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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:48 pm

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-1-1
[P o l i r o T h e F l a m e R e a p e r]


[ P O S T I N G M U S I C ]

Artist: Two Steps from Hell
Song: One Way Out


[ E N T ER P O S T]

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2

At night, the dark moon shined over the world. It casted a strange light, setting the mood for the events of tonight in the forests. Someone was about to make their reappearance for the first time in months. Thought to be dead after his exile from the Gotei 13, this man returning was the Flame Reaper, the British Pyroman. Poliro Tensol was in these woods. He seemed very rugged, his black trenchcoat was very worn out, and facial hair such as a mild beard had began growing, having not shaved for a very long time. It seemed like he had been through hell and back, which in truth, he had been. Adversity had been great on Poliro, but he felt now it was time to move on into the future. He had hid for this long cause he was overwhelmed by the world and his own emotions. He even had to hide from the one who he has faith in, Mayuko. The only one from the Gotei and still follows him and even considers him a "captain" of sort. He decided he was going to find her and see if that loyalty still remained. But first off he had to find a way to find her. He wasn't up for marching into Soul Society, as he'd probably be captured and threw in the Maggots Nest. Not quite the suitable fate for him he felt, he was never going to let him get locked up in there.

Poliro was now near a lake, looking into it, deep in thought about what he was going to do now. Once he found Mayuko, what did he have in mind? He felt a feeling for her that he felt for someone in the past. Ayane Redwood.. a love long passed. He dunno why he felt this for her. Poliro's recently isolation and loneliness.. has drove him nearly nuts, which is why hes trying to find Mayuko and the madness. For the first time in a few weeks, Poliro spoke his first words. "Mayuko.. your the only one that means a damn to me now.. i'll find you.." Poliro's resolve has been made clear. He was going to find the one that meant a damn to him now, Mayuko. He looked to the night moon. "Lets see how fate and fortune treats me now. Probably like shit." And he was now to commence his plan to attract Mayukos attention, hopefully. It was a shot in the dark.

He began to shoot up his reaitsu hard with the intention of attracting the beasts that can't help but love the midnight feast of souls, the Hollow. Unless some really strong ones like Vasto Lordes came along, Poliro would be able to mainly destroy them very easily, if they were just simple beasts, as most of them were. The problems with Poliro's plan is that he might draw unwanted attention, but he'd deal with it as it comes, as no one was expecting him to suddenly make a reappearance in the world on this night, so it was most likely he wouldn't get captured or some shit. Pretty soon he heard and felt the Hollows coming, it seems the bait was successful, but now it was time for the slaughter of them to commence. Poliro smirking to his reflection in the water, got up and drew his Zanpakutō, Furemingu Shibo (Flaming Death)

"RIGHT THEN! IF ANY HOLLOW COMING HERE WISH FOR THEIR NIGHT MEAL, COME FOR IT!" He shouted across the forest. Echoing out and far away. He was getting rather excited about this, as he hadn't had a fight for a good long time, and this was his chance to warm up after so long out of the thrill of battle. Sadly, these hollow weren't going to last very long, and now they had finally reached Poliro's postion. He could feel them all at once, it felt like nothing to him. He laughed as he realised they were actually very weak. "RIGHT THEN! LETS GO FUCKERS!"

Poliro then finally turned around to face the hollow that had came for his soul,. but they weren't going to be claiming any kind of soul today, but rather get a royal smashing in the face by him. He was first to make a move, flashstepping to the one directly in front of him, right in front of him, throwing a powerful punch to his face that completely caught him off guard, smashing his mask and killing him. 1 down. Poliro's excitement was beginning to shoot up as he moved to the next hollow, drawing his Zanpakutō but not releasing it. He didn't want to cause too much of a disturbance like a mass forest fire. He cut him in half, moving swiftly through the 15 Hollow that came to him, after he counted. After around 20 seconds, gone. The hollows were dead, they couldn't put up a fight to Poliro's might. Poliro laughed. "ANY MORE THEN?" Now. Hopefully this would draw Mayuko's attention as he began to cool down after that intense exciting period for him.

Last edited by -Portal Life- on Sat May 12, 2012 8:43 am; edited 7 times in total

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:43 pm
    Her steps were hollow, wandering.

