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'Dat Bishie
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An Unexpected Visitor (Open) Empty Re: An Unexpected Visitor (Open)

Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:21 pm
|| O K A B E ||
An Unexpected Visitor (Open) OkabeHeader
|| R I N T A R O U - R E X ||
ATLAS - 2-1+

"Nothing is Impossible"

Foolish people and their foolish minds. He'd thought an attack like this would come later rather than sooner, but to see someone just like this frustrated this man no end. He'd been within the Seireitei for quite some time, recently; undercover, exploring the reaches of this Soul Society in order to see how much it had changed from a few of his dreams. A few interesting dreams had gone through his mind; most of them involving the destruction of the Soul Society at the hands of those with evil intentions. Standing upon the rooftop, the man with his hand in the pool of the past placed that hand upon his face and closed his eyes. His labcoat fluttered in a soft breeze that came down towards him, and he shook his head. Deplorable thing, this demon was. Stepping a single stride forwards, he dropped from his position upon the rooftop and landed softly on the earth, coat gliding down behind him. Three steps were taken forwards, Okabe not letting this man in on his presence. He'd been alive over ten thousand years, this world was something he was used to. He could hide himself in the smallest of places and give himself the perfect invisibility from being sensed, all because he knew what he was doing. Time, as it stood, was the perfect denizen for such a realm. Closing his eyes, Okabe took two more steps forward and finally let his own strength free.

To this man, he would feel like a Lieutenant. That was the maximum of his strength as it stood. With a soft sigh, Okabe placed hands into the pockets on his coat and smirked. "You know, a demon shouldn't be just hanging around these parts." Chuckling lightly, the man slowly approached the demon, continuing to stay calm as he watched him. "Kyahahahaha..." A laugh, designed to disconcert those around him. Okabe wasn't crazy, he was just someone who had seen a lot. Closing his eyes and sighing, the man reached up into the air. "I'll give you five seconds to leave." Five seconds passed. "No? Pity. I didn't want to have to dirty my hands." A sudden twitch and Okabe was off, streaming towards the Demon without a second's hesitation. He planted a foot onto the ground and ducked down low, clenching his fist and streaming it towards the Demon. "You're now sentenced to death for trespassing upon the land of Soul Society. I hope you enjoyed your stay." The Arrogant Suigura of the Past grinned and moved once his hit had passed, sliding around Eric and attacking with his next punch. If this one landed, he would follow it up with two kicks. If it missed, he would let his momentum carry him into a roll and move out of the way of any possible attacks from Eric.

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'Dat Bishie
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An Unexpected Visitor (Open) Empty Re: An Unexpected Visitor (Open)

Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:02 pm
|| O K A B E ||
An Unexpected Visitor (Open) OkabeHeader
|| R I N T A R O U - R E X ||
ATLAS - 2-1+

"Nothing is Impossible"

"Fool, I could sense your power it a bit weak compared to my own why the hell did you say you sentenced me to death???" He opened his eyes slightly as his arm was grabbed, pulling him into a lock on the man's back. He grit his teeth as he did so, before proceeding to let himself loosen up against the Demon who obviously thought that he was somewhat stronger. Oh, he'd known that it was going to happen, don't get him wrong. He'd seen the occurrence happening from a mile away; it was just difficult to react with such little time. "ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT??? Fine, I accept your challenge because I WANT ANSWERS AND I WANT THEM NOW and you seem like the guy who has them" Well, he was right on the count that Okabe had -some- answers. Of course, the answers that Okabe had, this man may not have desired. Gritting his teeth slightly more, Okabe leaned up against the Demon's body and slowly closed his eyes. This guy was pulling tightly on his arm; it was starting to get slightly frustrating. Any longer, and his power might start failing him. Numbers flashed before his eyes: the possibility of breaking an arm, the possibility of having the arm ripped off. T'was not looking good at all. His heart started to increase in speed and the man squirmed slightly beneath the grip of the demonic beast.

"You see I was once Kade Hiroshima and noble/kind demon living my good life in the demon world until it was ended by a demon summoner who stole my name....Now I want to know is does the Soul society have any information on the demon summoner or any information about past havoc/demonic events around karakura town" Well, that was strange. He had his other arm and placed it carefully on the other's shoulder. Closing his eyes, he let his energies flow through him. Without a seconds' warning, he heard the line shift, and a multitude of numbers came up before his eyes. Without even thinking about it now, his mind was thrust completely into this new realm. Everything around his mind disappeared and all that he could see was the numbers. The numbers that shifted into shapes and imaginable concepts. Reaching forwards with mental tendrils, he gripped the line of the world and grinned. "It's impossible for my right arm to be nonexistent for thirty seconds." The line itself suddenly began to spark, and down the end, a new event occurred. Images flashed before his mind, his right arm destroyed in an accident during a fight. As that happened, the darkness surrounding his mind disappeared and the real world returned towards him. "Heh." Leaning forwards, Okabe simply stepped off from the hold that he was in, his right arm no longer there.

