she spoke. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed, Kinoen." She laughed softly at her comment as she pulled him in again, her right hand slipping to the back of his head as she kissed him again. Her right hand playing with the mans red messy hair. She had let this kiss last longer than the last one before again pulling away, using her hand that wasn't in his hair to brush his bangs slightly. Her own rose red eyes staring into his as she smiled.
Metal as Fuck
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A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty Re: A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more?

Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:58 am
A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Kinoen

Huh.. Kinoen may have been looking around for the sole purpose of trying not to let snow see his blush.. but it actually was rather beautiful out here.. no wonder him and snow kept coming to this area to meet. It was.. gorgeous to say the least. Alright. Kinoen breathed a bit in relief as his blush started fading. Now to turn his attention back to Sn--

A better attention grabber there never has been.. than a hand at your cheek.. and another turning your head towards the person in question. Such was the case with Kinoen now, as his eyes were suddenly gazing at Snow's soft face.. her beautiful features.. Every bone in kinoen's body was screaming at him. "Kiss her, you idiot!" Luckily.. he didn't have to.

The blush that had all but faded from his face.. was back again in full force as her figure moved closer to his before locking lips with him in a soft kiss. Her eyes closing and her thumbs carressing his cheeks. He felt his eyes slowly close as well, losing himself in Snow's velveteen lips..

He didn't want it to end.. he could've stayed like that for millenia.. but sadly, the kiss broke. His eyes opened, staring back into snow's, gazes locked. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed, Kinoen." Kinoen blushed a bit more, tilting his head slightly, about to open his mouth to give a rebuttal before Snow's hand went to the back of his head, the distance once again closing as their lips locked once more, his eyes slipping closed as she played with his hair. Slowly, Kinoen let his arms wrap around her slender form, his hands resting on the small of her back and caressing it softly. The kiss was longer than the one before it, a fact kinoen was grateful for, but alas it still had to end. As the kiss broke, Kinoen couldn't help but smile sheepishly as his bangs were brushed from his face, his cherry-red eyes meeting snow's rose ones. He gave a soft chuckle and moved a hand from her back to cup her neck gently, "It's been too long.. I missed that feeling.." He smiled gently, placing the tip of his nose against hers delicately and speaking in a quiet voice, almost a whisper, "How did I get so lucky as to have met you the day I did..? I can't thank my former captain enough for being absent that day.." A soft laugh escaped his lips as the arm around her waist pulled her in a bit closer to him, his body pushing softly against hers as he stared into her eyes.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Empty Re: A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more?

Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:39 am
Yukiko Yami
A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Eba678167a5aeb52b5ae1de-2

Yukiko smiled brightly as she heard his words. "I'm glad I was told to go and welcome you." She laughed softly, it's been a while since she had actually laughed out. She had missed the sound of it and she was sure he had too. Her hands continued playing with his hair as she stared back into his eyes, her own glittering with affection.

Yukiko grinned slightly as she felt him pull her closer by her waist, she didn't mind being this close at all. In fact she wanted it, so very much. "So, what did you plan for us to do when I came here?" she asked, slightly curious as she grinned even more at him. "It'd better be exciting," she said as she chuckled lightly at the red-haired man.
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Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:40 pm

A stroll and a meeting.. and maybe something more? Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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