    A lost soul amongst the city, her red hair flickered behind her, like a shade, or a form. Something. Many thought of fire, and the essence that burned life, many thought of the colors of passion and love. She thought of hate, anger and blood. Even though Mayuko had regained independence, relatively, she was still crumbled : shattered. So they assigned her an easy job : light patrol in the Karakura Forest. After all, she could still take on hollows, and as such, she was still valuable to the Gotei 13, no matter how her emotional state may be. She wasn't even sure if the Gotei understood what she lost when Polirio left : it's been edging her towards the answer of hollowfication. However, the girl was strong enough to resist this : in the most part, but the idea was still running around. Even thoughts of betraying the Gotei seemed to float.

    What horrifying ideas.

    Her strides were slow, so at first, she wasn't really in range. But then something seemed to pull at her mind : an awareness. And suddenly, her head shot up, recognizing that pressure, the very feel. It was like her body had been set on fire : her heart instantly combusted from the frozen chambers it had iced over in. With a push, she was gone : running faster then ever in her laugh, her eyes wide, terrified, her heart on her sleeve. She felt on the edge : Mayuko felt like she would go mad if it wasn't Poliro. It had to be : she knew that feel so well. It just had to be him. The panic was filling every single cavity of her being : she was going to fly apart. That's how much of her energy was flying inside of her.

    Her foot touched the edge of the clearing.

    Her red hair was floating in the air : her brown boots were knee high like usual. Her army like skirt fluttered down, and her blouse slipped into place. Her eyes snapped open, orbs of colors suddenly dawning on the area, as she noted a dark figure : a shape she knew well. Instantly, her hand went to her chest, as she took in a breath, her mouth open. But she couldn't move forward, her body pulling back. She was mute all over again. It panicked Mayuko, as she tripped into the clearing, running.

    Her feet pounded the ground.

    Her fingers wrapped around his body.

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Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:31 pm

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-1-1
[P o l i r o T h e F l a m e R e a p e r]


[ P O S T I N G M U S I C ]

Artist: ???
Song: Libera Me From Hell


[ E N T E R P O S T]

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2

Poliro took a deep breath for a moment after the hollow fight ended. He suddenly paused as he could sense something coming up behind him. Like, something familiar, the person he desperately stirred up fights to call out for, Mayuko was actually coming. Feeling a warm feeling inside, he smiled to himself as the feeling got closer and closer to him. He thought she felt a bit like himself strangely, so it was rather distinct. "Shes coming.." Then soon after that, suddenly he felt the presence of a cold empty woman wrap around him from behind, and he heard the call of her calling him captain. Poliro sighed, but he was also really happy that he found her. "Mayuko..." he turned to face her and then finally embraced her, hugging her.

"You don't have to call me that. I've not been a captain for a while now..." he whispered into her ears as he kept his head on her shoulders. "You shouldn't call me that anymore. You know my name is Poliro, just refer to me as that.. I feel too honored when i'm called that. I'm a scumbag now.. with no allies or friends.. your the only one and I'm so glad I still have you.. after I've lost all my allies, my loved one.." Poliro stopped as he was ranting about his losses from being expelled from the Gotei. "Thank you for.. what you do.. which is being my only.. friend.. in these times of mine." Poliro knew deep down at this point to him. Mayuko wasn't just a friend to him. He had feelings for her of romance. He wanted her to be his love, and he wouldn't let anyone get in his way of Poliros love again, after losing his former love, Ayane. Did he really.. want to make a move?

"Mayuko... are you okay then...? I'm just checking something when I ask this. Has the Gotei had any ideas to try and capture me out of curiousity? I'd hope not because I know they won't succeed in doing that.." Poliro knew the Gotei would fail at any attempt to have him captured because of Poliro's strength. He kept a hug on Mayuko unless she backed away. Which he hoped she would't do. He was happy for once in the first time in a while, after his tragic events happened. . Losing his powers and being crushed, being expelled from the Gotei for his lack of strength. Seeing the one he now considered closest to him made him feel like it was now worth actually living. He now just waited to see how Mayuko reacted...