"Really, now. You made me waste something as precious as that in order to get myself out of here? Tch, you're something, aren't you?" Turning around, Okabe felt his arm rematerialize once more from its hidden state. Stretching his fingers, Okabe started to make sure that the arm was working properly. "Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Okabe Rintarou-Rex. I am, as it stands right now, a Sugiura. For that reason, I know little of what goes on here. I am simply taking down a potential threat, that is all." Coldly sighing, Okabe prepared his body once more, plunging his mentality into the icy depths of the Past. Mental tendrils gripped the timeline and pulled the world into something that this demon would not expect. His change over, Okabe stepped backwards and grinned wildly.



"I am the bone of my sword."

The tendrils that had changed the past for the better were now spreading through Okabe's mind and body, the circuits up and down his arms glowing a bright green as they did so.

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."

"I have created over a thousand blades."

"Unknown to time, nor known to the present."

"Withstood pain to create weapons, the past is mine to control."

"Every part of me longs for death, yet I cannot grant that wish."

"So I shall fight now and use..."

Those who knew of the two; Emiya Shirou and Archer, would know of this ability. A materialized inner world, a field of unlimited blades. This power should not be Okabe's to handle. No matter who he is, he is still not either of them. However, this strange occurrence only came because of Okabe's own personal link to the past. Being a man with that link, Okabe found it was possible to completely shift the universe in his favor, at least temporarily. With that, he found himself able to pull abilities that nobody but the owner could use and bring them into himself. Okabe was a counterfeit of the world; he could never truly exist yet had created a child. For that reason, he would always be here, he would always survive. He wished to die, but he would never do it. So instead, he would fight. He would defeat this blight.


With the last words of the chant, the world around him darkened and changed. Illusory fire spread out around him, bounding a world within the world. Stepping forth, Okabe reached out a hand in order to grip a weapon by his own right. A weapon; a golden sword. See, although Okabe did not have this factory of infinite weapons within his own mind, his modification had made it so. This modification brought about this infallible world, one that the Demon would not be able to destroy or escape from. Grinning, he slid the golden sword out of the ground and held it up in front of him, the ornate lines gathering down it as it glowed with holy energy. Without warning, Okabe sprinted forwards. "LIKE I SAID; DEATH." Holding the golden sword out to the side, he pulled it backwards with a wild grin. "EXU..." Without warning, he stopped suddenly and swung the golden blade words. ".....CALIBAAAAAAA!" Without warning, a golden ray of light spread out before him, one that would engulf the demon with its energy. This ray of light, Excalibur, was said to be the most powerful attack of the Sugiura King, Arturia Pendragon. An attack that would, given enough time, even engulf Daigoro Ito. Its concentric area of impact is broad enough to incinerate an entire military cohort, turn the ground into scorched earth and leave a great disorder in land that would never fade. If one were to think about the power, they would find it strong enough to be able to completely disintegrate anything without protection into dust; anything demonic, moreso. Okabe wasn't sure if it'd kill this creature or not, though he would most certainly be surprised if it didn't. Instead of relaxing, he placed the sword back into the rough ground and gripped the hilt of another, preparing himself for anything that may come, if it were to come at all.

Last edited by PHANTAS-MOON on Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Ye Olde Guarde
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An Unexpected Visitor (Open) Empty Re: An Unexpected Visitor (Open)

Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:31 pm
I'ma take a quick pause to stop the two of you.

Dai, you need to go into more detail about the power of Excalibur.

And Kade, you godmodded.
The demon succeeded in making 40 punches to Okabe's face then quickly he gets into a fighting stance
That's an auto-hit. Please fix it.

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'Dat Bishie
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An Unexpected Visitor (Open) Empty Re: An Unexpected Visitor (Open)

Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:20 am

The smoke cleared and Okabe sighed softly. It was to be expected, he would say. The man survived; the numbers had told him everything before the smoke had a chance to disappear from this earth. Shaking his head softly, the man took up a position to attack with his fists while the world known as 'Unlimited Blade Works' disappeared from around him. He shook his head slowly and carefully--it was most likely that his trajectory was off, or the fact that he himself had not given himself the necessary strength to be able to perform such an attack. It had certainly used enough spiritual energy. "WHY YOU LITTLE...." A feisty one. He had to congratulate him on that much: it was not often that someone survived this long--unless, of course, they were the Third Espada. Whom he'd killed. Let us see what he does next, hmm? Stepping backwards, his dark eyes watched over the man and glittered slightly--he was putting out a little bit more power. Numbers flashed before his eyes; a variety of attacks and numerous strategies worked themselves out until they converged upon a single point. "Ok, I get my answers from you one way or another....I guess this means you accept my challenge very well Sugiura." This creature was about to change into another form. Shouting out loudly as he did so, the creature started to slowly change his body.