[ E n d P o s t ]

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:28 pm
    Her tears were crystalline, clear in nature. Falling innocently down the sides of her face onto the ground : and yet, inside, it was unsettled. Full of black, her eyes were shut tightly, denying the vision, denying the gratitude of seeing the truth : touch enough was alone right now, it was more then enough. It slipped deeply, into her bones, the sweeping cold : her body was frozen, in more ways then one. It didn't help that her normal clothes had not prepared her for the sudden chill in the human world : nor did she care to rectify the situation, letting her body absorb the cold, and slowly become like the white crystals that wanted to fall. There was a sort of after-fire : her heart was too warm and it burst, too hot, molten to her frozen frame. It was just too much : she felt as if she would fly apart, right then and there, and thus shut her eyes tightly, unsure of what he would read in them if he dare looked. She wasn't even sure of her own feelings : the acuteness of everything seemed to catch up.

    Double bladed knife of ignorance that slipped into one's ribs.

    His touch made her skin bubble up in goose bumps : it was electric, as she buried herself deeper into him, letting his warmth surround her. So hot, so hot : but easily less so then what was in here heart. The red head let herself tremble and be weak, as she listened to his words. And soon, she had heard them all, and the moment was done : it was empty, the silence returned. But there was another flame : some of the things he said had sparked up something else. Her eyes still closed, she softly pushed him away, her hands curling softly on his shoulders. Then without warning, her fist flew out in a punch, aimed right at his cheek.

    ''YOU ASSHOLE!'' she yelled, her long red strands flying. Mayuko's eyes flew open, a rage barely contained in them : a wild best that sharpened her sight much more then anyone could imagine. There was shaking in her frame : she sincerely hoped that punch landed on him. ''You idiot! I've heard nothing of them chasing you : fucking hell, I bet you could GO BACK! Don't pity yourself on what you've fucking lost, or I'll fucking stomp on your balls! And I won't stop when you cry uncle.'' she said, her voice like acid, passionate as she flailed in the air. A sort of righteous fury usually only the late comers to practice got : but it was Mayuko, to say the least.

    The disciplinarian.

    ''I mean seriously! You worried me to all hells and now you come back all weepy eyed and just crying about losing stuff at the Gotei! GET A GRIP. I mean really, you only lost stuff in your head : you always had it if you worked for it!'' she punctuated this point by throwing a kick in his general direction, about the height of his shin. ''And most of all.. you'll always be my Taichou, no matter what! So I'll keep calling you that! Don't ask me to stop saying that, ever!'' she said, finally sinking to her knees. Months of pent up anger and frustration at the situation : she wanted to even say more, but she couldn't. The seated officer hoped he got the point by now, as she felt her shoulders shake. Dammit, she wasn't supposed to cry this much.

    Why the heck was she crying so much?
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Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:32 pm

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-1-1
[P o l i r o T h e F l a m e R e a p e r]


[ E N T ER P O S T]

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2

For a moment, Poliro felt genuinely happy that she was with him in this moment they had together. He wasn't expecting anything bad to happen, but Poliro didn't quite know Mayuko's harsh side yet, and it was going to be quite a surprise when suddenly. Mayuko exploded in a flurry of anger and emotions built over a period of time of her missing Poliro a lot.


Poliro got smacked across the face by Mayuko, as she began shouting at him about him pitying himself, how she'd crush his balls and wouldn't stop. Poliro felt suddenly shocked and angered that she turned on him like this, when he was having a very nice moment, He wasn't expecting her to come out of no where and just smack him up like a bitch. How sudden and embrassing. Poliro held back how he felt though, as he knew things like this happen with girls, about people they miss a lot and probably who they love. From this outburst, Mayuko was obviously giving away that she cared and loved for Poliro. It still kept Poliro smiling, knowing that thought deep inside would carry through her outburst as his cheeks glowed red with pain. He decided to go along with what she was saying to avoid psychical punishment, as he then got kicked in the shin. He endured it through all, not reacting too adversely.

Then Mayuko came to her knees. Poliro kneeled down to her, keeping a hug on her. "Are you okay after that... outburst? I think your right, I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. And I'm glad the Gotei aren't after me. And I also thank your.. undying loyalty to me. Atleast I have someone I can trust then." He gave her a pleasant smile, and stood up and held out her hand to me. "Get back up then. No need to kneel down crying if your going to be such a hardass to me then lose it yourself." He smirked and hopefully Mayuko would take his hand, symbolizing the two coming together. Poliro still felt joy she was here, because of the ruckus he had to stir up to get him. Poliro then was going to speak the final words, letting Mayuko do what she wanted.

"Are you going to do something then, or just sit there crying?"

[ E n d P o s t ]

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:45 am
    The shock and anger showed on Poliro's face : admittedly, Mayuko had a strong back bone, as she didn't even flinch at that expression : instead, hers had grown stormier. The male hugged her, and she understood he was awkward about this, and not only that, he didn't really seem to catch on to a lot of things : but Mayuko had lost everything once before, and here she was, almost losing something again. Her tears were bittersweet, tinged with the hopeless despair she felt at her own emotions, and with the hope that Poliro clued in to something more then she wanted to say. Mayuko was not ready to commit to certain words just yet, since she feared them in such a relentless way.

    Her gaze eyed his hand, as she stood up without it, wiping her tears away, letting a snort at his comment, as she took his hand in a hard, and fierce grip. There was wild-fire in Mayuko's eyes, as she pulled Poliro close, almost nose to nose. ''We're going back to the Gotei, Taichou.'' she said, her voice a soft hiss. She would not take no for an answer, as she let go of his hand, and started walking towards town, tossing her head of spinning red, just like flames, to look over at him. ''We will go back, and do this together.'' she said, a grin on her face, as her body swayed. She hadn't given in, but she wasn't stone : in fact, she was playful. And definitely serious about getting Poliro back to the Gotei : her loyalty was too much that she couldn't abandon them either. It was a two way knife at times.

    But Mayuko was just happy to have Poliro around her, and safe. A lone tear escaped, unseen, as it sparkled to the ground.
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Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:56 pm

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-1-1
[P o l i r o T h e F l a m e R e a p e r]


[ E N T E R P O S T]

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2

Poliro simply smiled as she stood up, and as the dominant one she is, pulled Poliro close to her. Poliro could now feel her warmth, the red glow he felt she had around her. Inside, he knew wasn't able to resist the attractions he had to this woman anymore, but he simply wasn't ready to say anything of that sort because he knew in his head speaking out too soon could have dramatic consequences. He learned this when he met the first love of his life, who he fel lin love with too fast for words, and when he admitted it.. she didn't quite react to well to it. While they eventually came together, the fates would turn and spilt them apart forever. Since then, Poliro has never been able to fill the void in his heart caused by that tragic mishap. The void was soon closing, not leaving a gap in his heart anymore. Soon, his pain would be gone if Mayuko felt for Poliro what he felt for her. Then suddenly..

'We're going back to the Gotei, Taichou.' Those words echoed in his mind for a moment. Is she insane? Doesn't she know what happens to captains that are expelled or retired? Shocked and kinda of annoyed, Poliro again took his calm face, simply going to as her about that. Due to her personality, Poliro was going to find it hard to explain to such a stubborn like her. She let go, walking to town, Poliro followed next to her, listening to her. 'We will go back, and do this together.'
He felt bad suddenly, knowing that he wasn't able to go back unless he wanted to face a terrible fate. "Mayuko.." he sad in a down voice, Mayuko would be able to tell that bad news was about to follow. "I ca n't go back to the Gotei. Do you know what happens with Captains and such that get expelled or they try to retire? They get put in a confinement area, THe Maggots Nest.. you don't want to belive what happens in that place. They will just throw me down in there we try to go back. I'm sorry.. as much as I want to.. I just can't.. don't be angry or dissapointed, but its the harsh reality of things like this. I know how much you want me to come back, but sadly the people in power there kinda don't want me to. Its shit I know.. but its something I just can't do." He was expecting to get smacked again, probably for being emo or something, but he knew it was just.. the reality of the situation.

[ E n d P o s t ]


Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:42 pm
    Mayuko stopped, feeling her face twist for a moment. Her temper flared, really hard, and slowly, the red head turned around, her gaze narrowing at the man before her. There was a sort of expression there : it was almost like disgust, as her fingers just snapped. ''Fine then. If you want to be a coward.'' she said, her voice hissing softly. It was a dangerous hiss : Mayuko may shout, scream and beat, but it's when she went quiet that people were the most afraid. ''I guess I assumed you had more courage then that.. so I guess I was wrong in feeling for you.'' she hissed again, before she turned square on her heel and began to walk away. There was a festering anger, and she felt more then angry at him. Didn't he know that things could change, with just an act of daring? Even then, she felt so angry, even as her fists were clenched so tightly. This rage she contained in all her being was a swirling pitt of dark, angry emotions. She didn't want to deal with this, not this way, as she felt her angry boil again. It was just too raw, too stupid for her to handle.