Okabe stepped back and prepared his fists, raising them up in front of his face and chuckling quietly. It wouldn't take long. Dark energy began to flow around the Demon's body, though Okabe wasn't sure what for. Motu Jokai, possibly? "YOUR PLAYTIME Sugiura IS OVER FOOL, I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU PAY FOR THAT" A battlecry came out before Okabe, the man stepping backwards slightly and holding a hand up in front of his face to stop himself from being pushed back by the pure ferocity that this demon was inflicting and pressing out into the world. So Okabe stood there and waited. And waited. And waited a little longer. And sighed softly in frustration. "If you're going to turn into another form, the least you could do is actually attack me." Without warning now, Okabe pushed forwards and sprinted towards Eric with a now-annoyed look on his face as he did so. So done. Taking a single step on the ground, he dove off of the ground and planted a hand onto the earth, pushing up and springing into the air with the greatest of ease. Arms glowed green as Okabe landed on the ground, but a five meters away from Eric now, raising a hand into the air as a golden key materialized. Impossibility Marble. It is impossible for me to have access to the King's Treasury, using the Gate of Babylon that belongs to the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh.

In his hand was a golden sword, shaped specifically like a key. "Gate of... Babylon." Holding it out to the side, he seemed to unlock some kind of door--a golden gate opening behind him, the hilts of several weapons sliding out and showing themselves. He smirked and reached up, gripping the handle of the nearest weapon with a smirk on his face. He wouldn't need the projectile capabilities, not yet. Pushing forwards now, Okabe raised the sword up into the air and swung down to Eric's already-wounded side, aiming to make a cut into his injury and hurt him further. The attack was rather slow for one, though the numbers would be constantly running in his head: Okabe would change his strategy based on such values.

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'Dat Bishie
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An Unexpected Visitor (Open) Empty Re: An Unexpected Visitor (Open)

Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:08 am

A punch hit him square in the jaw, sending him flying back and sliding along the ground, rolling backwards and tumbling through the dirt as the sword fell out of his hand. He continued on his path for a few more rolls before slowly coming to a stop and sitting up. A hand went tenderly to his jaw and recoiled slightly, the man wincing from the pain of the touch. He could taste blood in his mouth, though that didn't matter too much to him for now. Closing his eyes briefly, Okabe slowly got to his feet and stared down at the man with a pair of wild an pained eyes. "The time is now, I summoned the dark ghouls to prepare yourself to light a fire on your way....Be ready to the true hellfire" He was preparing a spell--Okabe would be able to stop such a thing with little trouble. Smiling confidently, Okabe placed a hand on his hip and watched with a calm and quiet chuckle. "Come on you little worm yeah that sword did a little damage so what else you got in your bag of tricks Sugiura? But first I want to know my battle isn't with you..I'm a demon looking for answers my name was shattered my reputation is tarnished...OH YES SOMEONE IS GOING TO PAY..." Oh, so everything about him is now tarnished? So, he was a man with nothing to lose? Okabe liked that--it meant that he could dispatch this enemy to the peace without anything holding him back. Okabe waited, preparing for the fire spell--and then he disappeared. Completely out of sight, especially out of mind. Okabe blinked and wondered where he'd gone, for a second. Without warning, his arms glowed. "Heh. Fool. It's impossible for me to go immediately to your location, Demon." His arms glowed a brighter green and then Okabe disappeared from the spot, not a trace of him remaining.

Everything swirled for but a second, before the man appeared in what seemed to be a somewhat dark area--he didn't really care for looking around, nor did he care for what he could already see. Instead, he stood in front of the Demon with a wild look in his eyes. "You know, you should leave worse trails. It makes tailing you so easy." As his arms slowly glowed once more, Okabe's eyes peered down at Eric. The energy started to flow around him, harder and faster than ever before, growing in majesty and power as the demon looked onwards. Chunks of the ground beneath flew up into the air and Okabe started to laugh softly--a psychotic laugh that slowly grew in pressure and volume as his power did. "You know something? It's impossible for me to be at this level right now; the level of pressure that Kin Iramasha himself can put out. In fact, a lot of what I do is impossible for me, normally." The grin across his lips simply widened as his laughter grew in volume. He was -mostly- bluffing. He was at the highest level he could take, which was close but not close enough.


Holding a hand up to the side, Okabe licked his lips slowly. "Don't worry. I won't harm you." A flash of green and Okabe disappeared completely from view: only one with access to Okabe's power itself would have any idea where he went, or even be able to follow him... Reappearing back within the confines of his own home, Okabe collapsed to his knees. Ragged breathing escaped to his ears and he slowly fell forwards, landing on his face. "My wife... where are you... I need... help..." He would sleep. That would help him once more...

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