    Absorbed in her own thoughts, she didn't notice the blood that leaked from her grip onto the ground.
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Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Sat May 12, 2012 8:36 am

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-1-1
[P o l i r o T h e F l a m e R e a p e r]


[ P O S T I N G M U S I C ]

Artist: Katawa Shoujo
Song: Moment of Decision


[ E N T E R P O S T]

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Still_DTB_AA_400x204-2

He felt something from her. After he said what he had to say, his reasoning for not being able to go back, he felt the deep rage and dissapointment IN HIM from Mayuko. He knew this wasn't going to be easy for her, but was there really a way for Poliro? What are the odds the Gotei were going to co-operate with him and let him come back? Compared to the odds of getting thrown in Prison, highly unlikely. Sadly, Poliro felt deep down he should atleast try for Mayuko's sake, but where was that gonna lead him? Into a prison or was there actually the possablity he could return and make his hearts love happy? He felt so inclined to just do it for her, but he was also too worried about being locked up forever, but then suddenly, the penny dropped for Poliro after he saw further rage from Mayuko. "''I guess I assumed you had more courage then that.. so I guess I was wrong in feeling for you." And then... saw her back as she turned from not facing him. His heart dropped as feelings of guilt encroached the reaper.

"I can't... dissapoint Mayuko..." his thoughts whispered out. His resolve suddenly boosted as it became clear what he wanted to do. He wasn't going to let her down. Not after all she has done for him.. her undying loyalty to Poliro, he felt.. he had to something to her, like he had a debt to pay to Mayuko for what shes done. The least he could do for her is try. Besides.. he felt like he was strong enough to escape anyway. It'd take some effort to actually capture Poliro. He was doubting himself too much for some reason.. fighting against the people he called his comrades.. but how would Mayuko respond to him if fights started? Would he side with the Gotei or Poliro? Further conflicts were worrying him, but sudddenly Poliro shouted sternly. "HOLD ON!" "MAYUKO!" slience filled the air as suddenly he felt nervous in what he was saying. "I'm going back to the Gotei to see what I can do.. but.. if they don't agree with me and try to capture me and fight me.. whos side are you going to be on?" and thus, the ultamatium was laid down for Mayuko. The Gotei, or Poliro? Maybe things would go well and he would be able to just get back and not cause fights, but Poliro had a feeling she was going to have to choose between him and the Gotei if peace couldn't be established. He was going to try his very best to repay his debt.

[ E n d P o s t ]

Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private) Empty Re: Fufilled Feelings (Poliros Return) (Private)

Tue May 15, 2012 6:21 am


A shout broke the buzzing din of her thoughts. The red head whirled on her heel, and before she could even speak, his voice cut. Without warning, a choice she hadn't thought of just cropped in front of her. The angry retort dying on her lips, it left her mouth open, and her eyes wide. The red head stayed like that for a few moments, before letting out a laugh, and shaking her head, as if he had told a good joke. ''What are you talking about? There won't be a fight right?'' she said. It was obvious then that her laugh as a bit hysterical. Something she hadn't thought of : and the entirety of her being was coming undone at that thought. There was a trembling in her, as she just looked up at Poliro, the fear and indecisiveness in her eyes. ''There won't be a fight.'' she repeated, as if she was trying to make herself believe it.

This feeling was just too sharp to bear. But there was the choice in the back of her mind, as she just shook her head. She had already decided, even though she would not admit it : her sense of loyalty would not allow her to admit such a thing until the situation was dire. ''Let's just go.'' she said, giving a shaky smile, as slowly, that armor of her heart began to compose itself once again. She would let him open the gate : she would let him be first.. and then from there. Fate would decide their way, right? Mayuko understood the meaning of her choice. And she felt that no matter what, she would regret a part of it.. but did it matter? She would do her best, like always.

Because that's all she could do.

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